Version-4 (Sep-Oct 2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | What Does Concept of Teacher Mean to Teacher Candidates |
Country | : | TURKEY. |
Authors | : | Alattin Ural |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-0705040103 ![]() |
Abstract: This research aimed to determine mathematics teacher candidates' meanings about the concept of teacher via metaphors. 36 Mathematics teacher candidates who studied in the Faculty of Education were the participants of the research. The teacher candidates were asked to complete the sentence of "A Teacher is like … as …". The teacher candidates wrote metaphors as many as they wish. The metaphors obtained were categorized in terms of their meanings that the teacher candidates attributed, afterwards these categories were categorized again in terms of their similarities and so themes were obtained. At the end of the research; it was seen that the teacher candidates thought.............
Keywords: Teacher candidates, concept of teacher, metaphor.
[1]. Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (2003). Metaphors we live by. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the implementation of the work plan of Integrated Private Primary Islamic School Siti Hajar Medan and obstacles in its implementation based on government regulation No. 13 of 2015 on the national standard of education (SNP) which is the minimal criteria of the education system. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this research are foundations, principals, vice principals, teachers, and administration. Data collection techniques such as interviews, field observation and documentation studies. The result of the research stated that the implementation of the integrated private Islamic school work plan of Siti Hajar Medan in general has been done in accordance with the determined plan which refers to 8 national standard of education. Obstacles in the implementation of school work plan in SDS IT Siti Hajar that of 42...............
Keywords: Implementation, Work plan School, National Standard of Education
[1]. Department of national education. 2013. Government Regulation No. 32 of 2013 on National Education Standards. Jakarta: Depdiknas
[2]. Robbins and Mary. 2010. Management Edition Kesepuuh. Jakarta: Erland
[3]. Ismayana, Bambang. 2015. Education Guide. Bandung: Reflika Aditama
[4]. Suhaili, Muhammad. 2015. Long-term School Program Guidelines. Jakarta: Mini Jaya Abadi
[5]. Satori and Komariah. 2014. Research Methodology. Bandung: Alfabeta.
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Abstract: In developing countries information and communication technology has played very important role in the development of education development. ICT is widely perceived that conventional education is now not meeting the emerging needs of higher education development. The paper discusses the significance of Information and Communication Technologies in the Educational sector. With the emergence of ICT's, there has been a rapid change in the way information is exchanged and how people communicate. There has been lot of innovative tools and ways of gathering and sharing information that would have been seem impossible few years back. Digital literacy has become a key in 21st.........
Keywords: Communication, Higher Education, Learning, ICT, Quality Education
[1]. Hau, H. (1996), "Teaching Quality Improvement by Quality Improvement in Teaching", Quality Engineering, Vol.9, No.1, pp.77-94.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the implementation of School Based Management with by examining planning, implementation and monitoring process during undertaken evaluation at four elementary schools in South Halmahera Regency. Involved schools were SD Negeri 1 Labuha, SD AlkharatLabuha, SD NegeriKupal and SD NaskatPanamboang. Data collection was conducted through observation, interviews and document studies. Data analyses were conducted in site and cross site. Collected data was processed according to their respective sites, and formed into two groups:X and Y based on characteristic similarities.The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach. Research result exhibit each research sites possess similarities, difference, excellence, and weakness in characters. The characteristics of each site could be developed as a special management model for educators.............
Keywords: School Based Management, Characteristic, Evaluation Monitoring, Planning, South Halmahera Regency.
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Abstract: This study aims to describe the Management of Senior State High School Excellent Tapaktuan Regency of South Aceh. The research data was collected by observation, interview and document study. Data in the analysis through three levels namely: Data Description, Relationships Analysis and Withdrawal Conclusion. For the validity of data used triagulation technique. The results of this study reveal the findings are a) Strategies that have been applied in Senior State High School Excellent Tapaktuan that is by maximizing activities, planning, organizing, implementing and supervising..............
Keywords: Analysis of Quality Management Strategy Improving Superior Quality
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Abstract: Difficulty (D) and discrimination (P) indices are the factors used to assess the typical of MCQs type A in the examination. The plan of this study knows the correlation between the (D) and (P) and the standard of MCQs informative examination in Anatomy. There were 580 MCQs items, taken from six exams for medical female students conducting in the Najran University department of anatomy. The relationship between them determined by a Pearson correlation using SPSS-PC version 20.0. Distribution of items: very difficult; 9 (3.5%): 75 (37.5 %), difficult;2 (1%):14 (7.8%), average; 45 (22.5%): 6 (3%), easy; 2 (1.1%): 29 (14.5%) and very easy; 1 (0.6%): 27 (13.5%).Poor discrimination; 61 (30.5%): 13 (7.2%), acceptable; 0(0%):19 (10.6%), good; 0 (0%): 7 (3.5%), very good; 0 (0%): 9 (5%) and.............
Keywords: Item analysis, Difficult index, Discrimination index, formative test, Single best response type MCQ
[1] Sadler, D.R, Formative assessment revisiting the territory, Assessment in Education :Principles, Policy & Practice,1465-329X, 5, 1, 1998, 77-84 .
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[3] Hubbard, J.P. &Clemans 1961 W.V, Multiple choice Examinations in Medicine: A Guide for Examiner and Examinee. London: Lea&Fabiger.
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Abstract: This study aimed to know the effect of problem based learning assisted ICT to student's problem solving ability, to know the effect of critical thinking to student's problem solving ability, and to know the interaction of problem based learning assisted ICT and critical thinking skill toward student's problem solving ability. This study used a quasi experiment with two group pretest posstest design. The population of this study was all the students grade X in Senior High School YAPIM Medan academic 2016/2017. The sample selection by cluster random sampling, that is experiment class implemented problem based learning assisted ICT and control class implemented conventional learning..............
Keywords: Problem Based Learning, critical thinking, Problem Solving Ability
[1] Suprijanto, Pendidikan Orang Dewasa dari Teori hingga Aplikasi, (Jakarta : PT. Bumi Aksara, 2012).
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[3] Argaw. A.S., Haile. B.B., Ayalew. B.T., & Kuma. S.G. 2016. The Effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Instruction on Students' Motivation and Problem Solving Skills of Physics. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education, 13(3):857-871.
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Abstract: This research aims to find out how the different skills of the science process students are taught using guided inquiry learning model with conventional learning and to know how the difference understanding of physics concepts of students taught using guided inquiry learning model with conventional learning. This research is a quasi experimental research with pretest-posttest experimental design group design design. The population is class X SMK Negeri 1 Stabat with a sample of two classes selected by random sampling. Data retrieval uses an instrument test of process science skills and concept comprehension. Based on research result, it can be seen that pretest and posttest value of sains process skill in control class 42,86 and 55,06 while pretest and posttest value in experiment class 42,13 and 79,66 while pretest and posttest value of concept comprehension on control class 33,33 and 58.83 while the pretest and posttest values in the experimental class were 40.83 and 79.
Keywords: Guided Inquiry Learning Model, Process Process Skills and Concept Understanding
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Abstract: Statistic course is a compulsory subject for all students at IKIP (Institue of Teacher Training and Education) Budi Utomo Malang. However, not all students have the ability and willingness to learn the course, especially students who is in non-Mathematic major. Based on interviews at the beginning of new students program, many of them (70%) argued for avoiding mathematics with many causes. But averagelyof those stated, had a bad experience in the context of mathematics courses, when they still at the previos education. Starting from this, it would need a media-transferable learning in statistics learning process. means that, besides the media can improve the effectiveness of statistics............
Keywords: Edugam media, Character education, non-mathematic
[1] Arsyad, Azhar. 2007. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Raja GrafindoPersada.
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Abstract: This paper is based on a study which highlighted on the impacts of high student enrollment levels to existing instructional resources in selected public universities in Kenya The study analyzed the impact of high students' enrolment levels on instructional resources in selected Public Universities in Kenya. The objective of the study was to determine the impact of high students' enrollment on teaching and learning facilities in selected public universities in Kenya. The study was guided by the general system theory. The study employed a mixed research design. A pragmatic philosophical paradigm was adopted in the study. Probability sampling method was adopted which included a simple...........
Keywords: Student Enrolment, Teaching, Learning, Resources, Public Universities, Kenya
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Abstract: The formulation of this research problem is (1) how is the headmaster program to improve the quality of education in the implementation of integrated quality management in State Senior High School 1 Sunggal Deli Serdang Regency?, (2) what efforts made by principals to meet customer satisfaction in management implementation (3) what are the obstacles in implementing the implementation of integrated quality management at State Senior High School 1 Sunggal Deli Serdang Regency?, (4) how to solve the problem in solving the problems from the implementation of integrated quality management at State Senior High School 1 Sunggal Deli Serdang Regency.
Keywords: integrated quality management, customer satisfaction, involvement of all parties, continuous improvement, cooperation, delegation of authority
[1] Tjiptono, Fandy, & Diana, Anastasia. 2003. Total Quality Management. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.
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[4] Sallis, Edward. 2008. Total Quality Management in Education Education Quality
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Abstract: The 21st Century has ushered in new methods of doing things in every perceived human endeavour with the advent of newer technologies. The application of technology in teaching-learning has become widespread in most of the advanced worlds, but with less attention in developing countries, especially in Nigeria. (Siddiqui, 2007) observed that higher education has been slow in coming to terms with the emerging global society, and many educators do not yet seem to be concerned that the shape of electronic education may be determined by global forces …, hence, current bureaucratic institutions must be replaced by flexible networks of scholars linked together worldwide. However, the awareness of this technological breakthrough has started gaining much attention in higher institutions in developing countries due to rising demands in education, particularly in Nigeria where there is uncontrollable...........
Keywords:ICT, E-learning, Admission, Distance education, Education system and Technological innovation of authority
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Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of the economy in Vietnam, Englishlanguage is considered as an effectivetool to help students find a good job with high income. Many studies on how to improve learners' speaking skillshave been carried out among educational researchers in the world and Viet Nam. However, whether these innovative activities really improve students' speakingskills at Thai Nguyen University has not been fully investigated.Therefore, this study paper introduces a study on the improving students' speaking skills through experiential learning activities of the academic year 2016-2017. The experimental learning, a methodwas used since it involved the gathering of information about the present conditions. It described the nature of the situation as it existed at the time of the study. It aimed to determine the effectiveness of using experiential learning.........
Keywords: speaking skills, communication, experiential learning, experiential learning activities and communication skills. of authority
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Abstract: This research aims to find out the implementation of Indonesian Teachers Association (ITA) program in developing the ability of teachers to make learning media in East Aceh through (1) to describe the implementation of IGI program in developing the ability of teachers to make ICT-based learning media in East Aceh, (2) to describe the constraints - constrained in the implementation of IGI programs in the development of teachers' ability to make ICT-based learning media in East Aceh; and (3) to describe the constraints of high school / vocational school teachers applying ICT-based learning media in East Aceh. This research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach. The respondents consisted of headmasters of stated SMA and SMK in East Aceh, high school teachers......
Keywords: teachers association, learning media
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