Version-6 (December-2017)
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Abstract: Employee engagement is the thus the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards their organization and its values. An engaged employee is aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the organization. The organization must work to develop and nurture engagement, which requires a two-way relationship between employer and employee. Thus Employee engagement is a barometer that determines the association of a person with the organization. The present study is conducted to measure the level of employee engagement at Sueeraa Alloys Global Private Limited. The outcome of the study shows that, nearly half of the respondents are satisfied with the working environment and it reflects in the level of employee engagement. Effective employee engagement strategies are required to be imparted to improve the level of employee engagement at Sueeraa Alloys Global Private Limited.
Keywords: Employee Engagement[1]. Armsgtrong Michael.(2009). Armstrong‟s Handbook of Human Resource Management, Kogan Pagr, London.
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Abstract: In recent years, stress has been one of the most studied and widespread phenomena in our society. The psychological health of the participants in this study has been approached mainly in two ways. On the one hand, following the traditional research that considers stress as distress and the on the other hand, considering stress as eustress. The objective main was to investigate the possible consequences negative and positive, of the perception of stress on the psychological well-being of workers. Participated 603 professionals from the Social Services centers, 82% women, with an average age of 37.52; 89 subalterns, 68 assistants, 301 technicians, 72 principals. In summary, people with average.........
Keywords: Job Stress, Pressure, Challenge, Patterns of Stress, Positive Mental Health[1]. J. M. Peiró, Stress and coping at work. New research trends and their implications for practice, in K. Näswall, J. Hellgren and M. Sverke (Eds.), The Individual in the changing working life, (United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2008) 284-31.
[2]. B. Vera, Psicología positiva: Una nueva forma de entender la psicología, Papeles del Psicólogo, 27(1), 2006, 3-8.
[3]. M. Le Fevre, J. Matheny and G. S. Kolt, Eustress, distress and interpretation in occupational stress, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 18(7), 2003, 726-744.
[4]. B. L. Simmons and D. L. Nelson, Eustress at work: Extending the holistic stress model, in B. L. Simmons and D.L Nelson (Eds.), Positive organizational behaviour, (India: Sage, 2007) 41-53..
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Abstract: The Kenyan sugar sector faces stiff competition from sugar firms in COMESA region leading to collapse and privatization of public sugar firms. This scenario calls for early strategic identification of strength, weakness, opportunities and threats posed by competition. In this regard the current study has been designed to assess the effects of dynamic managerial capabilities on the performance of sugar industry in Western Kenya. The study examined the effect of Participative leadership, relational capability on performance of sugar industry in Western Kenya. A survey design based on samples drawn from across the sugar industry in western Kenya was adopted. The target population...........
Keywords: Dynamic Managerial Capabilities ,Organization Performance[1]. Adner, R., & Helfat, C. (2003). Corporate effects and dynamic managerial capabilities. Strategic Management Journal , (24), 1011–1025.
[2]. Ambrosini, V., & Bowman, C. (2009). What are dynamic capabilities and are they a useful construct in strategic management? International Management Reviews, 11(1), 29.
[3]. Kenya National Assembly., (Third Session, March – 2015). The Crisis facing the Sugar Industry in Kenya. An Adopted Report of the Departmental Committee on Agriculture, Livestock and Cooperatives, Clerk's Chambers, Parliament Buildings,. Nairobi.
[4]. Bellner, B. (2013). Dynamic Managerial Capabilities and Competitive Advantage:An Empirical Analysis of Managers from the Finance and Insuranceand Real Estate Sectors. Unpublished thesis Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University.
[5]. Drnevich, P. L., & Kriauciunas, A. P. ( 2011). Clarifying the Conditions and Limits of the Contributions of Ordinary and Dynamic Capabilities to Relative Firm Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 32 ,254-279..
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Abstract: Superior performance of an organization now depends on its ability to become a fully integrated partner within a supply chain context hence focusing on delivering customer value through logistics as a means of remaining competitive. Pursuant to this, the study intended to find out the effects of logistics activities such as Transport management, Material handling, on the performance of agro processing firms. In a bid to effectively achieve this, the study adopted a descriptive survey design based on samples drawn from across the agro processing industry. The target populations were 629 employees drawn from the agro processing companies in Uasin Gishu County. Cluster sampling technique was employed and Krejcie and Morgan table was used to calculate the sample size of 242 respondents. Data was collected by use of both questionnaires and interviews and analyzed by use of both inferential and descriptive.......
Keywords: Logistics Activities,Organization performance[1]. Boon-itt, S (2009)."The effect of internal and external supply chain integration on product quality and innovation: evidence from Thai automotive industry‟, Int. J. Integrated Supply Management, Vol. X, No. Y,.
[2]. Bowersox DJ, Closs DJ, Cooper MB. (2007) Supply Chain Logistics Management. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin
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[5]. Choi, Seung-Jin; Burgess (2007)."Practical mathematical model to predict the performance of insulating packages".Packaging Technology and Science20(6): 369–380..
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Abstract: Poka yoke has been used in the health care to prevent life-threatening mistakes. Many error proofing solutions are implemented successfully in health care. But mostly they are generated without the benefit of the knowledge of the wider spectrum of error proofing solutions in the related health care areas. This article provides a simple methodology for applying error proofing principles and proven health care solutions for systematically generating and workable solutions to reduce the human error.
Keywords: Human error, health, error-proofing.[1]. AuBuchon J. Practical considerations in the implementation of measures to reduce mistransfusion. Best practices for reducing transfusion errors—OBRR/CBER/FDA Workshop. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research and Office of Blood Research and Review. Bethesda, MD; 2002 Feb 15. Accessed: Sept. 2005.
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Abstract: Vulnerable groups lack access to resources useful for their survival. In worse situations they are subjected to prejudice or bias. As members of a vulnerable group, women, the youth and persons with disabilities feel excluded from government procurement opportunities. The aim of the study was to evaluate the factors affecting uptake of government procurement opportunities for vulnerable groups in Kenyan County Governments. The specific objectives of the study were to examine how information availability affects uptake of government procurement opportunities, assess the effect of availability of funds on uptake of government procurement opportunities and to ascertain the effect..........
Keywords: Tendering, Vulnerable group, Youth, Target group, Reservation, Uptake of Government Procurement Opportunities, Vulnerable Groups, County Governments, Kenya, Laikipia County[1]. Bailey, V. (2017). Public sector efficiency: An international comparison. Public Choice, 123, 321-346.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify factors influencing retirement planning behavior among the Nigerian workers. A structured questionnaire was used in the collection of data from the respondent who are mainly workers from the public and private sectors. Out of 300 questionnaires issued, only 155 was used for the study. The major finding of this study shows that the attitude towards retirement planning and subjective norm are significantly related to retirement planning behavior. The limitation of this study is the use of small number of respondents. However, more variations of results might likely be obtained through a broader coverage of workers. It is recommended, therefore, that future studies should incorporate more behavioral variables to increase the explanatory power of the dependent variable.
Keywords: Attitude, Retirement Planning, Subjective Norm, Behavior, Workers[1] A. Garba, and J. Mamman. Retirement challenges and sustainable development in Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management 6. (39). 2014. 94-98.
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[4] A. U. Anibueze, Effects of Gender Pre-Retirement Preparation and Adjustment In Retirement: A Case Study Of Enugu State, Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science. (IOSR-JHSS), 2013.
[5] B. Amaike, Sustainability, Livelihoods, and Quality of Life of Older Retirees in Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, Perspective 10. (2), 2016. 10..
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Abstract: Purpose: To view the change in organizational culture to bullying culture with reference to diversity at work place and to study the impact of bullying culture on the organizational functioning. Methodology: First, the literature which covers the ''bullying'' and ''bullying culture'' and role of diversity in changing the culture of organization is reviewed in detail and then tried to explore the contributors' different views about the impact of bullying on organizational performance. The sample size is 50 and Indian IT sector is
used for the study..................
Keywords: Bullying culture, diversity, conflict
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Communication. New York: Routledge Press..
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Abstract: Organisations face disruptions in service delivery, lose vital knowledge and sometimes face negative consequences when they lose valuable, skilled or high performer employees. Though many factors contribute to employee turnover, rewards have been identified as one of the most important factors. Hence, this study sought to investigate the relationship between rewards and employee retention in Ebonyi State public corporations. The study employed correlational design and data generated from 132 employees of the organisations was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The result showed that positive relationships exist between both monetary and non-monetary rewards and employee retention. The regression analysis showed that monetary reward accounted for the.............
Keywords: Rewards, Monetary Rewards, Non-monetary Rewards, Employee Retention, Public Corporation[1]. Akhtar, S. C., Aamir, A., Khurshid, A. M., Abro, M. M. Q., and Hussain J. (2015). Total reward and retention: case study of
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Abstract: Travel and tourism have been growing at a faster rate than both the wider economy and other significant sectors. Therefore, some of the greatest opportunities for hotels will derive from their ability to strategically participate in this global marketplace while sustainably increasing their competitiveness by growing financially and structurally to be able to achieve their objectives. However, while the hotel industry in Kenya is currently experiencing significant challenges regarding tourist flows, some hotel chains continue to
grow. It is not yet clear how these hotels have been able to grow under such circumstances and in particular the strategies they have put in place to ensure the growth is indeed sustainable. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to determine influence of cost leadership strategy on growth of hotel chains in the country. Porter's Generic Competitive Strategies Theory guided..........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Customers' utilization of Internet Banking Channel in Mumbai |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Abha Wankhede || Kavita Laghate |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1912067280 ![]() |
Abstract: Diffusion of innovations is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread through cultures. Information and Commutation Technology has impacted the Banking industry by providing a remote channel to the Banks to reach and service their customers. The study attempts to understand the customers' adoption and utilization of internet banking in the Mumbai region. Survey method was chosen and a questionnaire was administered in the city of Mumbai. Chi square data analysis tool was used to test the association of the frequency of banking features used/utilized through internet banking with the profile of the customer/ user. The empirical results stipulate that there is still a long way to go with regards to the Internet Banking channel to become primary channel of communication, distribution and service between the Bank and their customers.........
Keywords: Internet Banking[1]. Suki, N. M. (2010). An empirical study of factors affecting the Internet banking adoption among Malaysian consumers'. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 15(2), 1.
[2]. Chuang, C. C., & Hu, F. L. (2012). Customer Adoption of Internet Banking: An Empirical Investigation in Taiwanese Banking Context. Information Management and Business Review, 4(11), 570.
[3]. da Costa Hernandez, J. M., Mazzon, J. A., &Brasileiros, U. RAC. Revista de administraçãocontemporânea ANPAD. AssociaçãoNacional de Pós-Graduação e PesquisaemAdministração. rac@ anpad. org. br ISSN (Versiónimpresa): 1415-6555 BRASIL.
[4]. Polasik, M., & Piotr Wisniewski, T. (2009). Empirical analysis of internet banking adoption in Poland. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 27(1), 32-52.
[5]. Salawu, R. O. (2008). Optimizing the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Nigerian Banks. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 13(1), 1...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Minimarket Network Existence On Store Revenue In Binjai City |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Rizki Abdillah Tanjung |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1912068186 ![]() |
Abstract: Minimally expanded network growth in various capital cities and districts in Indonesia including in Binjai City. Based on the news in the newspaper Tribunnews (2016) Idaham as Mayor of Binjai said for the last five years did not give permission to establish minimarket networking to protect traditional shops, but on the basis of market and community needs and raelisasi policy Asean Economic Community (MEA) given back. The granting of permits for the construction of networked minimarkets in Binjai City has resulted in a significant growth in networked minimarket numbers, which has led to an unhealthy competitive climate and harming the
owners of the shops in Binjai City. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of minimarket presence on the network, the number of stores, store work..............
[1] Eka Oka,2013, Konsep Pemasaran Ritel, pemasaran-ritel.html, diakses pada tanggal
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[2] Djohan. 2005. Pengaruh Alfamart, Indomart, Dan Minimarket berjaringanterhadap Toko, Kios,Dan Warung Kecilyang Ada Di
Sekitar Kota Gorontalo. Di Akses dari pada tanggal 5 Maret 2011.
[3] Kholil,Muhammad,2017,Mengidentifikasi Struktur Dasar Bisnis Ritel, https://m-
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[4] Kotler, Philip, dan AB Susanto.1999. Manajemen Pemasaran Di Indonesia, Analisis erencanaan, Implementasi dan pengendalian,
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[5] Kotler Philip dan Gary Amstrong. 2001. Prinsip-prinsip Pemasaran. Edisi Kedelapan, Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Marketing Managers in Digital Environment Case of Orange |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.lalita mishra |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1912068796 ![]() |
Abstract: The technological advancement and globalisation has actually resulted in the advancement of marketing the products and services. This advancement has led to the digital marketing concept especially in the telecommunication industry. In this industry the competition for marketing is very high and requires lot of back ground work. This research paper would be studying the roles and responsibility of marketing manager in the digital environment. It will also help in determining the various factors how digital marketing leads to the growth and development of an organization. This research would be looking at the aspects of digital marketing and how it is related to the customer satisfaction. In order to understand this area of study this research would be analysing the significance of a marketing manager in digital marketing with the help of various research methodologies.
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