Series-5 (Nov. – Dec. 2020)Nov. – Dec. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nizam and Shambhaji Versus Baji Rao |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Subhodh Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006050102 ![]() |
Abstract: Bajirao was thinking of attacking Shambhaji and his territories, Shambhaji entered into a secret agreement with the Nizam – ul- Mulk. The central idea of the agreement was that with the help of Nizam, Shambhaji would make an attempt to throw Sahu away from the throne and become the Chhatrapati himself. The result of this agreement was that Nizam attacked Poona in 1727. We have already discussed that BajiRao had compelled the Nizam to acknowledge the power the position of Sahu after he had defeated the Nizam at Palkhed. And Sabu was immensely pleased with this arrangement of PeshwaBajiRao. Now, after the developments stated above had taken place, bajiRao made an attempt to neutralise the Nizam's power and further, BajiRao actually attacked Shambhaji. In the battle that ensued between Shambhaji and BajiRao, Shambhaji was defeated and captured. No harm was.......
[1]. Sardesai : Ibid :p. 203-204
[2]. Ibdia
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Abstract: Resumo O texto objetiva apresentar um panorama da educação infantil (EI) e de seu Financiamento, entre os anos 2007 e 2018, considerando os avanços, limites e desafios para expansão da EI com qualidade e equidade. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza bibliográfica e documental a partir de dados coletados em relatórios oficiais do Inep/MEC e Pnad/IBGE, como também de relatórios de execução orçamentária disponíveis no Siope/FNDE. Constatou-se, uma elevação nos indicadores de atendimento e no investimento público na EI. Contudo, percebemos que ainda há muito que avançar, para incluir as crianças que estão fora da EI, sobretudo, as de 0 a 3 anos, das mais pobres e as não brancas, como também em termos de melhoria da qualidade e equidade no atendimento. Nas condições de atendimento...
[1]. ALVES, T.; PINTO, J. M. de R. Remuneração e características do trabalho docente no Brasil: um aporte. Cadernos de Pesquisa. São Paulo, v. 41, n.143, mai./jun. 2011.
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[3]. GATTI, Bernadete Angelina; BARRETO, E. S. S. Professores do Brasil: impasses e desafios. Brasília: UNESCO. 2009.
[4]. BRASIL. Estudo exploratório sobre o professor brasileiro com base nos resultados do Censo Escolar da Educação Básica 2007. Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira. – Brasília: Inep, 2009. 63 p.
[5]. BRASIL. Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira. Relatório do 3º ciclo de monitoramento das metas do Plano Nacional de Educação – 2020. Brasília: Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira, 2020..
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Abstract: This study aims to investigate whether or not electronic media provided for the completion of textbook "BahasaInggrisKarakterPeduliLingkungan" is suitable besides its positive impact to the teaching of English. The design employed in this research is Research and Development with the samples of twelve (12) teachers and students from twelve (12) private and public junior high schools in Semarang City. The instruments used for collecting the data are questionnaire, test and interview. Based on the result of the questionnaire, it shows that there is appropriateness of the electronic media to the content of the textbook. Both teachers and students perceive that the English textbook seen from its standard competence, the use of quotation, and the......
Keywords: impact, textbook, electronic media, teaching English
[1]. Adebayo, M. (2015). Students' perception of the use of electronic media in ELT large classes in Sourthern Nigeria colleges of education.International Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research, 3(8), 1 – 16.
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[5]. Bouzid, H. A. (2016). Boosting 21st century skills through Moroccan ELT textbooks.Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics, 97-108.
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Abstract: The principal is one of the components of education that has the most role in improving the quality of education. This study aims to describe the influence between variables. The method used was a survey with a quantitative approach to path analysis through SEM PLS to measure the research variables. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, observation, and documentation. The population numbered 138 people and sample use whole of population. Sampling through saturated sample techniques because the population is not too large. This study uses structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis with the Smart PLS program to test the hypothesis. The measurement model (outer model) includes testing for convergent validity, discriminant validity, and composite reliability. Then perform.....
Keywords: Transformational Leadership; Organizational Culture, Competence, Idea Generation Capability; Performance
[1]. Avolio, B. J., & Bass, B. M. (1995). Individual consideration viewed at multiple levels of analysis: A multi-level framework for examining the diffusion of transformational leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 6(2), 199–218.
[2]. Cho, Y. J., & Lewis, G. B. (2011). Turnover intention and turnover behavior: Implications for retaining federal employees. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 32(1), 4–23.
[3]. Dvir, T., Eden, D., Avolio, B. J., & Shamir, B. (2002). Impact of transformational leadership on follower development and performance: A field experiment. Academy of Management Journal, 45(4), 735–744.
[4]. Ekaningsih, A. S. (2014). The Effect Transformational Leadership on The Employees Performance through Intervening Variables of Empowerment, Trust, and Satisfaction (A Study on Coal Companies in East Kalimantan). European Journal of Business and Management, 6(22), 111–117.
[5]. Eliyana, A., Ma'arif, S., & Muzakki. (2019). Job satisfaction and organizational commitment effect in the transformational leadership towards employee performance. European Research on Management and Business Economics, 25(3), 144–150.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Choice of Chinese Farmers' Livelihoods under the Background of Family Life Cycle |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Zhang Fujian |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006053437 ![]() |
Abstract: Changes in the income structure of Chinese rural households indicate that their livelihoods have shifted from agricultural livelihoods to diversified livelihoods based on migrant workers. This article believes that family factors, especially the stages of the family life cycle, give farmers different life tasks, which in turn brings diversity of livelihoods. The empirical survey in Henan Z village further confirmed the impact of the family life cycle based on life tasks on the livelihood of farmers.
Keywords: Life tasks; family life cycle; livelihood
[1]. Chen Xiwen. To increase farmers' income, institutional barriers need to be broken [J]. Frontiers of Economy, 2002 (1): Pages 4 to 5.
[2]. Zhang Fenglong, Zang Liang. Research on the Changes of Farmers' Income Structure [J]. Economic Aspects, 2007 (7): 2~3 pages.
[3]. Chen Jing. Viewing the value of farmers' lives from the "task of life" [J]. Journal of Northwest A&F University (Social Science Edition), 2017 (1): page 62.
[4]. Chen Feng. The path and mechanism of rural "intergenerational exploitation"[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University (Social Science Edition), 2014 (2): page 52.
[5]. Yang Maochun. A Chinese village: Shandong rises up [M]. Nanjing: Jiangsu People's Publishing House, 2012 edition: page 103
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Abstract: The education system is highly dynamic in nature. Formerly open and distance learning programs relied mostly on the print media,i.e. mailing of print educational materials, radio and television broadcast, telephonic support, EDUSAT-educational satellite. With the evolution of new trends in technology like Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), real-time and recorded seminars, real-time video classes, there are various types of effective distance learning systems that provide rapid responses and real time feedback breaking the geographic barriers of communication. Reduction in bandwidth costs and the use of the smartphone has enabled widespread use of internet possible. This has helped people in gaining expertise in multidisciplinary fields and improve their skills easily. Distance education is offered under formal as well non formal educational frameworks and are gaining popularity with the ease of access using mobile technology. It can be used either to supplement or complement traditional classroom teaching learning process. In this paper, we discuss the integration of ICT in the distance mode of learning.
Key words: Distance Education System, MOOCs, real time access, ICT.
[2]. P. H. Rahman, "The role of ict in open and distance education," no. October, pp. 162–169, 2014.
[3]. "Application of ICT Distance Education."
[4]. J. C. Taylor, "Distance education technologies : The fourth generation."
[5]. K. Aoki, "Generations of Distance Education : Technologies , Pedagogies , and Organizations," vol. 55, pp. 1183–1187, 2012.
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Abstract: This paper report on the qualitative study, which examines the cognitive difficulties of the first-year students with the concept atom, covered in the first semester course general chemistry I and whose basic elements were studied in high school, the equivalent of which in Morocco is secondary education qualifying The aim of the present study is to try tounderstand and define the origin of the epistemological obstacles to learn the concepts of atomistic by 1st year students and to suggest some solutions to make knowledge more attractive and the transition between high school and the university most successful. The study focused first on analyzing the examination results of the atomistic' module at the 1st university semester then we developeda test on the basic prerequisites of atomistic studied in high school. we note that learning was done in Arabic in high school and in French in university, the reason why we opted for the test in Arabic in order to reduce the impact of language and respecting appropriate vocabulary developed inhigh school.....
Key words: Atomistic, Atom, Epistemological obstacles, Transition High school-university, constructivist approach.
[1]. WattsD.M.Constructivism, Re-Constructivism & Task- oriented ProblemSolving. 1994, in Gatt S, VellaY. Constructivist Teaching in Primary School: Examples in Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, Design and Technology and ICT, Malta: Agenda Publisher. eds.2003.
[2]. Gatt S, Vella Y. Constructivist Teaching in Primary School: Examples in Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, Design and Technology and ICT, Malta: Agenda Publisher. eds.2003.
[3]. Okotcha EN, Okorie EU, Obielumani JO, Eze, P. Effect of Prior Conception, Exploration, Discussion, Dissatisfaction and Application (PEDDA) Constructivist Model on Students' Retention in Chemistry. Journal of CUDIMAC. 2019; 6(1): 129-137
[4]. Ukwueze NT. Effect of PEDDA constructivist instructional model on secondary school students' achievement and retention in biology in Enugu State. Unpublished M.Ed Thesis, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. 2012in Okotcha EN, Okorie EU, Obielumani JO, Eze, P. Effect of Prior Conception, Exploration, Discussion, Dissatisfaction and Application (PEDDA) Constructivist Model on Students' Retention in Chemistry. Journal of CUDIMAC. 2019; 6(1): 129-137
[5]. Madu BC. Effects of constructivist based instructional model on students' conceptual change and retention in physics. Unpublished doctorate degree thesis, university of Nigeria Nsukka. 2004 in Okotcha EN, Okorie EU, Obielumani JO, Eze, P. Effect of Prior Conception, Exploration, Discussion, Dissatisfaction and Application (PEDDA) Constructivist Model on Students' Retention in Chemistry. Journal of CUDIMAC. 2019; 6(1): 129-137.
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Abstract: Background: Indonesian society is a multilingual society. A multilingual society means that a society has several languages. The diversity of languages that exist in Indonesian society makes each individual potentially use more and one language in a speech event. The bilingualism can be resulting in code switching and code mixing. Code switching is a transition and code from one code to another (Suwito in Rokhman, 2011: 37). In contrast to code switching, code mixing is between two or more languages with incorporate the elements of one language into the other consistently (Kachru in Goldman, 2011: 38). Talkshow is one of interactive communication. One of the pupular talkshow in Indonesia is Hitam Putih Talkshow. The speakers in Hitam Putih Talkshow are given time to describe experiences and things that actually happened. This is very positive and it can motivate the audience or....
Keywords: Code Switching; Code Mixing; Talkshow; Sosiolinguistics.
[1]. Ahmad and Hendri. 2015. Easy to Master Indonesian Language. Bandung: Yrama Widya.
[2]. AR, Syamsudin and Vismaia S. Damaianti. 2011. Language Education Research Methods. Bandung Rosdakarya.
[3]. Chaer, Abdul. 2010. Early Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
[4]. Djajasudarma, T Fatimah. 2010. Methods of Linguistic Ancestors Research and Study Methods. Bandung: Refika Aditama.
[5]. Kosasih, Engkos. 2013. Smart in Indonesian Language. Jakarta: Erlangga
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pharaoh's personality traits in the Holy Qur'an |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Akram A. Mansour |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006055560 ![]() |
Abstract: The study aimed at determining the personality traits of Pharaoh in the light of the Holy Qur'an. The researcher used the Deductive Approach. The study reached many results which are :
1. The Pharaoh's personality traits contained three points: the moral traits, the psychological traits and the intellectual traits.
2. Pharaoh used these traits to hinder people from the way of Allah and to terrorize his opponents.
3. Each arrogant and oppressor will be gone soon.
The study recommended researchers study other personalities, such as Abu Lahab and Al-Nimrod in light of the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah. Besides, the study recommended the need to increase thecooperation between the scholars who interpret the Holy Qur'an and the educational scholars in studying these topics..
Keywords: Pharaoh's personality traits, the Holy Qur'an.
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