Series-1 (Nov. – Dec. 2020)Nov. – Dec. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Image theory and map reading through the Textbook Analysis Network |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | Meryem El Jahechi |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006010107 ![]() |
Abstract: Background:Image theory falls within the field of graphic semiotics and occupies a prominent place within the general structure of semiotics or what is also called "codes science". As a structure of graphic achievements, this theory is a systematic framework that surrounds the various rules of graphic construction, and an element that facilitate the visual perception of the information expressed as a map. Maps are one of the necessary and most practical tools in the educational process, and the teacher focuses on providing skills to students through various activities using images, atlases, diagrams and various maps, which needs prior planning, effective teaching...
Key Word:Image theory, map reading, Semiology, Analysis Network
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Abstract: The study examined relationship between teacher's quality and senior secondary school students' academic performance in Chemistry in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria. Two objectives were stated and two null hypotheses were tested in the study. The objectives were to determine relationship between teachers' qualification and senior secondary school students' academic performance in chemistry in Maiduguri Metropolis and teacher's experience and senior secondary school students' academic performance in chemistry in Maiduguri Metropolis. The population of this study is thirty-eight (38) chemistry teachers and seven thousand six hundred and eighty-seven (7687) SS3 chemistry students across the sixteen (16) senior secondary schools in the Metropolis. Stratified random sampling....
Key words: Teacher's Quality, Teacher's Qualification, Teacher's Experience, Academic Performance
[1]. Adeogun, A. A. (2001). Roles of Instructional Materials in Academic Performance, Adequacy of Educational Resources for Quality Assurance: Academic Journal, 2(1), 23-29
[2]. Akinsolu, A. (2010). Effects of Instructions on Students Performance on Knowledge, Comprehension and Application of Tasks in Mathematics: African Journal of Educational Research 5(1) 44-100
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Exploring the Causes of Speaking anxiety of Iraqi EFL Students |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Noor Sabah Naeem || Norma Saad |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006011322 ![]() |
Abstract: The study aims to explore the causes of speaking anxiety of Iraqi EFL students. The data were obtained from semi structured interviews with 15 Iraqi EFL students of Technical Institute for Medicine-AlMansoor, Middle Technical University, Iraq.The results showed thatIraqi EFL studentsexperienced speaking anxietywhich were caused by1) nature of speaking comprising strange accent, speed of speech, and limited time given, 2) speaking activities such as long conversation, individual conversation, group conversation, and speaking topics such as politics and religious topics and telling a story, 3) low level of students' English proficiency, and 4) the classroom environment. It is hoped that this studywhich has revealed the causes as well as a glimpse ofthe impacts of anxiety on Iraqi EFLstudents.....
Key words:foreign language anxiety, speaking skill, speaking anxiety, Iraqi students of English as foreign language(EFL)
[1]. Akkakoson, S. (2016). Speaking anxiety in English conversation classroom among Thai students,Malaysian
Journal of Learning and Instruction, 13, 63-82.
[2]. Al-Chalabi, S. A. (1976). Teaching English as a foreign language in Iraq with emphasis on the in-service training of secondary schools teachers of English. Baghdad: Dar Al-Jahidh Press
[3]. Al Hamdany, H. (2018). A proposed design and rationale of task-based activity as a learning assessment. Al-Adab Journal, 1(125), 15–24. ISSN: 1994473X).
[4]. Ali,A.I., Hameed, F.W.,&Keong, Y.C. (2015). Speaking Competence of Iraqi EFL Undergraduates of Garmiyan
University. International Journal of Education and Research, 3 (5), 157-170.
[5]. Baker, J.,&Westrup, H. (2003) Essential speaking skills: A handbook for English speaking skills. London: Continuum.
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Abstract: Background: Millennials are very close to the world of technology and digital. So that when millennials are required to educate children, they will try to keep up with technological developments in parenting children. This study aims to obtain a picture of parental care included in the category of millennials in educating early childhood. Materials and Methods: This study uses a survey research model. The survey was conducted on 50 parents with an age range of 25 to 40 years who came from the city of Semarang. Results: The survey results show that these millennial parents in implementing the parenting revolution will attend seminars, workshops, buy books on parenting....
Key words: Children; Millennials; Parenting; Revolution
[1] F. Cline and J. Fay, Parenting with love and logic: Teaching children responsibility. NavPress Publishing Group, 2020.
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[5] M. S. Faith et al., "Evaluating parents and adult caregivers as "agents of change" for treating obese children: evidence for parent behavior change strategies and research gaps: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association," Circulation, vol. 125, no. 9, pp. 1186-1207, 2012
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze students' physics misconceptions on mechanics material in class XI of State Senior High School (SSHS) of Medan. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this study were 377 students from 6 schools in Medan. This study used a four tier multiple choice diagnostic test instrument consisting of 25 items and questionnaire sheets. The results showed 9.1% students could understand concepts, 19.2% students did not understand concepts, 26.2% students understood partially, 41.4% students overcame misconceptions, and 4.1% students could not be coded. Thus, the level of students' physics misconceptions on mechanics material in Class XI of State Senior High School (SSHS)of Medan carried out in the 2018/2019 academic yearbelongs to the mediumcategory.
Key words: Misconception, Four Tier Multiple Choice Diagnostic Test, Mechanics
[1] G. of Indonesia, The Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20, Year 2003. Indonesia, 2003.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to assesing status of student conceptions that are not in accordance with the formal concept. Data were collected from 37 students by assigning them to a sequence ofnumbers task and interviewing them. The concepts used by the students were recorded and clinical interviews were conducted to discover what motivated the students to adopt new concepts or caused them to resist new concepts. A theory of status conception was used as a theoretical framework for interpreting the results, which indicates that a variety of factors influence student resistance to new concepts. The findings of this study showed the status of student conceptions about the sequence.......
Key words: Assesing, Conceptions, Sequenceofnumbers, Fruitful, Intelligible, Plausible
[1]. Bartle, R.G &Sherbert, D.R.. (2011). Introduction to real analysis (4th ed). USA: John Wiley & Sons
[2]. Chen, Y.T. & Wang, J.H. (2016). Analyzing with posner's conceptual change model and toulmin's model of argumentative demonstration in senior high school students' mathematic learning. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 6 (6), 457 – 464.
[3]. Chi, M.T.H &Rosoe, R.D. 2002. The prosses and Challenges of conceptual Change. M. Limón & L. Mason (Eds.), Reconsidering Conceptual Change. Issues in Theory and Practice, (pp. 3-27). Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publisher.
[4]. Chow, Tuck-Choy and Treagust, David. (2013). An Intervention Study Using Cognitive Conflict to Foster Conceptual Change. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia. 36 (1): pp. 44-64.
[5]. diSessa, A. A. (1993). Toward an epistemology of physics. Cognition and Instruction, 10 (2), 105-225.
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Abstract: Volunteer activities of Chinese teachers provide valuable opportunities for graduate students of Chinese International Education to go abroad,While accumulating experience and improving abilities, students are also facing the impact of multiculturalism. That is How to carry out ideological and political work during overseas internships and improve their thinking. The effectiveness of political education work has become a research hotspot. This article takes the overseas internship of the master's degree in Chinese International Education of Anyang Normal University as an example, and provides a path and countermeasures for the integration of overseas internship and ideological and political work from four aspects.
Key words: overseas internship, ideological and political education, integration..
[1]. Liu Lu. Research on the ideological and political education of innovative overseas exchange students under the perspective of "Three All-round Education" [J]. Shandong Education, 2019 (6): 47-50
[2]. GuoYinya. Investigation on the status quo of ideological and political education of overseas exchange students in colleges and universities and research on countermeasures [J]. Journal of Hubei Correspondence University, 2018 (10): 71-72
[3]. Jiang Shan. A preliminary exploration of the innovative mode of overseas party building work in colleges and universities under the international background [J]. Xue Theory, 2017 (6): 135-136
[4]. Wang Yue. Exploration of the Ideological and Political Education of Students in the International College of Universities[J]. Cultural Innovation and Comparative Research, 2017(27): 1-4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Peer Versus Faculty Tutoring's Impact on Mathematics Performance of First-year University Students |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Shafeak Ghanie |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006014959 ![]() |
Abstract: Peer tutoring programs have become a commonstrategy employed at the early university level in efforts to improve academic performance in underprepared students. Poor mathematicsperformance in early university courses such as Algebra, Calculus and Statistics is common.This study was designed to ascertain whether peer tutoring can be more effective than tutoring by a professional faculty member in improvingmathematics performance among first-year university students. A comparison of the mathematics performance of two groups of students was done;a control group being tutored by a professional tutor and a treatment group being tutored in a same-year small-group non-reciprocal.....
Key words: Small-Group Peer Tutoring, Non-Reciprocal Peer Tutoring, Same-year, First-year University, Mathematics.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of the effect of linguistic proficiency and study habits on academic achievement |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Ankur Singh |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006016063 ![]() |
Abstract: Studying the effect of linguistic proficiency and study habits on academic achievement can provide valuable insights into how to improve educational outcomes for students. By understanding the factors that contribute to academic success, educators can develop more effective strategies to support students in their learning journey. Research suggests that both linguistic proficiency and study habits play important roles in academic achievement. By understanding the factors that influence these skills and behaviors, educators and policymakers can work to support students in developing the skills and habits they need to succeed academically.
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