Version-2 (Sep-Oct 2017)
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Abstract: The present study was undertaken to investigate the attitudes of Teachers and parents towards the hearing impaired children and to find out the relationship between hearing impairment and intelligence. The child with a disability is challenged by the tasks required during social interaction. As a result, it is the deficits in their social behavior and deficits in maintaining social exchange with their peers that highlight their differences. Often these deficits may exclude them from day to day interaction with their peers. Successful and effective inclusion of children with a disability in mainstream settings may be dependent upon the teachers' understanding of what these difficulties are and.............
[1] Banerjee, Jayasri (2009)- 'Education of Exceptional Children.'
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Open and Distance Education in Kerala: Current Trends, Prospects and Possibilities |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Alphonsa Joseph |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0705020712 ![]() |
Abstract: The distance education was introduced in early 1960's in India has developed in corresponding with the evolution of technology. As with the introduction of ICT and its rapid development, the distance education can bridge the gap of the 'distance' of educational facilities through ICT. With all these developments and initiatives, even now after the introduction of ICT's in distance education, most of the distance education centres have no such access to educational technologies and the students have not much idea about the ICT's and its educational purposes. Quantitative study was conducted in the open and distance learning institutions in Kerala, India exposed that majority of the students in open.......
Keywords: Computer aided assessment, Distance education, Information and communication technology, Instructional media, Open education
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Abstract: This study aims to describe the combination of treatment of learning model and student's learning motivation. The purpose is to know the influence of learning motivation, learning model, and interaction between learning motivation and learning model with eXe-Learning media to student's chemistry learning result. This research was conducted at SMA N 1 Batang Kuis class XI IPA. Samples were taken with two stages: class samples taken 2 classes randomly, then the sample of students was taken by purposive 20 students relative homogeneous status. This research uses factorial 2 x 2 factorial design and testing with Analysis of Variance or variance to test whether there is influence of interaction between learning.........
Keywords: PBL, M3PK, learning motivation, eXe-Learning, learning outcomes.
[1] Olibie,E,(2011),emergent global curriculum treads: implications for teachers as fasilitators of curriculum change, Jurnal Of Education And Practice 4(5):161-167
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Abstract: The study aimed at finding out the degree of seriousness of postgraduate students in the Faculty of Education at the Islamic University in dealing with the evaluation questionnaire of the university professor. In addition to revealing the significance of the differences between the estimates average of the population to the degree of seriousness of postgraduate students in dealing with evaluation questionnaire of the university professor due to (gender, level, and specialty). The researchers used the descriptive analytical approach based on the questionnaire as the main tool for the study. The questionnaire was applied to a random sample of (117) students, nearly(34%) of them enrolled in the........
Keywords: seriousness of postgraduate students, evaluation of the university professor
[1] Ahmed, Ibrahim. (2012). Evaluation of the performance of the university professor and the teaching material from the perspective of the university student. The Second Arab International Conference for Quality Assurance of Higher Education 4 - 5 April 2012.
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[4] Hadabi, Dawood, and Khan, Khalid. (2008). Evaluation of students for the performance of faculty members at the Yemeni University of Science and Technology in the light of some teaching competencies. Arab Journal for Quality Assurance of University Education, 1 (2), 63-74.
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Abstract: This research aimed to analyze : (1) the students' conceptual knowledge by using inquiry training learning model assisted mind map were better than using convensional learning, (2) the students' science process skills by using inquiry training learning model were better than using convensional learning.This research carried out by a quasi-experimental and desaign was two group pretes-postest desaign.The population of this study was class X SMA IT As-Syafiiyah Medan. Sample selection was done by total sampling. Sample devided two class, eksperimen class by using inquiry training learning model and control class by using convensional. The instruments of this study used test conceptual knowledge and science process skills test in the form of a observations which were valid. The........
Keywords: Inquiry training model, conceptual knowledge, science process skills
[1] Anderson, L. W. and Krathwohl, D. R. 2001. A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching and Assesing; A revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Education Objectives. New York: Addison Wesley Lonman Inc.
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[4] Ghumdia and Adams. A. 2016. Effects of Inquiry-Based Teaching Strategy on Students' Science Process Skills Acquisition in Some Selected Biology Concepts in Secondary Schools in Borno State. International Journal Of Scientific Research. 1(2): 96-106.
[5] Harahap, M.B., Manurung, S.R., Marbun, M.A. and Mihardi, S. 2016. Effect Model Inquiry Training on Students Science Process Skill. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal. 3(11):38-42.
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Abstract: This study aims to improve the ability of adaptive teachers in using learning media through supervision with collaborative approach in SMK Negeri 1 Tanah Luas. The hypothesis of this action is through the application of supervision with a collaborative approach can improve the ability of teachers in using learning media. This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Tanah Luas. This research was conducted for 2 months from end of April to May 2017. Subjects in this research are 5 (five) teachers of adaptive SMK with Indonesian, mathematics, physics and one school supervisor. The design of this research is School Action Research (PTS). The researcher used Sujdana research.........
Keywords: uutilization of learning media, supervision with collaborative approach
[1] Arikunto, Suharsimi. Research Procedures A Practice Approach. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta2010
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Abstract: This study aims to examine the implications of implementing the internal quality assurance system of schools to the accreditation rating of the State Senior High Schools in Natuna district by (1) describing the preparation of the internal school quality assurance system (2) describing the implementation of internal quality assurance in schools, describes the problems that occur in the implementation of internal quality assurance of schools. The approach used in this study qualitative approach with descriptive method, the research sample is determined by purposive sampling technique that determines all objects that are considered to have information about this research. Informants were taken from principals.........
Keywords: Internal Quality Assurance, School Accreditation Rating
[1] Ridwan, Abdullah Sani. Penjaminan Mutu Sekolah, Bumi Aksara, Jakarta. 2015
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Abstract: The research was carried out to analyze the effects of Field trip learning method toward the conceptual understanding of Local History in improving the students' learning achievement. This is a quasi-experiment research. The population in this research is all students of the History Education Studies, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences at Nusa Cendana University, with the sample is 38 students of the fifth semester. The sample-collecting method is purposive-sampling. The data are analysed by using One Way ANOVA technique with Analysis Pre-requirement Test, that is, Normality Test using Lilliefors' significant correction method from Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and.........
Keywords: Field Trip, learning achievement, Local History, purposive-sampling, quasi experiment
[1]. Sumaatmadja, Nursid. (1997). Geography Teaching Methodology. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
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Abstract: Since the introduction of free primary education, pupils' academic achievement has emerged as an issue of concern among parents and other stakeholders in Education not only nationally but also in Nyahururu District. In Nyahururu District, enrollment has gone up without corresponding increase in learning facilities. The use of remedial programme in primary school has continued to characterize teaching and learning in primary schools. However, some education stakeholders have divergent attitude towards the use of remedial programme. This study sought to establish the.........
Keywords: Public primary schools, pupils, attitude, remedial education, academic performance, teachers
[1]. Abu,M. (2011).The Effect of Using Language Games on EFL Vocabulary Achievement: The case of seventh grade students in Jerusalem District. Unpublished M.A. Thesis.
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Abstract: This study is aimed to determine the increasing of teacher competence in Making Lesson Plan through Clinical Supervision in State Senior High School 1 Suro, Aceh Singkil Regency. The subjects were teachers at State Senior High School 1 Suro, Aceh Singkil Regency amounted five teachers with criteria for Social Teachers, i.e. economic, geography, sociology, and history. Subject is determined by purposive. The research instrument that used to determine the competence of teachers in making lesson plan is interview guides and a list of matches with the number of grains as much as 33. Meanwhile, to observe the clinical supervision activity in making lesson plan is used observation sheet.........
Keywords: Teachers' competence, Clinical Supervision, Lesson Plan
[1]. Abiddin, Norhasni Zainal. 2008.Exploring Clinical Supervision to Facilitate the Creative Processof Supervision. The Journal of International Social Research. Volume 1/3 Spring (13-33).
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[4]. Astuti, Ening Yuni Soleh. 2016. Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru Melalui Supervisi Klinis dengan Pendekatan Lesson Study di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Bantul Kota. Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah. Volume 1. Nomor 1, Mei 2016 ISSN: 2527-6794 (Media Online).
[5]. Aqib, Zainal. Eko Diniati. Siti Jaiyaroh & Khusnul Khotimah. 2013. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas: Untuk Guru SMP, SMA, SMK. Bandung: Yrama Widya.
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Abstract: The problem studied in this dissertation is why the implementation of quality development management can make the accredited 'A' VHS to be a good academic and non academic achievement to excel in Jambi society. The objectives of this research are to: (1) find the innovation profile in the implementation of quality development management of private Vocational High School to increase the competitive advantage in Jambi Province. (2) The factors of successful implementation of quality development management in private Vocational School increased the competitive advantage in Jambi Province. (3) The contribution of quality development to achievement in private vocational high.........
Keywords: Development of quality, Private Vocational High School, superior to compete
[1]. Anonim. Alqur'an Accompanied by Translation and transliteration. Bandung:PTMizan Pustaka. 2008
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Abstract: The purposes of this research were to analyze the effect of project based learning model type for student's creative thinking skills and problem solving. This research was a quasi experiment research. The population was all students of class X MIA SMA Cahaya Medan academic year 2016/2017. The sample selection was done by using cluster random sampling technique of two classes. The first class was the class X-MIA 1 as an experimental class taught with project based learning model and the second class was class X-MIA 2 taught by conventional learning..........
Keywords: Project based learning, creative thinking skills, problem solving skills
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Abstract: The concern for the students' psychological health is an important aspect in order to obtain a qualitative learning system in the education environment. Misconceptions often pose strong barriers to understanding in science. As a consequence of traditional teaching, misconceptions can stick together with the learned scientific theories and are obvious in specific contexts, be it daily or academic. In this study, it is aimed to determined high school students' ideas about concepts related to light before and after instruction. For this purpose, 30 students were asked 8 questions. Students' ideas were grouped under "no answer", "misconception", "exactly answer" and "wrong answer" categories. After instruction most of the responses to these eight questions take part in scientific or scientific fragment categories.
Keywords: Misconception, Student idea, Concepts, Instruction
[1]. M. T. Greenberg, R. P. Weissberg, M.U. O'Brien, J.E. Zins, L. Fredericks, H. Resnik, and M.J. Elias, Enhancing school-based prevention and youth development through coordinated social, emotional, and academic learning, American Psychologist, 58(6-7), 2003, 466-474.
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Abstract: This study aims to find out the strategies used in the equality of civil servant teachers in the Jambi Provincial Education Office, by describing the shortcomings and advantages of teacher distribution, equity strategy design, and supporting factor analysis as well as inhibiting the strategy of even distribution of high school teachers. The method used in this research is descriptive with qualitative approach, research sample is determined by purposive sampling technique that is all subject having information (informant). The results showed that the average level of inequality of teacher equalization reached 7.8%. Equity uses a strategy that refers to the joint legal guidelines of five ministers.........
Keywords: teacher equity strategy, analysis
[1]. Rangkuti, Fredy. 2009 Strategi Promosi yang Kreatif. Jakarta: gramedia.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Needs Assessment of Senior High School (SMA) Supervisors of Jambi Province |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Sutoyo || Arif Rahman || Irsan |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0705028083 ![]() |
Abstract: This research is about a need assessment to analyzed the Supervisors needed in Jambi Province, Indonesia for Senior High Schools (SMA). The research has purposed to analyze what be done and what should to do by Jambi government with ideal number of senior high school supervisors based on the number of schools and the subject clumps seen by subject teaching, competency, and distribution of those to all districts. The type of this research is need assessment by qualitative approach. Analysis of supervisors needed according to balance ratio to supervisors needed on the rule of Minister of Birocration Government number 21 2010 year about functional position of supervisors needed and also credit points itself. The research was conducted at the Education Office of Jambi Province from January to June 2017. The data collection techniques used in this research was: interview method, documentation study..........
Keywords:need assessment, school supervisor, analyzing
[1] Komaruddin. 2000. Manajemen Pengawasan Kualitas Terpadu. Jakarta: Rajawali
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[5] Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2010. Evaluasi Program Pendidikan, Pedoman Teoritis Praktis bagi Mahasiswa dan Praktisi Pendidikan. Ed 3. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
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Abstract: This study aims to Determine the influence of organizational culture on teachers' work motivation, organizational culture influence on teacher stress management, organizational culture influence to teacher affective commitment, influence of work motivation to affective commitment of teacher, and influence of stress management to affective commitment of Junior High School teacher in Mount Sub- Meriah, Aceh Singkil District. This research uses quantitative methods, the models used is path analysis. The population is all teachers of State Junior High School in GunungMeriah Sub-district, Aceh Singkil Regency, the which amounts to 140 people with 100 samples. Determination of the number of samples with krecji table, and sampling with proportional random sampling technique so that the sample..........
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Work Motivation, Stress Management, Affective Commitment
[1]. Mulyasa, E. (2011). Being Principal Professionals in the Context of the success of the MBS and theCBC.Bandung: Teen Rosda paper. Sagala, S. (2013). Contemporary Educational Administration .Bandung: Afabeta.
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Abstract: Purpose of the study is to discover: (1) the impact of Teachers' Perceptions of Principal's Persuasive Communication on Teachers' Job Satisfactions; (2) the impact of Self-Actualizations on Teachers' Work Satisfactions; (3) the impact of Teachers' Perceptions of Principal's Persuasive Communication on Teachers' Performances; (4) the impact of Self-Actualizations on Teachers' Performances; and (5) the impact of Job Satisfactions on Teachers' Performances. Subjects of the study are junior high schools teachers in SubdistrictLabuhan Deli of District Deli Serdang with samples of 148 persons in total. Sampling was performed with proportionate simple random sampling. Characteristic..........
Keywords: teachers' perceptions on the headmaster's persuasive communication, self actualization, job satisfaction, and teacher's performance
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