Version-5 (May-June 2017)
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Abstract: It is known that the strength and precision factors are the most important indicators of the quality for plastic parts. At the same time, the precision depends on the magnitude of shrinkage strain. Тherefore, it is possible to establish a direct analytical relationship between quality, strength and shrinkage strain factors, which is a function of the difference between the thermal stresses and other physical process. Currently, the difference in thermal stresses (residual stress) is not controlled due to the lack of reliable methods to determine and control their magnitude and direction. However, the magnitude of the volumetric or linear strain of finished products can be controlled by manipulating other quality factors.Determination of the link between volumetric strain and strength is possible by controlling the cooling process of the polymer components under normal operating conditions. Then it's possible to analytically find the change in volumetric
[1] Керимов Д.А.Научные основы и практические методы оптимизации показателей качества пластмассовых деталей нефтепромыслового оборудования. Дис. Д-ра техн.наук, Баку, АзИНЕФТЕХИМ, 1985
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of stability in Turning with Secondary effects |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | B.Tulasiramarao || Dr. K.Srinivas || Dr. P.Ram Reddy |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403050417 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper proposes an analytical scheme for stability analysis in turning process by considering the motion of tailstock-supported workpiece using a compliance model of tool and work. A dynamic cutting force model based on relative motion between the cutting tool and workpiece is developed to study the chatter stability. Linear stability analysis is carried out in the frequency domain and the stability charts are obtained with and without considering workpiece flexibility. Variations of stability limits with workpiece dimensions and cutter position as well as the effects of cutting tool dynamics are studied and wherever possible results are compared with existing models. Experimental analysis is conducted on tailstock-supported workpiece to examine the correctness of the proposed stability model.
Keywords: Chatter stability, Regeneration, Compliance, Two-degree model, Critical parameters
[1] Boothroyd, and W.A.Knight, Chatter Vibration in Lathe tool-General characteristics of chatter vibration, Proceedings of Institute of Mechanical Engineering, 77, 1963, 789-802.
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[5] J.P. Gurney and S.A. Tobias, A graphical analysis of regenerative machine tool instability, Transactions of the ASME Journal for Engineering Industry, 103–112.
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Abstract: The processes involved in the local scour due flow contraction are so complex that it is difficult to establish a general empirical analytical model to provide accurate estimation of scour. In this paper, the capacity of an Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for predicting equilibrium contraction scour depth in alluvial channels was investigated. The main subject of this work is to design an appropriate neural network architecture for training the ANFIS from a given set of input and output data. The training algorithms used in this work are (1) basic hybrid method, (2) basic backpropagation with gradient descent method, (3) backpropagation with momentum method, and (4) backpropagation with Levenberg-Marquardt method. Applying a self-developed software............
Keywords: ANFIS, ANN, Contraction Scour, Soft Computing
[1] M.D. Bui, K. Keivan, P. Penz, and P. Rutschmann, Contraction scour estimation using data driven methods, J. of Applied Water Engineering and Research. DOI: 10.1080/23249676.2015.1051141, 2015.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hydrological Analysis and Peak Discharge Determination |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ebissa G. K. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403053348 ![]() |
Abstract: Peak discharge Determination is one of the most important studies for Irrigation projects. The proposed of hydrologic design is to estimate maximum, average or minimum flood which the structure is expected to handle .This estimate has to be made quite accurately in order that the project can function properly. To estimate the magnitude of a flood peak the following alternative methods are available academically. In this study Hydrological analysis has been conducted based on 10years maximum daily rainfall data .The frequency analysis has been carried out by different methods and Log Pearson type III method...........
Key Words: Hydrological Analysis, peak discharge Determination, Gusha Temela Irrigation project, frequency Analysis, United States of soil conservation service method.
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Abstract: This paper presents a detailed analysis of polar and orbit plots considering a non-faulty shaft and one with an unbalanced mass attached to it. Polar Plot analysis was done in order to determine the amplitude of vibration and the phase difference between faulty and non-faulty case. Also the orbit plot analysis provides a clear image of the two different cases, in which the area under the ellipse can be considered as the measure of the unbalance..
[1]. R. J. Kuo, Intelligent Diagnosis for Turbine Blade Faults Using Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, Engineering Application Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 25-34, 1995.
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[5]. RoyaJavadpour, Gerald M. Knapp, A fuzzy neural network approach to machine condition monitoring, Computers & Industrial Engineering 45 (2003) 323–330..
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Abstract: In milling process achieving optimal machining condition to enhance the machining efficiency is a complex task. In view of this, the present work proposes an experimental investigation and optimization of machining parameters of CNC milling process on P20 steel work piece. A box-behnken design of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is used to collect data for the study. Material removal rate (MRR), Tool wear Rate (TWR), Surface roughness (Ra) and Cutting forces are considered as important performance measures which are functions of decision variables viz. cutting speed, feed, and depth of cut. Regression analysis is conducted to relate the performance measures with the decision variables. Finally, a non dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA II) has been proposed for multi objective optimization of the process. The proposed model can be used for selecting ideal process states and enhancing the machining efficiency of milling process.
Keywords: P20 steel, MRR, TWR, Surface roughness, cutting forces, NSGA-II
[1] K. Kadirgama, M. M. Noor and Ahmed N. Abd Alla , "Response Ant Colony Optimization of End Milling Surface Roughness", Sensors 2010, 10, 2054-2063; doi:10.3390/s100302054.
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Abstract: Friction stir welding can be controlled by different parameters like rotational speed, feed rate and welding medium. In this research, friction stir welding of marine grade Aluminium alloy 5083 is investigated and is welded with high strength Aluminium alloy 2024 T3. Friction stir welding (FSW) was selected for the joining of lap and butt welded parts having 150 x 50 x 5mm thick sheets each. The present work shows that composite materials have highest effect on mechanical properties of the specimens taken from welded zone. They were tested for mechanical properties such as tensile strength and Rockwell hardness respectively. The parameter for Charpy impact test and tensile stress predict the significant by ANOVA analysis..
Keywords: Friction Stir welding (FSW), Aluminium alloy, Tensile Strength, Rockwell Hardness
[1]. Kumbhar N T and Bhanumurthy K (2012), "Friction StirWelding of Al 5052 with Al 6061 Alloys", Journal of Metallurgy, Vol. 2012, Article ID 303756, p. 7, doi:10.1155/2012/303756.
[2]. Litwinski, E. Effect of FSW Process and Parameters on Corrosion Susceptibility, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2005 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 31--August 4, 2005
[3]. Lee W.B., Y.M. Yeon, and S.B. Jung, "The improvement of mechanical properties of friction-stir-welded A356 Al alloy," Materials Science and Engineering, A355, pp. 154-159, 2003.
[4]. Masayuki Aonumaa and Kazuhiro Nakatab (2012), "Dissimilar metal joining of ZK60 magnesium alloy and titanium by friction stir welding", Materials Science and Engineering B, Vol. 177, pp. 543548.
[5]. McQueen H.J., M. Cabibbo, E. Evangelista, S. Spigarelli, M. Di Paola, and A. Falchero, "Microstructure and mechanical properties of AA6056 friction stir welded plate," Metallurgical Science and Technology, pp. 22-30, 2007...
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Abstract: The main objective of this review is to study the potential of agro-residues such as bagasse fibre, coir fibre, and combination of both as reinforcements for composite materials as an alternative to natural and synthetic fiber. In recent times, there has been a fast progress in study and development in the field of natural fibre composite. Interest is justified due to the reward of these materials compared to synthetic fibre composite, including unassuming environmental strength, inexpensive and hold up their prospective across a extensive range of use. A lot of effort has been made in ordered to examine the mechanical properties of composites made from these natural fibre materials. This study aims to offer a summary of the factors that influence the mechanical properties of natural fibre composites particularly in bagasse and coir fibre composite and their hybrid composites.
Keywords: bagasse, coir, composite, fiber, hybrid
[1] Y. T. Zheng, D. R. Cao, D. S. Wang, and J. J. Chen, Study on the interface modification of bagasse fibre and the mechanical properties of its composite with PVC, Journal of Composites: Part A, 38(1), 2007 20–25.
[2] S. M. Luz, A. R. Goncalves ¸ and A. P. Del'Arco Jr, Mechanical behavior and micro structural analysis of sugarcane bagasse fibers reinforced polypropylene, Journal of Composites: Part A, 38, 2007, 1455–1461
[3] A. Chanakan, C. Sarocha, H. Jongjit, and K. Joseph, Materials and mechanical properties of pretreated coir-based green composites Journal of Composites: Part B, 40, 2009, 633–637.
[4] K. L. Pickering, M. G. A. Efendy, and T. M. Le, A review of recent developments in natural fibre composites and their mechanical performance, Composites: Part A, 83, 2016, 98–112.
[5] M. Brahmakumar, C. Pavithran, and R. M. Pillai, Coconut fibre reinforced polyethylene composites effect of natural waxy surface layer of the fibre on fibre matrix interfacial bonding and strength of composites, Journal of Composites Science and Technology, 6, 2005, 563–569..
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Abstract: In construction industries concerte are basic requirement to built any construction. Concrete is manmade material which is used all over the world. Curing is the most important factor of the concrete to perform planned functions throughout designed life of structure while immoderate curing time may intensify the construction cost of project and irrelevant delay of project, where there is deficiency of water and on downhill surfaces where curing with water is problematic and in cases where large areas like pavement have to be cured.........
Keywords: Curing, Grade of concrete, Membran curing Compound
[1] Dr. K.V.Krishna Reddy. " A Comparative Study on Methods of Curing Concrete –Influence of Humidity."( ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-Jun 2013, pp.1161-1165 )International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications.
[2] 2. Kholia et al., PROF. Nirav R Kholia. studies of "effect on concrete by different curing method and efficiency of curing compounds " (International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945)
[3] Akeem Ayinde Raheem, Aliu Adebayo Soyingbe, Amaka John Emenike studied "Effect of Curing Methods on Density and Compressive Strength of".(International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 3 No. 4; April 2013).
[4] M. Criado, A. Palomo, A. Ferna´ndez-Jime´ "Studied Alkali activation of fly ashes. Part 1: Effect of curing conditions on the carbonation of the reaction products." (Eduardo Torroja Institute (CSIC), 28080)
[5] Houssam A. Toutanji , Ziad Bayasi. I studied "Effect of curing procedures on properties of silica fume(Cement and Concrete Research 29 (1999) 497–501)
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Abstract: The world is facing crisis due to the dwindling sources of fossil fuels. Rapid depletion of conventional energy is a matter of serious concern for the mankind. There is a necessity to find alternative fuels for different industrial needs, automobiles and aircrafts. The conventional forms of energy supply and consumption are causing serious economical as well as environmental problems. Import dependence for oil in India is about 70 percent, and is likely to increase further. If the fossil fuels are consumed at present rate it may not take much time before the oil reserves get totally exhausted. It is, therefore, imperative to search for the alternative fuels that are renewable in nature, locally grown and friendly to environm1ent.......
[1] Mr.S.V.Channapattana Dr.R.R.Kulkarni "Bio-diesel as a fuel in I.C. engines – A review", International Journal Of Computer Science And Applications Vol. 2, No. 1, April / May 2009 ISSN: 0974-1003.
[2] R. Ganapathi, Dr. B. Durga Prasad, B.Omprakash " Performance Evaluation of a Low Heat Rejection Diesel Engine with Jatropha as Fuel", The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES) || Volume || 2 || Issue || 11 || Pages || 01-06 || 2013 || ISSN (e): 2319 – 1813 ISSN (p): 2319 – 1805.
[3] Dhruva D,Dr. M C Math " Investigation of Fuel Properties of Crude Rice Bran Oil Methyl Ester and Their Blends with Diesel and Kerosene", International Journal of Engineering Science Invention ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726 Volume 3 Issue 6ǁ June 2014 ǁ PP.04-09.
[4] AlirezaValipour "Experimental Combustion Analysis of Biodiesel Fuel Spray with Hot Surface Ignition", IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME), Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2014 ISSN 2321-6441.
[5] McGill, R., Storey, J., Wagner, R., Irick, D. et a, "Emission Performance of Selected Biodiesel Fuels," SAE Technical Paper 2003-01-1866, 2003, doi:10.4271/2003-01-1866.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Solar Energy as an Energy Source: An Approach |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rucha V. Moharir || Satyaprakash S. Dodani |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403058792 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper deals with utilization & possibilities of solar energy (photo-voltaic systems) and with transformation of this energy to chemical energy as well as its utilization in the surface treatment of metals by electrochemical processes.This technology can be widely applied in machine industry in the future due to cheap electrical energy generation. Next advantage of this electrical energy generation is the decrease of negative environmental impact. Surface treatments affect lifetime, serviceability, usability, availability and maintenance of equipment. The financial return from a solar energy investment is affected by multiple factors such as the fluctuation of solar radiation over time and the price of electricity............
Keywords: Solar energy, utility, benefits,drawbacks, current scenario.
[1] BERANOVSKÝ, J., TRUXA, J., et al. Alternative energy for your house. Brno: ERA, 2004. ISBN 80-86517-59-4.
[2] LUQUE, A., HEGEDUS, S. Handbook of Photovoltaic Science and Engineering. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2003. ISBN 0-471-49196-9.
[3] Kishan Patel et al. Review of solar water heating systems. 2012. IJAET,Vol. III(IV), E-ISSN 0976-3945.
[4] MESSENGER, R. VENTRE, J. Photovoltaic Systems Engineering.New York:CRC Press LLC, 2005. ISBN 0-8493-1793-2.
[5] Al-Mohamad, A Stand Alone Single Axis Offline PV Tracker Using Low Cost CMOS Circuitry.
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Abstract: Cellular manufacturing system deals with grouping of machines and parts into machine cells and part families with their compatibility. Reduction in part life cycle and variation in product mix and demand creates dynamic condition in the manufacturing systems. In previous work manufacturing companies has faces a lot of problems in meeting the customer requirement in dynamic conditions. Cellular Manufacturing System is a type of manufacturing system which tries to create a flexibility of job type and also productivity in shop floor. Now a day's Dynamic cellular manufacturing system becomes the emerging topic and attracts of lot of attention at different times intervals. This paper gives the brief review about the work which was focused on all published paper on this subject
Keywords: Cellular manufacturing system, Meta-Heuristic
[1] Shahram Sharafi (2012). Operation-Level Sequence-Dependent Setup Time Reduction In Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing Systems.Phd Thesis.
[2] KAMAL DEEP et al., (2016). Dynamic cellular manufacturing system design considering alternative routing and part operation trade-off using simulated annealing based genetic algorithm. Indian Academy sciences, Vol. 41, No. 9, September 2016, pp. 1063–1079. [3] Madhu Sudan Pillai et al.,(2011). Analysis of robust and adaptive designs for dynamic part population.Research Gate.
[4] V.Anbumalar , R. Mayandy, D.Sivasankar,(2015). Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing under Multi-period Planning Horizons. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 4, Special Issue 3, March 2015
[5] Anbumalar, V et al., (2015). Methods For Solving Cell Formation, Static Layout And Dynamic Layout Cellular Manufacturing System Problems: A Review, Asian Journal of Science and Technology,Vol.06, Issue, 12, pp.2107-2112, December, 2015.
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Abstract: This study involved a literature review as well as information, data collected and analysis in two automotive industries. The paper investigated factors that make good design process in automotive manufacturing organization in order to improve the design process at each stage of manufacturing. The methodology adopted in this work is to evaluate the said factors by qualitative technique in sending structured questionnaires to three automotive companies in Malaysia and Nigeria to fifty five product design engineers in those companies in order to get their input on a specific phenomenon. Reliability, descriptive and correlation analysis were carried out using SPSS software to analyze and justified the consistency, reliability and significant of each factor in order to increase the decision makers confidence. The factors are categorized as independent variables in the analysis namely;.................
Key words: Design process, Technology, Process planning, Product life cycle, Customer requirement, Information gathering
[1] Viswanathan, B 2013, "Why Are Cars Not Getting Cheap Even With Better Economies of Scale?‟ Forbes, 29 September 2014,
[2] Sorensen, D 2006. The Automotive Development Process: A Real Options Analysis. Gabler Edition Wissenschaft, Stuttgart, Germany.
[3] Ramsey, M 2013. Design Revolution Sweeps the Auto Industry. The Wall Street Journal, 28 September 2014,
[4] Fink, J 1990. The Automobile Age.MIT Press, Massachusetts, USA.
[5] Clarke, C 2003. Forms and function of standardization in production systems of the automotive industry: the case of Mercedes-Benz. Master Thesis Dissertation, FreieUniversität Berlin, Germany..
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Abstract: Concrete is the most used construction material in the world. Construction industry uses most of the natural resources as it includes production of cement. It is the major contributing factor to the CO2 emissions, causing global warming. An alternate to the OPC has been found out known as Geopolymer concrete. It uses industrial waste material such as fly ash, GGBS, instead of cement thereby decreasing impacts due to cement production. In this study both fly ash and GGBS are utilized in making Geopolymer concrete. Alkaline solution is used that comprises of sodium silicate (114.206 kg/m3) and Sodium hydroxide (57.10 kg/m3) in the ratio of 2.0. Sodium hydroxide of 8 Molarity is used. In present study various percentages of basalt fibers are added to the geopolymer concrete and the compressive, flexural and split tensile strength of the different mixes were compared with the geopolymer concrete without basalt fibers.......
Keywords: Basalt fiber, compressive strength, split tensile strength, Flexural strength
[1] Anil Ronad, V.B.Karikatti "A Study on flexural behaviour of basalt fiber reinforced geopolymer concrete", International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume: 03 Issue: 08 Aug- 2016.
[2] Fathima Irine I.A "Strength Aspect of Basalt Fiber Reinforced concrete", International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE), Volume: 1 Issue: 8, sep-2014.
[3] Nayan Rathod, Mukund Gonbare, Mallikarjun Pujari, "Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete" International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ,Volume:04 Issue:5,May-2015.
[4] Sami Elshafie,Gareth Whittleston "A Review of the effect of Basalt Fiber Length And the Mechanical Properties of Concrete", International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Volume:04 Issue:01,Jan-2015
[5] Girawale, M. S., "Effect's of alkaline solution on geopolymer concrete", International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, 3 (4), 2015.
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Abstract: This paper is one of the several extensions of the research works done by [5]. Green Supply Chain Practices have been known to have an impact on Green Supply Chain Performance [6].This paper tests empirically through a pilot study of the Indian Automobile Manufacturing Sector, the contribution of the eleven variables constituting the construct Green Supply Chain Continuous Improvement in Green Supply Chain Performance measurement. Also the paper establishes the reliability of the questionnaire instrument developed previously for measuring the construct Green Supply Chain Continuous Improvement and also for measuring the eleven variables that constitute the construct Green Supply Chain Continuous Improvement. Further the paper establishes the correlation among these eleven.......
Keywords: Automobile, CFA, Green Supply Chain Performance, Green Supply Chain Practices, Green Supply Chain Continuous Improvement, Indian, Manufacturing Sector, Pilot Study.
[1] Emmett, S. and Sood, V., Green Supply Chains – An Action Manifesto. John Wiles & Sons, 2010, 217-223.
[2] Gandhi, M.A., A Review of the Indian Automobile Manufacturing Sector, IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 19(3), Ver II, 2017, 9-15.
[3] Gandhi, M.A. and Sharma, S., A Review of Research Methodologies Linking Green Supply Chain Practices and Green Supply Chain Performance, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 3(4), 2014.
[4] George, D., and Mallery, M. Using SPSS for Windows step by step: a simple guide and reference. 2003.
[5] Sharma, S., and Gandhi, M.A., Exploring correlations in components of green supply chain practices and green supply chain performance, Competitiveness Review, 26(3), 2016, 332-368..
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Abstract: Waste Disposal in urban areas with dense population is a challenging problem for a developing country like India. Although there are other methods for waste disposal (Recycling, Composting, Incineration), it is generally accepted that landfill is the most cost effective disposal method. This has the advantage of putting useless land to reclamation. Previous studies shown that clay compacted to a permeability of less than10-7 cm/sec form a good barrier to leachate and also cost effective. The present work in this area has two aspects viz., suitability of local soils from stability and permeability characteristics for use as landfill clay liners and study on clay-leachate interaction using soft clay as clay liner. The basic properties like Liquid limit (LL), Plastic limit (PL), Free swell index............
Keywords: Landfill, Leachate, Permeability, Scanning Electron microscope, X-ray Diffraction.
[1] Rama Rao. R., Sandhya Rani. R. and Krishna Rao. C. V. (2005), "Some Studies on Landfill Compacted Clay Liners- A Case Study", GEOPRACTICE-2005, National Conference on Case Studies in Geotechnical Engineering, July 25-26.
[2] Tovey. N. K and Wong. K. Y (1973), "The Preparation of Soils and other Geological Materials for the SEM", Proceedings of the International Symposium of Soil Structure, Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 59-67.
[3] Sivapullaiah. P. V., Sridharan. A. and Stalin. V. K. (2000), "Hydraulic Conductivity of Bentonite-Sand Mixtures", Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 37, pp. 406-413.
[4] Mitchell. J. K., Hooper. D. R. and Campanella. R. G. (1965), "Permeability of Compacted Clay", Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 91, No. SM4, pp. 41-65.
[5] Gregory P. Broderick and David E. Daniel (1990), "Stabilizing Compacted Clay against Chemical Attack", Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 116, No. 10, pp. 1549-1567.
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Abstract: This paper investigates the effects of genetic algorithm parameters on the performance of optimum structural search. The most significant of these parameters can be grouped according to their biologicallyinspired functions: population size, initial population, and crossover and mutation operators. However, since the genetic algorithms use a random search the numerical results presented in this paper show the extent to which the quality of solution depends on the choice of these parameters...
Keywords: Optimization, Genetic algorithm, Selection, Crossover, Mutation, Structures engineering
[1] M. A. Rao, J. Srinivas, and B. S. N. Murthy, "Damage detection in vibrating bodies using genetic algorithms," Comput. Struct., vol. 82, pp. 963–968, 2004.
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[3] C. Xu, S. Lin, and Y. Yang, "Optimal design of viscoelastic damping structures using layerwise finite element analysis and multi-objective genetic algorithm," Comput. Struct., vol. 157, pp. 1–8, 2015.
[4] E. S. Kameshki and M. P. Saka, "Optimum design of nonlinear steel frames with semi-rigid connections using a genetic algorithm," Comput. Struct., vol. 79, no. 17, pp. 1593–1604, 2001.
[5] M. Y. Rafiq and C. Southcombe, "Genetic algorithms in optimal design and detailing of reinforced concrete biaxial columns supported by a declarative approach for capacity checking," Comput. Struct., vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 443–457, 1998.
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Abstract: A significant part of the building is made of brick wall load bearing structures. The present of openings in brick walls can have an effect on the load capacity and cracking regime after construction under working load. So, there is a need for strengthening brick walls with openings during construction. In the present study, a total of five brick wall specimens having a wall dimensions (85*65) cm and thickness (10) cm with square opening (25*25) cm were tested. The brick wall specimens were divided into two groups as flow.Group one consisted of one brick wall with R.C lintel 35 cm length as a control wall. Group two consisted of four strengthened brick wall specimens by fixed strip of steel wire mesh covered with cement mortar around opening on both sides of wall. With strip wide..........
Keywords: Strengthening, brick walls, steel wire mesh, around openings, both sides of wall
[1] Berkowski. P and Dmochowski .G (2001 ) "Examples of strengthening of main walls in old buildings" Wroclaw University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Building Engineering Institute, Wroclaw, Poland.
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Abstract: There is huge demand for Aluminum Alloy 7075 in the field of aerospace and automobile industry because of its high strength to weight ratio. However, its surface properties such as hardness and wear resistance are relatively poor and hence constraining its usage as a structural material. In the present work, an attempt is made to synthesize AA7075 Matrix Surface Composites (AMSC) through Friction Stir Processing (FSP). The Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) are used as reinforcement particles. The FSP process parameters such as Rotational Speed (RS), Traverse Speed (TS) and No. of Passes (NP) are varied in order to obtain a variety of AMSC...........
Keywords: Surface Composites, FSP, MWCNT, Grain size, Wear Resistance.
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Abstract: In India total quantum of waste from construction industry is estimated to be between 12 to14 million tonnes per annum out of which 7 to 8 tonnes are concrete and brick waste. Construction, demolition, innovation generated large amount of concrete waste. This waste is either dumped or it is delivered towards landfill. This concrete waste can be qualitatively reused for manufacturing of various concrete blocks. In this report , we represent the concept of sustainable use of concrete waste in concrete which can be used in manufacturing of interlocking paver blocks...........
Keywords: Concrete Waste, Crushing, Reusing, Paver Blocks.
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[4] D.W.Gawatre,Rohit S.Chhajed,NikhilAgarwal "Manufacture Of Paver Block Using Partial Replacement Of Construction And Demolition Waste"
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