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Abstract: The emergence of chronic conditions is a global burden, affecting the socioeconomic aspects of development and health care services delivery. Comorbidity of chronic conditions has been found to be associated with increased health care costs, poor quality of life due to increased poverty levels. Lack of government prioritization and implementation of health promotion, screening and treatment of chronic conditions services in PHC lead to increased burden of health care service provision within resource constrained areas. However, limited literature exists and gives statistics on how health facilities are coping up. Analyzing available literature would be useful in efforts to explore and establish information on the magnitude, what has been done by government in primary health care in the region and what is yet to be done to curb this fast growing disease burden. The thrust of the review........
Keywords; Co-morbidity, Eastern Africa region, Hypertension and/or diabetes, Primary health care, optimal control,anagementstrategies
[1]. Mohan V, Seedat YK, Pradeepa R. The Rising Burden of Diabetes and Hypertension in Southeast Asian and African Regions: Need for Effective Strategies for Prevention and Control in Primary Health Care Settings. International Journal of Hypertension. 2013;2013:14.
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[3]. Long AN, Dagog-Jack S. comorbidities of diabetes and Hypertension: Mechanism and Approaches to target organ protection. Journal of clinical Hypertension. 2011;13(4):244-51.
[4]. Settumba SN, Sweeney S, Seeley J, Biraro S, Mutungi G, Munderi P, et al. The health system burden of chronic disease care: an estimation of provider costs of selected chronic diseases in Uganda. Tropical Medicine & International Health. 2015;20(6):781-90.
[5]. East Africa Community Secretariat. East African Community Facts and Figures Arusha Tanzania: East African Community; 2015 [cited 2015 November 12th]. Available from:
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Abstract: There have been a lot of focus on the nutritional status women and other vulnerable groups such that adult men seemed to have been neglected. Unfortunately, these are bread winners and providers of their households and they play a very important role in ensuring the food security in households. This study investigated the socio-demographic characteristics and Body Mass Index of male traders in community market. A total of 150 traders who are males and gave their informed consent to participate were recruited into the study. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect information on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics and data on anthropometric.............
Keywords: Market, Traders, Male, Income
[1]. Amira C.O, Sokunbi, D.O.B, Dolapo D, Sokunbi A. (2011) Prevalence of obesity, overweight and protenuira in an urban community in south west Nigeria. Nigeria medical Journal; 52 (2):110-113.
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[5]. Grigg, D. (1995). The nutrition transition in west Europe.Journal of Historical Geography, 22(1), 247-261..
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Abstract: The study aims toassess the impact ofsurgeryonthe body temperature of patients undergoing thoracic surgery throughout the first week,andto find out the relationshipbetweenbody temperatureafter the surgery anddemographic characteristicsof thestudy sample. Methodology: A descriptive study design wascarried out through the period fromDecember 2016 to February 2017 to assessbody temperatureafterthoracic surgeryfor patientsadmitted to thesurgicalfloors. The study was conductedat Al-shahedGhazial-HaririHospital andIbn Al-NafisHospitalforChest Diseases. The research sampleincluded60 patients. Data were collectedby using..........
[1]. Attia, J., Ray, J. G., Cook, D. J., Douketis, J., Ginsberg, J. S., &Geerts, W. H. (2001). Deep vein thrombosis and its prevention in critically ill adults. Archives of Internal Medicine, 161(10), 1268-1279.
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[5]. El Baz, N., Middel, B., Van Dijk, J. P., Boonstra, P. W., &Reijneveld, S. A. (2009). Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery patients in a clinical pathway gained less in health‐related quality of life as compared with patients who undergo CABG in a conventional‐care plan. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 15(3), 498-505.
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Abstract: Nowadays, Quality assurance is considered a major concern for providers of services in the society especially in higher education and the health services. Checking of students' perceptions is one of main itemscan help the success of the educational courses and beneficial for course development and improvement. Aim: This study aimed to assess quality assurance of Medical -Surgical course at Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University from Students' perspective. Methods: This study was carried out at Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University with all available students of third level who have been studied and passed exam of medical surgical course...........
Keywords:Medical surgical course, Quality assurance, Students' perspective
[1]. Brackenreg, J, 2004 in González-Chordá,( 2015): Evaluation of the quality of the teaching-learning process in undergraduate courses in Nursing, Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem,23(4):700-7
[2]. Brown 1997 in Hogston, R., etal (2006): Quality assurance and UK nurse education, Nursing standard, Art and Science research, 20 (27), Pp. 41
[3]. Brown 2000 inHogston, R., etal (2006): Quality assurance and UK nurse education, Nursing standard, Art and Science research, 20 (27), Pp. 41
[4]. Brown JF, 2008 in González-Chordá, (2015): Evaluation of the quality of the teaching-learning process in undergraduate courses in Nursing, Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem,23(4):700-7..
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Abstract: Pulse oximetry is a non-invasive, painless and reliable method of measuring arterial oxygen saturation. It reflects the percentage of hemoglobin that is capable of transporting oxygen in the blood. Measurement of oxygen saturation is now considered to be a component of routine vital signs. This study was an interventional study in nature and assessed the knowledge level of pediatric nurses in a tertiary care setting, regarding the use of pulse oximeter and the interpretation of the available data. Around 61 nurses in both the groups who work in the pediatric care set up participated in the study. The study revealed that there was no significant difference in the pre test scores between the control and the experimental groups (p=0.14), but there was a significant difference in the posttest score between the groups (p<0.001). Based on the study findings a comprehensive teaching module was prepared on the use of pulse oximetry..........
[1]. Stoneham, M.D., Saville, G.M., & Wilson, I.H (1994). Knowledge about pulse oximetry among medical and nursing staff. Lancet, 344, 1339-1342.
[2]. Popovich, D.M., Richiuso. N., & Dane, G. (2004) Paediatric health care providers' knowledge of pulse oximetry, Paediatric Nursing, 30, 14-20.
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[4]. Kruger PS, Longden PJ. A study of a hospital staff's knowledge of pulse oximetry. Anaesth Intensive Care. 1997;25:38–41.
[5]. Stoneham MD, Saville GM, Wilson IH. Knowledge about pulse oximetry among medical and nursing staff. Lancet. 1994;344:1339–1342.
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Abstract: Patient safety is a significant challenge facing health care team. An important part of patient safety is the issue of medication administration. One of the most serious issue could threat patient safety is occurrence of medication administrationerrors. Nurses in particular, play a significant role in medication administration. Reporting medication administration errors is considered an essential nursing action that should be donefor maintaining patient safety. Understanding nurses' attitude and perceived barriers toward reporting of medication administration errors is an initial step to avoid causes lead to occurrence of errors, as well as to encourage nurses to report about errors. This study was aimed toidentify the factors affecting nurses' attitude toward under- reporting of medication administration errors............
[1]. Al-Youssif, S., A., Mohamed, L.,Kh.,& Mohamed, N., N., Nurses; experiences toward perception of medication administration errors reporting, Journal of Nursing and Health Science,1 (4), 2013, 56-70.
[2]. Cheragi, M., A., Mohammadnejad, E., &Ehsani, S., R., Types and causes of medication errors from nurse's viewpoint, (2013:. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 18 (3), 2013, 228-231.
[3]. Hashemi, F., Nasrabadi, A., N., &Asghari, F., Factors associated with reporting nursing errors in Iran: a qualitative study, Journal of BMC Nursing, 11 (1) 2012, 11-20.
[4]. Hung, Ch.,Ch., Lee, B., Liang, H.,F., & Chu, T., P., Factors influencing nurses' attitudes and intentions toward medication administration error reporting,Japan Academy of Nursing Science, 13(3), 2016,345-354
[5]. Johnson, J., & Thomas, M., Medication errors: knowledge and attitude of nurses in Ajman, 1 (4), 2013, 647.
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Abstract: Increasing life expectancy and the progressive aging have resulted in a huge health problems and age related functional limitations of older adults which result in increasing level of dependency. Caring for an elderly relative can result in problems such as care-giving burden, stress and depression. Aim of the study: The current study aimed to investigate the effect of elderly health problems on caregivers' health at rural areas in Sharkia Governorate, Egypt. Design: A cross- sectional descriptive research design was used to conduct this study. Setting: The present study was conducted at Ekwa village, Diarb Negm district in Sharkia Governorate. Sample: The present study enrolled 110 elderly and their caregivers (110) were selected by using a multistage cluster random sampling technique. Tools: Two categories of tools were..........
Keywords: Elderly, Elderly Health Problems, Caregivers, Caregiver's Health, Rural Areas, Sharkia Governorate
[1]. United States Economic and Social Affairs: World Population Ageing- [Online].2015[cited2017jun6]; [2]. United Nations World Population Prospects. The Demographic Profile of Egypt. [Online]. 2012[cited2017jun8]; Retrieved from:
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[4]. Hassan A., Siddiqui M.A., Bedewi M.A., and Serhan O. (2015): Evaluation of Age Related Changes in Cervical Spine in Saudi Arabian Adult Population: Using CT scans Images. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences; 6(2):760-769.
[5]. Gambin G., Molzahn A., Fuhrmann A.C., Morais E.P. and Paskulin L.M. (2015): Quality of life of older adults in rural southern. The International Electronic Journal of Rural and Remote Health, Research, Education, Practice and Policy; 15(33): 1-12..
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Abstract: Maternal health is one of the eight Millennium Development Goals, is central to poverty reduction and overall development efforts and it increased international attention for monitoring progress on maternal health and improving access to skilled attendants at deliveries. In Kenya, 44 percent of births are delivered under the supervision of a health professional, mainly a nurse or midwife. Traditional birth attendants continue to play a vital role in delivery, assisting with 28 percent of births. This research paper aimed to study the role of views on staff behaviour on the utilization of skilled delivery services by Maasai women, the study population belonging to a community of nomadic life style in North of Kajiado County in Kenya population. The study design was a cross sectional descriptive........
Keywords:Maasai Women, views on staff behaviour, Utilization of Skilled Delivery Services, Kajiado County, Kenya
[1]. WHO.The world health report 2005-make every mother and child count. Geneva 2005b.
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Abstract: Ego resilience works as a stress resistance mechanism. It reinforces the individual's ability to recover from negative emotional experiences and flexibly adjusts to stressful events which is essential to individual's well-being and life satisfaction. Having high level of ego resilience and successfully dealing with perceived stress are very important to heighten life satisfaction for every individual and more especially for nursing students as they are encountered with lot of stressors during their clinical experience. Aim: This study aims to determine the relationship between levels of ego resilience, perceived stress, and degree of life satisfaction among Faculty Nursing Students, Damanhour University. Design: A descriptive correlational design was followed in this study...........
Keywords:Ego resilience, Perceived-stress, and Life satisfaction.
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Abstract: Adhesive Capsulitis is a very painful condition of the shoulder characterized by pain, severe stiffness and restriction of movements usually present in the sixth decade of life. Onset before the age 40 years is uncommon and the non dominant shoulder is slightly more likely to be affected. The purpose of this study was to compare the Cyriax soft tissue release and Myofascial Release technique along with conservative management in Adhesive Capsulitis on pain, disability and range of motion. Method: This study has been conducted at out-patient department of Sardar Bhagwan Singh Post Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences and Research. 30 subjects were completed the study. The subjects were randomly assigned into two groups. Group A received Cyriax...........
Keywords: Adhesive capsulitis, Cyriax, Myofascial Release, shoulder pain and disability index, range of motion.
[1]. F.G. Uysal and E. Kozanougue, Comparison of the Early Response of two methods of Rehabilitation in Adhesive Capsulitis, SWISS MED WKLY, 134, 2014, 353-358.
[2]. O.B. Mirza, A.B.Uzma and N. Asma, Pain Modulation in Frozen Shoulder- Electrotherapy Versus Exercise Therapy, ANNALS, 17(3), 2011, 245-250.
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[4]. J.I. Ason, S. G. Sundaram and V.M. Subramani, Physiotherapy Intervention for Adhesive Capsulitis of Shoulder. A Systemic Review, International Journal of Physiotherapy Research, 3(6), 2015, 1318-1325.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Husband Support to their wives During Maternal Period |
Country | : | Nepal |
Authors | : | Isabel Lawot |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-0606077881 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Husband support to their wives during maternal period is identified one of the emerging issues in developing country. People perceived the pregnancy and child birth as women's domain. Hence it is important to encourage husbands to support their wives during maternal period. Methods and Materials: A descriptive research design was employed. The structured interview schedule was used to collect data among 100 husbands of pregnant women attended in Antenatal clinic of Patan Hospital and Paropakar Maternity and Women's Hospital Thapathali Nepal..........
Keywords:Antenatal, Childbirth, Husband Support, Postnatal Care, Wives
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Abstract: Background: Nursing work environment is under the spotlight of international interest as it has been scientifically approved to help in providing opportunities to improve working conditions which play a major role in maintaining adequate level of staff, and other nurses' outcome such as job satisfaction and retention. Aim: This study aimed to examine the practice environment of nurses and the level of job satisfaction from the perspective of staff nurses. Method: Quantitative, cross-sectional descriptive correlational design was used in this study to examine the practice environment of nurses and the level of job satisfaction from the perspective of staff nurses at five governmental hospitals in Makkah...........
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Abstract: A focused evaluation of learning needs with a better determination of time during admission for percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) is urged for elderly patients. When elderly patients' learning needs are not met, there is an insufficient treatment, decrease in coping ability and increase in anxiety. Aim of the current study was to Identify learning needs of elderly patients undergoing PCI. Method; A descriptive research design was used to conduct this study at the Cardiac Catheterization Unit in the Specialized-Medical Hospital affiliated to Mansoura University Hospital. A purposive sample of 108 elderly patients undergoing PCI who met the inclusion criteria. Tools Socio-Demographic characteristics& Health Profile Structure Interview Schedule and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Learning Needs Inventory were used to collect data............
Keywords:Elderly patients, Learning needs, Percutaneeous coronary interventions
[1]. Al Khayyal, H., El Geneidy, M., & El Shazly, S. A. M. (2016). Elders' Knowledge about Risk Factors of Coronary Heart Disease, Their Perceived Risk, and Adopted Preventive Behaviors. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(10), 89–98.
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