Version-4 (May-June 2017)
Version-1 Version-2 Version-3 Version-4 Version-5 Version-6 Version-7
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Abstract: The use of masonry infill wall for load bearing structures is quite common practice in low seismic zones, while in the high seismic zones these are used for partition walls only. The lack of seismic standards of masonry and lack of proper design parameters has made this construction practices totally empirical based. To give aesthetic architectural look, requirements of structural system increases and for the masonry construction this lacks with limited available data of design. Studies in the past have shown during earthquake masonry structures fail more in number than framed structures due to rough design and bad execution techniques.
To improve the performance of masonry structures during earthquake, we need to understand its expected failures and reasons behind them............
Keywords: Infill wall, reinforcement, Abaqus, brick, mortar.
[1]. Maske, Sachin G., and Dr PS Pajgade. "Torsional Behavior of Asymmetrical Buildings." International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, ISSN (2013): 2249-6645.
[2]. Essa, Ahmed Sayed Ahmed Tawfik, Mohamed Ragai Kotp Badr, and Ashraf Hasan El-Zanaty. "Effect of infill wall on the ductility and behavior of high strength reinforced concrete frames." HBRC Journal 10.3 (2014): 258-264. [3]. Dizhur, Dmytro, Michael Griffith, and Jason Ingham. "Out-of-plane strengthening of unreinforced masonry walls using near surface mounted fibre reinforced polymer strips." Engineering structures 59 (2014): 330-343. [4]. R.Allouzil, A.Irfanoglu, and G. Haikal. "Non linear finite element modelling of RC frame masonry wall interaction under cyclic loading." Tenth U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering (10NCEE).
[5]. Kaushik, Hemant B., Durgesh C. Rai, and Sudhir K. Jain. "Stress-strain characteristics of clay brick masonry under uniaxial compression." Journal of materials in Civil Engineering 19.9 (2007): 728-739.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Flow over a Finite Forchheimer Porous Layer with Variable Permeability |
Country | : | CANADA. |
Authors | : | M.H. Hamdan || M.S. Abu Zaytoon |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403041522 ![]() |
Abstract: The problem of flow through a Navier-Stokes channel overlying a finite Forchheimer porous layer of variable permeability is considered. Choices of permeability distributions that will bring the Forchheimer velocity to zero on the bounding solid wall are discussed and their influence on the resulting velocity profile in the Navier-Stokes channel and on the slip velocity are analyzed.
Keywords: Forchheimer equation, Variable Permeability, Slip velocity.
[1]. D.A. Nield and A. Bejan, Convection in Porous Media, (5th ed. Springer, 2017).
[2]. R.A. Ford, M.S. Abu Zaytoon and M.H. Hamdan, Simulation of flow Through Layered Porous Media IOSR Journal of Engineering,
6(6), 2016, pp. 13-17.
[3]. K. Vafai and R. Thiyagaraja, Analysis of flow and heat transfer at the interface region of a porous medium, Int. J. Heat Mass
Transfer, 30(7), 1987, 1391-1405.
[4]. B. Alazmi and K. Vafai, Analysis of fluid flow and heat transfer interfacial conditions between a porous medium and a fluid layer,
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 44, 2001, 1735- 1749.
[5]. G.S. Beavers and D.D. Joseph, Boundary conditions at a naturally permeable wall, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 30, 1967, 197-207..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Economic Alternative to Bottle Trap |
Country | : | India.. |
Authors | : | Vikas Kamble || Dr. G. A. Hinge |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403042326 ![]() |
Abstract: Bottle trap is an essential element in sanitary plumbing system. It is installed under wash basin or kitchen sink to drain out sullage & trap the entry of coarser waste material into drainage system (which may lead to choking) & also traps entry of foul gases from drainage into the house. The objective of this research is to design an innovative, hydraulically efficient & economical bottle trap to overcome the problem of loss of trap seal due to evaporation & to avoid choke of pipe between bottle trap & floor trap in the bathroom.............
Keywords: Bottle trap, Evaporation test, Foul gases, Net cap, Trap seal..
[1] Subhash M. Patil (2014). Building Services (Electro-Mechanical and Environmental Services). Goregaon (E), Mumbai- 400065 : B.Prints Fort, Mumbai-400001.
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[5] Kelly, D. A., Swaffield, J. A., Jack, L. B., Campbell, D. P., and Gormley,M. (2008). "Pressure transient identification of depleted appliance trap seals: A pressure pulse technique." Build. Serv. Eng. Res. Technol., 29(2), 165–181...
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Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to study the behavior of flat slab structure under equivalent static analysis and compare the behavior with a shear wall panel and infill wall panel provided at centre and corner of building. The analysis is carried out in Etabs software. To achieve the objective flat slab peripheral beam provided at structure and infill wall panel and shear wall panel provided different heights such asG+4, G+8, G+12 are modeled and analyzed In this paper it is proposed to carry out static analysis to study the behavior of flat slab with peripheral beam structures till collapse and identify the weaknesses under seismic loading............
Keywords: Infill wall, shear wall, shear wall and infill wall provide for different storey, Earthquake Analysis, IS 1893:2002 provisions, flat slab with peripheral of beam..
[1]. Indian standard code for Reinforced Concrete structure IS 456:2000
[2]. Indian standard code for Erath resisting structure IS 1893: 2002 (Part 2)
[3]. A. E. Hassaballa , M. A. Ismaeil , A. N. Alzead, Fa Thelrahman, M. Adam, "Pushover Analysis of Existing 4 Storey RC Flat Slab Building", International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research IJSBAR)(2014) Volume 16, No 2, pp 242-257
[4]. Sharad P. Desai , Swapnil B. Cholekar "Seismic Behaviour Of Flat Slab Framed Structure With And Without Masonry Infill Wall", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 2 Issue 7, July – 2013 ISSN: 2278-0181
[5]. Prof. K S Sable, Er. V A Ghodechor, Prof. S B Kandekar, "Comparative Study of Seismic Behavior of Multistory Flat Slab and Conventional Reinforced Concrete Framed Structures", International Journal of Computer Technology and Electronics Engineering (IJCTEE) Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2012..
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Abstract: In the current scenario, there is a need of materials with very high hardness and shear strength in order to satisfy industrial requirements. Machining of such materials with conventional method of machining was proved to be very costly as these materials greatly affect the tool life. So to decrease the tool wear and better surface finish, Hot Machining is preferred. This paper presents an investigation on the effect of cutting parameters on multiple performance characteristics (material removal rate and the work piece surface roughness) obtained by hot turning operations..........
Keywords: Hot turning, TiAlN Insert, OHNS, Surface roughness, Tool Wear, Taguchi DOE.
[1]. S. Ranganathan and T. Senthivelan (2010), "Optimizing the process parameters on tool wear of WC inert when hot turning of AISI 316 Stainless steel, "Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN), Vol. 5, No.7, pp. 24-35.
[2]. M. Davami and M. Zadshakoyan (2008), "Investigation of Tool Temperature and Surface Quality in Hot machining of Hard-to–Cut materials," World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 46
[3]. T.Kitagawa and K.Maekawa (1990), Plasma Hot Machining for new Engineering materials. Wear, Vol.139, pp.251–26.
[4]. Pal D. K., Basu S. K. (1971), Hot machining of austenitic manganese steel by shaping, International Journal of Machine Tool Design Research, Vol. 11, pp. 45–61.
[5]. L. Ozler and A. Inan (2001), "Theoretical and Experimental determination of tool life in Hot machining of Austenitic manganese steel," International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacturer, 41, pp.163-172.
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Abstract: This paper mainly focussed to investigate the formation of Recast Layer and surface integrity of RENE 80 Nickel Alloy during powder mixed electrical discharge machining (PMEDM) process. The experiments were conducted considering electrical parameters (pulse on time, peak current and pulse off time) at optimal combination by varying powders like aluminium, graphite and combination of aluminium and graphite powders and their concentrations. The experimental results reveal that reduction in Recast Layer Thickness (RLT) with addition of powders into dielectric fluid. The minimum recast layer thickness (RLT) (14.42 μm) was observed at aluminium powder concentration of 9 g/l added in to the dielectric fluid...........
Keywords: PMEDM, Aluminium Powder Concentration, Graphite Powder Concentration, Combination of Aluminium and Graphite Powders, RLT, SEM and EDAX.
[1] Erden A and Bilgin S. Role of impurities in electrical discharge machining. In: 21th International Machine Tool Design and Research Conference, Macmillan, London, 1980, pp. 345–350.
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[3] Zhao WS, Meng QG and Wang ZL. The application of research on powder mixed EDM in rough machining. J. Mater. Process. Technol 2002;129:1–3:30–33.
[4] Singh S, Maheshwari S and Dey A. Electrical discharge machining (EDM) of aluminium metal matrix composites using powder-suspended dielectric fluid, J. Mech. Eng. 2006;57:5:271–290.
[5] Kansal HK, Singh S and Kumar P. An experimental study of the machining parameters in powder mixed electric discharge machining of Al–10%SiCP metal matrix composites, Int. J. Manuf. Technol. Manag. 2006;1:4:396–411.
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Abstract: Welding is a process for joining different materials with the help of number of process in which heat is supplied either electrically or by means of a gas torch. Pressure may also be employed, but this is not, in many processes essential. Welding is an important process for fabrication of engineering components. It has wide applications in ship buildings, constructions, aerospace, automobile industries, etc. There are some welding defects due to which weldments fails under service conditions and cause damage to the property and loss of human lives. In this work we are going to study one of the welding defects known as Distortion..........
Keywords: Low carbon steel, medium carbon steel, mild steel plates, EN-31Plates, Distortion, Butt welding
[1] C. L. Tsai, S. C. Park and W. T. Cheng, 1999, "Welding Distortion of a Thin-Plate Panel Structure"
[2] T.D. Huang, Pingsha Dong, Lawrence A. DeCan, Dennis D.Harwig, 2003, "Residual stresses and Distortions in Light weight ship panel structures".
[3] V. VEL MURUGAN AND V. GUNARAJ, 2005," Effects of Process Parameters on Angular Distortion of Gas Metal Arc Welded Structural Steel Plates", Sponsored by the American Welding Society and the Welding Research Council
[4] Dean Deng, 2008," FEM prediction of welding residual stress and distortion in carbon steel considering phase transformation effects", Research Centre of Computational Mechanics Inc., Department of Technical Development, Togoshi NI-Building, 1-7-1, Togoshi, Shinagawa-ku,Tokyo 142-0041, Japan.
[5] S.F. Estefen , T. Gurova , X. Castello , A. Leontiev, 2009, "Surface residual stress evaluation in double-electrode butt welded steel plates"
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Combustion Characteristics of Gas Fuel From Basic Materials Arak Bali |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | I Gusti Ketut Sukadana |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403048185 ![]() |
Abstract: Analyze the characteristics of gas fuel from arak Bali like shape and flame speed. Test characteristics such as methanol and ethanol content material gas from arak Bali, after it tested the gas fuel combustion characteristics of arak Bali such as the shape and speed of flame. Testing characteristics such as the content of methane and ethanol gas from arak Bali performed in the laboratory of Forensic, while testing the ignition characteristics of the shape and speed of fuel from evaporating arak Bali done using a helle-shaw cell combustion chamber model. Air mixture ratio variations with gas fuel from arak Bali is 24/1, 25/1, 26/1, 27/1, 28/1, 29/1, 30/1 and 31/1. The observed effect is the shape and speed of the premixed..........
Keywords: Characteristics, fuel gas, arak Bali, burning, helle-shaw cell
[1] Sukadana 2009, "Pengaruh rasio kompresi terhadap unjuk kerja mesin empat langkah menggunakan arak bali sebagai bahan bakar", Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin (CAKRAM), UNUD. ISSN: 1979-2468, April 2009, hal 26-32, Vol. 3 No. 1.
[2] Sukadana 2009, "Kajian Teknis Destilator Tipe Kontinu Penghasil Bahan Bakar Alternatif dari Bahan Dasar Arak Bali", Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin (CAKRAM), UNUD. ISSN: 1979-2468, April 2009, hal 38-42, vol. 3 No. 1.
[3] Sukadana 2014, "Pengaruh Jumlah Tingkat Destilasi Kontinyu terhadap Kualitas dan Kapasitas Produksi Arak Bali sebagai Bahan Bakar Alternative", Jurnal Energi dan Manufaktur, Th. 2014, hal. 211-216, ISSN: 2302-555, Volume 7, Nomor 2.
[4] Sukadana 2016, "Pengaruh Penggunaan Arak Bali Sebagai Bahan Bakar Pada Mesin Empat Langkah Dengan Rasio Kompresi Bervariasi", Flywheel Jurnal Teknik Mesin Untirta, Volume II Nomor 1, April 2016.
[5] Sukadana 2016, "Ethanol Concentration Variations on Arak Bali influence to Torque, Power and Spesific Fuel Consumption of Engine ",The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES), Volume || 5 || Issue || 8 || Pages || PP -35-39 || 2016 || ISSN (e): 2319 . 1813 ISSN (p): 2319. 1805
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Abstract: In recent times, with great focus on the economical saving uses of materials, the increased on the economical saving use of materials, the increased understanding of the machine method and nature of fatigue failure, and improvements in the mechanical design and analysis procedures, the popular thing/general way things are going towards conservatives has been reversed. Ordinary steel propeller-shafts are usually manufactured in two or more pieces to increase the basic bending natural frequency because the bending natural frequency of a shaft is (when one number goes one way..........
Keywords: Drive Shaft, Composite Materials, Torsional Strength and Buckling strength.
[1] Charnont Moolwan, Samroeng Netpu "Failure Analysis of a Two High Gearbox Shaft" Social and Behavioral Sciences Symposium, 1877-0428 International Science, Social Science, Engineering and Energy Conference 2012 (I-SEEC 2012), P r o c e d i a - S o c i a l a n d B e h a v i o r a l S c i e n c e s 8 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 4 – 1 6 3.
[2] A.A. Adekunle, S. B. Adejuyigbe, O.T. Arulogun "Development of CAD Software for Shaft under various Loading Conditions" Procedia Engineering 38 ( 2012 ) 1962 – 1983, International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Computing,, 1877-7058
[3] Y.A. Khalid, S.A. Mutasher, B.B. Sahari, A.M.S. Hamouda "Bending fatigue behavior of hybrid aluminum/composite drive shafts" Materials and Design 2007, 329–334, 2005
[4] Sh. Zangeneh, M. Ketabchi, A. Kalaki "Fracture failure analysis of AISI 304L stainless steel shaft" Engineering Failure Analysis 36 (2014) 155–165.
[5] R. Srinivasa Moorthy, Yonas Mitiku & K. Sridhar "Design of Automobile Driveshaft using Carbon/Epoxy and Kevlar/Epoxy Composites" American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) e-ISSN : 2320-0847 p-ISSN : 2320-0936 Volume-02, Issue-10, pp-173-179