Series-6 (Mar. - Apr. 2020)Mar. - Apr. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Abstract: An investigation was carried out to study the effects of television and internet on academic performance of senior secondary schools students in Rigachukun Inspectorate of Kaduna state. A well structured and designed questionnaire was adopted in eliciting information from the respondents. The respondents were sampled from schools within Kaduna state. The information obtained showed that the percentage of senior secondary school students who made use of internet for academic purpose was as much as those who could not operate a computer or even browse the internet. Good number of students applied internet mostly through phones and computer with internet access in solving their assignment. A larger percentage of students devoted their time to watching...
Key words: Internet, Television, academic performance, utilization
[1]. Achimugu, P.; Oluwagbemi, O. and Adeniran, O. (2010). An Evaluation of the Impact of ICT Diffusion in Nigeria‟s Higher Educational Institutions. Journal of Information Technology Impact. Vol. 10 (1):25-34.
[2]. Anderson, D., Huston, A., Schmitt, K,., Linebarger,D., & Wright, J. (2001) Early Childhood television viewing and adolescent behaviour Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 66, 1.
[3]. Brown, B. and Marin, P. (2009). Adolescents and electronic media: growing up plugged in. Child Trend Research Brief. National Adolescent Health Centre. 29:1- 13.
[4]. Blurton, C.(2002)."New Directions of ICT Use in Education". Available online educprog/lwf/dl/edict.pdf; accessed 7 August 2002.
[5]. Escobar-Chavez, S.L., and Anderson, C. (2008). Media and risky behaviors. Future of Children. Vol 18, no 1, 147-180.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Women in Higher Education: Challenges for the 21st Century. |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Adesoji Olubunmi Omoniyi |
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: | :10.9790/7388-1002061013 ![]() |
Abstract: In Nigeria, higher education is recognized as a key force for modernization and development. The issue of women underrepresentation in leadership positions in Nigeria public Universities remain unattended to, despite the efforts and agreements been made by world bodies and countries to address the issue and ensure even development. One of such agreements was the affirmative action made during the Beijing Conference held in China 1995 which demanded 30% of women for every political position. The fact remains that credible and qualified women are found in different works of life, apart from the political arena, and these women play significant roles to keep and maintain life system; but it appears that most leadership positions in Universities are occupied by men without.....
Keywords: Higher education, women, underrepresentation, leadership, positions, challenges
[1]. [1]. Agulana, G. G. (2006). Barriers to Academic Leadership for Nigerian Female Lecturers WOREC Jorunals of Gender Studies 1(3) 222-231.
[2]. Alberta Government (2015). Alumen service.
[3]. Bobson, A and Bell, D. (ed) (2006). Environmental Citizenship. The MIT Press. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Edinburgh), London.
[4]. Dupe, A. (2003:36). Are women Better Managers in the work place? Lifestyle Business Times, 2016.
[5]. Emenalo & Okeke (2016). Gender Disparity in Leadership position in Nigerian Universities. New perspectives in Gender Studies – pp. 270-287.
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Abstract: Listening has been considered the most challenging subject for students of the University of Economics and Business Administration – Thai Nguyen University (TUEBA).Due to several factors, their performance is not as good as expected. An internet-based programme was applied, and after a semester, it proves to work well. This article will provide a clear look of the results of the process.
Keywords: English language listening skill, listening skill, internet-based programme, University of Economics and Business Administration – Thai Nguyen University, TUEBA.
[1]. Hoang Van Van. Factors affecting non-major English language training in Vietnam National University, Hanoi. Journal of Sciences, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. 2014,24:22-37
[2]. Nguyen Van Loi, Chung Thi Thanh Hang. Factors influencing the English proficiency growth of English education students at Can Tho University. Can Tho University Journal of Science.2014,32:67-74
[3]. Ferris, D. Students' views of academic aural/oral skills: A comparative needs analysis. TESOL Quarterly. 1998,32:289-318.
[4]. Ferris, D. & Tagg, T. Academic listening/speaking tasks for ESL students: Problems, suggestions, and implications. TESOL Quarterly. 1996,30: 297-320.
[5]. Boyle, J. P. Factors Affecting Listening Comprehension. ETC Journal. 1984.38:34-38
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Abstract: Students' educational outcome can be attributed to how teachers influence the performance of their students. Creating a positive learning environment through one's self-efficacy and instructional management can serve as barometer for students' success. This study aims to find out the correlation of teachers' efficacy and instructional management being important predictors of students' scholastic performance. The study employed quantitative descriptive method using descriptive statistics. It was conducted at Surigao del Sur State University, Philippines tapping the teachers and students of the College of Teacher Education as the respondents. Complete enumeration was employed for the faculty; while stratified random sampling for the students. It was conducted during the first semester of 2018-2019. The result revealed that the teachers' sense of efficacy manifested a positive....
Keywords: Self-Efficacy, Instructional Management, Student Engagement, Instructional Practices, Behavioral Management Strategies
[1]. Baker, P.H. (2005). Managing student behavior: how ready are teachers to meet the challenge? American Secondary Education, 33(3), 51-64.
[2]. Bandura, A. (1997). Self-Efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: W.H. Freeman
[3]. Boghossian, P. (2006). Behaviorism, constructivism and soctratic pedagogy.Educational Philosophy and Theory, 38(6), 713-722
[4]. Cherry, K. (2009). What is behaviorism? Retrieved from psychology/f/behaviorism.htm
[5]. Davis, H.A. &Kozel, S. (2009). Teacher efficacy. In E. Anderman& L. Anderman (Eds): Psychology of Classroom Learning: An Encyclopedia (PCL). Thompson Press.
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Abstract: This study aims to compare the flow of loading and unloading of export and import containers through the Makassar and Surabaya Container Terminals. This research is a type of comparative research using quantitative-qualitative data. The results of this study indicate the volume of import and export in Surabaya Container Terminal 1,464,258 TEUs per year more, compared to Makassar Container Terminal which only ranges from 5660.6 TEUs per year. The condition of the hinterland, the services, and regulations related to import exports greatly affect the volume of containers through Surabaya and Makassar Container Terminals
Keywords: comparison, export, import, Surabaya, Makassar
[1]. Jinca M.Yamin, 2011, Indonesian Sea Transportation, System Analysis & Case Study, Brilliant International: Jakarta.
[2]. Report of the Ministry of Transportation's Research and Development Agency, 2011. Study on the Development of Domestic Container Transportation for Eastern Indonesia.
[3]. Aulia Ahmad and Muhammad Mashuri. 2016. Analysis of the Queuing Cargo Ship System at the Port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya. Journal of Science and Art in ITS. Vol.5 (1). D 96-102.
[4]. Langas Denny Siahaan and Rita. 2014. Evaluation of Container Transport Performance at the Port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya in the Efforts of Logistics Efficiency. Transportation Research News, Volume 26 (8), August 2014.
[5]. Muhammad Idris, Muh.Asdar, Ganding Sitepu, 2017, The Feasibility Analysis of Container Terminal in Makassar As an International Port of Era Free Trade. International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES). ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821: Volume 6 (1), January 2017, PP.46-52.
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Abstract: There has been record of vocational training centres being under capacity in Elgeyo-Marakwet County for the past several years. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the level of awareness on existing sources of financing contribute to enrolment in public vocational training centres. The target population comprised of 11 principals, 60 tutors, 1437 VTCs students and 20 primary school leavers. The sample size had 394 respondents; 11 principals, 52 tutors and 312 VTCs students. Snowballing method was used to locate 20 primary school leavers. The study used questionnaires and interview schedules as instruments for data collection. The study found out that the level of awareness of existing sources of funding by students and school leavers contributed to low enrolment rate in public VTCs. This is because some potential students and their parents were found not to be aware of various agencies providing financing for learning in public VTCs. The study recommends that the county government should create awareness on existence of VTCs and requirements for one to join them.
Key Words: Awareness, Financing, Vocational, Enrolment, Sources
[1]. Dommers, E., Myconos, G., Swain, L., Yung, S. & Clarke, K. (2017).Engaging young early school leavers in vocational training. Adelaide: NCVER.
[2]. Kinara, P. (2014). Determinants of Technical Efficiency of Technical Training Institutions in Kenya. Unpublished MA Project, University of Nairobi.
[3]. Kitui, B.M. (2015). Factors Influencing Access To Technical And Vocational Education And Training In Bungoma East Sub-County, Kenya. Unpublished MED Project, University of Nairobi.
[4]. Mayabi, L. O. (2014). Influence of Government Funding on Skill Development in Public Vocational training centres in Samia Sub County, Kenya. MAPPM Project, University of Nairobi.
[5]. Metto, W.K. (2015). Youth Polytechnic Students' Perception of Vocational Training in Nandi County, Kenya.MED Thesis, Kenyatta University, Kenya.
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Abstract: Despite that studies have often focused on gifted children there is a limited amount of research that has examined the gifted adult. Hence, the study examined the relationship of the education that gifted adults received in their childhood with their success in their career, and to know the satisfaction experienced by a gifted adult in his or her career. Through a systematic review of the literature, we categorized the included articles into two thematic areas: first, the effects of early gifted educational experiences and, second, satisfaction with the chosen career and general well-being. Four main themes were examined: (a) gifted adults; (b) gifted children becoming gifted adults; (c) the childhood experiences of gifted adults in gifted education; and (d) gifted adults' career and life satisfaction. The researcher found that gifted adults remain a relatively untested group in the research literature
Keywords: gifted education, gifted adults' career
[1]. Ashton, M. C. (2013). Individual differences and personality: Academic Press.
[2]. Batty, G. D., Shipley, M. J., Gale, C. R., Mortensen, L. H., & Deary, I. J. (2008). Does IQ predict total and cardiovascular disease mortality as strongly as other risk factors? Comparison of effect estimates using the Vietnam Experience Study. Heart, 94(12), 1541-1544.
[3]. Cooper, C. (2015). Individual differences and personality: Routledge.
[4]. Deary, I. J., Whiteman, M. C., Starr, J. M., Whalley, L. J., & Fox, H. C. (2004). The impact of childhood intelligence on later life: following up the Scottish mental surveys of 1932 and 1947. Journal of personality and social psychology, 86(1), 130.
[5]. Delisle, J. R., & Squires, S. K. (1989). Career development for gifted and talented youth: Division on Career Development (DCD) and The Association for the Gifted (TAG) position statement. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 12(2), 65-70.
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Abstract: The paper examines the utility of entrepreneurship training programme towards enhancing
entrepreneurial skills of bachelor of education science students. The study answered the following expected
research hypotheses: H01: the science teacher trainee would not significantly improve instructional skills when
subjected to entrepreneurship training; H02: entrepreneurship training of science teacher trainee would not
significantly enhance their creativity skills in developing teaching models; H03: entrepreneurship training would
not significantly influence science teacher trainee's views on value addition of available materials within their
environment for education use. The study was guided by theory of planned behaviour and human capital theory
and worked with a total sample......
Keywords: Science education, Entrepreneurship education, Training approaches, Teaching skills and
[1]. Ahmad, A. D., Abdulkarim, A. D., Andi, M., Mohd, J. K. & Abubakar, M. H.(2014) Enhancing Entrepreneurial Skills Of
Undergraduate Science, Vocational And Technical Education Students Through Entrepreneurship Education. Journal of Technical
Education and Training (JTET); Vol. 6, No.2| December 2014; pp 138-155; ISSN 2229-8932
[2]. Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179-211.
[3]. Altan, M.Z. (2015). Entrepreneurial teaching & entrepreneurial teachers. Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers, Vol. 6(2),
pp. 35–50.
[4]. Amos, A., & Onifade, C. A. (2013). The perception of students on the need for entrepreneurship education in teacher education
programme. Global Journal of Human-Social Science Research, 13(3), 75-80.
[5]. Bacanak, A. (2013). Teachers' views about science and technology lesson effects on the development of students' entrepreneurship
skills. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 13(1), 622-629..
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Abstract: Drug and substance abuse is and remains a major social problem world over. The purpose ofthe study was to investigate the effectiveness of counselling as a strategy for curbing drug and substance abuse leading to depression and suicide among Nigerian Adolescents. The thriving concept of this paper is about the counselling strategies that brings wholesome rehabilitation with positive self-concept among drug addict adolescents. The paper identifies the grave challenges faced by the Adolescents, points out the importance of counselling as part of measures to assist Adolescents and the role of key stakeholders such as civil society organisations (CSO) and Educational.....
Keywords: Drug, Drug Abuse, Adolescents, Depression and Suicide
[1]. Alimeka, E. E. O. (1998). Narcotics drugs control policy in Nigeria Development policy center, Report Number: 11
[2]. ADESINA, S. (1975). The use of Indian hemp and drugs among secondary school students in Lagos, Lagos: University Press. Adolescents Health Information Project (AHIP) (2001). Drug abuse, Unpublished Pamphlet, Kano: AHIP Centre.
[3]. AGUNLANA, G.G. (1999). "Family structure and prevalence of behaviour problems among Nigerian adolescents", The Counsellor, 17(1) pp. 154-159.
[4]. BALOGUN, S.K. (2006). "Chronic intake of separate and combined alcohol and nicotine on body maintenance among albinorats", Journal of Human Ecology, 19(1) 21-24.
[5]. BANDURA, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action, A social cognitive theory Engle wood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
[6]. Beautrais, A. (2000). Risk factors for suicide and attempted suicide among young people. Australian and New Zealand Journalof Psychiatry, 34, 3, 420– 436, 2000.
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Abstract: This study sought to investigate the influence of School based determinants on implementation of re-admission policy of girls after teenage pregnancy in public secondary schools in Kitui County, Kenya. The study objectives sought to determine the influence of; guidance and counseling sessions, school policy, principals' opinion on school related factors and community support on the implementation of re-admission policy. The target population was 275 principals, 275 guidance and counseling teachers and 275 head girls in the 120 girls' schools and 155 co-education schools in Kitui County, Kenya. The study also targeted the County Director of Education and all the 16 sub county directors of education in Kitui County. Using stratified and simple random sampling,.....
Key words: Girls' and Co-education schools, Re-admission policy, Sub county director of education, school based factors, Teenage pregnancies
[1]. County Director of Education, Kitui. (2013). Education sector report: on secondary school dropouts.Kitui: County Printers
[2]. County Director of Education, Kitui. (2015). Education Sector Report on Secondary School Dropouts. Kitui: County Printers.
[3]. Forum for African Women Educationalists, (2014). World Literacy Summit.Oxford:Forum for African Women.
[4]. Isaac,W.K (2011) Influence of Socio-economic Factors and Counseling on Drug Abuse among Rural and Urban Secondary Schools in Laikipia, Nakuru and Kericho counties Kenya. MED Research Project- Unpublished. University of Nairobi.
[5]. Isaac, W.K (2011) Guidance and Counselling services-its Role on Management of drug abuse among High School Students. Berlin:Lambert academic publishers..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Tactics of Teaching English |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. A. Vijayalakshmi || Dr. S. Nalin Vimalkumar |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1002066768 ![]() |
Abstract: In our nation English is significant for a number of logics. India is a land of multiplicity. Diverse people converse various languages. A person of South India does not speak Hindi. So he can't recognize Hindi of a person from North India. However, he can understand English. So, English is a connection language. Different people can correspond with one another with the assist of English. Secondly, all advanced knowledge in science, technology and medicine is accessible in English. The outcomes of the most recent researches come to India in English language. If we neglect English, we will be behind in the privileged fields of study. Today, the world has been one family. It is all possible only through English. English is a universal language - the language of the organization, the Supreme Court, the High Courts and official departments. English is now confidently entrenched in India. It has turned out to be a part of Indian life. Thus, English has great significance for the consistency of India. It has to be a second language in our country for the better growth of the country. In this paper, I have attempted.....