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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Relationship Between The Weight Of The Placenta And Neonatal Outcome |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Salih, SH.A || Omar, A.M |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0606010108 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: The Placenta is a dynamic organ, it plays a vital role in normal fetal development, and failure of placenta to gain weight and insufficiency of its function can result in fetal disorders. Aims: To study the Placental Weight in Relation to neonatal Outcome in Sudanese Mothers with Term Singleton Pregnancy and Delivered Vaginally. Research design: A descriptive prospective design adopted for this study. Setting: conducted in Omdurman maternity Hospital, in a period from September 2014 to December 2015. Tool: A structured interview questionnaire was used and placental weight was measured by infant weighing scale..............
Keywords: Placenta, Neonatal outcome, Birth Weight
[1]. Yoshio Matsuda1 , Masaki Ogawa 2, Akihito Nakai 3, Masako Hayashi 3, Shoji Satoh 4, Shigeki Matsubara5Fetal/Placental Weight Ratio in Term Japanese Pregnancy: Its Difference Among Gender, Parity, and Infant Growthnt J Med Sci 2015; 12(4):301-305. doi:10.7150/ijms.11644
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Abstract: South Africa's healthcare system is mainly nurse-based and requires nurses to have the knowledge, abilities and skills to manage the country's burden of disease and to meet South Africa's healthcare needs. The purpose of this study was to determine the key planning competencies required of operational managers to improve the management of their units in a selected district hospital in the Limpopo province, South Africa.A quantitative descriptive non-experimental research design was used. Population comprised of all operational managers in the selected district hospital in the Waterberg district of Limpopo province, they were 12 in number, and no sampling was done as the population was too small.Data were collected and analyzed using a five steps of Nominal Group Technique...............
Keywords: Planning, Competencies, Operational manager.
[1]. Munyewende, P., Levin, J., &Rispel, L. (2016). An evaluation of the competencies of primary health care clinic nursing managers in two South African provinces. Global Health Action, 9(1), 1-11.
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[5]. Armstrong, S., Rispel, L., & Penn-Kekana, L. (2015). The activities of hospital nursing unit managers and quality of patient care in South African hospital: a paradox? Global Health Action, 8(1), 26243.
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Abstract: Background :A premature neonate is defined as any neonate born at less than 37 weeks of gestation.In Saudi Arabia in 2010, 35.700 preterm births occurred. Neonatal Intensive-Care Units (NICU), specialize in the care of premature neonates. However, this leads to early separation of babies from their mothers and negative effects on mother/ infant bonding. In addition, mothers' consoling maneuvers, have been found to be powerful in soothing premature neonates and improve mothers /infants bonding. Aims:The current study aims toexamine the power of mothers' consoling maneuverson the physiological and behavioral stability of the premature neonates and, to explore the effect of mother involvement in caring for premature neonates on mothers–infants bonding. Study design: Quasi Experimental Research Design.Settings: The study was conducted at NICUs affiliated to Maternity and Children Hospital..............
Keywords: Premature neonates, Consoling Maneuvers, Physiological stability, Behavioral stability, Neonatal Intensive Care Units, and Mother–Infant bonding.
[1] World Health Organization 2012, Born Too Soon: The Global Action Report on Preterm Birth, Geneva, 2012.
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Abstract: Technology is changing the world at warp speed and nowhere is this clearer than in health care settings. In an increasingly crowded world, people rightly expect health care to meet their needs quickly and, where possible, tailored to their needs. Technology helps to deliver these elements, putting the power back in the hands of the patient. Health care is growing increasingly complex, and most clinical research focuses on new approaches to diagnosis and treatment. In contrast, relatively little effort has been targeted at the perfection of operational systems, which are partly responsible for the well-documented problems with medical safety. If medicine is to achieve major gains in quality, it must be transformed, and information technology will play a key part, especially with respect to safety............
Keywords: Technolog, Nursing education, Nursing practice.
[1] Canadian Nurses' Association: Policy Statement on Health Information: Nursing Components, 1993 p.1.
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Abstract: Progressive uterine distention during pregnancy causes elevation of diaphragm, changes in the lung volume, chest wall, and alter thoracic configuration. Increased end expiratory abdominal pressure results in displacing the diaphragm upwards. These changes lead to the shortened breathing span in gravid females. The present study has attempted to probe the efficacy of yoga in increasing the span of breathing during pregnancy. The study conducted an experimental research where the subjects were matched for age, parity and financial status. All were primiparous. Reading for both the groups was taken twice – first at the time of joining and second near to the completion of the ninth month. Data was analyzed using statistical tool t-test. Results were significant.
Keywords: Pregnancy; Breathe; Third trimester breathing
[3]. Munro, N.B. and Eckerman, K.F.(1998). Impacts of physiological changes during pregnancy on maternal biokinetic modeling. Radiation protection dosimetry, 79(1-4), 327-333.
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Abstract: Today, mentally retarded individuals comprise a significant portion of the world population. Children with mental retardation are seen as a burden to others and to their families. The economic impact of mental retardation is wide-ranging, long lasting and enormous. The aim of the study: to evaluate health education program for nurses working at Maternal and Child Health Centers on early detection and prevention of mental retardation. Subjects and Method: Study design: a quasi – experimental study design was used. Study settings: The study was carried out in 4 Maternal and Child Health Centers (MCH) affiliated to the Ministry of Health in Tanta city, El-Gharbeya Governorate. These MCH centers were selected randomly representing 4 districts............
Keywords: Mental retardation, Adaptive behavior, Maternal and Child Health Centers
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Abstract: Background:Cancer related fatigue, depression and functional dependence are among a confusing array of symptoms which commonly presented in the patients undergoing cancer treatment. These symptoms especially fatigue still largely ignored in older adults, hence, identifying these symptoms and analyzing the correlation which can be exist may have a special concern and are considering important cues for effective management of these symptoms. Aim:Determine the relation of cancer related fatigue with depression and functional status among elderly patients undergoing radiotherapy. Method:This is a descriptive correlational study designcarried on 120 elderly cancer patients that were attendingthe outpatient clinic of the Oncology and Nuclear medicine departmentatMain Mansoura University Hospitaland wereundergoing radiotherapy, patients were interviewed individually by the researcher to collect data using the study tools; Tool I : Interview questionnaire sheet............
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Abstract: Background: Mastectomy is physically, emotionally, and sexually challenging procedure for patients, so it is important for patients to be educated as much as possible about their care to accommodate and live satisfied with their new condition. Purpose: The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of an educational supportive program on mastectomy patients' satisfaction. Subjects and Methods: A random controlled trial design was utilized in this study that implemented on (65) adult female mastectomy patients receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy, at the oncology department of Suez Canal University Hospitals, Egypt, between July 2016 to December 2017.............
Keywords: Educational Supportive program, Mastectomy, Patients' Satisfaction
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Abstract: Aim: To evaluate the Health-Related Quality of Life in adults with leukemia undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Method: This was an exploratory, descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative study conducted at the chemotherapy center of a Teaching Hospital in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Two data collection instruments, the clinical and sociodemographic data questionnaire and the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer 30 item Core Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC-QLQ-C30), were used to evaluate the Health-Related Quality of Life. The quantitative analysis of the data was performed using the SPSS, version 20.0 software. Results: The General Health Status scale (GHS/QoL) presented a mean of 64.7, showing that the patients believed that their health was good, despite the oncological diagnosis and treatment...........
Keywords: Health-Related Quality of Life, Leukemia, Chemotherapy.
[1]. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA). Estimativa 2016: incidência de câncer no Brasil. Coordenação de Prevenção e Vigilância. Rio de Janeiro, 2015; [citado em 2017 Aug 14]. Disponível em: Citado em 14/08/2017.
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Abstract: Background: The superiority of health care level is known as the amount of accomplishment related to a definite criterion of implementations recognized to be secure and have the ability to enhance health within existing possibility [1]. The patient viewpoint concerning hospital care level had obtained more consideration in the last years and researches have showed that people are most contented with interpersonal communications, like health team-client- relationships [2]. Objectives of the study: the study aims to assess the level of satisfaction on quality of care in outpatient department (OPD) at Baghdad teaching hospitals and determined the relationship between level of satisfaction and demographic variables. Methodology: A descriptive analytical study was conducted about patients on quality of care in Out Patient Department at Baghdad............
Keywords: Quality of care, satisfaction, Outpatient
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Abstract: Background: Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Chemotherapy is one of the major therapeutic options for cancer treatment associated with unpleasant side effects. Aim of the study: This study aimed to assess health needs for patients treated with chemotherapy. Methodology: Design: A descriptive study design was utilized to conduct this study. Setting: This study was conducted in oncology department in Suez Canal university hospital at Ismailia city. Subject: A purposive sample of 148 patients treated with chemotherapy. Tools: Semi-Structured interviewing questionnaire included demographic data, medical history, surgical history and patient health needs assessment questionnaire (PNAT).............
Keywords: Cancer", "Chemotherapy", "Health needs", "Patient's Needs Assessment Tool".
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Abstract: Aging is a natural process and it is considered as a normal, biological and an inevitable process. Due to trend of nuclear families most of the elderly are residing in old age homes. Many of them experiences loneliness and depression in old age; either as a result of living alone or due to lack of close family ties and reduced connections with their culture origin, which results in an inability to participate in the community activities. A comparative study was conducted in to assess the prevalence of depression and loneliness among institutionalized and non-institutionalized elderly. Total 100 were taken for the study (50 from each setting). Elderly enrolment was done by convenient sampling technique. Geriatric depression scale and UCLA loneliness scale was used to assess the depression and loneliness............
Keywords: Institutionalization, Non-institutionalization.
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