Series-3 (Nov. – Dec. 2020)Nov. – Dec. 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Abstract: This study was conducted aimed at analyzing the interactive e-book needs of global warming material as a source of learning in junior high school. The method used in this study is a survey method for 80 seventh grade students and 6 science teachers in the middle school city of Lampung city. Data collection is done using questionnaires and interview guidelines. The questionnaire given to students consisted of seven questions and eight questions for science teachers and interviews with science teachers with eight questions. Based on the teacher's response shows that most teachers have never used their interactive e-book using textbooks only for learning global warming.Based on student responses that have never used an interactive e-book. Students acknowledge that they have difficulty understanding abstract....
[1]. Rusman, 2012. Model-model Pembelajaran. Depok: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.
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[4]. Afandi, R. 2013. Integrasi pendidikan lingkungan hidup melalui pembelajaran IPS di sekolah dasar sebagai alternatif menciptakan sekolah hijau. Pedagogia. 2(1): 98-108. (Online), ( rifkiV2.1.pdf., Warsita, B. 2008. Teknologi Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.
[5]. Anjarsari, P. 2013. Pengembangan Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu (Implementasi Kurikulum 2013). Dipresentasikan pada Workshop Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Sains Terpadu untuk Meningkatkan Kognitif, Keterampilan Proses, Kreativitas, serta Menerapkan Konsep Ilmiah Siswa SMP. (Online), (
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Abstract: The studydetermined the effect of information and communication technology on students' cognitive achievement and interest in metalwork technology in technical colleges. Two research questions were answered and two null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Quasi-experimental design was used for the study. Population of the study was 248 National Technical Certificate (NTC) year 11Metalwork studentsin state owned technical colleges. Purposive sampling technique was used to draw 121students fromfour out of the six technical colleges' .Instruments for data collection were:Metalwork Achievement Test (MAT),Metalwork Interest Inventory (MII) and lesson plans.The instruments MAT, MII and lesson planswere face and content validated by three experts, two from the Department of Technology and Vocational Education and one from Computer Science Department- all in NnamdiAzikiwe.....
Keywords: Information and Communication Technology,CognitiveAchievement, Interest, Metalwork Technology and Technical Colleges.
[1]. Agrahari, A., & Singh, S. (2013). The impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on achievement of students in chemistry at secondary level of CBSE and UP Board in India. International Journal of Science and Research, 2(8), 126-129.
[2]. Alexander, J. O. (2016). Collaborative design, constructivist learning, information technology immersion and electronic communities: A case study. Interpersonal Computing and Technology: An Electronic Journal for the 21st
[3]. Ali, G. Haolader, F. A., & Muhammad, K. (2013). The role of ICT to make teaching-learning effective in higher institutions of learning in Uganda. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2(8), 61-73
[4]. Anderson, L. W. &Krathwohl, D. R. (2001).A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives. Allyn & Bacon. Boston, MA (Pearson Education Group)
[5]. Andoh, C. B. (2012). Factors influencing teachers' adoption and integration of information and communication technology into teaching: A review of the literature. International Journal of Education and Development, 8(1), 136-155.
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Abstract: Background:Low back pain (LBP) affects 80% of the population globally. In India, the prevalence of LBP among nurses is reported to be 66%1. Evidence suggests that chronic LBP is associated with functional disability, anxiety, and depression. Poor sleep quality also significantly contributes to functional disability, anxiety, and depression. Purpose/Aim:The purpose of the study was to assess the sleep quality of nurses with low back pain in a tertiary care setting, South India and to determine the relationship of sleep quality with the physical and psychological parameters such as pain intensity, functional disability, anxiety, and depression. Materials and Methods:A descriptive cross-sectional study design was adopted. All the nurses working in main hospital, willing to participate in the study, and available during the data collection period were screened for LBP. Among the nurses with LBP, 193 subjects were selected using systematic random sampling technique. Study was approved by the.....
Key words: Low back pain, nurses, sleep quality, pain, disability, anxiety, depression.
[1]. Institute of Applied Medicines and Research. (2011). Association of occupational low back pain, disability and trunk muscle endurance among nurses: A cross-sectional study. Retrieved from
[2]. Alnaami, I., Awadalla, N.J., Alkhairy, M. et al. Prevalence and factors associated with low back pain among health care workers in southwestern Saudi Arabia. BMC MusculoskeletDisord 20, 56 (2019).
[3]. Şimşek Ş, Yağcı N, Şenol H. Prevalence of and risk factors for low back pain among healthcare workers in Denizli. Agri :Agri (Algoloji) Dernegi'ninYayinOrganidir = The Journal of the Turkish Society of Algology. 2017 Apr;29(2):71-78. DOI: 10.5505/agri.2017.32549.
[4]. International Journal of Caring Sciences September-December 2017 Volume 10 | Issue 3| Page 1728 Special Article Low Back Pain in Nurses IpekKoseTosunoz, PhD (c) Research Assistant, Cukurova University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing Department, Adana, Turkey GurselOztunc, PhD Professor, Cukurova University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing Department, Adana, Turk
[5]. Alsaadi, S. M., McAuley, J. H., Hush, J. M., & Maher, C. G. (2011). Prevalence of sleep disturbance in patients with low back pain. Eur Spine J, 20(5), 737-743. doi: 10.1007/s00586-010-1661-x
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Abstract: The ever increasing enrolment in primary schools due to the free primary education coupled with the one hundred percent transition policy has led to pressure on school resources in secondary schools. This study aimed at establishing the influence of project management skills on Implementation of physical infrastructure in secondary schools: a case of West Pokot and TransNzoia Counties, Kenya. The study adopted the critical chain project management theory. This study employed a descriptive survey design. The design was suitable for this study on the grounds that the study sought to collect information from the respondent on their opinions. The target population comprised of the principals,' board of management members, County and Sub-County Directors of Education. Questionnaires and.....
Key Terms: Project Management Skills, Implementation of Physical Projects, secondary schools
[1]. Adek, R. T. (2016). Determinants of successful projects implementation of infrastructure projectsin devolved units; a case study of Mombasa County, Kenya (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nairobi).
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[3]. Apolot, R., Alinaitwe, H., &Tindiwensi, D.(2010). Investigation into the Causes of Delays and Cost Overruns in Uganda's Public Sector Construction Projects, Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 18(2), 33–47.
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Abstract: With the implementation of the collaborative innovation strategy, the joint training of graduate students has become a new and effective form of promoting the development of graduate education in my country in the new era. Analyze the current situation of the joint training of postgraduates in local undergraduate colleges and universities, explore the effective mechanism for the joint training of inter-collegiate postgraduates by local undergraduate colleges, and build a scientific, systematic and efficient working mechanism for joint training of postgraduates by controlling the whole process of joint training of graduates. Integrate and utilize the resources of the main body of joint training, realize complementary advantages and collaborative innovation, and effectively improve the quality of postgraduate training.
Keywords] collaborative innovation; graduate students; joint training; mechanism
[1]. Li Jinlong, Zhang Shulin. Reform of postgraduate joint training mechanism under collaborative innovation environment [D]. Degree and postgraduate education, 2014, (9)
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[3]. Huang Cuiping, Liu Ting, Wan Hongying, etc. Research on the Dynamic Mechanism of Joint Cultivation of Graduate Students in the Collaborative Innovation Environment [J]. Graduate Education Research, 2015, (2)
[4]. Huang Zhengfu, Yi Lianyun. The transformation of postgraduate training model from the perspective of collaborative innovation [J]. Degrees and Postgraduate Education, 2014, (4)
[5]. Hou Yanfen, Yi Xiaoxi, Zhan Zhiyong, etc. Research on the full-time engineering master's training model under collaborative strategy [J]. Educational Modernization, 2015, (15).
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Abstract: This paper discusses how to combine the teacher's dominance with the student's subjectivity in mathematics teaching, and how to make the student become the subject of the class and teacher become the guide of the student's learning.Today's Nowadays, the mathematics classroom has changed the indoctrination teaching into heuristic teaching, and students' autonomous learning and discovery learning have become the focus of attention in the classroom. All these require teachers to play their leading role in guiding students' thinking and independent discovery learning
Keywords: teachers' leading role, students' subjectivity, cooperative learning.
[1]. X Lin, D Zhang, Y Cui, A theoretical analysis of noncontradiction between teacher's leading role and student's subjectivity, Journal of Beijing Sport University, 41, 2018, 77-85.
[2]. T Chen, On the teaching of students' subject activities, Contemporary Education Sciences, 4, 2020, 18-23.
[3]. J Teng, Teacher's professionalism and student's subjectivity: tesearch on professor Gu Ming-yuan's philosophy on teachers and students, Teacher Education Research,30, 2018, 1-6.
[4]. X Gao, Y Wang, Analysis of the relationship between teacher-led and student subject in classroom teaching, Journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Teacher Development,33, 2014, 69-70.
[5]. Y Geng, B Qin, Research on strategy of students' subjectivity highlighted in teaching design under the background of educational modernization, Journal of Hunan Industry Polytechnic, 20, 2020, 86-89.
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Abstract: Economic growth and stability of a country is predicated on the population of its citizens that are gainfully employed. Entrepreneurship is a viable means of ensuring youths empowerment wealth creation and hunger eradication especially entrepreneurshipin aquaculture. Pollutants free water is a necessity in aquaculture hence this study. This study is an ex post facto research with three research questions answered and a hypothesis tested. In carrying out the study,Okumesi River was mapped out into research blocks; water samples were randomly collected from 5 spots, in each research block, bulked and a composite drawn for analysis. The analytical standards.....
[1]. Stallion, J. A. (2018). Entrepreneurship education among youths in United kingdom. Http://
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[5]. Hann, B. C. (2015). Adopting youths entrepreneurship in schools in Wales. Https:// retrieved September 2020..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pandemic Covid-19 and Its Effect on School Education – A Case Study of Kharagpur, West Bengal |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Moumita Dey |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006033943 ![]() |
Abstract: COVID-19, the biggest threat of present world, has also huge impact in the field of education. Main focuses of this study to find out the impacts of COVID-19 on the school education sector (I-XII) and gave suggestions to overcome the problem. The researchers framed a questionnaire and conducted a survey on 90 school teachers. For this study purposive sampling method was used and followed statistical analysis. The researcher concluded that suddenly education systems get a big turn from face to face formal class room to online classroom and the huge changes in present scenario and the upcoming imprints on education Field. Further this study suggested some recommendation, based on the views of the school teachers from the survey which tries to recover the pathetic condition after this global breakdown.
Key Words: COVID-19, Pandemic, formal class room, online classroom, breakdown
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[4]. Daniel, J. (2020). Education and the Covid-19 pandemic. Springer, DOI:
[5]. Government of India. National Sample Survey Report. (2017-2018). Office of the Register General, India.
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Abstract: This present study aims to investigate the effectiveness of using online based multimedia by using scientific approach in teaching preposition of place. The researcher used only control group and experimental group as the subjects of the research. The participants were 35 EFL learners from the first year of junior high school students in each sample. The control was taught by using conventional teachingtechnique while experimental group was taught by using online multimedia based on scientific approach. In analyzing the data, the mean score of pre-test.....
Keywords:Preposition of place, Multimedia, Scientific Approach.
[1]. Abdi, Kusman.(1999).AnalisisKalimatBahasaInggris (Diktat BahasaInggris).Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas PendidikanBahasadanSeni: IKIP Yogyakarta 1999
[2]. Abualzain, Osama.(2017).Writing Difficulties in Prepositions of Place Encountered by Albaha University Students' at Preparatory Year Program. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELLVolume 5, Issue 5, May 2017, PP 1-8 ISSN 2347-3126 (Print) & ISSN 2347-3134 (Online)
[3]. Ahmadi, M R.(2018).The Use of Technology in English Language Learning: A literature review. International Journal of Research in English Education (IJREE). Downloaded from htttp//: at 5:08 +0330 on Wednesday November 28th 2018 [ DOI: 10.29252/ijree.3.2.115 ]
[4]. Al Mubarak, A A.(2017). The Complications of Learning and Understanding English Prepositions among Students at AL Imam AL Mahdi University in Sudan. ISSN 1798-4769.Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol.8, No. 5, pp. 871-880, Sept 2017 DOI
[5]. Anil, Beena.(2015). Use of Technology in English Teaching Classroom – A Study American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences ISSN (Print): 2328-3734, ISSN (Online): 2328-3696, ISSN (CD-ROM): 2328-3688
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Abstract: An empirical survey in Henan Fenfang Village shows that the livelihood mode of farmers has changed drastically with the rise of the working economy. The traditional livelihood mode of focusing on agriculture and semi-agricultural and semi-assisted subsistence has collapsed. Under the multiple influences of system, economy, and culture, part-time work has become the most important way of life for farmers. At the same time, the uncertainty of migrant income and the imperfection of the rural social security system make agriculture still play the role of guaranteeing the livelihood of farmers...
Key words] Working economy; livelihood model; change
[1]. Zhou Daming. The export of rural labor services and the economy of part-time employment: Taking Jiangxi Province as an example [J]. Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition), 2006 (1): 5-11.
[2]. Xia Xueyu. On the value and inheritance of Chinese farming culture [J]. Ancient and Modern Agriculture, Vol. 3, 2010: Pages 88-90.
[3]. Fei Xiaotong. Jiangcun Economy [M]. Peking University Press, 2012: p.139.
[4]. Chen Jiagui et al. Research on China's Rural Reform Year [M]. Beijing Economic Management Press, 2008: Pages 146-161.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Educational researcher's professional practices in postgraduate level |
Country | : | México |
Authors | : | María Dolores García Perea |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1006035561 ![]() |
Abstract: Within the hierarchy of the Mexican educational system, researchers have an important role because of the actions developed by them inside and outside the institutions in which they are entitled to work. Among those actions we can address knowledge-building, the development of human capital, the creation of cultural companies, and the dissemination of knowledge built both through research and guidelines for educational models. Professional practicesare complex because they require a series of conditions, processes, stages, circumstances, will, among other aspects, to achieve the expected results.Due to present times, researcher internships have increased their quantity, actions, participants, financial aid, and such unthinkable conditions that researchers must consider for developing such practices daily.
Key Words: educational researcher and professional practices
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[5]. Chiquiza Prieto, M. P. (2016). La nueva producción del conocimiento y su relación con la educación media. Ponencia presentada en 2 Simposio Internacional de Postgrados en temas y problemas de investigación en educación. Retos y desafíos de la educación en la época de la inclusión y la interculturalidad..