Series-1 (Mar. - Apr. 2020)Mar. - Apr. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Abstract: Introduction: History taking is an important aspect of medical education. It a skill that all students of medicine should possess. In the first professional year of medicine, students are hardly exposed to the patients. Teaching history taking is usually in the form of didactic lecture with little involvement of students. To make history taking session interesting and interactive, role play was used as a teaching method. Role play has been used for small group teaching to make learning effective. Material and method: 200 medical students were divided into batches of 20. In each group a role play was conducted. Structured role play was used.....
Key words: role play, history taking.
[1]. Keifenheimetal.Teaching history taking to medical students: a systematic review. BMC Medical Education (2015) 15:159.
[2]. Huang S, Peng Xu et al .An Effective Teaching Method to Enhance History-Taking Skills for Chinese Medical Students. International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 7, No. 2; 2018
[3]. Ainsworth A M, Holden D M. et al,An Example of a History, Physical Examination, Presentation and Problem Solving Practical Examination Station(Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas Medical Branch)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Weighing Research Competency of Undergraduates: An Empirical Study |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Dr. Shadma Iffat |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1002010410 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Writing a scientific research is a very influential segment of the graduation program in King Khalid University (KKU). The purpose of the study is to investigate the research competency of the college students from KKU and to find out the factors that come in between their successful accomplishment of research tasks. Materials and Methods: The present research is an empirical study, essentially based on the qualitative approach. The study sample consisted of 70 students studying in different Colleges of King Khalid University. The data is obtained through a survey questionnaire to assess the students' attitude towards research. The results are displayed in bar graph....
Key Word: Undergraduates; Research Activities; Research Attitude; Academic Environment
[1]. Al-Asadi, Sami. The Impact of Cultural Imperatives on Academic Writing in Arab Contexts European Scientific Journal. vol.11, No.31 2015. ISSN: 1857 – 7881.
[2]. Al-Fadda, Hind. Difficulties in Academic Writing: From the Perspective of King Saud University Postgraduate Students. English Language Teaching 2012 Vol. 5, No. 3.
[3]. Alghamdi, Amani K., Hussaini, Ibtesam Yassin, Al-Hattami, Abdulghani Ali. Plagiarism In Saudi Arabian Public Higher Education: Reasons And Solutions. Asian Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies 2018 1(1): 40-48.
[4]. Ali, Jamal Kaid Mohammed, Bin-Hady, Wagdi Rashid Ali. A Study of EFL Students' Attitudes, Motivation and Anxiety towards WhatsApp as a Language Learning Tool Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) 2019 Special Issue on CALL No. 5.
[5]. Al-Khairy, Mohamed Ali. Saudi English-Major Undergraduates' Academic Writing Problems: A Taif University Perspective English Language Teaching; 2013 Vol. 6, No. 6.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effect of Multicultural Family Background on EFL Students Risk-Taking in Writing |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | AgusBudiarte |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1002011117 ![]() |
Abstract: Many studies on students' risk-taking of monocultural family has been broadly well reported, but the study on students' risk-taking in multicultural family is barely overviwed.The aim of this study was to find out whether or not there was correlation between students' risk taking and their writing ability. This research was quantitative research. The subjects of this research were 15 students. The writing test and questionnaire test were administrated as the instrument of this research. The result showed that there was a statistically high correlation of the students' risk taking and their writing ability. This suggests that the higher students' risk taking level, the better their writing ability
Key Word: risk taking, writing ability, multicultural family.
[1]. Alshalabi, M. Fadi. (2003). Study of theories of personality and learning styles: Some implications and sample activities to support curriculum change in a higher education TESOL program in Syria. (University of Edinburgh). Retrieved from
[2]. Argawati, N. O., &Suryani, L. (2017). Teaching Writing Using Think-Pair-Share viewed from Students' Level of Risk-Taking. ERJEE, 109-116.
[3]. Beebe, L.M. (1983). Risk-taking and the language learner. In Seliger& Long, Classroom Oriented Research in Second Language Acquisition (39-66). Rowley: Newbury House
[4]. Bouhenika. (2015). The Effects of Risk Taking on the Learning of Spoken English at University. Constantine: University of Constantine One.
[5]. Brown, H. D. (1994). Teaching by Principles. USA: Prentice Hall Regents. http:// www. ssenglishteacher. Com
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Abstract: The focused on the meta-analysis of studies on effects of instructional approaches on students' academic achievement in chemistry. The study performed a meta-analysis of results from the experimental studies that examined the effect of teaching method/ strategies on academic achievement in chemistry, so as to arrive at the approach that had largest effect. size. Three research questions and five hypotheses guided this study. Ex post facto design was adopted for the study. Government owned universities in South East of Nigeria that offer chemistry in the Department of Science Education were used for the studies .The population of the study consisted of all unpublished previous studies on effect of teaching methods/ strategies on students' achievement in chemistry. A sample of 44 studies with 45 approaches carried out in Nigeria between 2000 to 2018 purposively drawn from.....
Key Words: meta-analysis, effect size, achievement, chemistry, instructional approach
[1]. Cheung, M. W.L. (2014). Modeling dependent effect sizes with three-level meta-analyses: A structural equation modeling approach. Psychological Methods, 19(2), 211–229.
[2]. Eya P.E. (2002). Computer assisted teaching and learning. In O. Nwafor& A.B.C. Ugwu edition.Essential of Educational Technology.Enugu: Fred- Ogah Publishers.
[3]. Harbour-Peters, V.F.A. (2001).University of Nigeria Nsukka Inaugural Lecture Umasking Some Aversive Aspect of Schools Mathematics and Strategies or Averting them. Enugu: Snap Press Limited.
[4]. Ikokwu, P.I.I (2015). Relative effectiveness of concept mapping and simulation game on students' interest and achievement in organic chemistry. (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), NnamdiAzikiwe University, Awka.
[5]. Izuegbuanm, A.G., Osuafor, A.M., Nwanze, A.C., Emerhiona, F. & Pius, P.O. (2018). Improving students' achievement in chemistry through cooperative learning and individualized instruction. "British" Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 26(2), 1-11.
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Abstract: The study investigated the influence of teacher qualification and experience on Physics students' enrolment and academic attainment in selected secondary schools in Rivers State, Nigeria. The study adopted mixed research methods involving both quantitative and qualitative methods. 378 subjects selected purposively, comprising 116 non-physics students, 248 physics students and 14 physics teachers recruited from 8 schools participated in the study. The results show a positive correlation between students' attainment and teachers' qualification. Resource availability and teachers' resource utilization also correlated positively with students' attainment. Teacher qualification and experience did not significantly correlate with students' attainment by gender. Also, students' enrolment was not influenced Teachers' qualification and experience. The study recommended the need for teachers to enhance their teaching by engaging in Continuous Professional Development activities that could improve their pedagogical content knowledge for better learner experiences in physics classrooms.
Key words: Teacher qualification, Teacher experience, Physics, Enrolment, Attainment
[1]. Aliyu, U.A., Yashe, A. &Adeyeye, A.C. (2013). Effects of teachers‟ qualification on performance in further mathematics among secondary school students. MathematicalTheory and Modeling, 3(11), 140-146.
[2]. Brok, P. D., Brekelmans, M. & Wubbels, T. (2004). Interpersonal teacher behavior and student outcomes.
[3]. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 15(3-4), 407-442).
[4]. Darling-Hammond, L. (2000). Teacher quality and student achievement. Education policyanalysis archives, 8(1), 1-44.
[5]. Darling-Hammond, L. (2012). Creating a comprehensive system for evaluating and supportingeffective teaching. Stanford, CA. Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education.
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Abstract: The study investigated reducing Mathemaphobia and improving students' achievement in Mathematics using constructivist approach in Abia State, Nigeria. The study adopted a mixed research design which involved a descriptive survey design and a quasi-experimental of pre-test, post test and control group design. Seven research questions were posed and answered and three hypothesis were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The population comprised all the 8,325 junior secondary school students in Abia State. A sample of 833 Junior Secondary School students was used for the descriptive survey selected through simple random techniques and a sample of 174 Junior Secondary School students was used for the experimental groups selected through stratified random sampling technique. The instruments for data collection were a questionnaire titled Student.....
Key Words: Mathematics, Mathemaphobia, Achievement and Constructivist
[1]. Agbaola, O. S. & Oyemede, E. O. (2007). Effects of project, inquiry and lecture demonstration teaching methods on senior secondary students achievement in separation of mixture practical.
[2]. Amara, O., Garrison, L. & Klentschy, M. (2002). Helping English-learners increase achievement through inquiry-based science instruction. Bilingual Research Journal. 26 (2); 213-239
[3]. Emenalo, S. I. (2006). Mathematics phobia, causes, treatment and prevention. International Journal of Mathematical Education 1n Science and Technology. 15 (4)l 447-459
[4]. Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013). National Policy on Education. Lagos: NERDC Press.
[5]. Iji, C. O. (2007). Challenges of primary Mathematics for Universal Basic education (UBE). Journal of Mathematics Association of Nigeria. ABACUS 32 (1); 10-16
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Abstract: Utilization of technology can be used to change print teaching materials into non-print with the aim that students can learn independently and be more motivated to learn. One of the non-printed teaching materials is an electronic module. In the electronic module used there is an inquiry based learning model and an integrated contextual teaching and learning approach. This research aims to produce an electronic module using an inquiry based learning model integrated with the contextual teaching and learning approach with valid, practical and effective criteria. While the type of this research is development research with the development model used is ADDIE. The ADDIE model has five stages consisting of analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation........
Key Words: Electronic Module, Inquiry Based Learning, Contextual Teaching and Learning.
[1]. Panduan pengembangan bahan ajar, (Jakarta, Depdiknas : 2008)
[2]. Gunadharma, Ananda. Pengembangan Modul Elektronik sebagai Sumber Belajar untuk Mata Kuliah Multimedia Desain. Artikel Ilmiah Tugas Akhir. (Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Jakarta : 2011).
[3]. Yulkifli, Melia, Vivi, Ningrum dan Widyaningrum, Indrasari. The Validity of Student Worksheet Using Inquiry-Based Learning Model with Science Process Skill Approach for Physics Learning of High School. JPPPF. 2019.5 (2) :155-162.
[4]. R Anggraini, Y Darvina, H Amir, M Murtiani, dan Y Yulkifli. Electronic Module Design with Scientifically Character-Charged Approach on Kinematics Material Learning to Improve Holistic Competence of High School Students in 10th Grade. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (2018) 012075
[5]. Kurikulum 2013 Sekolah Menengah Atas, (Jakarta, Permendikbud Nomor 59 : 2014)
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Abstract: This study investigated self-concept and locus of control as correlates of marital stability among married adults in Rivers State. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether self-concept and locus of control relate to marital stability of married adults in Rivers State. Five research questions were formulated to guide the conduct of the study while five corresponding hypotheses were tested. A correlational research design was adopted in the study. The population of the study consisted of 76,426 married adults. A multi-stage stratified random sampling technique was adopted to select 398 married adults in Rivers State as sample. The researchers designed instrument titled "Self-Concept, Locus of Control and Marital Stability Scale (SLMSS)" for data collection. Cronbach Alpha was used in determining the reliability of the instrument which yielded a coefficient of 0.88. Copies of the questionnaire were.....
Key Words: Locus of control, self-concept, correlate, marital stability, married adults.
[1]. Dike, A.A. (2009). Divorce in Igbo society, continued indigenous normative imbeddedness.The Nigerian Journal of Social Studies, 3(1):42-45.
[2]. Esere, M.O. (2007). Communication management skill training as a marriage enrichment programme in the improvement of marital adjustment.The Counsellor, 23:69-77.
[3]. Filani, T.O. (2004). An experimental study of communication skills, training and cognitive restructuring on the marital adjustment of some Nigerian couples.Journal of Marriage Counselling, 5(2):68-73.
[4]. Gale, R.F. (1969). Development behavior: A Humanistic Approach. Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc.
[5]. Iruloh, B.N. and Amadi, G.N. (2008).Psychological perspective of drug abuse, prevention and treatment.University of Port Harcourt press, Port Harcourt, Nigeria