Series-2 (Nov. – Dec. 2020)Nov. – Dec. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Abstract: This research was aimed to investigate the influence of student reading comprehension achievement. Reading Comprehension plays an important role in English skill to get information from the text. This research was quantitative research, in order to gather the data from the students the researcher used reading comprehension test. Therefore, the author chooses eighth grade student at MTs Hasanuddin Bandar Lampung as the research sample. The students' reading comprehension of MTs Hasanuddin Bandar Lampung is still low especially in reading recount text. It can be seen from the students' reading score in preliminary research. There were 78% of the students who got the score under 72 as the criteria of minimum mastery. To solve the problem, the researcher applied.....
Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Recount Text
[1]. Ahsanah, F. (2015, April). "Group Investigation": A cooperative Learning Method for the 10th Grade Students in Speaking English Classroom. TELL Journal, 3(1), 57-69.
[2]. E. Namaziandost, A. P. Gilakjani and Hidayatullah, "Enhancing pre-intermediate EFL learners' reading," Cogent Arts &Humanities , vol. 7, no. 1738833, pp. 1-15, 2020.
[3]. Fatel, M F, Praveen M. Jain. 2008. English Language Teaching Methods, tools and technique. Sunrice: Jaipur.
[4]. Girsang, Rasta E. the Effect of Applying Group Investigation Method on Students' Achievement in Reading Comprehension. SMA Singosari.
[5]. Grabe, William. 2009. Reading in Second Language Moving from Theory to Practice. NorthrenOrizona: NorthrenOrizona University..
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Abstract: Background:Supplementary distance education is a form of distance learning that can be implemented in addition to the traditional learning system, providing students with the educational material they need in order to practice more or fulfill their educational needs. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the implementation of a supplementary distance education program that was conducted through an action research which was designed and carried out in an elementary school. Materials and Methods: 38 students who attended fifth grade of primary school during the school year of 2019-2020 and three teachers took part in the research....
Key words: supplementary distance learning, e-me, school distance education, blended learning
[1]. Αλαζηαζηάδεο, Π. (2006). Πεξηβάιινληα κάζεζεο ζην Γηαδίθηπν θαη εθπαίδεπζε από απόζηαζε. Σην Ληνλαξάθεο, Α. (επηκ.), Ανοικηή και εξαε – Σηοισεία θεωπίαρ και ππάξηρ (ζζ. 108-150). Αζήλα: Πξνπνκπόο.
[2]. Αλαζηαζηάδεο, Π. (2014). Ζ έξεπλα γηα ηελ ΔμΑΔ κε ηε ρξήζε ηωλ ΤΠΔ (e-learning) ζην Διιεληθό Τππηθό Δθπαηδεπηηθό Σύζηεκα. Αλαζθόπεζε θαη πξννπηηθέο γηα ηελ Πξωηνβάζκηα, Γεπηεξνβάζκηα θαη Τξηηνβάζκηα Δθπαίδεπζε. Ανοικηή Δκπαίδεςζη: ηο πεπιοδικό για ηην Ανοικηή και εξ Αποζηάζεωρ Δκπαίδεςζη και ηην Δκπαιδεςηική Τεσνολογία, 10 (1), 5-32. doi:
[3]. Αλαζηαζίνπ, Α., Αλδξνύηζνπ, Γ., & Γεωξγάιαο, Π. (2010). Ζ αμηνπνίεζε ηνπ Web 2.0 γηα ηε ζπκπιεξωκαηηθή εμ απνζηάζεωο ειεθηξνληθή εμάζθεζε ηεο αγγιηθήο γιώζζαο ζην δεκνηηθό ζρνιείν. Σην Α. Τδηκνγηάλλεο (επηκ.) Ππακηικά 7ος Πανελληνίος Σςνεδπίος με Γιεθνή Σςμμεηοσή «Οι ΤΠΔ ζηην Δκπαίδεςζη». ΔΤΠΔ: Κόξηλζνο
[4]. Ally, M. (2008). Foundations of educational theory for online learning. The Theory and Practice of Online Learning (2nd ed., pp. 15-44). Athabasca, Alberta: Athabasca University Press. Αλαθηήζεθεαπό
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hybrid Team- Based Learning in Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapyin HigherEducation |
Country | : | United Kingdom |
Authors | : | SD Perumal |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006021928 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Today's modern and future cardio-respiratory physiotherapist are, and will be, presented with ubiquitous and uncertain complex problems in professional life. Yet, to date, teaching approaches lacks robust scientific evidence of optimal learning to stimulate student'sactive cognitive engagement of higher order skills beyond knowledge and skills transfer and are only focused on graduation.For past two decades, pedagogy recommends use of active learning strategies to enhance authentic student engagement, self-efficacy and satisfaction. In recent years, team-based learning (TBL) is emerging as a popular student-centred active collaborative learning strategy that promotes individual and team learning in medical and allied health education......
Key words: Active Teaching, Team-Based Learning, Physiotherapy Education, Collaborative Learning.
[1]. Amorim, J.S., Poltronieri, B.C., Ribeiro, A.M., & Ferla, A.A. (2019). Team-based learning in Physical therapy undergraduate course: experiment report. Fisioterapia em Movimento, 32.
[2]. Atwa, S., Gauci-Mansour, V. J., Thomson, R. J., & Hegazi, I. (2019). Team-based and case-based learning: a hybrid pedagogy model enhancing students' academic performance and experiences at first-year tertiary level. The Australian Educational Researcher, 46(1), 93-112.
[3]. Bloom, B. S., et al. (1994). Excerpts from the "Taxonomy of educational objectives, the classification of educational goals, handbook I: Cognitive domain." In L. W. Anderson & L. A.
[4]. Bonwell, C. C., & Eison, J. A. (1991). Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom. 1991 ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Reports. ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education, The George
[5]. Branson, S., Boss, L., Fowler, D.L. (2016). Team-based learning: application in undergraduate baccalaureate nursing education. J. Nurs. Educ. Pract. 6 (4).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Teaching Physics With Realistic Context |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Renata Holubova |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006022935 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper the module Physics in the kitchen is presented. This module can be considered as an example how to teach physics in connection with real life problems. This material includes knowledge of mathematics, science (physics, chemistry) and technique. Two basic parts of this problem are presented – energy consumption in the kitchen and properties of fluids used in the kitchen. The methodology of this module responds with the objectives of STEM (science, technique, engineering, mathematics) education. All practical activities can be provided in the school (classroom or laboratory) and at home
Key words: physics, real life context, STEM
[1]. Holubova R 2015 How to motivate our students to study physics? Universal Journal of Educational Research 3(10): 727-734
[2]. Holubova R 2017 Physics of non-Newtonian fluids and interdisciplinary relations. IOP Publishing Physics Education, Vol. 53 (5)
[3]. McCarthy, K.L., Sacher, R., Garvey, T.C.: Relationship between rheological behavior ond Bostwick measurement during manufacture of ketchup. Journal of Texture Studies, Vol 39, Issue 5, 480–495, 2008
[4]. Adhesives Technology Handbook 2009 , Chapter 2 - Surface Tension and Its Measurement. Editor(s): Sina Ebnesajjad, William Andrew Publishing,2009,Pages 21-36, ISBN 9780815515333.
[5]. Xu J J 2017 Viscous Fingering in a Hele–Shaw Cell. In: Interfacial Wave Theory of Pattern Formation in Solidification. Springer Series in Synergetics. Springer, Cham.
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Abstract: The study investigated the effect of problem solving instructional technique on students' interest in chemistry in Anambra State. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a quasi-experimental specifically pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. The population of the study consisted of 541 senior secondary school two (SS2) chemistry students in Awka South local government area. A sample consisting of 87 chemistry students from the two sampled schools was used for the study. The design of the study was quasi-experimental. Chemistry....
Keywords: Problem-solving, chemistry, electrolysis, interest, technique
[1]. Akudolu, L.R. (2012). Emerging trends in curriculum development in Nigeria. In U.M.O. Ivowi & B.B. Akpan (Eds).Education in Nigeria: From the beginning to the future (pp. 153 – 166). Lagos: Foremost Educational Service Ltd.
[2]. Ameen, S.K. (2011). Problem Solving and Problem Strategies. A Paper presented at the National Mathematical center Abuja.
[3]. Babatunde, A.A (2008). Effects of Cooperative learning and Problem-solving Strategies on Junior secondary school students Achievement in social studies. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational psychology, 6(3), 691-708.
[4]. Danjuma, I.M. (2011). Method Used by Pre-service Nigeria Certificate in Education Teachers in solving Quantitative problems in chemistry Education. Research and Practice,12, 427-433.
[5]. Galadima, I. (2002).The relative effect of heuristic problem solving Instruction on secondary school students' performance on algebra word problems. Journal of Mathematics Association of Nigeria,27(1), 57-65.
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Abstract: Background: The test instrument can be interpreted as a number of questions that must be responded in order to measure the level of students' ability. This research aimed to produce a test instrument based on HOTS questions on social studies subjects that are valid, reliable, have a good difficulty index and differentiation power. The valid HOTS question-based test instrument is then uploaded to Edmodo so that students can access it from anywhere. Materials and Methods: This research used the R&D (Research and Development) method which consisted of three steps, namely define...
Key Word:Development, Test, Question, HOTS, Social Studies Education, Edmodo
[1]. Zulyan, S. V., Berchah, P., & Muhammad, M. A. (2014). PengaruhKeteladanan Guru TerhadapSikapBelajarPesertaDidik. Jurnal FKIP UNILA, 2 (2), 1-12.
[2]. Wibowo, S., Holilulloh, & Muhammad, M. A. (2013). Persepsi Guru SMA Negeri 1 SekampungTerhadapRencanaPelaksanaanKurikulum 2013. Jurnal FKIP UNILA, 1 (8), 1-15.
[3]. Nurmalisa, Y., & Muhammad, M. A. (2016). PeranLembagaSosialTerhadapPembinaan Moral Remaja di SekolahMenengahAtas. JurnalIlmiahPendidikanPancasiladanKewarganegaraan, 1 (1), 64-71.
[4]. Abidin, R. F., Berchah, P., & Muhammad, M. A. (2015). Peran Guru PendidikanKewarganegaraandalamMengembangkanKecerdasan Moral Pesertadidik. JurnalKulturDemokrasi, 3 (1), 1-14.
[5]. Syahbana, A. (2012). PeningkatanKemampuanBerpikirKritisMatematisPesertadidik SMP MelaluiPendekatan Contextual Teaching And Learning. Edumatica, 02 (01), 45-57..
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Abstract: The study aimed at identifying the practice degree of the principals of basic education schoolsin
Gaza governorates to the excellence management from the teachers' views. The researchers used the Analytical
and Descriptive Approach. The study's tool was a questionnaire applied to the study's sample contained (400)
male and female teachers with a percentage (11.3%) from the population of the study totaling (3536)
teachers.The main results of the study were as the following: the practice degree of the principals of basic
education schoolsin Gaza governorates to the excellence management from the teachers' views had a large
degree with a relative weight (%82.00).Furthermore, there are statistically significant differences at (
0.05 ( on the.....
Keywords: excellence management, basic education schools
[1]. Abdul-Ghani, M., Siraj, S., Radzi, N., &Elham, F. (2011). School Effectiveness and Improvement Practices in Excellent Schools in Malaysia and Brunei. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. No. (15). P.p 1705-1712.
[2]. Abdul-Hafeez, A. (2003). Re-engineering Processes. Dar Al-Massira for Publishing and Distribution. Jordan.
[3]. Al-Dajani, A. (2013). The Reality of Institutional Performance in Dar Al-Arqam Schools in Gaza Governorates in light of the European Model of Excellence and the Ways of Development. Unpublished Master Thesis. Islamic University of Gaza.
[4]. Al-Haya, W. (2015). The Practice Degree of the Secondary Schools' Principals for Strategic Management and its Relationship to Achieving the Administrative Excellence from their Views. Unpublished Master Thesis. Islamic University of Gaza.
[5]. Al-Kasbani, M. (2012). The Educational Research between Theory and Practice. Dar Al-Fikr Al- Arabi Library. Cairo.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Placebo Creativity. Implications in Education |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Ioan Susnea || Simona-Mirela Susnea |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006025659 ![]() |
Abstract: Background:Though not fully understood, the placebo effect has been successfully used to reduce the symptomatology of certain medical conditions, or to enhance sportive and even cognitive performances. Here, we explore the possibility to use placebo for stimulating the creativity of the students in an educational environment. Materials and Methods: Subjects (n=68) were asked to solve a sequence of three creativity tests, from which the second in sequence was a sham test indicating that they have a higher than average creativity. This acted as a placebo procedure. The first and last test were an adapted version of the Remote Associates Test (RAT)aimed to measure the creativity of the group before and.....
Key Word: Placebo creativity; Education; Assessment; Creativity; Placebo effect
[1]. Westlund, H., Andersson, M., & Karlsson, C. (2014). Creativity as an integral element of social capital and its role in economic performance. In Handbook of research on entrepreneurship and creativity. Edward Elgar Publishing
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[3]. McWilliam, E. (2007). Is creativity teachable? Conceptualising the creativity/pedagogy relationship in higher education. In Proceedings of the 30th HERDSA Annual Conference: (pp. 1-8). Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Inc
[4]. Susnea, I., Pecheanu, E., & Tudorie, C. (2015). Initiatives towards an education for creativity. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 180, 1520-1526.
[5]. Stewart-Williams, S., & Podd, J. (2004). The Placebo Effect: Dissolving the Expectancy versus Conditioning Debate. Psychological Bulletin, 130(2), 324–340.