Series-4 (Nov. – Dec. 2020)Nov. – Dec. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Feedback of students post online examination High Schools |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Bhakti R Kharate || Dr Lalita Chandan |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006040103 ![]() |
Abstract: This study was conducted aimed at analyzing the interactive e-book needs of global warming material as a source of learning in junior high school. The method used in this study is a survey method for 80 seventh grade students and 6 science teachers in the middle school city of Lampung city. Data collection is done using questionnaires and interview guidelines. The questionnaire given to students consisted of seven questions and eight questions for science teachers and interviews with science teachers with eight questions. Based on the teacher's response shows that most teachers have never used their interactive e-book using textbooks only for learning global warming.Based on student responses that have never used an interactive e-book. Students acknowledge that they have difficulty understanding abstract....
[1]. Rusman, 2012. Model-model Pembelajaran. Depok: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.
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[3]. Warsono & Hariyanto. 2012. Pembelajaran Aktif Teori & Asesmen. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
[4]. Afandi, R. 2013. Integrasi pendidikan lingkungan hidup melalui pembelajaran IPS di sekolah dasar sebagai alternatif menciptakan sekolah hijau. Pedagogia. 2(1): 98-108. (Online), ( rifkiV2.1.pdf., Warsita, B. 2008. Teknologi Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.
[5]. Anjarsari, P. 2013. Pengembangan Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu (Implementasi Kurikulum 2013). Dipresentasikan pada Workshop Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Sains Terpadu untuk Meningkatkan Kognitif, Keterampilan Proses, Kreativitas, serta Menerapkan Konsep Ilmiah Siswa SMP. (Online), (
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Abstract: The purpose of the research is to detect, imprint and record the playful and non-playful activities of primary school students during the break in the school premises, to detect the categories and subcategories of these activities arising from the above process, as well as whether there are or not differences in biological sex, age and area. The sample of the research consisted of 53 primary schools from different regions of Greece, which were selected by lot. The research team followed 338 children (166 boys and 172 girls aged 7 to 12 years) randomly selected. Each child was observed five times in a week during one of the first two school breaks, which lasted the longest 20....
[1]. Azlina, W. &Zulkiflee, A.S. (2012).«A Pilot Study: The Impact of Outdoor Play Spaces on Kindergarten Children». Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 38, 275-283.
[2]. Baquet,G., Aucoufurier, J., Gamelin, F.X., &Berthoin, G. (2018). Longitudinal Follow-Up of Physical Activity During School Recess: Impact of Playground Markings. Front Public Health, 6: 283. Doi ID 3389/fpubh2018.00283
[3]. Becker, D. R., McClelland, M. M., Loprinzi, P. &Trost, S. G. (2014). «Physical Activity, Self-Regulation, and Early Academic Achievement in Preschool Children». Early Education and Development, 25(1), 56-70.
[4]. Berkhout, L., Bakkers, H., Hoekman, J. &Goorhuis-Brouwer, S. M. (2013). «Observing free play in classrooms with an instrument based on video analysis». Early Child Development and Care, 183(1), 125-136.
[5]. Blatchford, P., &Sumpner, C. (1998). «What do we know about break time? Results from a national survey of breaktime and lunchtime in primary and secondary schools».British Educational Research Journal, 24, 79-94.
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Abstract: Background:This work focuses on teachers-researchers, internsand teaching assistants training processes which are part of ongoing lines of research accredited projects by national agencies connected to the field of didactics and curricular integration -under an interdisciplinary model- in two universities, one Argentinian and one Chilean. Materials and Methods: From the didactic point of view. the proposal is organized under the interdisciplinary criterion, combines general and specific contexts since 2019, including the changes caused by COVID19. From the research field, it focuses on the qualitative research. The research team is made up of university professors (Senior Lecturers, Associate lecturers, Assistants) and teaching assistants from the areas of social sciences and health sciences.
Keywords: Research. Interdisciplinarity. Training- Integrated curriculum. Professionaldevelopment
[1]. Aznar, P. y Angels, M. (2009) La formación de competencias básicas para el desarrollo sostenible: el papel de las universidades, Madrid. REVISTA EDUCACIÓN, número extraordinario, 219-237.
[2]. Didriksson, A. (2010) Una nueva universidad para la sociedad del conocimiento. REVISTA TEMAS, No. 57, 33-41
[3]. Turpo-Gebera, O., Quispe, P., Paz, Cuadros L., Gonzales-Miñán, M. (2020). La investigación formativa en la universidad: sentidos asignados por el profesorado de una Facultad de Educación. Educação e Pesquisa, 46, e215876. EpubJanuary 20, 2020.
[4]. Bolívar, R. (2013). Los modos de existencia de la estrategia de semilleros en Colombia como expresiones de la comprensión de la relación entre investigación formativa y la investigación en sentido estricto. Múltiples lecturas, diversas prácticas. EL AGORA USB, 13(2), 433-441. Doi:
[5]. Achilli Investigación y formación docente Interrogantes sobre la Educación pública. Base de la conferencia presentada en el III Encuentro Nacional de Docentes que hacen investigación educativa. Santa Fe. 2002.
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Abstract: At present, the Makassar Aviation Polytechnic does not yet have a vertical angle measurement tool. This tool is needed to support the learning activities of cadets at the Makassar Aviation Polytechnic. This research is a form of engineering research making the measure angle tool as a learning aid. This research produces a vertical angle measuring instrument that can measure the angle of the precision approach path indicator (PAPI) in the aviation engineering department of the Makassar Aviation Polytechnic. The use of a tool that makes it easier for technicians is that it uses an LCD display that can directly display the PAPI tilt angle value. The components used in the manufacture of the Measure Angle tool are available in the market and are affordable so that if there is the damage it will be efficient during maintenance. This research produces a product in the form of microcontroller-based interactive learning media that can be used by cadets in the Makassar Aviation Polytechnic environment..
Keywords: Tool, Measure Angle, Aviation Polytechnic, PAPI
[1]. Sugiyono, 2016. Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods R & D. Bandung Alfabeta
[2]. Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, Number: KP 39, 2015, Technical Standards and Operations of Civil Aviation Safety Regulations - Part 139 (Manual of Standard Casr - Part 139) volume 1, airports (aerodromes)
[3]. Latief, M. A. 2014. Research Methods om Language Learning: An Introduction. Malang: UM Press
[4]. Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, Number: PM 85 of 2014, Guidelines and Procedures for the Implementation of Electronic Calibration and Flight Failure
[5]. Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Department of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, Number: SKEP 157 IX, 2003, Guidelines for the Maintenance and Reporting of Aviation Electronics and Electrical Facilities Equipment
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Must the traditional key competences be extended? |
Country | : | Scotland |
Authors | : | Eckehard K.-H. Mueller || Carolin Mas Mas || Kai Mueller |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006043440 ![]() |
Abstract: Soft skills or better key competences are getting more essential in normal working life. In Germany, nearly all universities have implemented key competences in their study courses. Human factors, skills, qualifications, and competences are defined, and the difference are shown. The traditional portfolio of the different key competences in Europe and of the OECD are explained. A practical portfolio of key competences at the Bochum University of Applied Sciences is described. It is divided into three main categories and 21 subcategories. It was very successful. Parallel a >learning id card< was designed for a better orientation. A test was designed for monitoring the selection of the different courses and also to monitor the progress of the competences. Later it was extended with an additional category founding a startup. The lectures of this category were not honored by many students. Today cyber-physical systems or the internet of things will be implemented in the normal working life. The implementation of a new section in the portfolio -computing and data- is discussed with the pro and con. New content will be defined.
Keywords: soft skills, key competences, portfolio, internet of things, cyber physical systems
[1]. Archan S.;Tutschek, E. (2002): Schlüsselqualifikationen. Wien, Austria, ibw – Österreichisches Institut für Bildungsforschung der Wirtschaft, pp. 4 – 8
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Situation Analysis of Child Friendly Learning Environment in Community School |
Country | : | Nepal |
Authors | : | Bishnu Prasad Gyawali |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006044146 ![]() |
Abstract: The child-friendly learning environment is the environment where children can achieve a suitable learning environment in school according to their own pace, capacity, and developmental stage. In these schools, students enjoy physically, mentally, and emotionally within a protective environment. These schools correspond with students' level, interest, ability, and capacity. Teachers are fully responsible and accountable to evaluate student learning achievement. Students are taught without any discrimination based on their caste, gender, religion, language, economic status, and physical as well as mental diversity. The researcher has used the purposive sampling method. This school is supposed to have a child-friendly environment as claimed by the school itself and by the.....
Key Word:PhysicalCondition, Health, Safety and Protective Conditions, Teaching-Learning Process, Effectiveness of Teaching-learning
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[5]. DOE(2007). Kingdom of Nepal. Kathmandu: Department of Information; International Forum, A monthly Magazine Vol. 169; 181; 183.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Industrial Pollution – Definition, Cause and Control |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ajeet Kumar Dubey |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006044748 ![]() |
Abstract: With the coming of the industrial Revolution, humans were able to advance further into the 21 century. Technology developed rapidly, science became advance, and the manufacturing age came into view. With all the these came one more effect industrial pollution, Earlier, Industries were small factories that produced smoke as the primary pollutant..
[1]. Hanumant Singh – Elements of Environent, Shiva Prakshan Ujjain, 2008.
[2]. Sharma R. A. – Educational Review, Surya Publication, Meeruth, 1995.
[3]. Sharma R. A. – Human Values and Eduction, R. Lal Book Depo. Meeruth. 1995.
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Abstract: The study examined effect of demonstration and lecture methods on academic performance of senior secondary school students' in Biology in Maiduguri Metropolis.Two (2) objectives and two (2) null hypotheses were drawn in the study. The objectives of this study determined effect of demonstration method of teaching on academic performance of senior secondary school students' in Biology in Maiduguri Metropolisand effect of lecture method of teaching on academic performance of senior secondary school students' in Biology in Maiduguri Metropolis. Quasi-experimental research design was adopted in the study. The population of the study was 7687 senior secondary school students in Maiduguri Metropolis. Stratified random sampling was used in drawing the sample of 367. A researcher made test was used for data collection. The data was analysed using means and t-test to test the two (2) hypotheses....
Key Word: Demonstration Method, Lecture Method, Students, Academic Performance
[1]. Abraham, T. and MacDonald,J. (2011). Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Design:IoWA State University
[2]. Adekoya, P. and Otatoye, J. (2011). Approach to Learning Science Process Skills: Treatment Effect and Aptitude –Treatment Infection: Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2(6), 237-250
[3]. Ameh, B. and Dantani, G. (2012). Influence of Teachers' Participation in Decision Making on Job Productivity in Secondary Schools: Pedagogy-Job Education, Occupational Training, Further Education, 5-43
[4]. Akinfe, E., O. Olafinniyi E. and Fashiku C. O. (2012). Teachers' Quality as Correlates of Students Academic Performance in Biology in Senior Secondary Schools of Ondo State, Nigeria: Online Journal of Education Research. 1(6), 108-114
[5]. Akuezuilo, M. C. (1993). Measure of Performance Test Instruments: Journal of Vocational and Technical Education. University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pollution Awareness – Effect of Pollution and Ways to Control Pollution |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ajeet Kumar Dubey |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006045556 ![]() |
Abstract: Growing awareness of the harmful effects on the environment caused by human activities has led to increasing pressure from local communities, groups, environmental organizations, and government regulators on industries to reduce their pollutant emissions. The need for pollution assessment in the developing countries (where necessary information to set priorities, strategies, and action plans on environmental issues are lacking) has led to the development of the Industrial Pollution Projection System (IPPS) by the World Bank. IPPS is a cheap and rapid environmental management tool for pollution load estimation towards the development of appropriate policy formulation for pollution control. An undesirable change......
[1]. Hanumant Singh – Elements of Environent, Shiva Prakshan Ujjain, 2008.
[2]. Sharma R. A. – Educational Review, Surya Publication, Meeruth, 1995.
[3]. Sharma R. A. – Human Values and Eduction, R. Lal Book Depo. Meeruth. 1995.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to develop and describe the feasibility of developing student worksheets based on problem based learning for fifth grade elementary schools. This type of research is the research and development theory of Borg and Gall. The sample was determined by purposive sampling 12 students of fifth grade at the State Elementary School 1 Banding Agung, Lampung Province, Indonesia. The data collection tool used test and non-test instruments. Student worksheet products have been validated by material experts with a score of 85.5, media experts 89.0, linguists with a score of 83.3, and the practitioner test got an average score of 92.5 in the very good.....
Key Word: Worksheets, Collaboration, problem based learning
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