Series-7 (Mar. - Apr. 2020)Mar. - Apr. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Abstract: Background: The "flipped classroom" model is a teaching approach where traditional lectures are conducted out of class, mainly through pre-recorded videos and other teaching material packaged prior to in-class sessions. The conduct time between the teacher and students is replaced by more student-centred, active learning activities such as discussions, presentations and debates. Thestudy aimed to examine how the use of a flipped classroom approach affects the teaching and learning experiences of students and teachers, when compared to the traditional approach, from the perspective of students and lecturer in a Zimbabwean urban university.......
Key words:Flipped classroom; Students; Perceptions; Zimbabwe; Nutrition
[1]. Roehl A, Reddy SL & Shannon GJ (2013) The flipped classroom: An opportunity to engage millennial students through active learning strategies. J. Fam. Consum. Sci. 105, 44–49.
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[4]. Critz CM & Knight D (2013) Using the flipped classroom in graduate nursing education. Nurse Educ. 38, 210–213. LWW.
[5]. Persky AM & McLaughlin JE (2017) The flipped classroom–from theory to practice in health professional education. Am. J. Pharm. Educ. 81. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
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Abstract: In view of the worldwide role English language plays globally, its speaking skill must be adapted properly utilizing the Received Pronunciation. This research investigated the use of A la Carte model of blended learning on the performance and interest of two hundred (200) level college students in the department of Educational Foundation, Faculty of Education, and two hundred (200) level college students of English department, Faculty of Humanities, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Two-group pretest-posttest semi experimental research design was used. The study had three (3) objectives, three (3) research questions and three (3) hypotheses. The population of the study was one hundred and forty (140) college students. A sample size of one hundred.....
Keywords: Phonetics, A la Carte model, Students, Gender
[1]. Alvarez, C., & Cuesta, L. (2012). Designing for online interaction: Scaffolded and collaboration intervention in a graduate level blended course. European Association for computer-Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL). School of modern languages, UK.
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Abstract: This study examined instructional leadership practices of public secondary school principals in Cross River State, Nigeria. The study adopted ex-post facto research design. The population for this study comprised of public secondary school teachers. There are a total of 18,999 public secondary school teachers teaching in various secondary schools across the state.Using stratified random sampling technique, 36 public secondary schools were sampled from three Local Government Areas of Odukpani, Calabar Municipality and Calabar South for this study. Seven (7) teachers were drawn from each of the schools with 252 secondary school teachers engaged as the respondents for the study. Teacher Rating and Ranking of Public Secondary Schools Principal's Questionnaire was.....
[1]. Agbo, F. O (2008). An investigation into the forces behind examination malpractices. A challenge for secondary school education in the 21st Century. Journal of curriculum organization. Nigeria. 10(2) 344-347
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[3]. Arikewuyo, M. (2016). School leadership in West Africa: Findings from a systematic Literature Review. African Education Review 13(3-4).
[4]. Bush, T. (2014). Instructional leadership and leadership for learning: Global and South African perspectives, Education as change.
[5]. Bush, T. & Glover, D. (2013a). School leadership in West Africa, Paris, UNESCO.
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Abstract: This paper sough to examine globalization and higher education as a challenge for curricular innovation for relevant education. It is geared towards establishing the relevance of globalization in the selection of relevant curriculum and innovative patterns of teachers in higher education as to promote the presence of relevant education. To foster this, several concepts and theory were reviewed to further establish the purpose laid-out for this study. In conjunction with this, it was concluded that globalization do influence the innovative nature of the teacher as well as the curriculum that therefore brings about the dynamic nature of the entire educational process.....
Keywords: Globalization, Higher Education, and Innovation for Relevant Education
[1]. Anikpo, M.(in Okodudu, S. and Peterside, S.J., 2015). The Academic Legacies of Anikpo: With Reminiscences of Associates and Friends. Port Harcourt. Souldek Consulting.
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[5]. Haralambos, H. & Holborn, M. (2008). Sociology: Theories and Perspectives (6th Ed). Collins London
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Abstract: This study aimed to identify the level of vicarious trauma and psychological resilience among psychologists who work in mental health centers in Gaza governorates and to find out the nature of the relationship between vicarious trauma and psychological resilience..The study sample consisted of (56) psychologists from mental health centers in Gaza. The study found that the psychologists had a low degree of vicarious trauma and high degree of psychological vicarious resilience.
Keywords: vicarious traumas - psychological resilience- psychologists
[1]. American Psychological Association. The road to resilience. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association; 2014. Retrieved from
[2]. Bell, H., Kulkarni, S., & Dalton, L. (2003). Organizational prevention of vicarious trauma. Families in society, 84(4), 463-470.
[3]. Benight, C. C., & Bandura, A. (2004). Social cognitive theory of posttraumatic recovery: The role of perceived self-efficacy. Behaviour research and therapy, 42(10), 1129-1148
[4]. Bober, T., &Regehr, C. (2006). Strategies for reducing secondary or vicarious trauma: Do they work?. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention, 6(1), 1.
[5]. Canfield, J. (2005). Secondary traumatization, burnout, and vicarious traumatization: A review of the literature as it relates to therapists who treat trauma. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 75(2), 81-101.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Applying Ambiguous Picture Story as a Media to Improve Students' Achievement in Writing Ability |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Suci Hawa |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1002073943 ![]() |
Abstract: The research aimed to find out the achievement of students descriptive text writing ability by using ambiguous picture story as a media. The researcher use true experimental design, where she took two classes randomly as a control class and experimental class. The sample of this research was the students in Senior High School 3 Bandar Lampung. The instrument of the research was test. The result of T-test is 4.4572. The result of level of significant 0.05 was 2.00. It means that, it is accepted because 4.4572 > 2.00. Then it can be assumed that there is significant achievement of using this media to improve students' descriptive text writing ability. By using ambiguous picture story as media in writing, it can help the students to create stories with their own idea based upon the observations from the picture..
Keywords: Ambiguous Picture Story, Media, Writing
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[4]. Heaton, J. B. 1975. Writing English Language Test Practicing Guide for Teaching English as a Second Language. London: Group Limited.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Research on Teaching Evaluation of Mathematics Online Open Courses Based on DEA |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Yong Wei Yang || Yong Zhao Wang |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1002074447 ![]() |
Abstract: Online open course construction uses information technology means to integrate and share high-quality teaching resources and micro courses, and further promote curriculum construction on the basis of promoting resource sharing. Online open courses play an important role in promoting the reform of education and teaching and the innovation of education system in colleges and universities, and improving the construction of education and teaching quality. Mastering the scale and scope of online open course teaching activities is an important means to evaluate the performance of online teaching mode and promote the promotion of online teaching mode. Firstly, this paper determines the selection principle of online open course evaluation index, designs the evaluation index system, secondly, expounds the principle and method of DEA evaluation model, and finally makes an empirical study on 9 online open courses of mathematics in a certain university..
Keywords: online open course, performance evaluation, data envelopment analysis
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Abstract: Background: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between skills acquired from TVET schools and youth employment in Rwanda. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to determine the skills acquired from TVET schools that can help youth in getting employment; to assess the levels of employment among graduates from Tumba College of Technology (TVET schools); and to establish the relationship between skills acquired from TVET schools and youth employment. Method: The research used a descriptive survey research design and correlational research design. The study population comprises assistant lecturers, heads of department ...
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Abstract: People and students alike often suffer a great deal of stress as a result of day to day life happenings and commitments like work place requirements, uncertainty of career choices and future prospects, family commitments, fear of academic failure among other factors. It is difficult to gauge stress because different people respond differently to different situations under different circumstances. It was against this background that the present study was envisaged. This study assessed the stress levels among undergraduates and postgraduates in relation to gender in Moi University. The study was conducted at Moi University, Main CampusEldoret. The sample constituted students from school of education through simple random sampling techniques of fishers 'factor theory of one seventy participants. The data collected was coded and analyzed using mean scores and standard deviation while inferential statistics used wast test. The analysis was done at .05 level of significance. The findings revealed that.......
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