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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factors Affecting Performance of a Shopping Mall |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Krishan Kumar Joshi || Dr. Sachin Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1912030114 ![]() |
Abstract: Shopping malls are conceived as one stop destination for the consumer needs of a catchment area. A performing mall indicates the economic prosperity of a given trading area, territory or a region. However, almost 90% of the time it is seen that the malls fail to attract the targeted customers resulting thereby in failures forcing developers to change the use of the property at a later stage. The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that affect performance of a shopping mall in general so that these factors can be taken as benchmark to study the performance of shopping malls in Jaipur City, capital of Rajasthan, India.
Keywords: Trading density, Catchment area, footfalls, shopping centre, common area maintenance, facilities, Gross Lettable Area (GLA)[1]. Laura Lucia-Palacios Raul Perez-Lopez Yolanda Polo-Redondo, (2016),"Cognitive,
[2]. affective and behavioural responses in mall experi- ence", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 44Iss 1 pp. 4 21
[3]. QiulinKeWencan Wang, (2016),"The factors that determine shopping centre rent in Wuhan, China", Journal of Property Investment & Finance, Vol. 34Iss 2 pp. 172 185
[4]. Pankaj Renjhen,(2015),Kolkata-based Forum Projects eyes distressed malls in Mumbai, Realty, Jul 23
[5]. Andrew Strenk, Ph.D,(2015),Current & future retail & shopping centre trends, Realty, Jul 22..
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Abstract: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the performance appraisal system in technical universities in Ghana. This paper is a comparative study of the appraisal system of Kumasi Technical University and Accra Technical University. The study was guided by three main research questions. Namely: What are the challenges of the performance appraisal system in both technical universities? How effective is the performance appraisal system in both technical universities? What perception do the lecturers in both technical universities have on the performance appraisal system? The study population included all lecturers in both institutions of which 160 respondents (80 lecturers from each institution) were usedas sample for the study. Closed-ended questionnaire was the primary instrument used for data collection. The data was analysed using quantitative technics. First, descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage..........
Keywords: Performance Appraisal, Effectiveness, Challenges, Perception[1]. Armstrong, M. (2012). Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice (12th ed.). Kogan Page Publishers: London, UK.
[2]. Armstrong, M. & Baron, A. (2005). Managing Performance: performance management in action. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
[3]. Bekele, A., Shigutu, S. D. &Tensay, A. T. (2014). The Effect of Employees' Perception of Performance Appraisal on Their Work Outcomes. International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp: (136-173).
[4]. Bridger, E. (2014). Employee engagement. London: Kogan Page.
[5]. Brown, M., Hyatt, D., & Benson, J. (2010). Consequences of the performance appraisal experience. Personnel Review, 39(3):375-396...
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Abstract: In manufacturing industrial sector skilled employees are essential especially in battery manufacturing industry skilled and technical labor are important for the production and for new product development according to the needs of the society. In this context keeping employees for a long time organization should not only focus on retention strategies include focus on Suitable HRD practices to support retention strategies, the purpose of this study is to study the impact of HRD practices on employee retention. These study outlines which HRD practices strongly retain employees. For this purpose the study conducted on 300 operational levels employees of ARBL. From this study it has evident that there has a strong relation between the HRD practices and retention factors and further identified that compensation, training and development, employee relations and health and other allied benefits were strongly influence to retain employees.
Keywords: HRD, Employee Retention[1]. Mashal ahmed and Nosheen nawaz, impact of organizational commitment on employee turnover with reference to Pakistan international airlines ,industrial engineering letters, ISSN 2224-6096,VOL.No.5,No8, 2015
[2]. N. Bharathi, a study on attrition issues and retention strategies in IT and ITEs, Ph.D thesis bharatiya university, 2015, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
[3]. Anil Kumar, H. (2011), "Talent Retention in Indian BPO Sector: A Challenge, National Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, Vol.1 (6), pp.71-79.
[4]. Goswami, B.K. & Jha, S. (2012), "Attrition Issues and Retention Challenges of Employees", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol.3 (4), pp.1-6
[5]. Shaheeb abdul azeez (2017), "Human resource management practices and employee retention: a review of literature Journal of Economics, Management and trade, Vol.18 (4), ISSN-2278-098X.
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Abstract: Lately, "going green" has become the main focus or at least one of the many important factors in business world. Not only does it influence the way ones do businesses, but also give rise to new industries that facilitate incorporating this green concept to every aspects of lives. Synergy Complete is an excellent example that implements such idea and holds on to its mission as "Completely Changing the Environmental Landscape". It makes things easier for everyone to recycle. This study explores internal and external factors, adopts relevant models and tools that are crucial for strategic decision-making in green industries such.........
Keywords: Green industries, Environmental Landscape, strategic decision-making
[1]. Wheelen, T.L., & Hunger, J.D.(2012), pp. 200-204. On these pages, Wheelen and Hunger also provide a very detailed of an advanced and expanded SWOT analysis they call Strategic Factor Analysis Summary
[2]. Hamel, G., &Prahalad, C.K. (1994), pp. 202-209
[3]. Welge, M.K., &Holtbrugge, D. (2010), p. 100
[4]. Lawrence P. Carr; Alfred J. Nanni Jr. (28 July 2009). Delivering Results: Managing What Matters. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 44.
[5]. Schmieder-Ramirez, J. and Mallette, L., Using the SPELIT Analysis Technique for Organizational Transitions, Chapter 28 of "Education Applications and Developments" edited by MafaldaCarmo, Science Press, 2015 Retrieved 2015-08-21....
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Abstract: The Indian retail industry has evolved as one of the most fast-paced and dynamic industries due to the entry of several new retailers. Specifically, it accounts for more than 10 per cent of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and around 8 per cent of the total employment. India is the world's fifth-largest global destination in the retail sector. Indian Retail Industry has great potential as India has the second largest population with more than enough middle class, rapid urbanization and solid growth of internet network. So the new entrants are eager to enter into this space with strong foundation. India's retail market today accounts for more than six billion US dollars and so catches the attention. Most of management and economics researches are being done in retail sector and many more to come.This paper gives the directions to prospective researcher in the topic of retail in terms of research design and statistical technics to be used. The paper also emphasis on various sampling techniques used by different authors from time to time and place to place..
Keywords: Research Methodologies in Retail Study, Literature Reviews and Concepts in retailing, Research approaches in retailing........
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Abstract: A robust and thriving development sector is central to India's quest for equitable, inclusive and sustainable growth. India's development sector has evolved substantially over the last few decades and is now witnessing unprecedented interest and investments across the value chain. With the passage of the Companies act, 2013 the mandate for corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been formally introduced to the dashboard of the Boards of Indian companies. The industry has responded positively to the reform measure undertaken by the government with awide interest across the public and private sector, Indian and multinational companies. The practice of CSR is not new to companies in India. However........
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, robust, sustainable growth[1]. Environmental sustainability through CSR in India: R.S Singh, D.Pal and N.Tripathi
[2]. Corporate Social Responsibility by David Crowther, Guler Aras and Ventus publishing APS, ISBN 978-87-7681-415-1
[3]. Handbook on corporate Social Responsibility in India:
[4]. Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives of Major Companies of India with Focus on Health, Education and Environment, African Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 4 (3): 95-105, ISSN 2079-2034. [5]. Sustainability and CSR trends for India in 2017..
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Abstract: Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) is permitted to enter into our nation just through stock trades either as value or obligation. Money markets is a place at where speculators, regardless of whether Indians or outsiders can contribute or take the assets for capital appreciation. Their choice to contribute or pull back the assets relies on the various components. The different advocates opined that the macroeconomic factors are one of them. Macroeconomics is the evaluation of the country's economy all in all. It investigates the repetitive developments and patterns presence in economy. The day by day exchange of FPI is the explanation for the instability in the securities exchanges and has solid effect on the different full scale financial factors and the economy all in all. Along these lines, the paper endeavours to examine the effect of FPI on Paramount Economic Indicators in Indian Scenario.
Keywords: Stock Trades, Money Markets, Macroeconomic Factors, Economy, FPI[1]. Dhiman,R& Sharma,P (2013). Impact of Flow of FDI on Indian Capital Market. European Journal of Business and Management,5(9),pp.75-80.
[2]. Kotishwar, A(2015). The Impact of External Funds Flows on Forex Reserves of India .Journal of International Economics, 7(2),pp.4-12.
[3]. Kumar N. and Pradhan J.P. (2002).""Foreign direct investment, externality and economic growth in developing countries: Some empirical explorations and implications for WTO negotiations on investment‟‟ Research and information system, New Delhi India.
[4]. Miguel D. Ramirez (2006): Is Foreign Direct Investment Beneficial for Mexico? An Empirical Analysis, 1960-2001, World Development Vol, 34, No 5, pp. 802-81
[5]. Mohan, T. T. (2005,). Taking Stock of Foreign Institutional Investors. Economic and Political Weekly, 40(24).
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Abstract: The aim of the research is to identify the service quality of tourist with disabilities in urban tourism area. Research was done in Denpasar Bali using descriptive qualitative with phenomenology research approach. Focus of the research includes SERVQUAL dimension, supporting factors and limitation factors and description of strategy to increase service quality. Data collection as done through observation, interviews, and document reviews. Result of the research shows that service quality for tourist with disability has been in good quality, but there are still basic improvement. It can be reached through the preparation of human resources with competency, socialization to enhance the city tour destination, works professionalism and hospitality to the disable tourist. There are, however, limitation in implementation of standard services, including absent of standard for tourist with specific needs in urban tourism area, no training...........
Keywords: Disable tourist, service quality, urban tourism[1]. M. Hitchcock and I.N.D. Putra. Tourism, development and terrorism in Bali (Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2007).
[2]. I.N.D Putra and M. Hitchcock, The Bali bombs and the tourism development cycle. Progress in Development Studies, 6(2), 2006, 157-166.
[3]. A.A. Berger, Bali tourism (Routledge, 2013).
[4]. G. Sugiyarto, G. Blake, and M.T. Sinclair, Economic impact of tourism and globalisation in Indonesia. (Christel DeHaan Tourism and Travel Research Institute, University of Nottingham, 2002).
[5]. BPS. Indonesia Statistics, 2015 (Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta, 2016).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Metropolitan Governments and Its Implementations in Warsaw, Delhi and Istanbul |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Erdi Topçuoğlu || Kemal Yaman |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1912037179 ![]() |
Abstract: Metropolitan governments produce services within the framework of the principle of administrative integrity and in some basic rules. The principles shaping the structures of these administrations can vary according to the social, political and economic structures of the countries as well as universal characteristics. The common motive in these principles is the production of the most appropriate service. Therefore, each country can place emphasis on decentralization or centralization according to its political conditions, and the basic values on which metropolitan governments are based are shaped by this emphasis. When we examine metropolitan governments around the world, we see that each one is organized as a local government organization. This also means that the core..........
Keywords: Delhi Metropolitan Government, Istanbul Metropolitan Government, Local Governments, Warsaw Metropolitan Government[1]. Oktay, T., Metropol Kent Yönetimi Yaklaşımları ve Uygulama Modelleri, Strategic Public Management Journal, 4, 2016, 49-71.
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[3]. Jessop, B., The Capitalist State (New York University Press: New York, 1982).
[4]. Cox, K. R., Globalization, the Regulation Approach and the Politics of Scale, in (eds A. Herod & M. W. Wright, Geographies of Power: Placing Scale Blackwell Publishers Ltd. Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade Poland Country Report, 2002).
[5]. Brenner, N. New State Spaces: Urban Governance and the Rescaling of Statehood (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2004)..
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Abstract: The goal of this study was to identify an empirical strategy, which can appropriately and uniformly propel workers to maximize their potentials towards the full realization of the goals of their organizations. The study adopted the survey research method with questionnaire as the instrument for data gathering. Copies of the questionnaire, which were administered on newsroom personnel in different broadcast stations in Abuja, a major broadcasting centre in Nigeria, were retrieved and analysed. The theory of Total Quality Management (TQM) upon which the study was anchored helped to illuminate the findings that by emphasizing the value of teamwork and the importance of collaboration to a work force, effective managers simultaneously put the spotlight on the importance of individual contributions............
Keywords: Assessment, Broadcast newsroom, Performance, Value, Teamwork.[1]. Albarran, A. B. (2002). Management of electronic media (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
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Abstract: A quarter of a century after the establishment of a regulatory authority for broadcasting in Nigeria, the nation is yet to experience full-scale professional excellence in the gathering, production and transmission of broadcast content. Amateurish reportage and dissemination of stale information, poor signals and hazy pictures as well as general disregard for broadcast rules, laws and ethics are still discernible. Are these deficiencies the handiwork of illegal broadcast stations or the result of poor supervision of legally licensed stations? To react to these posers, this paper undertakes a critical examination of the provisions of the National Broadcasting Commission Act No 38 of 1992 as amended and finds certain inherent defects in the enabling law for the regulation of broadcasting in the country. With the tenets..........
Keywords: Issues, Broadcast licensing, Nigeria, Enabling law, Appraisal[1]. Anaeto, S. Onabajo, O. & Osifeso J. (2008). Models and theories of communication. African Renaissance Books Inc. Bowie, Maryland
[2]. Ayedun-Aluma, V. (2017). Introduction: Digital Media, New Order? In V. Ayedun-Aluma (ed) Digital media, New Order? Emergent practices in the Nigerian media environment. ACSPN Book Series 2
[3]. Berresford, J. W. (2005). The Scarcity Rationale for Regulating Traditional Broadcasting: An idea whose time has passed: Federal Communications Commission Media Bureau Staff Research Paper No. 2005-2 March 2005@p7, retrieved from
[4]. Iredia, T. (2010). Broadcasting in a developing country: Challenges to Professionalism In G. Gbadamosi (ed) Advancing the frontier of media law. Lawbreed Limited [5]. Iwokwagh, N. (2005). The politics of Nigeria‟s fourth republic and government owned broadcast media: The issue of news manipulation. Makurdi: Aboki Publishers
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Abstract: The success of any venture is contingent upon the level of efficiency with which the planning and coordination of its activities is handled. It is thus expedient to make available to broadcast managers, vital information on essential tools that can facilitate the attainment of effective management of broadcasting. This was the main purpose of this research. The study employed the survey research method with questionnaire as the instrument for data gathering. Copies of the questionnaire which were administered on broadcast managers at a national forum were retrieved and analysed. Findings revealed that whereas many of the managers were conversant with the relevant broadcast management..........
Keywords: Broadcasting, Essential tools, Information, Managers, Developing societies[1]. Azeez, A. Lamidi, O. and Doghudje, R. (2017). New media technologies and the practice of print journalism In V. Ayedun-Aluma (ed) Digital media, new order? Emergent practices in the Nigerian media environment. ACSPN Book Series 2.
[2]. Corkindale, G. (2011). The Importance of Organizational Design and Structure; Harvard Business Review retrieved on November 18, 2017 from the- importance-of-organization.
[3]. Griffin, R.W. (2010). Management (10th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
[4]. Gumel, J. (2013). The Reconstitution of Political Theory: David Easton, Behavioralism, and the Long Road to System. Journal of The History of The Behavioral Sciences 49 (2) 190-210
[5]. Egbon, M. (2001). Democratic Journalism in Two Worlds, A Comparative Study of Press Freedom in the American and Nigerian Mass Media. Zaria: Tamaza Publishing Company Limited..