Version-1 (October-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Branding Bandarban: Limitations and Opportunities |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shahin Akther |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1910010107 ![]() |
Abstract: Bandarban in one of the main tourist's attraction of Bangladesh. It is bounded with natural beauty. The place has tremendous potentiality to provide hiking, tracking, kayaking experience to the people who search for expedition. As a consequence the place can be a heaven for those people who loves adventure, excitement with the touch of wild nature. At the same time the place provides peace of mind to those who love to enjoy the nature by just looking it. Though the place have all kind of resources to capture the attention of tourists from all the prospects still the revenue from tourism.............
Keywords: Branding destination, Tourism, Accommodation, Transportation
[1]. Alavi, J., Yasin, M. M. 2000. A systematic approach to tourism policy. Journal of Business Research, 48(2), 147–156. [2]. Akhter, R. (2013) Destination Branding: Customer Expectations From A Branded Destination , Lap Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH KG, 2013. ( ISBN 3846590835, 9783846590836).
[3]. Brunetti, F. (2001). Il Destination Management: aspetti problematici, significato e percorsi alla ricerca di una qualità ad effetto prolungato.
[4]. Cracolici, M., F., Nijkamp, P. 2009. The attractiveness and competitiveness of tourist destinations: A study of Southern Italian regions. Tourism Management, 30 (3), 336-344.
[5]. De Keyser, R., Vanhove, N. 1994. The competitive situation of tourism in the Caribbean area—Methodological approach. Revue de Tourisme, 3, 19–22. Dragin A.S.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Strategizing for Sustaining Small Business Enterprises in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Babandi Ibrahim Gumel |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1910010825 ![]() |
Abstract: Small business enterprises are important to the economic growth of Nigeria because small businesses makeup 97% of the economy and contribute 70% of the country's job opportunity. Notwithstanding the importance of small businesses in the Nigerian economy, 80% fail within the first five years. Based on system theory developed by Ludwig von Bertalanffy, the purpose of this multi-unit qualitative case study was to investigate the strategies owners and managers used to sustain operations longer than first five years. Twelve senior managers of small businesses in Dutse Nigeria participated in an interview. Methodological triangulation of interview questions was used to collect the data. Review of transcribed data and member checking were used to affirm the validity, credibility, and.............
Keywords: Small Business management, Small Business Failure. Small Business Success, SMEs in Nigeria, Small Business Development in Nigeria.
[1]. Adam, I. O., & Musa, A. (2015). Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the cloud in developingcountries: A synthesis of the literature and future research directions. Journal of Management and Sustainability, 5(1), 115-139. doi:10.5539/jms.v5n1p115
[2]. Adebisi, J. F., & Gbegi, D. O. (2013). Effects of multiple taxations on the performance ofsmall andmedium scale business enterprises (A study of west Africa Ceramics Ajeokuta, Kogi State). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(6), 324-334. doi:10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n6p323
[3]. Ademola, I. S. & Michael, A. A. (2012). Small-scale businesses as a remedy to unemployment problem inNigeria. International Journal of Scientific &Engineering Research, 3(11), 1-6. Retrieved from
[4]. Adeyemi, K. S., & Abiodun, A. J. (2014). Development of non-oil sector in Nigeria: Challenges andlessons for less developed countries. Covenant Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 5(1), 23-44. Retrieved from
[5]. Agwu, M. O., & Emeti, C. I. (2014). Issues, challenges, and prospects of small andmedium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Port Harcourt city, Nigeria. European Journalof Sustainable Development, 3(1), 101-114. doi:10.14207/ejsd.2014.v3n1p101.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Exercising Concepts of Virtue Ethics in Business Culture |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mitashree Tripathy || Dr. Itishri Sarangi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1910012631 ![]() |
Abstract: Business culture is an intriguing platform. Each company seeks better position, name, popularity, security and success. Overpowered with technology and intensifying outsourcing, today, the world seems very mechanical. Achieving goals and targets are no more velvety in business culture. The ceaseless run towards dreams and goals often lead to short cut methods like using unethical means, corrupted ways and exemption from social benevolence for business growth. Though initial results are satisfying but long terms achievements are doomed with downfall and failure over the business culture. At this expositional state, it has become increasingly important that business culture must ensure............
Keywords: Ethics, virtue theory, business culture, life skills
[1]. Jeurissen, Ronald, and Maaike van der. Rijst. Ethics & business. Assen, Koninklijke Van Gorcum, 2007.
[2]. Subramanian, R. Professional ethics. New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2013.
[3]. Aristotle, and Robert Williams. The Nicomachean ethics of Aristotle. London, Longmans Green, 1879.
[4]. Yu, Jiyuan. The ethics of Confucius and Aristotle: mirrors of virtue. New York, Routledge, 2009.
[5]. Hermberg, Kevin. Phenomenology and virtue ethics. London, Bloomsbury, 2015.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to understand students' perception on this subject matter and how aware they are about their career and employability. Emphasis will be laid on the various skills and strength students possess and should possess that determines how employable they get and how they manage their career. In assessing this issue, review of existing literatures on this subject matter will be considered followed by a brief analysis of our research question, hypothesis and our predictions. On the other hand, analysis of our research methods, a description of our sample, sample selection and representatives of our sample. Presentation of our findings will be done and then evaluating our findings that would be closely followed by the limitations of this research work and concluding remarks.
Keywords: Postgraduate students, Employability, Career, Management
[1] Ashforth, B., Kinicki, J. & Fugate, M. (2004). Employability: A psycho-social construct, its dimensions and applications, Vol. 65(1), 14-38.
[2] Bakan, I. (2010).The importance of formal employee education in the world of growing uncertainty, Turkey: KahramanmaraşSütçü İmam University press.
[3] Barthope, S. & Hall, M. (2006). A collaborative approach to placement preparation and career planning for university students: a case study. Journal of vocational Education and Training, Vol. 52 (2), 165-175.
[4] Baruch, Y. (2004). Transforming careers: From linear to multidirectional career paths – Organisational and individual perspectives. Career Development International, Vol. 9(1), 58-73.
[5] Brown, P. &Hesketh, A. (2004). The Mismanagement of talent: Employability and jobs in the knowledge economy. Oxford University Press.
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Abstract: Employees remain the core issue in labour turnover or retention, and their actions and behaviour have multiplier effects that have some impact on the firm's performance. The study examined the impact of labour turnover on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises in the eighteen local government areas of Cross River State, Nigeria. The cross sectional survey research design was adopted for the study; while a two-stage sampling procedure involving simple random and judgmental sampling techniques were used in the elements selection. The Ordinary Least Square regression statistical technique was used in the test of research hypotheses. The study established that labour turnover has an inverse relationship with the firm's performance. The study recommended...........
Keywords: Labour Turnover, Smes, Organisational Performance, Return On Asset, Return On Investment, Cross River State.
[1]. Aina, O. C. (2007). The role of SMEs in poverty alleviation in Nigeria. Retrieved from
[2]. Ariyo, D. (2005). Small firms are the backbone of the Nigerian economy: African economic analysis. Academy of Management Journal, 1(1), 109-124.
[3]. Armstrong, M. (2009). A handbook of human resource management practices. (11th ed.). London: Kogan Page.
[4]. Barney, J. B. (1991). Firms resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 17(1), 99-20.
[5]. Barney, J. B. (1995). Looking inside for competitive advantage. The Academy of Management Executive, 9(4), 49-61.
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Abstract: Craft-entrepreneurs, being owner-managers, tend to be more assertive in their business ventures. Because of their skills they are likely to succeed than opportunistic-entrepreneur employee-managers who are third parties to the business. Literature links personnel assertiveness in management to probable business success. However, it is of concern that from 2008-2013, private primary schools in Kisumu Town owned by non-educationist opportunistic-entrepreneurs have on average been performing better, with a KCPE average mean score of 354, than those by educationist craft-entrepreneurs with 333. This is despite the fact that craft-entrepreneurs, who are specialists being trained teachers, are professionally qualified in both curriculum implementation and in school management...........
Keywords: Craft-Entrepreneur, Assertiveness, Business Performance, Headteacher, Private Schools, Kisumu.
[1]. Berghaus, V., (2014). Entrepreneurs‟ subjective well-being and job satisfaction: does personality matter? Sociologisskainstitutionemmagisterroppsats, 60hp vt 2014 Retrieved February 2016
[2]. Bockerman, P., Bryson, A., &Ilmakunnas, P., (2012). Does high involvement management improve worker well-being?Journal for Economic Behaviour and Organization. 84, (2) 660-680
[3]. Brockhaus, R.H. (1982). The psychology of the entrepreneur. in Encyclopedia of entrepreneurship, ed. C.A. Kent, D.L. Sexton, and K.H. Vesper. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
[4]. De Rue, S., Nahrgang, J. D., Wellman, N., & Humphrey, S. (2011). Traits and behavioural theory of leadership; an integration and meta-analytic test of their relative validity: journal of personel psychology; vol.62(1 ) 7-52
[5]. Judge, T. A., Bono, J, E., &Illes, R., (2004). Intelligence and leadership: a qualitative review:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Destination Competitiveness: Attributes Affecting Tourist Decisions- A Case Study on Cox's Bazar |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Javed Tariq |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1910016568 ![]() |
Abstract: Cox's Bazar known as the longest sea beach in the world which unbroken sandy beach. Study has been carried on Cox' bazar so that a positive brand image can be created in front of tourists all over the world. The process of earning reputation for a place through its original resources and opportunities to motivate the outer world is known as destination marketing. The study has been conducted by primary resources as well as secondary data; used 100 questionnaires and method is qualitative. From the study we came to know that there is positive relationship between image attribute and overall image of Cox's Bazar. The outcome of this study will be helpful for concerned authorities, planners, and marketers to ensure enough components to build a strong brand image of Cox's Bazar as a destination for tourist.
Keywords: Destination marketing, Longest sea beach, Earning sources, Economic effect
[1]. Akhter, R. (2013) Destination Branding: Customer Expectations From A Branded Destination , Lap Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH KG, 2013. ( ISBN 3846590835, 9783846590836).
[2]. Buhalis, D. (2000) Marketing the competitive destination in the future. Tourism Management 21 (1), 97–116.
[3]. Crouch, G. I. & Ritchie, J. R. (1999) Tourism, competitiveness, and societal prosperity. Journal of business research, 44(3), 137-152.
[4]. Crouch, G. I. (2011) Destination competitiveness: An analysis of determinant attributes. Journal of Travel Research, 50(1), 27-45.
[5]. Dwyer, Larry, and Chulwon Kim (2003). "Destination Competitiveness: determinants and i5dicators." Current Issues in Tourism, 6 (5): 369-414.
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Abstract: Over the past two decades the concept of 'employability' is asubjectof much of the discussion around the future of work and careerprospects for post graduate management program-students.In India lot of management institutesmushroomed in 90's and student intake was almost full but the trend couldn't last long owing to lack of quality education, enrollment of mediocre students to the course wholacked in communication skills, interpersonal skill and team building skills- linking to this was aprolonged slowdown of economy wherein there were hardly any new jobs created. Moreover to this, any graduate or post graduate programs either in management or in engineering operatesinan highly increasingknowledge-driven economy which ischaracterized by rapid obsolescence of technical know-how and practical skills – this has created a gap in academia and Industry as we are in no match with...........
Keywords: Academia, Industry, Employability,Globalization, Liberalization, privatization, Fourth Generation
[1]. Brown Phillip, Hesketh Anthony and Williams Sara "Employability in a Knowledge-Driven Economy‟, May, 2002 5th Sept. 2017
[2]. Career Competency & Employability Skills [3]. file:///C:/Users/sanjiv/Downloads/Career%20Competencies%20&%20Employability%20Skills%20for%20MBA's%20(1).pdf Retrieved 10th Aug. 2017
[4]. Cortada, J.W. (1998) (ed.) Rise of the Knowledge Worker, Oxford Butterworth-Heinemann.
[5]. 5thSept. 2017
[6]. Department for Education and Skills (2003) "The Future of Higher Education‟, The Stationery Office Bookshops 123 Kingsway, London WC2B 6PQ Norwich, Retrieved 7th July 2017
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Abstract: This study examines the effect of motivation on employee performance in post-privatization of public companies using Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company as a case study. The study adopted descriptive survey research design because the variables of measure are qualitative and non-metrics. Structured questionnaire was used in collecting information from respondents who are employees of IKEDC in Mainland area in Lagos metropolis. The data gathered was analysed using descriptive statistics. The results of the study reveals that the rate at which employees are motivated affects..........
Keywords: Motivation, commitment, Employee, Privatization, IKEDC
[1]. Alvesson, M. (2002). Understanding Organizational Culture. SAGE Publications Inc.
[2]. Amabile, T. M. (1993). Motivational synergy: Toward New Conceptualizations of Approach to Developing and Implementing Incentive Plans for Salespeople. Scottsdale: American Compensation Association.
[3]. Andersen, B. and Fagerhaug, T. (2002). Performance measurement explained: de-signing and implementing your state-of – the art system. Published by American So-ciety for Quality, Inc.
[4]. Anthony, R.. N., and Govindarajan, V. (2007). Management Control Systems 12th edition. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
[5]. Arizona-Ogwu, C. L. (2008). Nigeria and the Electricity Ordeal: Is Coal still Viable? Assessed on November 22, 2008 at www.
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Abstract: The traditional cohort system does not cater to the expectations of all the stakeholders of management education. The rigid system tries to bring about parity in the output when the input to the system is not. Hence, with the changing students' expectations and the industry's demands, there arises the need for an innovative system. Fully Flexible Credit System fits this bill rightly. This paper brings out the appropriateness of Fully Flexible Credit System for management education.
Keywords: Fully Flexible Credit System, Management Education, Stakeholders, Cohart System
[1]. Buckley, M.F., Novicevic, M.M., Jonathon, R.B., Halbesleben, M.F. and Harvey, M., (2004), Course management and students' expectations: theory based considerations, International journal of educational management, 138-144.
[2]. B.V.R.Naidu,, O.V.A.M.Sreedevi (2016), Choice based credit system in India: A Critical Evaluation, International Journal of Academic Research, ISSN: 2348-7666; Vol.3, Issue-2(2), February, 2016
[3]. Halbesleben, J.R.B., Novicevic, M.N., Harvey, M. and Buckley, M.R., (2003), Awareness of temporary complexity in leadership of creativity and innovation: a competency based model, Leadership quarterly, Vol.14, pp.433-454.
[4]. Kotler, P., and Fox, K. Strategic Marketing for Educational Institutions. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1995.
[5]. Laha, A.K. (2002), Quality in management education- A meta analysis of recent B-school surveys, Paper presented at the national conference on quality of life organized by IAPQR and Viswa Bharati at Santiniketan, W.B.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Operations Research in Judiciary System |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Mobin Ahmad |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1910018589 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to analyze the role of Operations Research in judicial system is to guarantee the administer of law and legal security for people. The "rule of law" implies that the organization of justice and other exercise of open expert must be unsurprising and steady, and should be led to an elevated expectation. "Legal security" implies that private people and other lawful elements must be shielded from criminal attacks on life, health, freedom, integrity and property. It is critical that the judicial system, together with society as an entire, attempts to avoid and combat crime, and to bolster the individuals who have been casualties of crime. What's more, legal security requires an effectively..........
Keywords: Operations Research, judicial system, law, legal, security, justice, Legal security, attacks, criminal, society.
[1]. Jeremy Cooper, Poverty and Constitutional Justice, in Philosophy of Law: Classic and Contemporary Readings, edited by Larry May and Jeff Brown, Wiley-Blackwell, UK, 2010.
[2]. See accessed on 18 July 2010 & See also Judicial Activism in Comparative Perspective (KM Holland ed.) London, Macmillan (1991) p. 1.
[3]. K.D Kmiec, "The origin and current meaning of "Judicial Activism‟" 92 California Law Review 1441 (2004) at p. 1446.
[4]. T. Sowell at accessed on 28 December, 2011.
[5]. Shailja Chander, Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer on Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles, Deep and Deep, New Delhi, 2003
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Abstract: Options are effective risk management tools which are used worldwide. Options are a type of derivative instruments which will offer only the right but not the obligation to trade in a specific underlying asset. In order to occupy this right the option holder should pay premium while entering into an option contract. This Premium will act as a source of expense to the option holder and the same is a source of return to the option writer. Therefore option traders must be very careful while deciding on the price of an option contract that is the premium. It is a well known fact that premium outlay can be minimized by effectively implementing option trading strategies. This research study involves optimizing the returns to the option trader by analysing and identifying four...........
Keywords: Bear Put Spread, , Bull Call Spread, Long Iron Condor, Options, Option Trading strategies(OTSs), Short Put Synthetic Straddle
[1]. Avellaneda, M. (OCTOBER 2004). A look ahead at options pricing and volatility. QUANTITATIVE FINANCE VOLUME 4, C51–C54.
[3]. CHONG, J. (2004). Options trading profits from correlation forecasts. Applied Financial Economics, 1075–1085.
[4]. EDERINGTON, J. S. (2005). Vertical Spread Design. SPRING, pp 28-46.
[5]. Jackwerth, J. C. (2000). Recovering risk aversion from option prices and realized returns . The review of Financial Studies Summer 2000, pp 433-451.