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Abstract: Bhutan is a country where culture is mainly imbibed with Buddhism. The study has an effort to examine the positive impacts of Gross National Happiness (GNH) philosophy and culture percolated down to nation/society / industrial community/ Individual citizen of the country as a whole especially employer and employee relationships(IR) and organization culture in manufacturing industries in Bhutan. The concept of Gross National Happiness has been originated from the constituent features of Bhutanese society before 1959. The GNH philosophy was proclaimed by the king of Bhutan, His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuk in the late 1980s, and has influenced to build up a developmental...........
[1]. Barbara, M. Byrne. (2013). Structural Equation Modelling with AMOS: Basic Concepts, Applications and Programming.Routledge, 2nd edition.
[2]. Buddadasha, Hewavitharana.( 2010).Framework For Operational sing The Buddhist Concept Of Gross National Happiness.Thimpu,Bhutan:Centre for Bhutan Studies.
[3]. Retrieved from http://www.bhutan
[4]. Chakraborty,D.K.,Vajpayee, A.(2017).Impact of Industrial Relations Practices on Employee Satisfaction and Organizational Culture in Manufacturing industries in Bhutan. International Research journal of Management Science and Technology, ISSN 2250-1959, Vol.8 Issue.8.
[5]. David, Peetz.(2012).Does Industrial Relations Policy Affect Productivity? Australian Bulletin of Labour. Please refer to the journal's website for access to the definitive, published version. Downloaded from Link to published version
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Abstract: Today the sophisticated Information Technology has taken important place in the future development of Financial services, especially banking sector evolution are affected more than any other financial provider groups. Increased use of mobile services and use of Internet as a new distribution channel for banking transactions and international trading requires more attention towards e-banking security against fraudulent activities. The development and increasing progress that is being experienced in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have brought about a lot of changes in almost all aspects of life. In the Banking Industry, it has been in the form..........
Keywords: E-Banking, ICT, Fund Transfer, Mobile Banking, Satisfaction of users[1]. BOEHM, M. (2008) "Determining the Impact of Internet Use on a Customer's Lifetime," Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 22(3): 2-22.
[2]. Jain A., Hundal B.S. (2007), "Factors Influencing Mobile Services Adoption in Rural India", Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, Vol. XVII (1).
[3]. PARASURAMAN, A. (2000) "Technology Readiness Index (TRI): A Multi-Item Scale to Measure Readiness to Embrace New Technologies," Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 1 (June): 23-9.
[4]. SATHYE, M. (1999) "Adoption of Internet Banking by Australian Consumers: An Empirical Investigation," International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 17(7): 324-334
[5]. ZEITHAML, V.A., PARASURAMAN, A. and MALHOTRA, A. (2000) A Conceptual Framework for understanding e-Service Quality: Implications for Future Research and Managerial Practice. Marketing Science Institute Monograph: 115...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Analytical Study of Consumer Buying Behavior Towards Fashion Apparels in Ludhiana |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Pawan Kumar || Kanchan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1912011424 ![]() |
Abstract: India is currently a quickly rising market inching to outreach half thousand million centres of sales populations through 2030. All these motives are smart for the Indian textile enterprises during a long run. Though the worldwide financial issue seems to be worsening day-by-day, as long as economies are rising and developing as those in South and South East Asia, fabric enterprise is here to grow it takes competitors and innovation critically. Firms are carefully functioning on creating a selection on consumer buying behavior, preferences, developing recognition, associated an optimistic perspective towards their manufacturers so as to grab higher part of the market. Hence, it's required to find out the buyer conduct towards quite some branded men`s apparels. ustomers` appreciation nearer to apparel.........
Keywords: Consumer Behaviour, Relationship, Brand, Apparel, Firms, Punjab
[1]. Assael Henry, (2001). Consumer Behavior 6th Edition, Thompson Learning, New York.
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[4]. Deepali Saluja (2016), Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Fashion Apparels- A Case of Delhi. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319–7668.
[5]. Dynamics of Female Buying Behaviour: A Study of Branded Apparels in India.
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Abstract: Like many fields, the Markov Chain Model can be very effectively applied to the prediction of market prices of agricultural products. In this paper, attempts have been made to study and predict the future market price of potatoes with the data collected from Lanka Regulated Market in the Nagaon District, Assam. By applying this model, the data related to the market price of potatoes from 4th June 2014 to 21st April 2017 i.e. for 478 days were collected to predict the future price interval for fifteen consecutive days. Seven distinct and non-overlapping intervals of market price were constructed........
Keywords: - Markov Chain, Transition Probability Matrix, Steady State Probability
[1]. Minh D. L. (2001). Applied Probability Models (1st Edition). Brooks/Cole, Duxbury Press.
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[4]. Christian, E. O. & Timothy, K. S. (2014). "On Predicting the Long Run Behaviour of Nigerian Bank Stocks Prices: a Markov Chain Approach". American Journal of Applied Mathematics and statistics, Vol.2, No. 4 (2014):212-215.doi:10.12691/ajams-2-4-6.
[5]. Otieno. S., Otumba. E. O. & Nyabwanga. R. N. (2015). "Application of Markov Chain to Model and Forecast Stock Market Trend". International Journal of Current Research Vol. 7, Issue, 04, pp.14712-14721, April, 2015
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Human Resource on Financial Performance of Islamic Bank in Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Mansyur Asri |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1912013235 ![]() |
Abstract: The research aim to determinan indicator human resource of this indikator financial performance of Islamic Bank in Indonesia. For this goal all of the accapted of Islamic Bank in Indonesia. Stock exchange in 3 years period from 2012-2014 investigated. This studi answer to : whetter indicator human resource has significant effect on indikator financial performance of Islamic Bank in Indonesia or not? with one hypothesis, two indicator human resource investigated and hypotesis tested. hypotesis tested and data analysing done based on linear regression by spss v.19. Result confirmmed effective rule of human resource indicator on financial performance value mean fundamental hypothesis of reseach confirmed.
[1]. Becker, G.S. (1993). Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education (3rd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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[3]. Chan, K, H. (2009), "Impact of intellectual capital on organizational performance: An empirical study of companies in the Hang Seng Index (Part 2)", The Learning Organization, Vol. 16 No. 1, pp. 22-39.
[4]. Dooley, E. (2000). Intellectual capital in the software industry: An empirical test. PhD dissertation, College of Business Administration, University of Washington, Tacoma, WA.
[5]. Elahi, Kaef and Shahaei (2010) Examines the impact of intellectual capital on the performance of Bank Sepah in Tehran. J. Gov. Manag., 3 (5), pp. 73-90..
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Abstract: Institutionalization is conducting the whole process of a company or organization systematically, notwithstanding the staff or people of the company. If institutions could not manage the institutionalization process successfully, they may not sustain in a long-term life cycle. Thus, a big challenge that the companies have been facing is how to evaluate and develop their institutionalization level. In this study, firstly, the concepts that affect the institutionalization level of companies are determined. Then, the weights of the interactions among the concepts are calculated by obtaining expert opinions and using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) procedures. Through this way, institutions..........
Keywords: Business Management, Fuzzy cognitive maps, Institutionalization.
[1]. Ö. Uygun, T. Canvar Kahveci, H. Taşkın, and B. Piriştine, Readiness assessment model for institutionalization of SMEs using fuzzy hybrid MCDM techniques, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 88, 2015, 217–228.
[2]. G. Caruso, C. Scartascini, and M. Tommasi, Are we all playing the same game? The economic effects of constitutions depend on the degree of institutionalization, Eur. J. Polit. Econ., 38, 2015, 212–228.
[3]. D. M. Özşahin, O. Çınar, and F. Karcıoğlu, The relationship between strategic management. Institutionalization and human resource management: A survey study with family businesses located in the Northeast Anatolia sub economic region of Turkey, Procedia - Soc. Behav. Sci., 99, 2013, 835–842.
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Abstract: The main aim of this research was to ascertain the extent to which internal and external integration influence each other and the impact each of them has on the financial performance of firms. This research was in response to the ongoing debate surrounding the main determinant in the internal and external integration relationship. Moreover, the research was to bridge the gap of the impact of supply chain integration on financial performance which was inadequate in the supply chain integration literature. The research was conducted with food retailers in Turkey. 200 main food chains (retailers) in Turkey were selected, out of which only 116 of them responded accurately to the questionnaire used in collecting the data. SEM specifically Amos was used in analysing the validity of the.........
Keywords: Supply Chain Integration, External Integration, Internal integration, financial performance
[1]. Afshan, N. (2013). The performance outcomes of dimensions of supply chain integration: a conceptual framework. Business: Theory and Practice/Verslas: TeorijairPraktika, 14(4), 323-331.
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[6]. El-Ansary, A.I. (1992). A strategic Perspective of Communication and Information Systems in Marketing Channels. Journal of Marketing Channels, 1(4). 3-16.
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Abstract: In the current context, use of pirated software is increasing and it is becoming a critical issue to the economy of the world. Though use of pirated software is an unethical and illegal activity most of the university students addict to use that type of software using various methods. It is not clear of reasons of using pirated software by students. This study examines the students' intention to use of pirated software among university students in Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (RUSL). Pilot phase reveals that 96% of students of the RUSL use pirated software. Based on the result of former studies self-administrative questionnaire was developed. Data were collected from 142 students using.........
Keywords: Attitudes, Awareness, Computer Experience, Social Influence, Moral Obligation, Pirated software[1]. Ahasanul, H., Sabbir, R. and Ali, K. (2010). Factors influencing consumer ethical decision making of purchasing pirated software: structural equation modeling on Malaysian consumer. Journal of International Business Ethics, Vol. 3 (No. 1), 30-40.
[2]. BSA (2016a). Unlicensed Software Use Still High Globally despite Costly Cyber security Threats. Access on 17th August 2017
[3]. BSA (2016b). BSA Global Software Survey. Access on 17th August 2017
[4]. Denni Arli, Fandy Tjiptono, (2016) "Consumer digital piracy behaviour among youths: insights from Indonesia", Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 28 Issue: 5, pp.898-922,
[5]. Gunasekera, D. (2010). Copyright Protection and Distance Librarianship: provisions and constraints observed in copy right law of Sri Lanka. Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka, Vol. 14 (No. 1), 89-105.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Major shift in the Indian hospitality industry: An assessment study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Vivek Sharma || Dr.Vinay Thusoo |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1912015962 ![]() |
Abstract: Hospitality industry in India has generated enormous potential in the area of employment and has been the bigger contributor of foreign exchange. Governments are extending various tax incentives, policy formulations and other various relaxations to promote both domestic and international flow of tourist. The objective of the paper is to present challenges of the present Indian hotel industry and to highlight the major shift of the Indian hospitality industry.
Keywords: Re-branding; Hospitality, Foreign Exchange, Tax Incentives, Policy Formulations[1]. Akhtar, S. 2000 Role of Involvement in the Travel Decision. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 337–348.
[2]. Balcar, M., and D. Pearce 1996 Heritage Tourism on the West Coast of New Zealand. Tourism Management, 203- 212.
[3]. Bennett, M. 1995 Marketing Structures for Farm Tourism: Beyond the Individual Provider of Rural Tourism Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26–47.
[4]. Bharadwaj, Sundar G.; Varadarajan, P. Rajan & Fahy, John. (1993). Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Service Industries: A Conceptual Model and Research. Journal of Marketing, 111-123.
[5]. Diehl S, Terlutter R, Mueller B (2016) Doing good matters to consumers: The effectiveness of humane-oriented CSR appeals in cross-cultural standardized advertising campaigns. International Journal of Advertising, 35(4), 730–757..
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Abstract: The paper evaluates the impact of capital structure on profitability and market price of large cap and mid cap Indian pharmaceutical companies. The pharmaceutical companies listed in NSE and NSE midcap index were selected for the study. The secondary data was considered from 2013 to 2017. The study examines the validity of Modigliani Miller irrelevance theory of capital structure in large cap and mid cap pharmaceutical companies. It was found that market pricehadno significant correlation with debt equity ratiooflarge cap pharmaceutical companies. Ajanta pharma had shown significant negative correlation between debt equity ratio and market price. Capital structure........
Keywords: Capital Structure, Irrelevance, Large Cap, Mid Cap, Modigliani-Miller, Pharmaceutical[1]. India Brand Equity Foundation (ibef), Indian Pharmaceutical Industry, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, 2017 accessed 15th November 2017 from
[2]. Modigliani, F. Miller, M. H., The cost of capital, corporation finance and the theory of investment. The American Economic Review, 1958, 48(3):261–297.
[3]. Pandey I., (2015), Financial Management, (NewDelhi: Vikas Publishing, 2015).
[4]. Bhardwaj, A., Chaudharyy V., and Bargal, H., An Analysis of The Debt Equity Structure of Selected Pharmaceutical Firms in India, Summer Internship Society, 2010, II (I)
[5]. Azhagaiah and Gavoury (2011), The Impact of Capital Structure on Profitability with Special Reference to it Industry in India, Managing Global Transitions, 9(4), 371-39
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Abstract: This study was conducted to determine how Big Five personality traits influence students' academic performance in Sri Lankan students in private higher educational institutes. Personality trait of five dimensions that are used to describe human character and their behavior. Grade Point Average (GPA) of the semester considered as academic performance. 200 students were participated to this study. The collected data was analyzed by using Discriminant Analysis. To carry out Discriminant Analysis two equal group were formed; GPA below 2.00 and above 2.00 and sample size reduced to 116. The results shows that out of all five traits neuroticism shown as a significant predictor.......
Keywords: Academic Performance, Big Five Big-Five Personality Traits, Personality[1] K.A. Schneewind, K.A. and S. Ruppert, Personality and family development: An intergenerational longitudinal comparison (J.E. Harrow, Trans.). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., Publishers, 1998
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[4] Duff, E. Boyle, K. Dunleavy and J. Fergunson, The relationship between personality, approach to learning and academic performance, Personality and Individual Differences, 36(8), 2004, 1907-1920
[5] J. Wilt, W. Revelle, Extraversion, in M. Leary and R. Hoyle (Ed.), Handbook of Individual Differences in Social Behavior, 2008, [Online] Available:
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Abstract: In view of the promising growth of Electronic Payment and Clearing System in India, the purpose of this study is to discover the factors which influence adoption of Electronic Payment and Clearing System from Indian customers' perspective. Literature indicates that factors such as Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Risk and Perceived Security influence customers' perception towards Electronic Payment and Clearing System. Factor analysis and multiple regression analysis result reveal that Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Security have significant influences on customers' perception towards Electronic Payment and Clearing System. However, insignificant result obtained for Perceived Risk which demands further improvement. RBI along with Government of India have given special emphasis on converting traditional payment system to Electronic.......
Keywords: Electronic Payment and Clearing System, Modern Payment System, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Risk, Perceived Security,Perceived Usefulness, Traditional Payment System.[1]. Davis, F. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and user acceptance of information technology.MIS Quarterly 13(3), 319-340
[2]. Khiaonarong, T. (2000). Electronic payment systems development in Thailand.International Journal of Information Management 20(1), 59-72
[3]. Pohjola, M. (2002). Cross-country diffusion of the Internet.Information Economics and Policy14(2), 297-310
[4]. Murphy, N,B. (2004). The Future of Banking in America - The Effect on U.S. Banking of Payment System Changes.FDIC BANKING REVIEW 16(2), 67-87
[5]. Manoharan, B. (2007). Indian e-Payment System and Its Performance, Professional Banker. 7(3), 61-69.