Abstract: Climatic factors may have an effect on the production of Mediterranean forests. The radial stem growth is an outstanding process to understand the ecology of a species and the study of the production of cambium cells provides a way to test this hypothesis in natural environment. Histological analysis of stem growth based on periodic wood micro-cores sampling will help building up a chronology of cell production during the growing season. The data used in this study come from four Aleppo pine stands located in the northwestern Tunisia (Kroumirie Forest). This study led to the establishment of a training calendar of the xylem's cells related with meso-climate of 2014 and 2015. This work allowed identifying the concordances between the dynamics of intra annual cambial activity, and the weather data. The construction of cambial cells of Aleppo pine is characterized by a spring growth phase, a summer rest period and winter dormancy. The reaction of a population to the climate and site conditions simulates a decrease in productivity of the radial cells linked to an increase in summer drought.
KeyWords: Pinus halepensis Mill., Kroumirie, climate, intra-annual variations.
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