Version-2 (November-2017)
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Abstract: The aims of this research is analyzing the employee performance appraisal of 2016 at Malang Medium Tax Office using combination of Employee Performance Achievement with Balanced Scorecard Approach and Value of Behavior with 360o Method approach. The research used qualitative approach and the type was analytic descriptive. The data collecting by interview with the relevant and appointed parties who manage the employee performance appraisal. And also from document and literature study which relevant with the employee performance appraisal. This research concluded that employee performance appraisal system at Malang Medium Tax Office has been appropriate with the regulated mechanism and the system unnecessary to change. The things need to do is evaluation especially toward the assessor ability that should get training, target determination at Key Performance Indicator should be agreement between superiors and subordinats, and employee ranking based on job category and the same direct superiors.
Keywords: Balanced scorecard, key performance indicator, performance appraisal, 360o method
[1] Cummings, T.G. & Worley, C.G. 2005. Organization Development and Change.6th Ed. South-Western College Publishing.
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[4] Herdiansyah, Haris. 2012. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif untuk Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial. Jakarta: Salemba Humanika
[5] Keban, Yerernias. T. 2004. Enam Dimensi Strategis Administrasi Publik, Konsep,Teori, dan lsu. Yogyakarta: Gava Media
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Abstract: The main objective of this research paper is to highlight the importance of corporate governance practices and also is to examine the main differences between Islamic Banks and Conventional Banks concerning corporate governance practices .Additionally , to investigate the most influential factor that have impact on corporate governance practices in both types of banks Islamic and Conventional. A mix between qualitative and quantitative methods has been used to achieve researches purposes. The results revealed that there is a significant difference between Islamic banks and conventional banks with regard to corporate governance practices and there is a variety with regard to influence of corporate governance variables on corporate governance practices.
Keywords: Corporate Governance Practices, Islamic Banks, Conventional Banks
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Abstract: Over the past two decades the concept of 'employability' is a subject of much of the discussion around the future of work and career prospects for post graduate management program - students. In India lot of management institutes mushroomed in 90's and student intake was almost full but the trend couldn't last long owing to lack of quality education, enrollment of mediocre students to the course who lacked in communication skills, interpersonal skill and team building skills - linking to this was a prolonged slowdown of economy wherein there were hardly any new jobs created. Moreover to this, any graduate or post graduate programs either in management or in engineering operates in an highly increasing knowledge-driven economy which is characterized by rapid obsolescence of technical..............
Keywords: Academia, Industry, Employability, Globalization, Liberalization, Privatization, Fourth Generation
[1]. Brown Phillip, Hesketh Anthony and Williams Sara "Employability in a Knowledge-Driven Economy‟, May, 2002 5th Sept. 2017
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Abstract: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to find out the local community perspective towards the role of souveniers in the promotion of tourism at a destination. Design - The aim of this study is to find out that how a souvenir can be instrumental in creating the image of a destination. The study area chosen for this research was Basholi Methodology - The study sought to find out the possible barriers being faced by the host community to market the product well, as the souvenirs of Basholi have the potential to be internationally acclaimed. A structured interview was conducted with the craftsmen and the local host community of the site involved in the production, marketing and sales of these souvenirs.............
Keywords: Tourism, Souvenirs, Host Community, Destination Promotion
[1]. Anderson, L. F. (1993). Iowa Women as Tourists and Consumers of Souvenirs Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Iowa State
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[5]. DOI: 10.1111/j.1470-6431.2007.00606.x
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Agriculture Labour's Socio-Economic Conditions (A Study In Krishna Dist., Andhra Pradesh) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. B.V.RAJU |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1911020111 ![]() |
Abstract: India is predominantly an agrarian country .About 69 per cent of its population still depends on agriculture for their livelihood. The direct contribution of agricultural sector to the national economy reflects by its share in total GDP, total employment and so on. It still remains the most acceptable fact that agriculture continues to play greater role in the socio-economic development of the country. The agricultural labourers constitute a considerable proportion of rural work force in India. In the present study area i.e., in krishna Districtof Andhra Pradesh. total population is 4517398, out of these males constitute 2267375 and females constitute 2250023.Nearly 44% of main workers in the district are agricultural labourers.............
Keywords: Labour shortage, MGNREGA, wage rate, family labour, migration
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[6] Aparna (2012).Shortage of agricultural labour due to MGNREGS-A hoax. Voice of Resistance, 1 (2),3-7.
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Abstract: This study sought to establish why the Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) was not taking entrepreneurship as a pivotal course for all its programmes that should avert the high unemployment levels in Zimbabwe since there was a sizeable number of Open and distance learners (ODL) who were jobless even after graduating. Formal employment has been 'severely' affected in Zimbabwe over the past decade as evidenced by a number of companies which have been liquidated or have downsized their operations, largely due to economic challenges bedeviling the country. There have been numerous cases of retrenchments. The study was qualitative and targeted ZOU faculties particularly academics and students. Unstructured interviews were used to generate data. Data analysis was done using the content analysis method.
Keywords: Curriculum Development, Entrepreneurship, Open and Distance Learning, Unemployment. Solution
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Abstract: Following the inherent perceived risk, electronics environment and the impact of e-marketing quality on consumer behavior being associated to e-marketing, it is uncertain whether these factors affect the performance of online retail outlets in a developing country like Nigeria. This study specifically examined the effect of E- marketing on retail outlet performance. Survey research design was adopted in this study on the target population of customers in Port Harcourt metropolis who patronizes online retail outlets with a sample size of Ninety (90) respondents. The purposive (judgmental) sample technique was used while questionnaire was the research instrument.............
Keywords: Electronic Marketing, Online Retail Outlet, Perceived Risk, Electronics Environment and E-marketing Quality
[1]. Abraham, P. 2002. Whiteman finds a new pal to bill customers, Financial Times, 9 July.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Organizational Culture Does Matter |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Sultan Aalateeg |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1911025661 ![]() |
Abstract: Organizational Culture provides identity to organizations. With the increasing competitions and challenges in the working environment, organizational culture become more than necessary. This paper gives a review of the most important types, concepts of organizational culture and its importance. Moreover, the paper highlights the relationship between organizational culture and performance.
Keywords: organizational culture, performance
[1]. Albayrak, G. & Albayrak, U., 2014. Organizational Culture Approach and Effects on Turkish Construction Sector. APCBEE Procedia , 9, pp.252-57.
[2]. Aluko, M., 2003. The Impact of Culture On Organizational Performance in Selected Textile Firms in Nigeria. Nordic Journal of African Studies, 12(2), pp.164-79.
[3]. Amah, E., 2012. Corporate Culture and Organizational Effectiveness: A Study of the Nigerian Banking Industry. European Journal of Business and Management, 4(8), pp.212-29.
[4]. Brown. (1995). Organisational Culture. (2nd ed). Pitman Publishing. pp. 9, 33, 176.
[5]. Calori, R. & Sarnin, P., 1991. Corporate Culture and Economic Performance: A French Study. Organization Studies, 12(1), pp.49-74.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Best Practices Across the Globe for Solid Waste Management |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shivi Khanna |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1911026263 ![]() |
Abstract: The 3R (reduce, reuse, and recycle) initiative should be promoted to enhance material-cycle society through the effective use of resources, thereby ensuring both environmental conservation and economic growth(Sakai et al., 2017)(Yoshida , Shimamura, & Aizawa , 2007),Among the 3Rs (2R = Reduce and Reuse) are considered high-priority for development In the EU, the Thematic Strategy on the Prevention and Recycling of Waste was established in 2005. The policy framework was with a purpose to relook at environmental impacts of various products from a life-cycle perspectiveit is targeted to achievea balance between economic growth and the environmental impacts associated with waste generation (Union, 2008). By the end of 2014, national or regional waste prevention programs had been developed in 27 of the 31 countries in the EU (28 EU member states and 3 EuropeanFree Trade Association countries) ((EEA), 2015) .
[1]. Nguyen, D., Huynh, T.-H., & Keiichi, N. (2010). A new approach for the evaluation of recycling system for electronic waste in Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Sci Technology, 102-108.
[2]. (EEA), E. E. (2015). Waste prevention in Europe—the status in 2014. EEA. Copenhagen.
[3]. City, K. (2015). The fundamental plan for promoting a Sound- Material Cycle Society in Kyoto 2015–2020. Kyoto.
[4]. Council, E. (2014). Towards a circular economy—a zero waste programme for Europe. Communication from the Commission to the Euro- pean Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.
[5]. EC. (2011). Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe. Communication from the Commission to the Euro- pean Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.
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Abstract: This study explores several of the problems that are the objectives of this study: (1) Effect of corporate social responsibility, good corporate governance and ownership structure of financial performance. (2) Effect of corporate social responsibility, good corporate governance, ownership structure and financial performance of the value of the company. (3) Effect of corporate social responsibility, good corporate governance and ownership structure on corporate value through financial performance. The research population this is a 30 companies listed on Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) period in 2013 to 2015. There are 28 companies as a research sample. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The analysis technique used is partial least squares (PLS) with the help of SmartPLS version 3.0 analysis program. The results show that: (1) corporate social responsibility.
Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, good corporate governance, ownership structure, financial performance, firm value
[1] Anthony, Robert N. & Vijay Govindarajan. (2005). Management Control Systems, Jakarta: Salemba Empat .
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[3] Ariyoto, K. (2000). Good Corporate Governance and Concept of Enforcement in BUMN and Business Environment. Management
of Indonesian Entrepreneurs, (10), 10-13
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Abstract: CCI is one apex body of entrepreneurs established with the aim of facilitation and promotion of business. It works on the solving the issues of entrepreneurs and enhancing the entrepreneurship capacity. The aim of this study was to analyze the training and development program of CCI in Nepalese context. The study was conducted in Damak, Hetauda, Pokhara and Surkhet of Nepal. The study was based on the mixed method applied questionnaire survey and key informants interview and focus group discussion among the CCI members. The study collected data from 400 respondents. The study found that in average 70% members were informed about the different types of training and development program of CCI.............
Keywords: Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), Development, Training
[1]. Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry. (1994). Impact, Funding Sources and Critical Factors Surrounding the Lotto Game'. Belize: BCCI.
[2]. Brown, D. R. (1997). Sustainability Is Not about Money!: The Case of the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Development in Practice , 7 (2), 185-189.
[3]. Chen, M. (2007). Entrepreneurial leadership and new ventures: Creativity on entrepreneurial teams. Creativity and Innovation Management , 16 (3), 239-249.
[4]. Covin, J., & Slevin, D. (1991). A conceptual model of entrepreneurship as firm behavior. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice , 16 (1), 7-25.
[5]. Gupta, V., MacMillan, I., & Surie, G. (2004). Entrepreneurial leadership: Developing and measuring a cross-cultural construct. Journal of Business Venturing , 19 (2), 241-260.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Leadership Styles Influencing Performance of Public Health Sector in Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Koskei Eveline Chebet |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1911028190 ![]() |
Abstract: Implementation of a strategic plan is important to institutional performance because strategies do not add value unless implementation is properly done. Management needs a well-developed strategic plan in order to effectively establish expectations for their organization. The research aimed at analyzing leadership style influencing strategy implementation in public health sector in Ainamoi in Kericho County. The research employed a case study design with a target of 340 employees; Stratified-sampling technique was used as sampling method in order to determine the sample size of the employees and a sample size of 181 was arrived by a formula of Krejcie and Morgan (1970). Questionnaires...........
Keywords: Leadership Styles, Organizational, Strategy Implementation.
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