Version-6 (November-2017)
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Abstract: A survey by ManpowerGroup—The Skills Revolution—released at the World Economic Forum in Davos asked 18,000 employers in 43 countries across six industry sectors how they expected technology to impact their business in the next two years. Increasing use of digitisation and artificial intelligence in businesses will hit headcount in the world in the short term by cutting job. Quite predictably, data analysts will be the most in demand. This indicates the rapid pace at which skills need to be evolved. [1] (, 2017). In this paper, we present a literature review and a conceptual model for data driven decisions through work force planning. To understand the journey so far, 30 articles, published from 2002 to 2017 have been taken into consideration...........
Keywords: Work force planning, Work force architecture, Talent segmentation, Talent forecasting, Risk mitigation strategy, Digitization, Decision making
[1]. Journal Papers
[2]. (2017, January 18th). Digitisation will hit Indian employees the most: ManpowerGroup survey . New Delhi, India.
[3]. Robinson and Robinson, D. G. (2009). Strategic Business Partner:Aligning People Strategies With Business Goals. In D. G. Robinson and Robinson, Strategic Business Partner:Aligning People Strategies With Business Goals (pp. pp.9-31). Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
[4]. Bhatnagar and Sharma, J. A. (2003). Strategic HR Roles in India: A Rhetoric or Reality? Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 38, No. 4 , pp. 409-424.
[5]. Sullivan, J. (2002). Workforce planning: Why to start now. In J. Sullivan, Workforce (pp. pp.46-50).
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Abstract: This research study is carried out to explore the relationship between social support and coping on occupational stress and performance among agricultural research sector employees in Hyderabad Metro.A survey of three hundred (300) employees consisting of 200 male and100female employees of various agricultural research institutes in and around Hyderabad was carried out using an undisguised self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted the statements on employee socio-demographic, occupational stress, social support and coping factors employed. The Occupational Stress Index used to measure the occupational stress among the employees, the social support from the perceived support from co-workers, instrument and emotional support received and factors related to approach and avoidance coping strategies.The fiveindependent stress causing...........
Keywords: Agricultural research sector, occupational stress, performance, Cronbach's alpha, logistic regression
[1]. Alan Agresti. (2002). Categorical data analysis. Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, USA.
[2]. Bakhshi, R, Sudha, N, &Sandhu P. (2008). Impact of Occupational Stress on Home Environment: An Analytical Study of Working Women of Ludhiana City. Journal of Human Ecology, 23, 231-5.
[3]. Campbell, C.H., Ford, P., Rumsey, M. G. &Pulakos, E. D. (1990). Development of multiple job performance measures in a representative sample of jobs. Personnel Psychology, 43, 277-300.
[4]. Cercarelli, L.R., &Ryan, G.A. (1996). Long distance driving behaviour of Western Australian drivers‖. Proceedings of the Second International Conference onFatigue and Transportation: Engineering, enforcement and education solutions (L.R. Hartley (Ed.). Canning Bridge, Australia: Promaco, 35–45.
[5]. Chand, P.,&Sethi, P.S. (1997). Organizational factors in the development of work stress. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 32(4), 457-460..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sharia Equity Fund Performance Analysis (Indonesia's Case Study) |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Bintang Andhyka |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1911062231 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aimed to determine whether the performance of syariah equity funds have performed better than the market as a comparator (JII) by using Sharpe and Treynor and to see if there are differences in the performance measurement results ranking syariah equity funds between methods Sharpe and Treynor methods. There were 11 syariah equity funds which are used as a sample of this study. The sampling method used was purposive sampling. This study uses Sharpe and Treynor methods. The type of data used is secondary data is data that NAB is a sample of January 2014 to December 2014 in the form of monthly data. The greater value of Sharpe and Treynor ratio of Syariah equity funds, the better the performance of Syariah equity funds. The results of the analysis using the Sharpe suggests...........
Keywords: Syariah Equity Funds, JII, Sharpe Methods, Treynor Methods
[1]. Kaaro, Heirmendito, Analisis Kinerja Reksadana Saham di Indonesia, Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2007
[2]. Barus, Gratia Atanka, 2013. Analisis Pengukuran Kinerja reksadana Dengan Metode Sharpe dan Metode Treynor. Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, 2013
[3]. Ratnawati, Vince dan Ningrum, Khairani, Perbandingan Kinerja Reksadana Syariah dan Reksadana Konvensional, Jurnal Akuntansi, 2012
[4]. Hariandy, Hasbi., Kinerja Reksadana Syariah Tahun 2009 di Indonesia, Jurnal Keuangan dan perbankan , 2010
[5]. Cahyaningsih, dkk., Perbandingan Reksadana Syariah dan Reksadana Konvensional, SNA 11, 2008
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Abstract: This study aimed to examine the influence of pharmacy service quality for patient satisfaction, the pharmacist competence toward patientsatisfaction, the pharmacist competence toward the availability of medication, and the impact of medication availabity for patient satisfaction. The research population were 1,378 patients visiting a pharmacy per month; and the sample consisted 310 respondents. As a result, this study found that the quality of pharmacy service and pharmacist competence significantly influenced the availability of medication in the pharmacy. While the quality of pharmacy services has a significant effect on patient satisfaction. However, the pharmacist competence had no significant effect for patient satisfaction. Last, the availability of medication was significant to influence patient satisfaction.
Keywords: quality, competence, medication availability, satisfaction
[1]. Anitawati. 2012. Analisis Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Jalan Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Farmasi Di Apotek X (Studi Pada Bulan November 2011). Jurnal Manajemen dan Pelayanan Farmasi. Vol. 2 (2): 1-11.
[2]. Boulter. N, Dalziel. M dan Hill. J. 1996. People and Competencies. Bidlles Ltd. London.
[3]. Boyatzis, R.E. 2006. An Overview of Intentional Change From a Complexity Perspective. Journal of Management Development, Vol. 25 Issue: 7, pp.607-623
[4]. Bustami. 2011. Penjaminan Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan & Akseptabilitasnya. Penerbit Erlangga. Jakarta.
[5]. Hayaza. 2013. Analisis Kepuasan Pasien Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Kamar Obat di Puskesmas Surabaya Utara. Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Surabaya. Vol. 2 (2): 1-13...
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Abstract: Now days to stimulate the interest of students in entrepreneurial activities in Bangladesh universities are taking different initiatives. With the help and support of these universities the students are getting more confident to establish and manage their own business. Therefore Department of Business Studies, University of Information Technology and Sciences (UITS) arranged an event called "Business Promotion Day" for all the students of Business Studies department. For the event students are divided into different groups and asked to own different stalls and sell products on those days. With the help of this event students got a practical knowledge on managing their own business and gain a practical knowledge on marketing, financial management, communication, presentation and salesmanship...........
Keywords: Business Promotion Day, Entrepreneurship, Initiatives, Interest in entrepreneurship, Youth Entrepreneurs.
[1]. Yorke, M. (2006). Employability in higher education: what it is – what it is not, learning and employability series 1. York: The Higher Education Academy. Gunn, R., Durkin, C., Singh, G.
[2]. Brown, J. (2008). Social entrepreneurship in the social policy curriculum. Social Enterprise Journal, 4(1), 74-80.
[3]. Emami, M. &Nazari, K., (2012). Entrepreneurship, religion, and business ethics. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research.
[4]. Gunn, R., Durkin, C., Singh, G., & Brown, J. (2008). Social entrepreneurship in the social policy curriculum. Social Enterprise Journal, 4(1), 74-80.
[5]. Mueller, S. (2011). Increasing entrepreneurial intention: effective entrepreneurship course characteristics. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 13(1).
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Abstract: The Main purpose of this study is to show the role of service quality, customer satisfaction and corporate image on customer loyalty. The research population is bank customers in East Java who have high involvement in decision making process. This study involved 250 respondents who came from retail customers from five largest banks in Indonesia. The research results indicate that service quality has significant positive effects on customer satisfaction, corporate image, and customer loyalty. Also, customer satisfaction has significant positive effects on corporate image. Finally, both of customer satisfaction and corporate image are found to have a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. The model indicates that corporate image has the bigger effect on customer loyalty when compared with both service quality and customer satisfaction. Service quality can enhance and create both of customer satisfaction and corporate image.he abstract should summarize the content of the paper.
Keywords: Service quality, customer satisfaction and corporate image, customer loyalty
[1]. Levitt's, Theodore. 1960. "Marketing Myopia", Harvard Business Review, Juli-Agustus. pp. 45-56
[2]. Avkiran, N. K. 1994. "Developing an Instrument to Measure Customerservice Quality in Branch Banking", International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol.12(6), pp.10–18
[3]. Jamal, A., & Naser, K. 2002. "Customer Satisfaction and Retail Banking: An Assessment of Some of the Key Antecedents of Customer Satisfaction in Retail Banking", International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 20(4), 146–160.
[4]. Anderson, T.W.& Olsen. L.L. 2008. "The Impact of Customers' Perception of Varying Degrees of Customer Service on Commitment and Perceived Relative Attractiveness", Managing Service Quality, Vol. 18( 4), pp.309-328
[5]. Cronin, J.J & S.A. Taylor 1992 "Measuring Service Quality : A Re-examination and Extension", Journal of Marketing, Vol 56 No.3, July, pp.56-68..
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Abstract: This paper aims at reviewing current literatures trend regarding the application of local government financial information systems (LGFIS/Sistem Informasi Keuangan Daerah) with the stressing on the context of local governments in Indonesia. It is found that recent research on LGFIS mostly focus on the use of Delone and McLeane IS Success Model, quality of system , quality of information, utilization of systems, effectiveness of system, user satisfaction, internal control, and reporting quality. Research in this area is still in the early pahse, therefore few direction for future research are also discussed in this paper.
Keywords: local government information system, quality of system, quality of information, utilization of system
[1]. Hamzah, Pengaruh ekspektasi kinerja, ekspektasi usaha, faktor sosial, kesesuain tugas dan kondisi yang memfasilitasi pemakai terhadap minat pemanfaatan sistem informasi (Studi empiris pada pemerintah kabupaten di pulau madura). Simposium Sistem Teknologi Informasi, UGM, Yogyakarta, 2009.
[2]. Government regulation no. 56 year 2005
[3]. W. DeLone, and E. McLean, Information systems success: The quest for the dependent variable, Information Systems Research, 3,(1), 1992,
[4]. H. Raija, Reflecting with the DelOne and McLean Model, International Workshop on Practice Research, Hesinki, 2011, 1-13.
[5]. S. Petter, W. DeLone, and E. McLean, Measuring information system success models, dimensions, measures, and interrelationships, European Journal of Information Systems, 17,(3), 2008, 236-263.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study to analyze: 1) P engaruh accountability, fairness, transparency, and Professionalism to the acquisition of Zakat, 2) Effect of accountability, fairness, Trans paransi, and Professionalism to the increase in operating revenues Mustahiq. And 3) The effect of zakat acquisition on the increase of Mustahiq's revenue. Whether done simultaneously or partially any existing variables. This study was conducted in South Sulawesi, the population in this study is the Muzakki, Amil and Mustahiq with a sample of 200 respondents. Data analysis using path analysis with the help of SPSS. The results found that accountability, fairness, transparency and professionals directly influence the acquisition of zakat. Similarly, Accountability, Fairness, Transparency, and Professional direct effect to mustahiq business continuity. While based on the test results...........
[1]. A.Rahman Zainuddin, 1994 " Zakat implication on Equity " in Budhy Munawar-Rachman (Ed.), Contextualisation of Islamic doctrine in History, (Jakarta: Yayasan Paramadina).
[2]. Abdullah Kelib, 1996. Research Report, Legal Profession and Implementation Zakat on Muslim Professionals in Semarang , Research and Development Institute of Science Unissula, Semarang.
[3]. Abdurrahman Qadir, 1998. Zakat in Mahadah and Social Dimensions , Jakarta; King Grafindo Persada
[4]. Adiwarman A.Karim 2001, Islamic Economic Studies A contemporary (jakarta Gema Insani Press)
[5]. Aflah, Kuntarno Noor and Mohd Nasir Tajang Eds .. 2006. Zakat and the Role of the State, Zakat Forum, Jakarta..
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Abstract: The objectives are: (1) to specifically know what kind of mechanisms the cooperative uses to manage accounts receivable, (2) to know the extent to which cooperatives can act and take risks in handling bad debts, (3) to find out how much impact the management mechanism accounts receivable against the profitability of the cooperative. This research uses associative method, because this research to find the relationship between one variable with other variables. This is done by observing and studying objects or issues in detail. to collect data, then the technique used in accordance with the purposes of the problem in this research is the observation technique, that is by observing each activity..........
Keywords: Receivables Management, and Profitability
[1]. Agus Sartono. (2010). Financial Management Theory and Applications (4 th ed.). Yogyakarta: BPFE.
[2]. Handoko, T Hani. 2001. Personnel and Human Resource Management, Edition. Second. BPFE, Yogyakarta.
[3]. Griffin, Ricky W., (1990). Management. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
[4]. Gitman, Lawrence J. 2009. Principles of Managerial Finance. Boston: Pearson Addison Weasley.
[5]. Henry Simamora. 2000, Accounting Base for Business Decision Making, Jakarta: Salemba Four.
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to know the role of institutional group of farmers and the combination maize of Bisi-2 variety of farmer groups in Muna District. This research was conducted in January 2017 until March 2017. The research location was conducted in Muna District. Determination of location of research conducted porposive with consideration of research location is production center of maize of Bisi-2 variety in Muna District. Data analysis used in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis. The result of the research shows that the groups of farmers and group of farmers are formed to get government assistance in the form of seeds, fertilizers, tractors, and grinding machines. The institution of maize farmers has not played well as a vehicle for continuous learning, cooperation, and production units. The combination of maize farmers has not functioned as a manager of maize agribusiness from......
Keywords: maize, farmer of institution, and roles
[1] Badan Agribisnis, 1999, Kebijaksanaan dan Pola Kemitraan Usaha Pertanian, Badan Agribisnis Departemen Pertanian RI, Jakarta.
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[4] Krisnamurthi, Bayu, 2000. Pengertian dan Ruang Lingkup Agribisnis, Laboratorium Ekonomi dan Manajemen Agribisnis Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.
[5] La Sinaini, 2015, Sumberdaya Manusia Petani dan Pengorganisasian Gabungan Kelompok Tani Padi Sawah di Kabupaten Muna, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Swasembada Pangan, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari, 315-321.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Accounting and Sustainability: Review of International Legislations |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Lect. Dr. Tuğdem saygın yücel |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1911068492 ![]() |
Abstract: A growing number of investors perceive sustainability as a catalyst for enlightened and disciplined management, and, thus, a crucial success factor and so sustainability might be accepted as an evolving management paradigm. As a result, investors are increasingly diversifying their portfolios by investing in companies that set industry-wide best practices with best practices with regard to sustainability. At the business level sustainability is often equated with eco-efficiency. However, such a reduction misses several important criteria that firms have to satisfy if they want to become truly sustainable. Sustainability for companies emphasizes social, economic and ecological responsibilities of corporate beside of the financial responsibility. Advocates of sustainability implicitly claim.........
Keywords: Sustainability, Accounting, International, Legislation
[1]. ACCA, 2005. Accounting Sustainability Briefing Paper 5.
[2]. ACCA, 2008. Going Concern? A Sustainability Agenda for Action.
[3]. Avetisyan, E., 2010. Emergence and Evolution of Sustainability Rating Agencies: An Institutional Approach Philosophical and Methodological Implications, 19th EDAMBA Summer Academy, Soreze, France, pp.1-9.
[4]. Brown, J., 2009. Democracy, Sustainability and Dialogic Accounting Technologies: Taking Pluralism Seriously, Critical Perspectives on Accounting 20 (2009), pp. 313–342.
[5]. Deloitte, 2009. CFO Insights: Sustainability: Developing Key Performance Indicators..