Version-7 (May-June 2017)
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Abstract: The importance of this study is primarily to address the energy problem. The main contribution of this study, in addition to conserving energy through recovery technique, is reduction in the impact of global warming due to exhaust gas emission to the environment. The objective of the research is to recover exhaust gases energy from internal combustion engines for utilization. The experimental set-up consisted of a single cylinder, four-stroke, multi-fuel engine connected to eddy current dynamometer for loading. Thermocouple temperature sensors and transmitters were used to measure exhaust gas to calorimeter inlet temperature and exhaust gas from calorimeter outlet temperature............
Keywords: calorimeter, exhaust gas, fuel energy, global warming, recovered energy
[1] World Energy Outlook, International Energy Agency, 2012.
[2] G. A. Ban-Weiss, J.P. McLaughlin, R.A. Harley, A.J. Kean, E. Grosjean, and D. Grosjean, Carbonyl and nitrogen dioxide emissions from gasoline and diesel powered motor vehicles, Environmental Science and Technology, 42(11), 2008, 3944-3950.
[3] J. S. Jadhao and P. G. Thombare, Review on exhaust gas heat recovery for internal combustion engine, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, 2(12), 2013, 93-100.
[4] O. A. Gotmalm, Diesel Exhaust Control, Institute of Marine Engineers Conferences and Symposia, 104, 1992, 15-18.
[5] T. Endo, S. Kawajiri, Y. Kojima, K. Takahashi, T. Baba, S. Ibaraki, and T. Takahashi, Study on maximizing exergy in automotive engines, Honda, SAE Technical Paper 2007-01-0257, 2007, doi:10.4271/2007-01-0257.
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Abstract: This paper compares amount of thermal energy lost through exhaust gases when an engine was operated on diesel and biodiesel. The study used a 4.7 hp (3.5 kW) single cylinder, four-stroke, multi-fuel engine which was operated on diesel and biodiesel fuels. Experiments were conducted for the two fuels at engine speeds of 1000, 1250 and 1500 rpm in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The engine was tested for torque loads of 6 to 22 Nm at intervals of 4 Nm for speeds and fuels studied. The instrumentation of the engine was mainly equipped with data acquisition system and software for analysis. Exhaust gas mass flow rate and temperature measurements were used............
Keywords: Engine Speed, Enthalpy, Exhaust Gases, Thermal Energy, Torque Load
[1] T. W. Kirchstetter, R. A. Harley, N. M. Kreisberg, M. R. Stolzenburg, and S. V. Hering, On-road measurement of fine particle and nitrogen oxide emissions from light- and heavy-duty motor vehicles, Atmosphere and Environment, 33 (2), 1999, 955-968.
[2] J. S. Jadhao and P. G. Thombare, Review on exhaust gas heat recovery for internal combustion engine, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, 2(12), 2013, 93-100.
[3] J. Yanowitz, R. L. McCormick, and M. S. Graboski, In-use Emissions from Heavy-duty Diesel Vehicles, Environmental Science Technology, 34, 2000, 729-740.
[4] R. C. Reid, J. M. Prausnitz, and B. E. Poling, The properties of gases and liquids (4th edition, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1987).
[5] M. Alam, J. Song, R. Acharya, A. Boehman and K. Miller, Combustion and emissions performance of low sulfur, ultra-low sulfur and biodiesel blends in a DI diesel engine, Society of Agricultural Engineers, 4, 2004, 3024-3035.
[6] M. Canakci, Performance and emissions characteristics of biodiesel from soybean oil, Proc I MECH E Part D J, Automobile Engineering, D7, 915-922
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Abstract: Muara Tawar blok V is constructed by PT PLN (Persero) Power Plant Master Project of Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara Networks based on contract No. 261. PJ / 041 / DIR / 2007 (Concerning Gas Fired Power Plant Extension Project). The plant use gas turbine type 13E2. Operational concept of gas turbine type 13E2 is regulating the amount of fuel that is divided from three fuel control valves and the operating pattern is in an area known as the pilot valve and premix valve which must be maintained stability of combustion shown by pulsation parameters. The prefill concept is used to avoid flame off when gas turbine loading often passes over point switch or back point switch. Prefill itself will momentary activate...........
Keywords: Gas Fired Power Plant, FDS, pilot valve, pulsation, prefill.
[1]. T. Heppenstall, "Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles for Power Generation: A Critical Review," Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 18, no. 9-10, pp. 837-846, 1998.
[2]. Anonymous, "Comissioning Document GT13E2".
[3]. X. Luo, J. Wang, M. Dooner and J. Clarke, "Overview of Current Development in Electrical Energy Storage," Applied Energy, vol. 137, pp. 511-536, 2015.
[4]. W. Kostowski, "The possibility of energy generation within the conventional natural gas transport system," Theory Application Mechanical Engineering, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 429-440, 2010.
[5]. A. M. Razak, Industrial gas turbines performance and operability, Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2007
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Abstract: The role of air intake filter in gas turbine is very important to produce clean air into combustion chamber. Combustion can perform perfectly in proportional rasio of fuel and oxygen.Filter air intake of gas turbine GT 13E2 use cylindrical cartridge filter type and it is installed vertically. air intake filter performance reduce rapidly if operated in dirty ambient air. This condition require filter replacement to maintain air mass flowrate that required in combustion. However, displacement cannot be performed while plant under operation. Therefore, the effort to increase life time of filter is necesary. Existing air intake filter in block 1 utilize 900 pieces of Donaldson brand. the specification..........
Keywords: air, filter, prefilter, reliability, turbine
[1]. O. S. Effiom, F. I. Abam and O. S. Ohunakin, "Performance modeling of industrial gas turbines with inlet air filtration system," Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, vol. 5, pp. 160-167, 2015.
[2]. M. Wilcox, M. Kurz and K. Brun, "Technology review of modern gas turbine inlet filtration systems,," International Journal Rotating Machinery, pp. 1-15, 2012.
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[4]. M. Wilcox, A. Baldwin, A. Garcia-Hernandez and K. Brun, "Guideline for gas turbine inlet air filtration systems," in Proceedings of the Gas Machinery Research Council, 2010.
[5]. R. Kurz and K. Brun, "Degradation of gas turbine performance in natural gas service," Natural Gas Science Engineering, vol. 1, pp. 95-102, 2009.
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Abstract: Fuel gas is the main fuel used in PT PJB UP Muara Tawar combined cycle power plant. Reliability of combinend cycle power plant can be affected with fluctuative supply of fuel gas. Fuel gas supplied by PGN with pressure range 24-26 barG. Because of fluctuative pressure from supplier, pressure of gas must be adjusted by using Gas Receiving Station (GRS) system. There are HMI local panel in GRS as interface. HMI local panel consist of bypass system and fuel gas compressor system. Bypass system used to decrease gas pressure when gas pressure above the upper limit while compressor used to increase gas pressure when gas pressure under lower limit. GRS have an important role in operational Block 5 PT PJB UP Muara Tawar. In 9 December 2011-26 Januari 2015 period, Block..........
Keywords: CCPP, Compressor, GRS, HMI, Reliability
[1]. J. G. Speight, Natural Gas-A Basic Handbook, Texas, USA: Gulf Publishing Company, 2007.
[2]. A. Sieminski, "International Energy Outlook," US Energy Information Administration, Washington DC, 2013.
[3]. A. M. Razak, Industrial gas turbines performance and operability, Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2007.
[4]. M. Rasmussen and K. Laumann, "Potential use of HMI evaluation methods in HRA," in 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015) and the Affiliated Conferences, AHFE 2015, 2015.
[5]. W. Kostowski, "The possibility of energy generation within the conventional natural gas transport system," Theory Application Mechanical Engineering, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 429-440, 2010.
[6]. N. Meshkati, "Organization & Environment," 1991, pp. 133-154
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Abstract: Block 1 and 2 Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP) Muara Tawar have 5 units gas turbine can be operated by using fuel gas. Due to limitation of fuel gas from gas company. Several gas turbine are operated using High Speed Diesel fuel (HSD) to fulfil load demand. The equipment that used for fuel gas system must have high realibility to serve in dual fuel system neither operated using fuel oil or gas without unit trip. In actual, there are several disturbances occur during change over from gas to oil, even when the plant operated using fuel oil. From the data of failure causes, one of the failure causes is valve failure. By considering the availbility of plant, in term of possibility to modify instrumentation and control system, gas turbine 1.3 was choosen as object of the study...........
Keywords: failure risk, fuel gas, fuel oil, gas turbine, preventive maintenance
[1]. A. Sieminski, "International Energy Outlook," US Energy Information Administration, Washington DC, 2013.
[2]. J. G. Speight, Natural Gas-A Basic Handbook, Texas, USA: Gulf Publishing Company, 2007.
[3]. R. J. Basavaraja and S. Jayanti, "Viability of fuel switching of a gas-fired power plant operating in chemical looping combustion mode," Energy, vol. 81, pp. 213-221, 2015.
[4]. G. Varympopiotis, A. Tolis and A. Rentizelas, "Fuel switching in power-plants: Modelling and impact on the analysis of energy projects," Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 77, pp. 650-667, 2014.
[5]. Emerson Process Management, Control Valve Handbook, Iowa: Fisher Control International, 2005.s
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Abstract: Ceramic nanocomposites have attracted a great interest of recent researchers due to its excellent attributes suitable for industrial applications such as tool engineering. In this study alumina-zirconia (Al2O3-ZrO2) nanocomposite particles are prepared by sol-gel synthesis route and mechanical properties are determined using Halpin-Tsai approach. SEM and TEM images clearly indicate the nanosize of composite particles and dispersion of ZrO2 in Al2O3 matrix. The results of micrographs are in close agreement with FTIR and XRD spectra. The microstructural...........
Keywords: Alumina, Mechanical properties, Nano composites, Sol-gel methods, Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
[1]. H. Farzana, H. Mehdi, and O. Masami et al. Review article: Polymer-matrix nanocomposites, processing, manufacturing, and application: An overview, Journal of Composite Materials, 40(17), 2006, 1511-1575.
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[3]. S. Komarneni, Nanocomposites, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2(12), 1992, 1219-1230
[4]. A. Borrell, V.G. Rocha, and R. Torrecillas et al. Effect of carbon nanofibers content on thermal properties of ceramic nanocomposites, Journal of Composite Materials, 46(10), 2012, 1229-1234.
[5]. K.S. Tun, and M. Gupta, Role of Microstructure and Texture on Compressive Strength Improvement of Mg/(Y2O 3 + Cu) Hybrid Nanocomposites, Journal of Composite Materials, 44(25), 2010, 3033-3050.
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Abstract: As heavy engineering industries grows so is the implements and necessity for more powerful mechanisms to actuate theses implements. Hydraulic cylinders are one such actuators that generates linear translatory motion. Hydraulic cylinder force required for actuation depends on implement requirements and in heavier applications were output forces needed are higher, the internal components of the cylinder needs to withstand this higher loads and hence the design of hydraulic cylinder internal components gains importance. The cylinder rod and piston inside the cylinder are connected jointly either by bolt or nut. This paper concentrates more on these joints which experiences higher tensile or compressive loads during operations. There are instances during implement operation...........
Keywords: Hydraulic cylinder joint, piston-rod joint, bolt preload analysis, cylinder bottom-up.
[1] Sh. Molaei, R. Alizadeh, M. Attarian, Y. Jaferian, "A failure analysis study on the fractured connecting bolts of a filter press", Published by - Elsevier Journal, volume 4, October 2015, pp 26-38.
[2] G. Nicoletto and T. Marin, "Fatigue Optimization of a Heavy-duty Hydraulic Cylinder" Published by - Elsevier Journal, volume 18, issue 3, April 2011 2015, pp 1030-1036.
[3] Dr Saman Fernando, "Mechanisms and prevention of vibration loosening in bolted joints", Published by – Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, September 2015, vol. no. 2, issue 2.
[4] John D. Reiff, "A Procedure for Calculation of Torque Specifications for Bolted Joints with Prevailing Torque", Published by - Journal of ASTM International, March 2005, vol. 2, issue no. 3.
[5] S.M.O. Tavares, N. Viriato, M. Vaz, P.M.S.T. de Castro, "A failure analysis of the rod of a hydraulic cylinder", Published by - Elsevier Journal, volume 1, February 2016, pp 173-180..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ground Water and Surface Water as One Resource: Connectivity and Interaction |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | C. N. Ezugwu || S. Apeh |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403075459 ![]() |
Abstract: This discussion paper presents an overview of current understanding of ground water and surface water in terms of quantity and quality, their interaction and connectivity. In the past, groundwater and surface water were managed as if they are separate entities. This led to double accounting by water managers resulting to unrealistic water budgets and general poor management structure of this natural resource. The connectivity and interactions of ground water and surface water were analyzed and found to change with different topography. Understanding the interaction of groundwater and surface water is essential to water managers and water scientists towards provision of cost effective and sustainable water management structure.........
Keywords: connectivity, ground water, interaction, surface water, water managers.
[1]. Hynes, H.B.N. (1960). The biology of polluted waters. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp.122.
[2]. Johnson, L.B., Richards, C., Host, G.E., and Arthur, J.W. (1997). Landscape influences on water chemistry in Midwestern stream ecosystems. Freshwater Biology 37:193-208.
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[4]. Parker, J. T.C., Fossum, K. D. and Ingersoll, T. C. (2000). Chemical characteristics of urban storm water sediments and implications for environmental management, Maricopa country, Arizona. Environmental management, 26:99-115.
[5]. Stanford, J.A., Ward, J.V., Liss, W.J., Frissell, C.A., Williams, R.N., Lichatowich, J.A. and Coutant, C.C. (1996). A general protocol of restoration of regulated rivers. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 12:391-413..
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Abstract: The concrete loses its strength and stiffness when exposed to high temperatures as they accumulate damage. The primary question remaining after a exposure to high temperature is what level of residual strength and the stiffness exists for material. This residual strength is particularly important for high-rise structures where post-fire decision-making hinges on functionality of the columns. This study specifically addresses the experimental program carried out to assess the residual compressive strength of cube specimens. Three type of concretes viz normal , high strength and fly ash concrete specimens were considered. These specimens are tested in two separate condition states. The first representing air-cooled state involves heating the specimen to the required temperature for prescribed duration and air cooled to the room temperature. Phase two involves heating the specimen to the required temperature...........
Keywords: residual strength, fire resistance, elevated temperatures, exposed duration
[1]. S.C. Chakrabarti and Arvind Kumar Jain (1999), "Strength properties of concrete at elevated temperatures - A review", The Indian Concrete Journal, Aug.1999, pp.495-501.
[2]. Carlos Castillo and AJ Durrani, (1990) "Effect of transient High Temperature on high strength Concrete", ACI Materials Journal, Jan-Feb, 1990, pp.47-53.
[3]. N. Gowripalan, P. Salonga and C.Dolden, " Residual strength of High Performance Concrete Subjected to high temperatures"
[4]. K. Mani and N.Lakshmanan, (1986), "Determining the extent of damage due to fire in concrete structures by ultrasonic pulse velocity measurements", Indian Concrete Journal, July, 1986, pp.187-191.
[5]. V. Kumar, B.N. Roy and A.S.R. Sai, (1990) "Effect of temperature on the properties of superplasticsed concrete, The Indian Concrete Journal, July, 1989, pp.350-352..
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Abstract: This scientific paper explains the effectiveness of W.K. Muhlbauer's model in district heating networks. Its major focus is upon determining the level of risk of failure for heating network and as well as seeking a compromise between the capital expenses and the level of occupational safety. The use of software SimNet SSV Heat in our study case, efficiently determines the level of risk associated with leakage and predicts the behavior of leakage within pipeline of any length. It also reduces the level of risk normally associated with additional costs at the designing stage, construction and operations.
Keywords: risk analyses, risk management, district heating network
[1]. A.Głuszek, Trasport pipeline, Transmission pipelines point method of relative risk assessment. Inspector- Bimonthly issued by the Office of Technical Safety, no. winter 2017, pp 9-13
[2]. A.J. Osiadacz, M. Chaczykowski , Ł.Kotyński , The software package for simulating static heating networks, Heating, Ventilation, no.12/2012, ISSN: 0137-3676, pp 526-529
[3]. J Szybka, Z., R. Pilch, Forecasting the failure of a thermal pipeline on the basis of risk assessment and exploitation analysis - Maintenance and Reliability 4/2011; pp 5-10
[4]. W.K. Muhlbauer, Pipeline risk Management Manual, a tested and proven system to prevent loss and assess risk, second edition, Gulf Publishing Company, , 1996.
[5]. W.K. Mulhlabauer, Management of pipeline risk, Polish edition translated by A.J. Osiadacz, Fluid Systems Sp. z o.o., 2013
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study on Eco-Friendly Concrete Blocks without Cement and Curing |
Country | : | Oman |
Authors | : | Balamuralikrishnan. R || Krishnamurthy. B.S |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403077483 ![]() |
Abstract: Cement is the binding agent in concrete and mortar and thus becomes an important construction material. Because of its important and varied use in the rapidly growing construction industry and also its consumption trends in the world makes the production of cement very high. Manufacturing of cement is an energy intensive process and releases approximately equal amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which affects the earth's ecosystem. More efforts are being undertaken to conserve energy by means of usage of industrial wastes or by-products, such as fly ash, silica fume, ground granulated blast furnace slag, rice husk ash, etc., containing amorphous silica in its chemical composition, as mineral admixture for partial replacement of cement. Since the cement industry is one of the prime producers of carbon dioxide, creating up to 7% of worldwide man made emissions of this gas, it is necessary to find out complete replacement of cement in construction industry. Geopolymer binder is an innovative construction material and a real eco - friendly alternative to conventional cement. Geopolymer binder is a combination of alumina silicate as base material in alkaline solution. The alumina silicate is available in natural minerals as well as industrial by-products. Sodium or potassium silicate and hydroxide mixture forms the alkaline solution............
Keywords: Cement concrete; Geopolymer concrete; Fly ash; Sodium; hydroxide; Sodium silicate; Heat curing; Compressive strength
[1]. Davidovits, J., Soft mineralogy and geopolymers: In Proceeding of Geopolymer 88 International Conference, The University Technologies, Compiegne, France, 2005.
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