Version-8 (Nov-Dec 2017)
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Abstract: Breast-feeding has several health benefits for the infant and the mother as well. Exclusive breast-feeding (EBF) indicates that feeding a child only breast milk without any supplementation. However, medication or supplements are acceptable. Practicing EBF is based on women's knowledge as well as their attitude toward it. Low EBF rate among Saudi women is an alarming issue that needs an action by the health care providers. Study aim: To assess knowledge levels and attitudes toward EBF among Saudi women in primary health care centers in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia. Research question: What are the knowledge and attitudes of exclusive breast-feeding among Saudi women in the primary health care centers in Jeddah.......
Keywords; Attitude, Exclusive breast-feeding, knowledge
[1]. Al-binali, A. M. (2012). Breastfeeding knowledge, attitude and practice among school teachers in Abha female educational district, southwestern Saudi Arabia. International Breastfeeding Journal, 7(1), 1. doi:10.1186/1746-4358-7-10
[2]. Al-Faleh, K. M. (2014). Perception and knowledge of breastfeeding among females in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 9(2), 139–142. doi:10.1016/j.jtumed.2013.11.003
[3]. Al-Jassir, M. S., El-Bashir, B. M., Moizuddin, S. k., & Abu-Nayan, A. A. R. (2006). Infant feeding in Saudi Arabia: mothers attitudes and practices. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 12(1-2), 6-13.
[4]. Al-Juaid, D. A. M., Binns, C. W. & Giglia, R. C. (2014). Breastfeeding in Saudi Arabia; a review. International Breastfeeding Journal, 9(1), 1.
[5]. Al-Madani, M., Vydelingum, V. & Lawrence, J. (2010) Saudi Mothers' Expected Intentions and Attitudes toward Breast-Feeding. ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition, 2, 187-198. doi: org/10.1177/1941406410369699..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Chıld Crımınals And Functıonalıty of Their Famılıes |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Zeynep temel mert || ferdağ yıldırım |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-0606080915 ![]() |
Abstract: Objective:This research was conducted with the aim of determining the family functionality of the children who are within the scope of investigation and under continuing judicial process due to committing a crime in Sivas Province Court. Methods: 99 children created the sample of this descriptive research. The data of the study were collected by the Family Assesment Device (FAD) and the information form developed by the researcher. Analysis was made in the SPSS 16.0 program. Results: 25.3% of the children participated in this research are 17 years old, 86.9% are males, 76.8% are secondary school graduates, 45.5% continue to study, 7.1% continue to study and also work in paid employment, 19.2% does not work.............
Keywords: Child criminals, Family Functionality, Nursing
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Abstract: Alarm fatigue occurs when care providers become overwhelmed or overloaded by excessive numbers of alarms leading to sensory overburden in such a way that important critical alarms are ignored or missed. Aim: The present study aims to determine if critical care nurses are suffering from alarm fatigue or not and to develop alarm management guidelines. Setting: the study was conducted in all Critical Care Units in 4 hospitals located in El Behira Governorate, namely; Damanhour General Chest hospital, Abu-Hummus General Hospital, Kafr el Dawar General hospital and Damanhour National Medical Institute… Subjects: The study subjects included all nurses (n= 150) working in critical care units of the previously mentioned hospitals and accepted to participate in the study.............
Keywords: Alarm fatigue, nuisance alarms, clinical alarms management, patient safety.
[1]. James JT. A new, evidence-based estimate of patient harms associated with hospital care. Journal of patient safety. 2013 Sep 1;9(3):122-8.
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[5]. Atzema C, Schull MJ, Borgundvaag B, Slaughter GR, Lee CK. ALARMED: adverse events in low-risk patients with chest pain receiving continuous electrocardiographic monitoring in the emergency department. A pilot study. The American journal of emergency medicine. 2006 Jan 31;24(1):62-7.
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Abstract: Pressure ulcers have afflicted critically ill patients since the dawn of recorded medicine. Pressure ulcers had adverse patient outcomes. Aloe vera as a non-pharmacological modality can be used in the pressure ulcer management. Aim of the study: to investigate the effect of Aloe Vera on the healing of second degree pressure ulcers among critically ill patients. Research design: A quasi-experimental research design was used to conduct this study. Sample: 60 adult critically ill patients developed second-degree pressure ulcer. Setting: Intensive Care Units of Emergency Hospital Mansoura University..........
Keywords: Aloe Vera, Critically Ill Patients, Pressure Ulcer, Wound Healing
[1]. R Tiwari, S. Chakraborty, and K. Dhama, Miracle of herbs in antibiotic resistance wounds and skin infections: treasures of natures. A review perspective, International Journal of Pharmaceutical science, 4(4), 2013, 217-221.
[2]. D Kramlich, Introduction to complementary, alternative, and traditional therapies. Critical Care Nurse, 34(6), 2014, 50-56.
[3]. A Dorai, Wound care with traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine, Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery, 45(2), 2012, 418-424.
[4]. B Karim, D. Bhaskar, C. Agali, D. Gupta, R. Gupta, A. Jain, and A. kanwar, Effect of aloe vera mouthwash on periodontal health: triple blind randomized control trial, Journal of Oral Health and Dental Management, 13(1), 2014, 14-20.
[5]. G Khorasani, S. Hosseinimher, M. Azadbakht, A. Zamani, and M. Mahdavi, Aloe versus silver sulfadiazine creams for second-degree burns: A randomized controlled study, Surgery Today Journal, 39(7), 2009, 589-593..
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Abstract: Background: Hypertension is the leading cause of death worldwide and affects both men and women. Although 30% of the adult population suffers from blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg, a third of those who suffer it do not know they have this disease. Method: A cross-sectional, descriptive and non-experimental survey design was conducted involving 200 adult gospel workers aged 25years and above who were mainly Seventh-day Adventists from the Northern Ghana Union Mission of Ghana, as means of addressing hypertension and its associated risks, among gospel workers. Data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire, anthropometric indices, measuring of blood pressures using standard procedures and face –to-face interviews.............
Keywords:Prevalence, Hypertension, Risk, Seventh-day Adventists, Northern Ghana Union Mission
[1]. Agyemang, Charles Okyere. (2005). "Ethnic Variations in Blood Pressure and Hypertension." Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
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[5]. Bryman, Alan. ((February 1, 2006). "Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Research: How Is It Done?" SAGE journals 6, no. 1, 97–113..
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Abstract: Enuresis is a common childhood problem that can be very stressful for both children and parents. Parental perception plays an important role on the nature of response to the child with enuresis , aim, this study was aimed to investigate the relation between parent's perception and perceived competence of school age enuretic children Design, A descriptive correlation research design was utilized in this study. Setting: The study was conducted at out - patient clinic of the centre of social and preventive medicine ,Cairo University, Subjects: A purposive sample consisted of 120 enuretic children and their parent who attended with them to the out -patient clinic at pediatric hospital,.........
Keywords: Parent's Perception, Perceived Competence, School Age Enuretic Children
[1]. Chinawa1) J. M. *, H. A. Obu1, P. C. Manyike2 and Odetunde1(2014).Nocturnal Enuresis among School-age Children in South-eastern Nigeria: A Concealed Social Malaise International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health4(6): 683-695
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[5]. Feldman, M.,( 2014.): Management of primary nocturnal enuresis, Canadian Paediatric Society, Community Paediatrics Committee, PediatricChild.
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Abstract: Tuberculosis is as old as the mankind. Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, which is transmitted through the air or by ingesting infected milk or meat (bovine TB) and it is both preventable and curable.1 Tuberculosis is one of the major diseases that cause enormous public health and economic crisis in low income countries. It has been estimated that maximum number of tuberculosis patients in the world are in India and the rate of treatment failure is alarming.2The objective of the study is to assess the knowledge and reported practices regarding drug regimen among patients with Tuberculosis before and after intervention in Group I and Group II. Descriptive Evaluative approach with quasi experimental two group pre test post test design........
Keywords: Effect; Educational Intervention; Knowledge; Reported Practices; Tuberculosis Drug Regimen; Patients diagnosed with tuberculosis
[1]. World health organization. Tuberculosis and air travel: Guidelines for prevention and control. World Health Organization, Geneva 2006(a): 1-30.
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Abstract: Drug errors occur in different steps of the drug process but many errors occur during the administration of the drug, the nurses play a pillar of the tent in risk reduction of medication errors because they are in excellent position than any other health team providers to detect and report medication errors. Aim was to examine the effect of clinical instruction intervention on nurses' perception and practice toward medication errors. Research design: a quasi -experimental design was used. Setting: was conducted in different wards (General surgical wards, medical wards, chest& heart ward and CCU) at Ain Shams University Hospitals Cairo, Egypt.........
Keywords: medication errors- medication administration - nurses' perception.
[2]. Aghakouchakzadeh M, Izadpanah M, & Yadegari A. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice towards Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting among Medical Students. J Pharm care, August 2015; 3(3-4); 49-53.
[3]. Shahrokhi A, Ebrahimpour F,& Ghodousi A. Factors effective on medication errors: A nursing view. J Res Pharm pract. 2013 Jan-Mar:2(1): 18-23
[4]. World Health Organization (WHO), 2016, Medication Errors: Technical Series on Safer Primary Care ISBN 978-92-4-151164-3.
[5]. Almutary H & Peter L. Nurses' Willingness To Report Medication Administration Errors In Saudi Arabia. Quality Management In Health Care. Lippincott Williams&Wilkins. 2012, 21(3) Feleke S, Mulatu M, &Yesmaw Y. Medication administration errors: magnitude and associated factors among nurses in Ethiopia.BMC nursing(2015)14:23.
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Abstract: Xerostomia is defined as a condition or feeling of dry mouth resulting in biochemical changes in the amount and composition of the saliva which may present further complications in the oral health. Hyposalivation is defined as an objective assessment of a reduced rate of salivary flow. Benzodiazepines and antidepressants constitute the most frequently prescribed drugs with anxiolytic activity that can give rise to hyposalivation.Diabetes mellitus, although a metabolic disorder, usually sent with one of the first oral symptoms such as xerostomia.Taste receptors are permanently exposed in smokers where primary effect is stimulation of saliva from hypersalivation acquired by chronic use of cigarettes to pass in hyposalivation.This paper reviews the current knowledge of the drugs that cause impairment of the creation and flow of saliva and certain conditions that are shipped with the dryness of the mouth.
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Abstract: E-portfolio can advance self-coordinated learning and helping profession improvement. Medical attendants are in charge of remaining side by side of current expert information and dealing with their own vocation, proficient development and advancement, and in a perfect world, practices to help these exercises should begin amid their understudy years. Enthusiasm for electronic or e portfolios is gathering force as educationalists investigate their potential as a methodology for encouraging deep rooted learning and improving on-going individual and expert advancement. In this paper, we display an outline of e-portfolios and their application to nurture training, featuring potential.........
Keywords: E-portfolio, Developing, Students, Curriculum.
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Abstract: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the admission process on the hopelessness of mothersof infants in neonatal units. The study was carried out with individual interviews with 240 mothers whose infants stayed at Neonatal Intensive Care and Neonatal Units (premature and mature) of a university hospital between January and September 2011. Data from the quasi-experimental study were collected via the personal information form and the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS). The data of the study were analyzed by SPSS 15 package program. Kruskal Wallis, t test, Mann-Whitney U tests were used in the analysis of the data. Relationships between the mother's knowledge of meeting times, their knowledge of the infants' condition, and by whom they were informed were found........
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