Version-7 (Sep-Oct 2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Metacognition Process of Students Class X Senior High School in Mathematic Problem Solving |
Country | : | Indonesia. |
Authors | : | Danang Setyadi |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-0705070107 ![]() |
Abstract: The aimed of his study is to describe the process of students' metacognition in solving mathematics problems about sequence. The subject of the study is six senior high school students in tenth grade. Data were collected using a written test, think aloud, interviews, and journal metacognitive. Data analysis of the process of metacognition of each subject was based on each of the indicators awareness, evaluation and regulation. The finding shows that in general, metacogniitve awareness,...........
Keywords: metacognition, problem solving
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Abstract: This study investigated the influence of preschool factors on academic performance of primary school pupils in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. A descriptive correlational survey design was used. 427 primary school pupils were selected using multi-stage sampling procedure. A 'Preschool Factors Scale' (PFS) was used as the instrument for data collection. It was designed to obtain information on the variables under study. Mathematics and English Academic Performance Scale (MEAPS) was used to generate data on academic performance. The instrument is a validated, self-administered, questionnaire which contained 40 items, 20 items each on Mathematics and English language respectively............
Keywords: Preschool experiences, type of preschool and academic performance
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Abstract: Suriani Ganumba, 8156132092. Effectiveness of the Academic Supervision in Pedagogic Competence Improving Teacher at SMAN 3 Gunungsitoli. Thesis. Postgraduate Program State University of Medan, 2017. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the implementation of the academic supervision conducted superintendent of schools in improving the pedagogical competence of teachers of mathematics and the constraints faced by the school superintendent for the effective implementation of the academic supervision in improving pedagogical competence math teacher at SMA Negeri 3 Gunungsitoli. Subjek this study is the teacher of mathematics SMA Negeri 3 Gunungsitoli numbering 7 people..........
Keywords:Academic Supervision, Pedagogic Competency.
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze: science process skills taught with scientific inquiry model using mind mapping better than students taught with conventional learning, physics science process skills students who have the ability to think critically using scientific inquiry model above average better than students who have the ability to think critically using conventional models above average, and the interaction of scientific inquiry learning model using mind mapping media with students 'critical thinking ability in improving students' physics science process skills. This research is a quasi experimental research with two group pretest-posttest design design. The research population is all students of grade..........
Keywords:Scientific inquiry learning model using mind mapping, Critical thinking ability, Science process skills.
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Abstract: This study was motivated by a great concern about the state of drainage system in Lagos State. Building Technology education programme is the part of education which is meant for the practical and applied skills as well as basic scientific knowledge in the design and construction of buildings. This study was carried out to determine drainage maintenance skills required for integration to Building Technology Programme of Colleges of Education in Lagos State. A descriptive survey design was used for the study. The population for the study comprised of 35 Lecturers from Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education, Federal College of Education (technical), Yaba College of Technology and University of Lagos and 50 Supervisors of Construction Industries in Julius Berger, Cappa der Berto and Chinese Integrated Company in Lagos State. The instrument used for data collection was structured questionnaire. Three.........
Keywords:Building Technology, Culvert, Drainage, Maintenance, Stream Channel and appurtenance.
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Abstract: The study investigated the influence of teaching practice exercise on pre-service teachers' professional development with regards to sustaining quality assurance of teacher education. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. A sample of 420 pre-service teachers from Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education Owerri Imo State, were selected for the study through stratified random sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was researchers made 4-point likert type questionnaire titled "Teaching Practice Exercise and Teachers' Professional Development (TPETPD)". It had reliability coefficient of 0.79 determined using cronbach's alpha formula. The data generated was analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer research questions while the hypotheses were tested using chi-square(x2) and t-test statistical tools at 0.05 level of significance. The result.......
Keywords:Building Technology, Culvert, Drainage, Maintenance, Stream Channel and appurtenance.
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Abstract: The positive growth in access to and use of technology has caused more approaches to be developed in e-learning and is manifested in different forms. This has supplemented or replaced the traditional methods in learning, enabling engagement of learners with their learning through various web technologies alongside faceto- face delivery, and sometimes completely replacing direct face-to-face contact. However, the success of use of technology in learning depends, to a significant extent, on how the students actually use and their attitude in the learning purposes.The purpose of the study was to examine students' attitudes and perceptions about using technology in learning and teaching.........
Keywords:Attitudes, Perceptions, Technology, Teaching and Learning, Africa Nazarene University
[1] Weumin, Y & Dhanarajan, G. 2006.Learner Support in Open and Distance Learning: Training Kit. British Colombia: The Common
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Abstract: Open Distance and eLearning (ODEL) has gained significant popularity in recent past due to the explosion of latest technologies and the availability of the Internet. The use of this specific technology in learning and training has enriched the success stories of next generation learning technologies. However, the success of use of technology in learning depends, to a significant extent, on how the students actually use them for learning purposes. The purpose of the study was to examine the usage of technology in learning and teaching processes citing Africa Nazarene University as a case study. Data was collected from 234 IODL students. Findings from the study revealed that students were found to be using technology in learning and teaching processes in various ways through.........
Keywords:Distance learning, Technology, Usage, Teaching and Learning, Africa Nazarene University
[1] Weumin, Y & Dhanarajan, G. 2006.Learner Support in Open and Distance Learning: Training Kit. British Colombia: The Common
Wealth of Learning and Asian Development Bank.
[2] Bollag, B & Overland M A. 2001. Developing Countries Turn to Distance Education. Chronicle of Higher Education 47 (40) 29-31.
[3] Singh, R & Means, B. 2000. Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students: U.S. Department of Education Office of
Educational Research & Improvement. Available from
[4] Ayot, H O & Briggs, H. 1992. Economics of Education. Nairobi: Education Research and Publication.
[5] Athoye, G. O. 2013. African Nazarene University (ANU). URL: (accessed: 12.10.2013).
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Abstract: This research aims to analyze: 1). The Effect of Students' Worksheet based on skill of science process toward student learning result, 2). the effect of motivation level to students learning outcome, 3). Interaction between Students' Worksheet with motivation level in influencing students learning outcome, (4) the nature of students' attitude with the use of students' work sheet based on scientific processes. This research is a quasi experiment research. The population is the fourth grade students of SD Negeri 164330 sub district Padang Hilir, Tebingtinggi. The sample in this study is chosen by purposive sampling that consisted of two classes. The experimental class is treated using students' worksheet based on the skills of the science process and the control class is treated by using the conventional students' worksheet. The applied instruments are consisted of learning outcome test, questionnaire........
Keywords:Learning Outcome, Motivation, worksheet based on Science Process Skills
[1] Irwantoro, N., Suryana,Y. Pedagogy Competetion. (Surabaya: Genta Group Production2016).
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[5] Susantini, E. I., & Lisa, L. Effectiveness of Genetics Student Worksheet to Improve Creative Thinking Skills of Teacher Candidate Students. Journal of Science Education, 17(2).2016
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Abstract: This study aimed to describe and determine: (1) Effect on Achievement Motivation Interpersonal Communication; (2) Effect of Achievement Motivation of self-concept; (3) Effect of Affective Commitment Against Interpersonal Communication; (4) Effect of Affective Commitment Against Self Concept; and (5) Effect of Affective Commitment Achievement Motivation Against the Medan District Junior High School Teacher Tembung. The method used is survey method exploratori. The number of respondents as many as 164 people were taken by proportional random sampling. The research instrument........
Keywords: Affective Commitment, Interpersonal Communication, Self-Concept, Achievement Motivation.
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Abstract: The formulation of this research problem are: (1) how the implementation of managerial supervision by school supervisor in curriculum and learning management; (2) How the implementation of managerial supervision by school supervisors in student management; (3) how the implementation of managerial supervision by school supervisor in facilities and infrastructure management; (4) How the implementation of managerial supervision by school supervisors in the management of personnel; (5) How the implementation of managerial supervision by school supervisors in financial management; (6) How the implementation of managerial supervision by school supervisors in school management with the community; (7) How the implementation of managerial supervision by school supervisors in the management of special services........
Keywords: Managerial Supervision, Improving Performance, School Management
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know: 1) Influence of organizational culture to MTs teachers job satisfaction in Sub Rayon Aek Natas of North Labuhanbatu Regency; 2) The influence of organizational culture on MTs teacher work motivation in Sub Rayon Aek Natas of North Labuhanbatu Regency; 3) The influence of organizational culture on MTs organizational commitment in Sub Rayon Aek Natas Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara; 3) The influence of job satisfaction on MTs teachers' organizational commitment in Sub Rayon Aek Natas of Labuhanbatu Utara Regency; 4) The influence of work motivation on MTs teachers' organizational commitment in Sub Rayon Aek Natas Kabupaten North Labuhanbatu. This research is done by using quantitative method of path analysis type (Path Analysis). The path analysis model used is the path analysis of the Decomposition Model........
Keywords: Organizational culture, job satisfaction, work motivation
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Abstract: This research is aimed to know the influence of Somatic, Auditory, Visual, Intelectual (SAVI) approach and learning motivation to social studies learning result of the fourth grade Elementary School. This research was held in ElementarySchool 060809 Medan Denai with population of all fourts graders is 50 students. The samples of this research were students of IV-A and IV-B, that have 26 and 24 students. The method used this research was experimental quasi method with the design of factorial 2x2. Instruments used in this research were test based on learning result, and question naire learning motivation. Data analysis technique used is ANAVA technique with the significant level of 0,05.........
Keywords: Learning motivation, learning result, SAVI approach
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Abstract: The principal is the highest leader in the school. His leadership will be very influential in determining the progress of the school. The purpose of this research is: (1) describe leadership strategies applied to principal in improving the quality of educators and educational power, (2) describe the process of the implementation of the leadership strategies conducted the principal in improving the quality of educators and educational personnel, and (3) describe the factor endowments and a barrier faced by principals in improving the quality of educators and educational personnel. This research used the qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Data collection is done by observation, interviews, documentation........
Keywords: Principal, Educator Quality, Leadership Strategies, Educational Personnel
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