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Abstract: A study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding management of the side effects of chemotherapy among patients with cancer at Tertiary care Hospitals, Bhubaneswar. Methodology: Descriptive research approach and one group pretest posttest design was used. The study was conducted in Sparsh Hospital & critical care ltd at Bhubaneswar with 60 cancer patients receiving chemotherapy by using convenient sampling technique data was collected. Demographic & validated structured questionnaire was adopted to collect the data regarding management of side effects of chemotherapy. Results: Majority 22 (36.66%) of the cancer patients belongs to age group of 31-40 year, with regard to sex maximum number of patients 32 (53.33) are female. In context to religion, highest number of 54 (90%) samples were Hindus, In relation to educational.....
Keywords; Effectiveness, structured teaching programme, knowledge, management, side effects of chemotherapy, patients with cancer
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Abstract: Emotional Intelligence is considered as an important characteristic for successful leaders. It has become increasingly popular as a measure for identifying effective ladders and as tool for developing effective leadership skills. It's also used as an effective parometer for successfully dealing with emotions within the self and others.Aim of this study was to explore Emotional Intelligence of Nurses Managers in Ministry of Health (MOH) hospitals in Jeddah.Methods: A Quantitative, cross-sectional survey study conducted in five MOH hospitals in Jeddah. A convenient sample of nurse's leaders at different levels. Data was collected using a questionnaire includes two parts. Part............
Keywords; Emotional Intelligence, leaders, Nurses Managers
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Abstract: Gastrointestinal endoscopy (GIE) is a widely performed procedure for the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. The risk of infection for patients undergoing these procedures has been progressively reduced by the implementation of infection control guidelines and adequate training of nursing staff. Therefore the current study was conducted to assess the selected determinants of nurses' compliance to infection control guidelines in gastrointestinal endoscopy units. Methods: A convenient sample of 30 nurses working at three selected endoscopy units at one of the biggestteaching hospitalsin CairoGovernoratewere recruited......
Keywords: Endoscope reprocessing, infection control, nurses, compliance
[1]. Chiu, K., Sheng Lu, L. &Chiou, S. (2014), High-level Disinfection of Gastrointestinal Endoscope reprocessingWorld J Exp Med. 2015 5(1): 33-39.
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Abstract: Background: Acute graft rejection (AGR), acute tubular necrosis (ATN) and chronic allograft dysfunction (CAD) are the most common causes of renal transplant failure. The early detection of renal transplant failure using reliable and noninvasive biomarkers is crucial for the adequate treatment and outcome. Material and Methods: In order to find out noninvasive markers of AGR or other early post transplantation complications and potential indicators for the development of CAD, urinary excretions of enzymes NAG, AAP, -GT; LMW proteins: α1M, β2M; serum/urine creatinine and serum Cystatin C were measured in 46 renal graft recipients within the first post transplantation..........
Keywords; Acute graft rejection, acute tubular necrosis, NAG, AAP,-GT, β2M, 1M/creatinin,/GST, renal transplantation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review of the Theoretical Framework of Culture and Value Applied to Nursing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Colleen Marzilli |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0606093234 ![]() |
Abstract: Cultureis a unique component of each patient, and nurses are charged with caring for the whole patient while in their care. Cultural competence is an important tool that guides the practice of the nurse while providing care to the patient. Understanding the theory behind culture and the nurses' cultural competence. The Purnell Model of Cultural Competence (PMCC) is a valid framework to apply to the application of culture and values. As health care in the US is changing, it is important to note the impact that culture plays in health outcomes. This article explores the use of the PMCC to culture and values as it applies to health care. The intent is to provide an overview of the theory, relate the theory to the concepts, discuss the existing research, recommendations from the existing research, and application to future research recommendations.
Keywords; Purnell Model of Cultural competence, nursing, health, culture, values
[1]. L. Purnell, The Purnell model for cultural competence. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13(3), 2002, 193-196.
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[5]. H.C. Chen, D. McAdams-Jones, D.L. Tay, and J.M. Packer, The impact of service learning on students' cultural competence, Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 7(2), 2012, 67-73.
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Abstract: The present study aimed to investigate the effect of jaw exercises training program on minimizing post-operative complications for patients with mandibular fracture. Design; A quasi-experimental design. Setting; data were collected from trauma department and maxillofacial surgery outpatient clinic at Assiut University Hospital. Sample: A purposive (60) adult patients with mandibular fracture, the age between (18 to 65) years who were randomly divided into study and control group. The study group received jaw exercise training program, while the control group received routine hospital care. Data were collected through: three tools; 1) An interview questionnaire sheet, 2) Assessment patient knowledge about Jaw exercises, and 3) Assessment of post-operative complications......
Keywords; Complications, Exercises, Fractures, Mandibular, Post-operative, Training program
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Abstract: Approximately 15% of expected births worldwide will result in life-threatening complications during pregnancy, delivery, or the postpartum period (WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, and World Bank, 2012). Most maternal and neonatal deaths in low-income countries, including Kenya, are attributable to a handful of preventable causes. Emergency obstetric and newborn care (EmONC) is an integrated strategy that aims to equip health workers with skills, life-saving medicines, and equipment to manage the leading causes of maternal and newborn death. It is on this basis that this study was conducted to find out how the BEmONC training impacted on the reproductive health......
Keywords; BEmONC, knowledge, life-threatening complications.
[1]. Harve,y S. A., Blandón, Y. C., McCaw-Binns, A., Sandino, I., Urbina, L., Rodríguez, C., Gómez, I., Ayabaca, P., Djibrina, S., (2007). Are skilled birth attendants really skilled? A measurement method, some disturbing results and a potential way forward. Bull World Health Organ. 2007, 85 (10): 783-790. 10.2471/BLT.06.038455.
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Abstract: Most of them are from low socioeconomic status, owing to the lack of education and awareness of UTI, they tend to neglect minor symptoms and ultimately face complications like premature births, low birth weight and increased perinatal mortality. Objectives: to assess the knowledge and attitude of pregnant woman regarding urinary tract infection during pregnancy. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 119 pregnant women attending antenatal clinic by purposive sampling technique. The structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Results: the study revealed that 77.3 % women had Average Knowledge and 22.7% of sample had Poor Knowledge. Regarding attitude.....
Keywords; Knowledge, Attitude, Urinary tract Infection, Prevention
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Abstract: Background: Radical cystectomy is the primary treatment for patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer, whereas alternative treatments are reserved for patients with extensive comorbid conditions or poor performance status. It was observed that the numbers of patients with bladder cancer requiring radical cystectomy accompanied with urinary diversion are increasing. These patients require meticulous collaborative care to improve the overall physical and psychological wellbeing. Nursing management protocols are a way of documenting and communicating patient care and should include daily aims, such as mobilization, that increase day by day. Objective: study was conducted to evaluate the effect of implementing a nursing management protocol on the postoperative health outcomes for patients undergoing radical cystectomy with urinary diversion. Setting: The study was conducted at the urology department at Alexandria Main University Hospital. Subjects: A convenience sample of 50 adult admitted at the above mentioned setting and diagnosed with bladder cancer undergoing radical cystectomy.........
Keywords; Nursing Management Protocol, Postoperative Health Outcomes Radical Cystectomy with Urinary Diversion. .
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Abstract: Objective This study aimed to evaluate the first impression of the nursing's students about OSCE attributes as well as exploring the strengths and weaknesses of this assessment tool as perceived by study subjects. Methodology: The sample population consisted of two groups of participants: first and second year. A convenient sample of 151 who examine finally second semester. The mode of data collection utilized an interview questionnaire obout OSCE .The study was carried out in the College of Nursing at Minia University. Result: highest percentage of the samples were 21 years, there is no significant differences between the different ages of the student and their first impression about OSCE in relation to purposes, design, measuring (competency, performance, professional behavior, integration of skills and knowledge, and availability of appropriate resources.........
Keywords; Impression, Learning outcomes, OSCE. .
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