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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Service Quality In The Perspective of Ethnic Gu-Lakudo Traders |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Juharsah || Hartini |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1911010108 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to determine the service quality in the perspective of ethnic Gu-Lakudo traders. Key informants are academicians and traders. Ordinary informants were traders of the Gu-Lakudo ethnic in the markets of Baubau City and Kendari City, which were obtained by purposive method. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and observations. The result of analysis shows that service quality in the perspective of ethnic Gu-Lakudo traders is; honest in the services provision, indulgent in services providing, giving pleasant in service, and delivery service quickly.
Keywords: Service quality, culture in trade, Gu-Lakudoethnic, local culture
[ 1 ] Agustrisno, 2007. Respon Kultrual dan Struktural Masyarakat Tionghoa Terhadap Pembangunan di
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Differentiation Strategy and Performance of Large Rice Milling Factories in Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Githumbi V. || Ragui, M. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1911010916 ![]() |
Abstract: Organizations must adapt themselves to the empowered customer by implementing strategies that can sustain them in this competitive environment. The strategies such as porter`s generic competitive strategy model differentiation, cost leadership, diversification, and new product development could be used for sustainability. Differentiation is a business strategy where firms attempt to gain competitive advantage by increasing the perceived value of their products or services relative to the perceived value of other firm's products or services. The study aimed to establish the effect of differentiation on performance of rice milling factories in Kenya with focus on Kirinyaga County which is the highest rice growing county in Kenya..............
Keywords: Product Differentiation, Service Differentiation, Physical Differentiation, Knowledge based Theory, Resource based Theory.
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Abstract: Integrated project management information system (I-PMIS) acquired by construction companies are meant to provide project teams with softwares needed for effective project performance. However little is known on what extend the I-PMIS contribute to project performance. This study looked into the influence of integrated project management system on performance of construction projects in South Rift construction companies, Kenya. The study sought to determine the influence of project management information system efficiency. The study used descriptive survey design. This study accessible population was 95 respondents .The researcher used census inquiry. The study was guided by Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model (ISSM).Reliability and validity of questionnaire was tested and the analysis of data on hypothesized relationships was done using Multiple Regression Model.............
Keywords: Project Management, Information System Efficiency and Performance
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Abstract: In the recent past, performance of the public sector has been consistently falling below the expectations of the public despite performance contracting being implemented in various departments of the public sector therefore making it necessary for a research to be carried out to assess the effects of performance contracting on performance. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of performance contracting on organization service delivery. The specific objectives of this study were to establish the effects of work plan management on service delivery. Data was collected through questionnaires that were administered to employees of state corporations in Eldoret. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The study targeted 147 employees drawn from various levels of management from 21 state corporations in Eldoret, the researcher used a census inquiry of the target population..............
Keywords: Performance Contracting, Service Delivery and Age work plan management
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Abstract: It is assumed that the degree of success or failure on the part of any business organization depends to a greater extent, on its ability to provide sufficient and relevant information on how relevant product use could yield benefit to consumers. The general aim of this paper was to determine how label data influences consumer patronage of customer loyalty for beverages in Port Harcourt. Descriptive survey research design was adopted by administering 270 questionnaires to consumers of three categories (early majority, late majority, and laggard) of food drink. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze data collected through statistical program for social sciences (SPSS)...............
Keywords: Product Label data, Post Patronage, Customer Loyalty, Health Benefit Information and NAFDAC
[1] Aaron, J. K., Mela, D.J. & Evans, R.E., (2004). The influence of attitudes, beliefs and label information on perceptions of reduced-fat spread. Appetite, 22, 25–37.
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Abstract: In the recent years the usage of internet has been tremendously increased due to availability of low cost smart phones, economic data plans. Due to exponential rise in internet penetration the e-commerce based activities has also seen tremendous growth in the past few years. Thousands of online shopping websites have mushroomed catering to various needs and requirements of consumers. This all new trend has compelled researchers examine online consumer behavior and factors associated with online consumer behavior to explore new dimensions of research in this context. Although there may be several factors affecting consumer behavior there is also a dire need to understand the moderating variables that impact online shopping behavior. Difference in the buying behavior of the consumers..............
Keywords: Moderation, Demographics , Online Shopping,e-commerce.
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Abstract: Talent Management is a term that indicates all of the strategies and practices an organisation engages into, for keeping its workforce stable and agile. It includes most of HR activities like Recruitment & Selection, Performance Management, Training & Development, Employee engagement etc. It is an umbrella under which all strategies with respect to employee management and development are planned and implemented. Therefore, it can be said that Talent Management always remains central to all the HR activities an organisation undertakes and applies to all organisations across sectors and private sector banks as well. The success of these programs however depends on how well they are aligned with overall organisational objectives and business goals...............
Keywords: Talent Management, Managerial Performance, Employee Performance
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Relation Between Circulating Assets and Firm Reported Profits: An Empirical Exploration |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ejoh, Ndifon Ojong |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1911016873 ![]() |
Abstract: This research investigates the relationship between circulating assets and firm reported profits of manufacturing firms listed in Nigerian stock exchange between the period 2010 to 2016. Circulating assets or current operating assets are given as cash, inventory and receivables, while profits is measured by Gross profit (GP) and Net Profit (NP). Univariate regression models were specified for testing formulated hypotheses. The hypotheses revealed that Firm profitability and inventory levels held have a positive significant relationship, accounts receivables have a negative significant relationship with net profits while cash has a positive but insignificant relationship with profitability. It was recommended from the findings thatto reap the benefits of holding current assets, there must be an optimal investment in them which calls for effective current assets or capital management.
Keywords: Bottom Line Performance, Net Profit Margin (NPM), Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Disclosure.
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[6] B.C. Osisioma, Studies in Accountancy, text and readings revised and enlarged (Enugu, ACENA Publishers, 1993).
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Abstract: India's first mutual fund was establishment in 1963, namely, Unit Trust of India (UTI), at the initiative of the Government of India and Reserve Bank of India. Indian Mutual Fund Industry has full-fledged fabulous over the last two decade after the entry of public sector banks, insurance companies, private and foreign dramatis personae into the industry. The manuscript highlights to evaluate which selected balanced fund scheme performs better to yield high rate of return. Mutual Fund companies are financial intermediaries providing financial services to small investors through mobilization of funds, when the investors invest..............
Keywords: Average Assets under Management (AAUM), Funds, India, Mutual Funds (MF), Performance, Recital
[1] Aggarwal Nisha, Financial Institutions and Markets, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi 2006, pp. 18.1 - 18.33
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[3] Bansal L.K., Mutual Funds Management and Working, Deep & Deep Publication, New Delhi, 1996 pp. 22- 26, 34 - 37.
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[5] Douglas. J. Cumming and Jeffrey. G. Macintosh, (2007) "Mutual Funds that invest in Private Equity – An Analysis of Labour Sponsored Investment Funds" Cambridge Joournal of Economics, 31 (3) 2007, pp 445 - 487.
[6] Dunna, M. (2012). Mutual Funds in India – Issues, Opportunities and Challenges. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Management Review, 1 (2), 240-249