Version-4 (Nov-Dec 2017)
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Abstract: Cancer is major disease burden worldwide. Quality of life is a multidimensional construct that encompasses various area of functioning, including physical, emotional, social domains and additional concerns of quality of life. Quality of life is a multidimensional concept that focuses on how the disease and its treatment effect the individual. The investigator has taken up this study to compare the quality of life and life style among breast and cervix cancer patients in selected hospital of Ludhiana, Punjab. A quantitative approach will be applied. The data will be collected from 50 breast cancer and 50 cervical cancer patients by standardized tool i.e. Fact –B and Fact-Cx. The content validity of the tool will be determined by expert's opinion. Reliability will be tested by test-retest method and correlation coefficient by applying spearman brown prophecy formula. The data will be collected, organized, tabulated and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Discussion will be based on the statistical analysis, and will be compared with the literature.
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Abstract: A study to assess the knowledge regarding behavioral problem of school children among mothers at Patteswaram rural community in Thanjavur District. A cross-sectional descriptive design was adopted for the study. 100 mothers were selected by using purposive sampling technique. All participants were given a questionnaire on behavioral problems administered 10 minutes to complete. The findings revealed that knowledge of mother shows that 61% of the mother had inadequate knowledge 37% of mothers had moderately, 2% of mother had adequate knowledge on behavioral problem. In conclusion mothers are having very poor knowledge regarding behavioral problem. The study findings reveals significance of behavioral deviation of a need to educate parent's on behavioral of children.
Keywords: Behavior problems, Mothers knowledge, rural school children.
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Abstract: Purpose:A study to assess the knowledge regarding Pelvic Inflammatory Disease among women admitted in Government Hospital at Kumbakonam. Methods:A cross section descriptive design was adopted for the study 50 women by using purposive sampling technique. Data were collected by survey method and instructed to complete questionnaire. Questions were related to baseline proforma of women and standard questionnaire on Pelvic Inflammatory Disease among women. Results:The studyresults shown that, knowledge of women shows that 36% of women had inadequate knowledge, 44% of women had moderately adequate knowledge, 20% of women had adequate knowledge on Pelvic Inflammatory Disease among women...............
Keywords: Pelvic inflammatory disease; Women; PID knowledge
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Abstract: Although early enteral feeding is a primary recommendation for critically ill patients, it may be considered a risk factor for high gastric residual volume, vomiting and abdominal distension that may indicate feeding intolerance. Abdominal massage is a nursing intervention that has been found to increase Serotonin level, vagal activity and gastric motility and hence reduce feeding intolerance. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of selected nursing intervention (abdominal massage) on clinical outcomes among patients with nasogastric tube in Intensive Care Units. Subjects: A purposive sample of all available adult patients (70) with nasogastric tube and meet the inclusion criteria. Setting: The study was conducted at four intensive care units of Menoufia University hospital. Tools of the study: Two tools were utilized for data collection as follow; Tool I: Structural interviewing questionnaire and Tool II: Biophysiological measurement............
Keywords: Nursing intervention, Clinical Outcomes, Nasogastric tube and Intensive Care Units
[1] Shain M., Mohamed W. and Sayed M.(2012). Nurse's knowledge and practices regarding enteral nutrition at the critical care department of Al- Manial university hospital in Egypt: Impact of a designed instructional program. Journal of American science; 8(11): 397-405.
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[4] Ahamed N. and Mondal L.( 2014). Assessment of knowledge and practice of staff nurses regarding Ryle's tube feeding in a selected hospital of Kolkata. West Bengal. Smu Medical Journal. ; 1(2):294- 302.
[5] McClurg D. (2011). Does abdominal massage relieve constipation? Nursing times; 106(12): 20-2.
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Abstract: The most common biood disorders is Low platelete count, characterized by count of platelets of abnormally . Objectives: The aimsof study to evaluate nurses' interventions for patients with thrombocytopenia in hematology wards and to find out the relationship between nurses' interventions for patients with certain variables e.g. (gender, age, educational level, years of experience in hematology wards, years of experience in hospital, and sharing in training sessions). Methods: A descriptive study design was conducted in 3rd march 2016 to 4th April 2017, for (40) nurses who were employee in hematology wards in four Baghdad Teaching Hospitals..............
Keywords: Nurses' Interventions, Patients, Thrombocytopenia, Hematology wards.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Suicidal BehaviorandPrevention Strategies |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Ms. Agnes Monica Victor |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0604043842 ![]() |
Abstract: Suicide is considered as one of the Psychiatric emergencies and the second leading cause of deathfor people aged 15 to 34 which is a thoughtful public health problem around the world.Men are nearly four times more likely than women to take their lives which can be preventable. Knowing the risk factors and recognizing the warning signs forsuicide can help to reduce the suicide rate (APA, 2016).A number of people have fleeting thoughts of death. Transitory thoughts of death are a smaller amount of a delinquent and are much dissimilar from vigorouslyscheduling to try suicide. The risk is increased when thinking about death and killing yourself often, or if you have made a suicide plan. Most people who extremely consider this do not want to die. Rather, they see it as a solution to a problem and a way to end their pain. Individuals who utterly consider suicide feel hopeless, helpless, and worthless. Anyone who feels
[1] APA Guide (2016)
[2] NIMH Suicide Statistics (NIMH 2017)
[3] WHO guide (2017)
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Abstract: Abstaract Oral Mucositis is characterized by erythema, inflammation, and ulcerations of the mucous membranes in the oral cavity. This common side effect from radiation and chemotherapy can have significant impacts on quality of life, including alterations in immunity, malnutrition, and weight loss. At present, treatment options for this condition are limited. This review highlights the current state of evidence regarding oral mucositis and treatments that may help prevent or reduce its occurrence.
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[4]. Middleton J, Lennan E. Effectively managing chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Br J Nurs. 2011;20:S7–S8, S10–S12, S14–S15.
[5]. Massey C. A multicenter study to determine the efficacy and patient acceptability of the Paxman scalp cooler to prevent hair loss in patients receiving chemotherapy. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2004;8:121–130
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Abstract: Emotional Intelligence is considered as an important characteristic for successful leaders. It has become increasingly popular as a measure for identifying effective ladders and as tool for developing effective leadership skills. It's also used as an effective parometer for successfully dealing with emotions within the self and others.Aim of this study was to explore Emotional Intelligence of Nurses Managers in Ministry of Health (MOH) hospitals in Jeddah.Methods: A Quantitative, cross-sectional survey study conducted in five MOH hospitals in Jeddah. A convenient sample of nurse's leaders at different levels. Data was collected using a questionnaire includes two parts. Part one: is demographic characteristics of the participants. Part two: is Emotional Intelligence scaledeveloped by (Salovey and Mayer, 1990).Result: majority of nurse leaders could easily recognize their emotions as they experience it and are.......
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence,leaders,Nurses Managers
[1]. Salovey, P., & Mayer, J. (1990). Emotional Intelligence. Imagination, Cognation&Personality, 9,185-211.
[2]. Vitello-Cicciu, Joan M. PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN, (2002) "Exploring Emotional Intelligence: Implications for Nursing Leaders", Journal of Nursing Administration/April 2002 - Volume 32 - Issue 4 - pp 203-210.
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[4]. Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional Intelligence−Why it can matter more than IQ for character, health and lifelong achievement. New York, NY: Bantam Books.
[5]. Salovey, P., & Mayer, J. (Eds). (1997). what is Emotional Intelligence? In Emotional Development and Emotional Intelligence: educational implications New York, NY: Perseus Books Group; 3-35...
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Abstract: Background: the quality of the educational environment is indicative of the effectiveness of an educational program. Objectives: this study aims to describe the viewpoints of undergraduate nursing students on the EE and its variation with demographic and academic features of students. Methods: A descriptive study was performed on 677 nursing students from three colleges of nursing. The Arabic version of Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) Inventory was used as a standard tool. Results: the mean total DREEM score was 118.4, which is considered to be more positive than negative. The total mean scores for student perception of learning.............
Keywords: DREEM, Educational environment, Egypt, Nursing students.
[1]. Higgins S, Hall E, Wall K, Woolner P, McCaughey C. The impact of school environments: a literature review. The Centre for Learning and Teaching, School of Education, Communication and Language Science, University of Newcastle.2005 Available from: Accessed January 4, 2017.
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[3]. Lizzio A, Wilson K, Simons R. University students' perceptions of the learning environment and academic outcomes: implications for theory and practice. Studies in Higher Education. 2002;27(1):27–52.
[4]. Al-Ayed IH, Sheik SA. Assessment of the educational environment at the College of Medicine of King Saud University, Riyadh.EastMediterr Health J. 2008; 14: 953–959.
[5]. Demiroren M, Palaoglu O, Kemahli S, Ozyurda F, AyhanH. Perceptions of students in different phases of medical education of educational environment: Ankara University Faculty of Medicine. Med Educ Online. 2008;13:8.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Stress among the Students of Bachelor Nursing Complementary Program in Yanbu City |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Wafaa Ahmed Ibrahim |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0604047277 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study aimed to identity stress among students of bachelor nursing complementary program at Taibah University in Yanbu city. It' s a descriptive explanatory study it conducted at faculty of applied medical sciences. The study sample comprise a convenience was sample of 100 students from all level of bachelor nursing complementary program. The data collected through questionnaire schedule with respect, privacy, voluntary and confidentiality of the subject developed by the researchers. A Pilot study was conducted include 10% of the subject (excluded from the sample) after completion of data collection; the necessary statistical analysis will be done. The result of the present study concluded that 66% (two third of study subject) of The study subjects had no more knowledge about stress and how they can coping with stress , while 6 % of study subject had accurate and complete answers about stress. Also, showed that more than 40% had moderate stress and less than 5% had severe stress. So, we recommended............
[1]. L.Agolla JE, Ongori H. An assessment of academic stress among undergraduate students: The case of University of Botswana, Educational Research and Review. 2009;Voi. 4 (2), pp. 063-070. Available online at http ://www.
[2]. Beck D. &Srivastava R. Perceived level and sources of stress in baccalaureate nursing students, Journal of Nursing Education. 1991; 30(3): 127-33.
[3]. Chan CKL, So, WKW,& Fong, DYT (2009) Hong Kong baccalaureate nursing students' stress and their coping strategies in clinical practice.Journal of professional Nursing. 2009; 25(5), 307-313.
[4]. Clarke V. & Ruffin C. Perceived sources of stress among student nurses, Advances in Contemporary Nurse Education , 2008; 32(1): 12-16.
[5]. Evans W & Kelly B: Pre-registration diploma student nurse stress and coping measures. Nurse Education Today 2004; 24(6):473-482.
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Abstract: Various types of intimate partner violence (IPV) affect the pregnant women's physical and psychological health in forms of maternal and neonatal complications. An empowerment-based nursing intervention designed to empower pregnant women against intimate partner violence and improves their pregnancy outcomes and quality of life. The aim of the study wasto study the effectiveness of nursing intervention on the abused pregnant women pregnancy outcomes and evaluate the effect of empowerment-based nursing intervention on the abused pregnant women's quality of life and on the women's empowerment against intimate partner violence An intervention study (pre-posttest) research design was adopted. This study was conducted at antenatal/postnatal wards, delivery room and outpatient clinic at Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital, Egypt, at 2016/2017............
Keywords: Pregnancy Outcomes, Empowerment-based Nursing Intervention, Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL), Intimate Partner Violence.
[1]. Abdelhai R., and Mosleh H. (2014) Shows Mental Ill-Health during Pregnancy IS Associated With Spousal Violence. Cairo University Study, Population References Bureau. Mena Working Paper Series.
[2]. ELhawary S. (2009) Violence against women in Egypt By Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics Egypt. Meeting of the Friends of the Chair of the United Nations Statistical Commission on Statistical Indicators on Violence against Women.
[3]. 9 - 11 December 2009.
[4]. Campbell J, Garcia-Moreno C, and Sharps P. (2004) Abuse during pregnancy in industrialized and developing countries. Violence against Women, 10(7):770-789.
[5]. Akyüz, A., Şahiner, G., and Kılıç, A. (2012). Domestic violence and woman's reproductive health: A review of the literature. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 17(6), 514-518.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nursing Education in Controlling of Symptoms in Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy Treatment |
Country | : | Turkey. |
Authors | : | Serpil SÜ |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0604049093 ![]() |
Abstract: Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, is the second cause of death after cardiovascular diseases. Cancer treatment is applied to prolong the survival period, to provide a growth control for the cancer cells, to alleviate the symptoms related to the disease and to increase the quality of life. Chemotherapy is a form of the treatment in which patients experience many physical and psychological symptoms. The accurate diagnosis and management of the symptoms experienced by the patients treated with chemotherapy is very important for cancer treatment. Nurses who have more time with the patient, have a positive effect on the success of chemotherapy treatment.The aim of this review is to explain the importance of nursing education in controlling the symptoms experienced by the patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Keywords:Chemotherapy; Education; Symptom control; Nursing
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[3]. N.Olgun, H. Şimşek, Kemoterapi hazırlayan ve uygulayan hemşirelerin güvenlik önlemlerinin kullanma durumları ve önlem almalarını etkileyen faktörler, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemşirelik Dergisi. 2010; 7(2):13-23.
[4]. MA.Forouzi, B. Tirgari, MH. Safarizadeh and Y. Jahani, Spiritual needs and quality of life of patients with cancer, Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 23(4), 2017, 437-444.
[5]. D. Kaptan, Ö. Dedeli,Kanser ve Hemşirelik Bakımı. İçinde: Teoriden Uygulamaya Temel İç Hastalıkları Hemşireliği, Kavramlar ve Kuramlar. 1. Baskı. İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi, İstanbul; 2012,s:149-184
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Abstract: Glycemic load (GL) has been found to be a stronger measure for glycemic response to carbohydrate-rich foods. This is because it accounts for both the quality and quantity of carbohydrates consumed. This study therefore investigated the association between the total glycemic load from Kenya's most popular staple food "ugali", with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2). The study was cross-sectional involving 260 women aged 18 – 90 years drawn from households located in Amagoro division of Western Province of Kenya. Households were chosen by cluster and stratified sampling. Data on demography, socio-economy and diabetes status were collected by interviews using pre-tested questionnaires. Blood sugar levels were measured using a glucometer and levels ≥7.8 mmol/L underwent a confirmatory test using fasting blood sugar. Anthropometric measurements were taken following standard protocols with some modifications. Body mass index was obtained by dividing weight (kg) by height (m2) and..........
Key words: glycemic load, diabetes mellitus type-2, women, Western Kenya
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[4]. Ebere RA, Kimani VN & Imungi JK (2017a). Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and its association with demography, socio-economy and nutritional status of women of Amagoro division in Western Kenya. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science; 6(3): 51-57.
[5]. Ebere RA, Kimani VK & Imungi JK (2017b). Dietary patterns of the Iteso community living in Amagoro Division in Western Kenya. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science; 63 (3): 1-9.