Version-9 (October-2017)
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Abstract: Mutual Fund is one of the most effective instrument for the small & medium investors for investment and offers opportunity to them to participate in capital market with low level of risk. It also provides the facility of diversification i.e. investors can invest across different types of schemes. Indian Mutual Fund has achieved a lot of popularity since last two decades. For a long time UTI enjoyed the monopoly in mutual fund industry. But with the passage of time many new players came in the market and industry faces a lot of competition. Now a days this industry has become the major player of the financial system. Therefore it becomes important to investigate the mutual fund performance at continuous basis. The aim......
Keywords: Mutual Fund, Net Asset Value, Performance measures, Return, Beta etc.
[1]. Adhav, Mr. S.M. & Chauhan, Dr. P.M.(2015), "Comparative Study of Mutual Funds of Selected Indian Companies", International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, Vol. 04, Issue 02, pp. 44-51.
[2]. Ayaluru, M.P.(2016), "Performance Analysis of Mutual Funds: Selected Reliance Mutual Fund Schemes", Parikalpana KIIT Journal of Management, Vol. 12(1), pp. 52-62.
[3]. accessed on 24 Aug 2017
[4]. Kesavraj, Dr.Geeta (2013), "A Study on Customer Perception Towards Various Types of Mutual Funds in Chennai", Asia Pacific Journal of Research, Vol. 1, Issue 10, pp. 17-26.
[5]. "Mutual Funds 2.0 Expanding into New Horizons", 2016 report by pwc....
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Features of Management in Developing Countries |
Country | : | Libya |
Authors | : | Mohammad Eshteiwi Ahmouda Shafter || Fakhurelden A Abdelmotleb |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1910090715 ![]() |
Abstract: Mohammad Eshteiwi Ahmouda Shafter Abstract: Management in developed countries seems easier except that the environmental requirements are very tough and the competition is very high. In developing countries very different styles of management: Local which may not match the modern styles, and many foreign styles applied in the foreign companies. There is rare information. Labors are not well trained. Suppliers are not aware of quality systems and delivery reliability. In developing countries easier environmental is required. In developing countries long term relations based on trust and mutual benefit is difficult to convey. Firing people is not usual and thus people may feel they will never get fired regardless of what they.........
[1]. Fahey, L. and Prusak, L. The eleven deadliest sins of knowledge management. California Management Review, 40 (3), 1998.
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[3]. Lenox, Mary and Walker, Michael L. Information literacy: challenger for the future. Journal of Information and Library Research, 4 (1) 1992, p. 12.
[4]. Foster, Stephen Paul. The digital divide: some reflection. International Information & Library Review, 32, 2000, p. 437.
[5]. Bridging the gap: the relevance of ICT in development. courier/courier_192/ en/en_037_ni.pdf. [Last visited 3rd July 2002].
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Improved Managing Electronic Records System |
Country | : | Libya |
Authors | : | Dr. Mohamed Othman El. Fitouri Abomahara |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1910091629 ![]() |
Abstract: A business develops in course of time with complexities. With increasing complexities managing the business has become a difficult task. The need of existence of management has increased tremendously. Management is essential not only for business concerns but also for banks, schools, colleges, hospitals, hotels, religious bodies, charitable trusts etc. Every business unit has some objectives of its own. These objectives can be achieved with electronic management. Electronic systems become obsolete so rapidly that it is unrealistic for these systems to remain usable for the length of time that the organization will need the records that are created by them. This fact is a characteristic that distinguishes electronic records from paper records. Electronic records have to be migrated on to new systems in such a way that they can still read and understood while maintaining their integrity and authenticity..........
[1]. Responsibility. Canberra: Australian Archives, 1997. Available electronically at
[2]. National Archives of Canada. C-12 Central Procedures in Electronic Form in CARDD. Draft 5: June 1, 1998. Ottawa, ON: National Archives of Canada, 1998.
[3]. National Archives of Canada. Product List for the Information Management Standards and Practices Division.. Available electronically at
[4]. Naugler, Harold. The Archival Appraisal of Machine-Readable Records: A RAMP Study with Guidelines. PGI-84/WS/27. Paris: UNESCO, General Information Programme and UNISIST, 1984.
[5]. New York State Archives and Records Administration. Managing Records in E-mail Systems.. Available electronically at
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Abstract: In the business world today, investors have different expectations when it comes to dividend payment. While some prefer low payout ratio, others prefer high payout ratio and as a result, determining an optimum payout ratio that meets the investors' expectations becomes a difficult task. The payout ratio derives a lot from the dividend policy of organizations and the dividend policy of an organization is believed to have an effect on the prices/values of its shares. This study aimed at evaluating the payout ratios of companies and the extent of their effects/relationship on the share price of Nigerian quoted manufacturing companies using five (5) of such companies for a ten years period, making a fifty (50) firm...........
Keywords: Dividend, Payout Ratio, Price Earnings Ratio, Earnings per Share, Share Price
[1]. Abdullah, A. M. (2014). Dividend Policy and Its Impact on Stock Price – A Study on Commercial Banks listed in Dhaka Stock Exchange. Global Disclosure of Economics and Business, 3(1). 9-17.
[2]. Akinsulire, O. (2005). Financial Management, 3rd Ed. Lagos, El-Toda Ventures.
[3]. Akinsulire, O. (2014). Financial Management, 8rd Ed. Lagos, El-Toda Ventures.
[4]. Alayemi, S. A. (2013). Relationship between Dividend Payout and Market Price of Shares
[5]. (A Case Study of Selected Companies in Food and Beverages Companies in Nigeria). Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies. IV (I), 116 – 121.
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Abstract: Mobile Health (mHealth) and Mobile Money (mMoney) are leading-edge applications that can assist better people's lives and bridge the digital gap. They are contemporary examples of Advanced Networking being put to everyday use, and demand the same considerations in relation to confidentiality, integrity and availability that are at the heart of all other applications of advanced networking infrastructure. mHealth is a way to help ease pressure on the health systems around the world. mMoney also known as branchless banking is another way of making life easier for people in Botswana and around the world. Branchless banking assists customers by saving them the trouble of going to access money from an ATM machine or having to go to a bank. This research paper explores the security and networking challenges that affect the successful adoption of mMoney and mHealth. The research methods used in this paper consist of a wide review of existing literature review and primary data collected. The data was collected using surveys, namely questionnaires and interviews. Users of mHealth and mMoney were given questionnaires........
Keywords:mHealth, mMoney, security, security and networking, network infrastructure
[1]. MARITZ, J (2011), "Mobile banking proving popular in Botswana" [Available online]:
[2]. Islam, S. (2014), "Systematic Literature Review: Security Challenges of Mobile Banking and Payments System" , International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology Vol. 7, No. 6 (2014), pp. 107-116.
[3]. Zhang,Y, Lee H & Chen, KL. (2013), "An Investigation of Features and Security in Mobile Banking Strategy", Michigan University and Mississippi University,(2013), Journal of International Technology and Information Management Volume 22, Number 4.
[4]. Shambare, R. (2011), "Cell Phone Banking Adoption in South Africa", Richard, Business Economic Research.
[5]. Faisal Iddris , "Barriers to Adoption of Mobile banking: Evidence from Ghana", International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences(2013)..
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Abstract: This article presents the author's series model to predict the stock exchange. The algorithm is based on the artificial neural networks and multi-resolution analysis. However, the main feature of the algorithm, which gives a good quality of the forecasts, is all included in the division of the series analysis, a few partial under-series and prediction dependence of a number of other economic series. The algorithm used for prediction is an author's algorithm, labeled M.H-D_w1 in this article. When choosing the series for the model one should be led by the principle that the forecast index changes are dependent, to some extent, on the basic changes with some time delay. A feature of the algorithm.........
Keywords:forecasting, neural network, stock index, wavelet, wavelet transform.
[1] M. Hadaś-Dyduch, Wavelets in prediction. Theory, Method, Simulation. (Scholar‟s Press, Saarbrucken, Niemcy, 2015).
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[4] M. Forni, M. Lippi. Aggregation and the microfoundations of dynamic macroeconomics. Oxford University Press, 1997.
[5] R. Cristadoro, M. Forni, L. Reichlin & G. Veronese. A core inflation indicator for the euro area. Journal of Money, credit, and Banking, 2005, 37.3: 539-560..
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Abstract: Many tertiary educational institutions in Kenya face financial challenges. The general objective of the study was to determine the influence of corporate governance on financial management in tertiary institutions in Nakuru County, Kenya. The specific objectives included to examine the influence of corporate leadership and transparency on financial management of these institutions. The theories reviewed in this study included stewardship theory, institutional-centric theory of finances and agency theory. This study adopted a cross-sectional research design. The management and finance officers working with the tertiary institutions in Kenya constituted the target population. The 324 aforementioned staff working with the tertiary institutions in Nakuru County comprised the accessible population. Stratified random sampling was used to draw 58 respondents from the accessible population. A structured and self-designed questionnaire which was also self-administered was used to facilitate data collection..........
Keywords:Corporate governance, corporate leadership, financial management, tertiary institutions, transparency
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