Version-4 (October-2017)
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Abstract: This purpose aims to know the impacts of liquidity, activity and pofibility towards the company value with dividen policy as intervening variables. The population of this research is manufacture company listed on BEI (Indonesia Stock Exchange). The sample is chosen by using purposive sampling method and it brings out 21 data in 5 years research from 2010 until 2014. The result shows that liquidity (CR) gives positive impact to the company value which is proxied with Tobins-Q, liquidity (CR) also gives significant impacts to the company value through dividend policy (DPR) with negative direction. The activity (TATO) gives negative impacts to the company value which is proxied with Tobins-Q, but profitability (ROE) gives positive impact to the company value through dividend policy (DPR).
Keywords: Liquidity, Activity, Profitability, Dividend policy, Company value.
[1] Ariyanti, Ike Ida Wahyu. 2014. Pengaruh Total Asset Turnover (TATO), Inventory Turnover (ITO), Debt To Equity Ratio dan Earning Per Share (EPS) Terhadap Dividen Payout Ratio (DPR). Studi pada Perusahan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2009-2011.
[2] Ghozali, Imam. 2013. Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate dengan program IBM SPSS 21 Update PLS Regresi. Edisi 7, Penerbit : Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro.
[3] Hanafi, M Mamduh. 2004. Manajemen Keuangan. Edisi 2004/2005. BFE. Yogyakarta.
[4] Houston and Brighem. 2001. Manajemen Keuangan. Buku dua. Jakarta. Erlangga.
[5] Horne, C. Van James., & Jr. M. Wachowicz John. 1998. Prinsip-Prinsip Manajemen Keuangan. Cetakan kesembilan. SalembaEmpat. Jakarta..
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Abstract: An organization cannot function without the commitment and co-operation of its employees to perform the tasks and objectives towards achieving organizational goals. The term organizing is used to denote one aspect of the managerial activities when he or she is preparing and scheduling the different tasks. The organization performance is mainly determined by managerial performance. Accordingly human behavior is primarily affected the organizational performance, especially in service organizations. Employees are usually paid for their service by means of salary or wage. However, in many organizations, employees will be rewarded by some kind of reward scheme to stimulate employees for achieving set goals. Further rewarding employees is aimed at play a key role in motivating employees.........
Keywords: Organizational performance, Employee motivation, Intrinsic factors, Extrinsic factors
[1]. Herzberg, F., Mausner, B., & Snyderman, B., (1959). The motivation to work. New Burnswick USA.
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[3]. Jayatilake, L.V.K (2017), Job Satisfaction Factors Among University Staff Officers in an Emerging Economy: The Case of Sri Lanka, In: Tsounis N.., Viachvei A (eds), Advances in Applied Economic Research. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springe, Cham. Pp 37-48.
[4]. Kaur, A., (2013). Maslow‟s Need Hierarchy Theory: Applications and Criticisms, Global Journal of Management and Business Studies. Research India Publications.
[5]. Khan, K. U., Farooq, S. U., & Ullah, M. I., (2010). The Relationship between Rewards and Employee Motivation in Commercial Banks of Pakistan. Research Journal of International Studies.
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Abstract: Organizations have always been interested in understanding what employees feel about their jobs, and how willing are they to dedicate and invest time and energy in the organization. Two constructs, which have very strongly resonated with managers, are employee engagement and organizational citizenship behaviour. Both engagement and citizenship behaviour are considered to have important organizational outcomes. This study, therefore, tested the relationship between employee engagement and organizational citizenship behaviour in a sample of 123 professionals from the telecom sector through a self-administered survey. Factor analysis was done to validate the employee engagement scale. Correlation and multiple regression analyses were performed to determine the relationship between..........
Keywords: employee engagement, organizational citizenship behaviour, telecom sector
[1] Bakker, A. B., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2008). Positive organizational behavior: Engaged employees in flourishing organizations. Journal of organizational behavior, 29(2), 147-154.
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[5] Buckingham, M., & Coffman, C. (1999). First, break all the rules: What the world‟s greatest managers do differently, New York: Simon & Schuster...
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Abstract: The main purpose of this article is to examine the perception of customers of Adidas towards their customer experience with the retail brand and the influence of emotional quotient on CX. The population of this study consists of Adidas shoppers in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Respondents were selected from different gender, age groups, and occupations having retail shopping experience. In this paper we try to see the significant change that have been foreseen in the field of e-shopping and the customer's perception about the quality of e-shopping being offered by designing a self-closed ended questionnaire to collect the data. The study is basically to know the influence of emotional quotient on the customer experience and also to study overall customer experience level of Adidas as a retail brand; it is still a major issue as studies available focus on a multiple set of variables and relies on different approaches.........
Keywords: Social Awareness, Self Awareness, Customer Experience, Emotional quotient
[1] Awe, S. C. (2006). The Starbucks experience: 5 principles for turning ordinary into extraordinary.
[2] Badgett, M., Boyce, M.S. and Kleinberger, H. (2007), Turning Shoppers into Advocates, IBM Institute for Business Value, Armonk, NY.
[3] Berry, L.L., Seiders, K., Grewal, D., 2002. Understanding service convenience. Journal of Marketing 66 (3), 1-17.
[4] Feyerherm,A. E., & Rice, C. L. (2002). Emotional intelligence and team performance: The good, the bad and the ugly. The International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 10(4), 343-362
[5] Frow, P., & Payne, A. (2007).Towards the "perfect‟customer experience. The Journal of Brand Management, 15(2), 89-101..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pricing Determinants of selected Bookbuilt IPOs issued in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Harmohan Singh Dhall || Dr. Sukhdev Singh |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1910043240 ![]() |
Abstract: This study attempts to decode the puzzle surrounding the pricing of equity IPOs issued through bookbuilding pricing method in India in the period from 2000 to 2014. Using a sample of 100 bookbuilt IPO issues in the study period the study reveals the significant value drivers for IPO price by applying multivariate regression analysis to a select set of explanatory variables for IPO value. The study results establish post issue promoter and promoter groups retained ownership levels, Net worth per equity share, industry composite price to earnings ratio, earnings per share and rate of subscription of IPOs by institutional investors as significant pricing determinants of sample bookbuilt IPOs..........
Keywords: Pricing determinants, bookbuilding mechanism, IPOs
[1]. Cassia E. A., IPO Underpricing in Italy, Applied Financial Economics, 14(3), 2004, 179- 194.
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Abstract: Research on entrepreneurship intention has and continues to be of interest to researchers, public and private due to its economic importance to the development for many nations. The literature on entrepreneurship intention has examined various issues with many focusing on the factors that influence entrepreneurship intention. However, most of these studies were conducted in general terms with very few research on Muslim entrepreneurial intention.This research empirically examined the influence of personal attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control on Muslim entrepreneurial intention in university student doing undergraduate. The research conducted by collecting data..........
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial intention, Personal Attitude, Perceived Behavioral Control, Subjective Norm.
[1]. Abdullah Azhar, Annum Javaid, M. R. & A. H. (2001). Entrepreneurial Intentions among Business Students. Journal of Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies, 2(2), 145–160.
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[3]. Amos, A., & Alex, K. (2014). Theory of Planned Behavior, Contextual Elements, Demographic Factors and Entrepreneurial
[4]. Autio, E., Keeley, R. H., Klofsten, M., Parker, G. G. C., & Hay, M. (2001). Entrepreneurial Intentions among Business Students. Journal of Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies, 2(2), 145–160.
[5]. Bagheri, A., Akmaliah, Z., & Pihie, L. (2011). Factors Influencing Students' Entrepreneurial Intentions : The Critical Roles of Personal Attraction and Perceived Control Over Behavior. International Conference on Innovation & Entrepreneurship, 2014(Ajzen 1991), 1–9..
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Abstract: This paper presents a finance wits basis for duration participation estimation and local governance to assist a multi-linguistic developing country as Nigeria. The background is development indices that point to work and freedom are observable as preferred by leaders as citizenry alike in Nigeria. The aim is to introduce a payment complex relay based characteristic work association index as guide to labour time expectation for a developing country as Nigeria and a design supervision structure to address necessary sociological challenges. Hence, also presented is a case for political design as a sociological subject averse to the idea that 'combining the insights offered by different approaches might be the best way of achieving the goal of understanding and explaining the social world'. A rational basis for labour duration offer is derived based on payment relay mathematics to analyse characteristic association...........
Keywords:Action, Decision, Government, Participation, Relay
[1] Osuntokun, A. Power Broker. Ibadan : Spectrum Books Ltd, 1987. A Biography of Sir Kashim Ibrahim.
[2] Haralambos, M, Holborn, M and Heald, R. Sociology: Themes and Perspectives. 9th. London : Collins, 2008. ISBN 978-0-00-724595-6.
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Abstract: The study was conducted after serious challenges were continuing to affect the heath delivery system due to ZESA power cuts especially between 2010 and 2015 in the four sampled health institutions in Harare. Literature reviewed covered among other concepts, health service delivery systems, electricity supply in the Zimbabwean context and also studies done by others, which helped to compare and identify the research gap. The descriptive survey design was used. The target population comprised those who worked or administered in the 4 health institutions, ZESA officials, and officials from the parent Ministry of Health and Child Welfare and patients. Both the quantitative and qualitative paradigms.........
Keywords:Health institution, Health service delivery, Maternity, Medical examination, Power shortage, Surgical operation, Survey
[1] Almansour, Y.M., (2012). The Relationship between Leadership Styles and Motivation of ManagersConceptual Framework.
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from a Consolidated Retail Bank Operating in a DepressedEconomy. African Journal of Business Management Vol. 5(20) pp.
[5] Choga, F., and Njaya, T. (2011). Business research methods, 1st edition, ZOU, Harare..
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Abstract: This study investigates differences between global and Indian brand power in the Indian market. Brand power towards Indian and global apparel brand in the Indian market are examined. It is postulated that global and local brand power influence brand preference , which is composed of brand name, color, value, quality, loyalty, and purchase intention. Descriptive research design is followed in this research. Under non-probability sampling technique, convenience sampling method was used to select the respondent from population. The data were collected through primary sources. Primary source the data were collected using a questionnaire method. Sums of 530 Respondents met at the time of purchase in specified mall (Forum Vijaya mall and Express avenue), in Chennai City during their leisure time, with a request to fill in the questionnaire. Using repeated measures MANOVA and Descriptive, this study finds that Indian consumers perceive Indian and global brand power differently based on Brand awareness.
[1]. Aaker, DA & Kller, KL 1990,"Consumer evaluations of brand power ‟, Journal of Marketing, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 27-41. [2]. Achenaum, 1993,"The malleable self: the role of self-expression in persuasion‟, Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 45-57.
[3]. Keller, 2003, "The product life cycle (PLC) approach to causal modelling: Personal brand preference adoption and use as an illustration‟, management and Technology Studies, vol. 2, pp. 285-309.
[4]. Barclay, D, Higgins, C & Thompson, R 1995, "The partial least squares (PLS) approach to causal modelling: Personal computer adoption and use as an illustration‟, Technology Studies, vol. 2, pp. 285-309. [5]. Bass Frank, M &Clarke Darral, G 1972,"Testing Distributed Lag Models of Advertising Effect‟, Journal of Marketing Research, pp. 298-308.
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Abstract: This study investigates various aspects of operation management, such as, demand and forecast, production process, operation strategy and how to apply lean as well as 'Just-In-Time' theory to improve the operation system and performance objectives. It focuses on these aspects in relation to a specific case study based on activities of two companies, Abdul Monem Limited and Tabani Beverage Limited, who are producing soft drinks of "The Coca Cola Company".The information have been collected from both primary and secondary sources of data.The producing company need to differentiate products, size of bottle to expand market and reduce time of pre-processing stock inventory to maintain profit margin. The company may use water and rail road to decrease transportation cost and time. Further research is needed to improve the operation management of the Coca cola producing company in Bangladesh.
Keywords: Demand, Forecast, Operation Management, Lean management.
[1] Plunkett Research Limited. (2016). Food, Beverage and Grocery Business Trends Analysis. Retrieved from [Accessed on 9 February, 2016].
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[3] World Bank. (2015). World Bank Report 2015. Retrieved from [Accessed on 9
February, 2016].
[4] Das, T. (2014). Success factors in the soft drinks manufacturers in Bangladesh. The Jahangirnagar Economic Review. 23
(2) . 54-62.
[5] Ramanathan, U. and Muyldermans, L. (2010). Identifying demand factors for promotional planning and forecasting: A case of a soft
drink company in the UK. International journal of Production Economics.128. 538-545.
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Abstract: This paper solely focuses on the fourteen principles established by Henri Fayol and its application in a startup business and further analyze its implications. Published works done previously relating to this study were reviewed extensively. This however produced vigorous on the concept of the principles, better understanding and further modifications. The importance, benefits, strengths and weaknesses of these principles were tested in order to determine how best they are suited in startup businesses. Data was drawn from startups in Lagos, Nigeria which gives this study a directional perspective. Based on literature and results gotten from the data, it was concluded that Fayol's principles of management are as relevant to startup businesses as they are in other existing organizations. The paper, further recommends thatStartup Organizations should always maintain a sense of direction and carry the staff along by reminding them of the organizations goals and objectives, offer them a sense of importance to the organization and treat staff with utmost objectivity
[1]. Abdullah, R. (2017) Impact of Teamwork, esprit de corp, team trust on employee performance in royalindoexpoduta Jakarta Indonesia.International Journal of Advancement in Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Science. 4(3): 106-113
[2]. Bhasin, H. (2016) Henri Fayol‟s 14 principles of management,with examples and application. Marketing91
[3]. Blackburn, R., & Rosen, B. (1993). Total quality and human resources management: Lessons learned from Baldrige award winning companies. The Academy of Management Executives, 7 (3), 49-66
[4]. Boyt, T., Lusch, R. F., and Naylor, G. (2001).The Role of Professionalism in Determining Job Satisfaction in Professional Services: A Study of Marketing Researchers. Journal of Service Research, 3(4), 321-330..
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Abstract: This paper examines the effect of automated teller machines on the return on assets of the listed commercial banks in Kenya. The sample included all the 11 commercial banks listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange. The study discovered that automated teller machines positively and significantly influenced the return on assets of commercial banks in Kenya in the period 2007 – 2016. All the variables met the classical linear regression model diagnostic tests meaning that they were normally distributed, homoscedastic and had no autocorrelation. Further, there was a positive correlation between automated teller machines and return on assets implying a strong relationship between the two variables. The study recommends that commercial banks in Kenya should increase their efforts towards adoption of automated teller machines to automate their service delivery to customers.
Keywords: Return on assets, automated teller machines, commercial banks.
[1]. Diaconu, M. (2011). Technological Innovation: Concept, Process, Typology and Implications in the Economy. Theoretical & Applied Economics, 18(10).
[2]. Suzuki, O. (2015). Unpacking performance benefits of innovation ambidexterity: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry. management revue, 328-348.
[3]. Harrison, J. S., & Wicks, A. C. (2013). Stakeholder theory, value, and firm performance. Business ethics quarterly, 23(1), 97-124.
[4]. Ngari, J. M. K., & Muiruri, J. K. (2014). Effects of financial innovations on the financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya.
[5]. CBK. (2015). Bank Supervision Annual Report. Retrieved from