Version-4 (November-2017)
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Abstract: The purpose of this research study is to identify the major factors of consumers' reasons of preference for international food service outlets and Indian food service outlets. Research paper also compared the factors of consumers' reasons of preference. Global organised food retailers such as KFC, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, and Domino's Pizza etc. are acting as per the local needs and hence posing great challenge and competition before Indian food service retail outlets. Research involves asking customers for subjective attitudinal evaluations of quality dimensions of international food outlets traditional and Indian food outlets. The current paper studies the influence of various factors on consumer preferences...........
Keywords: Consumer preference, International food service retail outlets, Indian food service retail outlets, Quality attributes.
[1]. Aaker David, 2000, Building strong brands. The Free Press, New York.
[2]. Akbar, M. M., Parvez, N. (2009). Impact of Service Quality, Trust and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty. ABAC Journal, 29 (1): 24-38.
[3]. Banerjee, N. (2012). A Comparative Study of Customers‟ Perceptions of Service Quality Dimensions between Public and Private Banks in India. International Journal of Business Administration. 3 (5): 34.
[4]. Beldona, Srikanth; Moreo, Andrew P and Gokul Das Mundhra, 2010 , The role of involvement and variety-seeking in eating out behaviors , International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 22(3) : 433-444
[5]. Beverland, M., 2001, Creating value through brands : The ZESPRITM kiwi fruit case. British Food J., 103 (6) : 383-399
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Literature Review on Various Models for Evaluating Training Programs |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr J.P. Tripathi || ArtiBansal |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1911041422 ![]() |
Abstract: In today's dynamic marketplace, the need for consistent skill up gradation never loses its importance. What was said to be an effective training program in the past may not be so now. We need to continuously adapt it to suit our current needs. This is possible when we know how effective our previous training program was. This paper will describe various ways to evaluate training programmes. We can use the models suggested here depending on the available resources, size of the training program and corporate culture.
[1]. Evaluating Training Programs byDanald L. Kirckpatrick& James D. Kirckpatrick, Third Edition, Published by Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
[2]. Kirkpatrick four levels,Š Audio Recordings Study Guide By Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick and Dr. Jim Kirkpatrick
[3]. HarshitTopno, Evaluation of Training and Development: An Analysis of Various Models, IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) ISSN: 2278-487X. Volume 5, Issue 2 (Sep-Oct. 2012), PP 16-22
[4]. Professor Sharon Mavin, Lesley Lee, Dr. Fiona Robson, The evaluation of learning and development in the workplace: A review of the literature, bokk on evaluation of training programs, Higher education hefce funding council for England.
[5]. Kelly Bradley, Edward Connors, Training Evaluation Model: Evaluating and Improving Criminal Justice Training, final report submitted to National Institute of Justice, US Federal in September 2007
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Abstract: This paper deals with an analysis of promotional mix namely advertisement, sales promotion, public relations and personal selling (direct marketing) on consumer buying behavior of natural beauty products at Chennai city. It mainly aims at exploring the various promotional activities used by the sellers in order to enhance positive perception and purchase decision of consumers towards natural cosmetic products. The research design was descriptive and analytical in nature. Data was collected using structured interview schedule method. Judgment sampling technique was used to collect data from 100 respondents. Descriptive statistics, regression and Friedman test were.............
Keywords: Promotional mix, buying behavior, natural cosmetic products.
[1]. Azam, S., Hussain, Z., & Fiaz. (2016). Exploring the Aesthetics of Product on Consumer Buying Behavior in FMCGS. Journal of Business & Financial Affairs, 3(3), 1-4.
[2]. Blackwell, R.D., Miniard, P.W., & Engel, J.F. (2001). Consumer Behavior. 9th ed. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt College Publishers.
[3]. Bryman, A., & Bell, E. (2007). Business Research Methods. 2nd Ed. New York: Oxford University Press Inc.
[4]. Chandon, P. Laurent, G., & Wansink, B. (2000). A Benefit Congruency Framework of Sales Promotion Effectiveness. Journal of Marketing. 64(4), 65-81.
[5]. Cronbach, L.J. (1951). Coefficient Alpha and the Internal Structure of Test. Psychometrika, 16(3), 297-334.
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Abstract: An empirical study was conducted in this research to study the role of self-esteem in decision making styles of Indian corporate executives. 282 corporate executives covering 15 Public sector & 21 Private sector organizations with various demographic factors were selected under judgment sampling. The questionnaire covering self-esteem and all the three styles of Decision making namely vigilance, hyper vigilance and decision avoidance was administered and the response was analysed using statistical tools. A significant influence of self-esteem has been observed on all three decision making styles of corporate executives in the study. The results of the study also indicate the existence of.............
Keywords: Decision-making styles, self-esteem, corporate executives, vigilance, hypervigilance, defensive avoidance
[1] Coksun Arslan, Ahmet Selcuk Yilmaz, Analyzing Decision making Styles and Self esteem at Decision making of University students Regarding to Shyness and self esteem level, British Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, 2015, 8(4): 227-234.
[2] Deniz M Engin, The Relationships among Coping with stress, Life satisfaction, Decision making styles and Decision Self esteem: An Investigation with Turkish University students, Social behaviour and Personality: An International Journal, 2006, Vol. 34, No.9: 1161-1170.
[3] Dere Ciftci H, Do Adolescent's Self esteem levels affect their Decision making Behaviours? The study of the Relation between Decision making Behaviours and self esteem levels of 7th and 8th grade Adolescents, International journal of Recent Scientific research, 2015, vol.6, issue 5:4005-4018.
[4] M. Engin Deniz, An Investigation of Decision Making Styles and the Five – Factor Personality Traits with respect to attachment Styles. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practices, 2011(1), Winter: 105-113.
[5] Gregory M Herek, Irving L Janis and Paul Huth, Decision Making during International Crisis: Is Quality of Process Related to Outcome?, The Journal of Conflict resolution, Vol. 31, No.2, (June, 1987): 203-226
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Abstract: The research on e-commerce has gained utmost importance globally including various disciplines like marketing. Therefore, in order to understand the consumer Behaviour in changing technological context the pre and post adoption of technology has become an area of interest for the marketing research scholars, specifically in developing countries. These scholars mainly emphasized on the relationship between technology acceptance and human Behaviour. Majority studies of this kind have deployed the classical models like TRA (Theory of Reasoned Actions), TAM (Technology acceptance Model) and TPB (Theory of Planned Behaviour) for understanding the aforementioned relationship in different areas of technology applications. Further, the past scholars have also modified and validated these............
Keywords: Online shopping adoption, online shopping intention, TAM, TPB
[1] ―Evolution of e-commerce in India Creating the bricks behind the clicks‖, Working paper by PwC- [2] Fishbein, Martin. "A theory of reasoned action: some applications and implications." (1979).
[3] Fishbein, M., and Ajzen, I. Belief, Attitude, Intention and Behaviour: An Introduction to Theory and Research, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1985.
[4] Taylor, S., and Todd, P. A. ―Understanding Information Technology Usage: A Test of Competing Models,‖ Information Systems Research (6:4), 1995b, pp. 144-176.
[5] Davis, F. D. ―Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology,‖ MIS Quarterly (13:3), 1989, pp. 319-339..
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Abstract: In the era of globalization, the demand for quality of higher education is increasing day by day in Bangladesh. But most of the public and private universities fail to meet the emerging demand of high quality education and service quality. To compare and contrast the quality of higher education in public and private universities of Bangladesh, a study was conducted. This paper critically examines the factors of service quality on the viewpoint of students' expectation and perception studying in public and private universities.The study tried to explore the root factors affecting.........
Key Words: Higher Education, SERVQUAL Model, Service Quality, Service Gap
[1]. Legcevic, J., Quality gap of educational services in viewpoints of students. EkonoskaMisaoPraksa, 18 (2), 2009, 279-298.
[2]. Zeshan, A., Afridi, T., & Khan, S. M., Assessing service quality in business schools: implications for improvement. The 3rd International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education, December 6-8,2010, Lahore – Pakistan, 220-232.
[3]. Abu Hasan, H. F., Ilias, A., AbdRahman, R., &AbdRazak, M. Z., Service quality and student satisfaction: A case study at private higher education institutions, International Business Research, 1(3), 2008, 163-175.
[4]. Khodayari, F., &Khodayari, B.,Service quality in higher education. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business, 1(9), 2011, 38-46.
[5]. MohamadYusof, A.R., Hassan, Z., Abdul Rah man, S., &Ghouri, A. M., Educational service quality at public higher educational institutions: A proposed framework and importance of the sub – dimensions. International Journal of Economics Business and Management Studies, 1(2), 2012, 36-49.
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Abstract: General elections require substantial amount of funds to support the electioneering process. Such funds would have been applied in investments. Equally too, time and energy of the public is utilized, denying the public the opportunity to engage in investment decisions. Outwardly, optimism and pessimism occur. Market bulls represent optimism while market bears pessimism. Market optimism results in higher stock returns while market pessimism in lower stock returns. Kenya had its general elections on 8th August 2017 according to the Kenya Constitution (2010). This paper investigates whether the general elections in Kenya had statistically significant effect on the Nairobi Securities Exchange............
Keywords: Nairobi Securities Exchange Index, general elections, event window, market optimism, market pessimism
[1]. Brock, B. S., & Gregory, H. (2001). Is the political busisness cycle for real? Center for Economic Studies and Info Institute for Economic Research.
[2]. Floros, C. (2008). The influence of the political election on the course of Athens Stock Exchnage 1996-2002. Managerial Finance, 34(7).
[3]. Floros, C. (2008). The influence of the political election on the course of the Athens Stock Exchnage 1996-2002. Managerial Finance, 34(7).
[4]. kabiru, j. N., Ochieng, D. E., & Kinyua, h. W. (2015). The effects of general elections on stock returns at nairobi Securities exchnage. European Scientific Journal, 11(28).
[5]. Khan, J., Rehman, S. U., & Hussain, A. (2016). Impact of general election 2013 on share price of public listed firms: Evidence from pakistan. City Uinversity Research Journal, 6(1).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | E-Banking & Cyber-Crime |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms.SukhwinderKaur |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1911046063 ![]() |
Abstract: The Indian banking industry has enjoyed the ride of emerging technology to undergo significant changes. Banks areamong the biggest beneficiaries of the Information Technology revolution and have largely adopted IT solutionsfor rendering the banking services to their customers.The evolution of E-banking technology makes the task very easy, banking transactions becomes very fast within a click. Online and mobile banking make daily banking fast and convenient. The misuse of information technology in the cyber space is clutching up which gave birth to cyber-crimes at the national and international level.The growing trends of cyber frauds including off line and online financial crimes are affecting a large number of people. Financial frauds with online payments, Mobile banking.........
Keywords:Cyber Crime. Banking, Information Technology
[1]. Goel S (2016)Cyber-Crime: A Growing Threat To Indian Banking Sector "International Journal of Science Technology and Management" (5) (12)
[2]. Raghavan A.R., Parthiban L (2014) The Effect of Cybercrime on Bank's Finances "International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review" (2) PP: 173-178.
[3]. Kaur R.P. (2013) Statistics of Cyber Crime In India: An Overview "International Journal of Engineering And Computer Science" (2)(8) PP. 2555-2559
[4]. Anonymous (2017) Online/Safety/Tips Retrieved from https://Www.Oostburgbank.Com/Pdf On 20-06-2017
[5]. Anonymous (2017)Modern-Online-Banking-Cyber-Crime Retrieved From Http://Resources.Infosecinstitute.Com on 22-06-2017
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Abstract: "Food Processing has immense potential. We need to cash in on the global opportunities for the benefit of our farmers" – Sri Narendra Modi, our Prime Minister, quotes while inaugurating Mega Food Park in Tumkur, Karnataka on September 24, 2014. Considering the India's potential to become the world leader in food processing, the Ministry of Food Processing Industries has envisioned an increase in food processing by exploiting the domestic and International market for processed food. Several policy measures have also been formulated in order to foster the growth and the development of food processing industries in India..........
Keywords: Food Processing Industry, Financial Performance, MSMED Act, profitability Ratios
[1] Dr. Hanuman Prasad, Kapil Shrimal, 'An Empirical Study on Effect of Profitability and Market Value Ratios on Market Capitalization of Infrastructural Companies In India', Global Journal for Research Analysis, May 2015.
[2] Vasanth Vinaygamooorthi, Selvam Murugesan, Lingaraja Kasilingam, 'Impact of Firms' Profitability on Environmental Performance: Evidence from Companies in India,' Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN 2039-2117, Vol 6, No.1, Jan 2015.
[3] Sabo Muhammad, Rabi'U Saminu Jibril,Usman Sani K/Wambai, Fatima Bello Ibrahim,Tjjani Habibu Ahmad, 'The Effect of Working Capital Management on Corporate Profitability: Evidence from Nigerian Food Product Firms', Applied Finance and Accounting Vol. 1, No. 2, August 2015 ISSN 2374-2410 E-ISSN 2374-2429, Redfame Publishing.
[4] Osundina Jacob Ademola, 'Working Capital Management and Profitability Of Selected Quoted Food And Beverages Manufacturing Firms In Nigeria', European Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance Research Vol.2, No.3, pp. 10-21, May 2014.
[5] Ambily T. Chacko, Dr. Santhosh Kumar S, 'The Impact of Size and Age on Profitability of Indian Food Processing Industry', Journal of Exclusive Management Science – April 2014 -Vol 3 Issue 4 - ISSN 2277 – 5684
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Influence of Manager's Politeness on Subordinates Motivation |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Dr. Aram Hanna Massoudi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1911047890 ![]() |
Abstract: Business communication in organizational settings is crucial to achieve the desired results. Managers use speech to manage, instruct, and in other ways get subordinates to perform everyday tasks. This study aims to investigate how speech acts are performed using different politeness strategies, how these politeness strategies affect the motivation of subordinates, and how politeness can be used strategically in certain situations. A case study of two Syrian private universities were used to collect data, the Primary data was collected from interviews with two administrative managers from Wadi International University and Al-Hawash University...........
Keywords: Politeness, Linguistic strategy, Speech act theory, Illocutionary Acts
[1]. Debbie Zmorenski, (2012),
[2]. Robbins, S. P. & DeCenzo, D. A., (2005), Fundamental of Management: Essential Concepts and Application, New Jersey: Upper Saddle River.
[3]. McShan, S. L. & Von Glinow, M. A., (2009), Organizational Behavior [Essentials], second Ed, New York: McGraw-Hill.
[4]. Tiedens, L. Z. & Fragale, A. R., (2003), "Power Moves: Complementary in Dominate and Submissive Nonverbal Behavior", Journal in Personality and Social Psychology 84, no. 3. New York.
[5]. Barker, R. A., (2001), "The Nature of Leadership," Human Relations, Sage Publication. UK.
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Abstract: This study was conducted in order to find out the reasons why the Pension Fund of the construction industry was facing a lot of challenges which started from collection and remittance of members' contributions up to the actual payment of the benefits usually at retirement. This problem was manifested by the economic challenges in the construction industry which had culminated in a number of company closures, massive lay-offs (retrenchments), failure to pay workers and lack of transparency and accountability on pension contributions (premiums). Related literature covered the benefits and problems of pension funds, challenges facing Zimbabwe's construction industry which affected the Pension Fund. The study used both the qualitative and quantitative approaches based on a survey design..........
Keywords: Construction industry, labour relations, National Employment Council, Pension, Pension Fund
[1]. Blanchard, H. and Fischer, M. (2009). Pension for retirement welfare. Pearson education: NewDehli.
[2]. Bryman, K. and Bell, D (2007). Business research methods. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[3]. Construction industry Pension and Provident Act-Fund rules (2010) Strategic Document-Collective Bargaining Agreement documentfor the Construction industry.
[4]. Cresswell, J.W. (2014). Research design, qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches, second edition, Sage publications.
[5]. Government of Zimbabwe (1981). Workers committees Guidelines, Government Printers, Harare.