Version-5 (December-2017)
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Abstract: The adoption of new technologies is of integral importance to KPLC in the operations and performance of the company. In this context, the company's Five Year Corporate Strategic Plan 2016/17-2020/21 notes that; "Introduction of new technologies provides many potential benefits to the company. Typical objectives that will be served by new technologies will include reducing power losses, operational cost savings, lowered peak demand, new or increased revenue streams, improved long-term growth prospects and improved customer satisfaction.. The adoption of new technologies is also critical in ensuring that KPLC reduces losses associated with distribution of electricity. These losses are characterized as technical and system electricity losses that occur when the electricity is dissipated......
Keywords: Work Flow Management, Adoption of New Technologies,[1]. Alzighaibi, A., Mohammadian, M., & Talukder, M. (2016). Factors Affecting the Adoption of GIS Systems in the Public Sector in Saudi Arabia and Their Impact on Organizational Performance. Journal of Geographic Information System, 2(3), 396–411.
[2]. Bultum, A. G. (2014). Factors Affecting Adoption of Electronic Banking System in Ethiopian Banking Industry. Journal of Management Information System and E-Commerce, 1(1), 1–17.
[3]. Hamid, N. H. A. (2013). Acceptance of Electronic Tax Filing: A Study of Malaysian Taxpayers Adoption Intentions. International Journal of Research in Management , Economics and Commerce, 2(2), 29–33.
[4]. Kenya Power and Lighting Company. (2015). Five Year Corporate Strategic Plan 2016/17-2020/21. Journal of Strategic Business Planning, 5(2), 3–12.
[5]. Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New Age International.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Les Déterminants De L'entrepreneuriat Chez Les Jeunes |
Country | : | Maroc. |
Authors | : | Mohamed SABRI |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-1912051828 ![]() |
Abstract: La culture entrepreneuriale consiste dans la sensibilisation à la création d'entreprise. Les jeunes qui suivent des études d'enseignement post-bac sont des entrepreneurs potentiels. Les contenus des programmes enseignés, l'accompagnement qu'on peut leur réserver dans la matière permettront de voir apparaître des chefs d'entreprises. Cela permettra de réduire le taux de chômage et contribuer au développement économique et social. L'intention des jeunes à créer l'entreprise ne dépend probablement pas seulement des dispositifs de formation et d'accompagnement suivis. Les perceptions..........
Keywords: Création entreprise / Entrepreneuriat / Culture entrepreneuriale[1]. AJZEN, I. (1991), "The theory of planned behaviour", Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179-211.
[2]. AJZEN I. et FISHBEIN M. (1980), Understanding attitudes and predicting social behaviour,
[3]. Englewoods Cliffs : Prentice Hall, 430 pages.
[4]. BERGLANN H., MOEN E.R., ROED K., SKOGSTRON J.F. (2010), "Entrepreneurship: Origins and returns", Labour Economics, Labeco-01025; No of Pages 14
[5]. BOUDABBOUS Sami (2011) L'intention entrepreneuriale des jeunes diplômés , Revue Libanaise de Gestion et d'Economie N°6.
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Abstract: The Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) plays a critical role in the economic development of the country through supply of electricity for both domestic and corporate customers. In order to execute its mandate efficiently, the company has embraced new technologies such as a modern robust and integrated Distribution Management System (DMS) as well as different types of sensors on feeders, transformers and distribution substations. Other measures include smart metering of transformers and feeders to enable energy balancing amongst a host of diverse new technologies in its operations. Adoption of technology expected to reduce power losses, operational cost savings, lowered peak demand, new or increased revenue streams, improved long-term growth prospects and improved customer satisfaction. Despite, the potential benefits of new technologies usage within KPLC, there is evidence showing low adoption levels of diverse introduced technologies at KPLC. Examples in this context include poor adoption levels of live line handling technology, as well as cable joining and termination technology amongst others. This study therefore seeks to examine influence of end user attitudes on adoption of new technologies at Kenya Power and Lighting Company in Nakuru. The descriptive research design was..........
Keywords: Adoption of New technologies, Attitudes, End User, Utility Firm[1]. Al-smadi, M. O. (2012). Factors Affecting Adoption of Electronic Banking: An Analysis of the Perspectives of Bank's Customers. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 67(4), 294–309.
[2]. Azmi, A., & Bee, N. (2011). The Acceptance of the e-Filing System by Malaysian Taxpayers: A Simplified Model. Electronic Journal of E-Government, 8(1), 13–22.
[3]. Bitengo, O. (2015). Adoption of Integrated Information Management Systems in Kenya; A Case Study at the Kenya Bureau of Standards Library. IOSR Journal of Business and ManagementVer. IV, 2(3), 154–165.
[4]. Bultum, A. G. (2014). Factors Affecting Adoption of Electronic Banking System in Ethiopian Banking Industry. Journal of Management Information System and E-Commerce, 1(1), 1–17.
[5]. Kamarulzaman, Y., & Azmi, A. A. C. (2010). Tax E-filing Adoption in Malaysia: A Conceptual Model. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 3(4), 25–29.
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Abstract: The Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) plays a critical role in the economic development of the country through supply of electricity for both domestic and corporate customers. In order to execute its mandate efficiently, the company has embraced new technologies such as a modern robust and integrated Distribution Management System (DMS) as well as different types of sensors on feeders, transformers and distribution substations. Other measures include smart metering of transformers and feeders to enable energy balancing amongst a host of diverse new technologies in its operations. Adoption of technology expected to reduce power losses, operational cost savings, lowered peak demand, new or increased revenue streams, improved long-term growth prospects and improved customer satisfaction. Despite, the potential benefits of new technologies usage within KPLC, there is evidence showing low adoption levels of diverse introduced technologies at KPLC. Examples in this context include.......
Keywords: Adoption of New technologies, End User Skills Matrix, End User, Utility Firm[1]. Aketch, A. (2015). Stakeholders Involvement in Change Management at Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited. International Multidisciplinary Journal, 1(2), 25–30.
[2]. Apulu, I., Latham, A., & Moreton, R. (2011). Factors affecting the effective utilisation and adoption of sophisticated ICT solutions: Case studies of SMEs in Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 13(2), 125–143.
[3]. Buabeng-Andoh Charles. (2012). Factors Influencing Teachers' Adoption and Integration of Information and Communication Technology into Teaching. International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology, 8(1), 136–155.
[4]. Electricity Regulatory Authority. (2015). Strategic Plan 2014/15-2023/24. Strategic Management Journal, 3(2), 15–22.
[5]. Graziano, M. (2014). Adoption of Diffused Renewable Energy Technologies: An Operational Framework. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 3(4), 54–65.
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Abstract: In order to execute its mandate efficiently, the company has embraced new technologies such as a modern robust and integrated Distribution Management System (DMS) as well as different types of sensors on feeders, transformers and distribution substations. Other measures include smart metering of transformers and feeders to enable energy balancing amongst a host of diverse new technologies in its operations. Adoption of technology expected to reduce power losses, operational cost savings, lowered peak demand, new or increased revenue streams, improved long-term growth prospects and improved customer satisfaction. Despite, the potential benefits of new technologies usage within KPLC, there is evidence showing low adoption levels of diverse introduced technologies at KPLC. Examples in this context include poor adoption levels of live line handling technology, as well as cable joining and termination.......
Keywords: End user Demographic Characteristics, Adoption of New Technologies.[1]. Alzighaibi, A., Mohammadian, M., & Talukder, M. (2016). Factors Affecting the Adoption of GIS Systems in the Public Sector in Saudi Arabia and Their Impact on Organizational Performance. Journal of Geographic Information System, 2(3), 396–411.
[2]. Bultum, A. G. (2014). Factors Affecting Adoption of Electronic Banking System in Ethiopian Banking Industry. Journal of Management Information System and E-Commerce, 1(1), 1–17.
[3]. Hamid, N. H. A. (2013). Acceptance of Electronic Tax Filing: A Study of Malaysian Taxpayers Adoption Intentions. International Journal of Research in Management , Economics and Commerce, 2(2), 29–33.
[4]. Kenya Power and Lighting Company. (2015). Five Year Corporate Strategic Plan 2016/17-2020/21. Journal of Strategic Business Planning, 5(2), 3–12.
[5]. Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New Age International...
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Abstract: The availability of electricity is a key pillar of the economic development and achievement of Kenya's vision 2030 development milestone. However, despite the efforts made by the government to increase electricity installation across the country, connectivity remains relatively low. Some of the efforts undertaken to increase electricity installation include Umeme Pamoja, Stima Loan, and Rural Electrification Programmes amongst others. This study objective of the study was to examine the role of monitoring and evaluation in successful electricity installation by KPLC in Central Rift Region. The study was guided by a descriptive research design and structured questionnaires were..........
Keywords: Evaluation, Monitoring, Procurement[1]. Kitungu, A. K. (2014). Supply Chain Factors and Delivery of Power Generation Projects at the Kenya Electricity Generating
[2]. Kuria, M. (2013). Operational Challenges Facing Performance of Thermal Power Plants in kenya. Journal of Small Business Management, 2(3), 45–49.
[3]. Kutswa, C. (2011). Challenges of Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning Strategy at the Kenya Electricity Generating Company. Journal of Management and Business Studies, 1(1), 29–34.
[4]. Mawia, M. (2013). Elasticity of Demand for Electricity in Kenya from Times Series Data. International Research Journal of Applied Economics and Finance, 2(3), 30–35.
[5]. Mutuku, A. (2013). Operations Management as a Path to World Class Status Firm; A Study of Kenyan Energy Sector. International Review of Management and Business Research, 3(3), 31–36..
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Abstract: The availability of electricity is a key pillar of the economic development and achievement of Kenya's vision 2030 development milestone. However, despite the efforts made by the government to increase electricity installation across the country, connectivity remains relatively low. Some of the efforts undertaken to increase electricity installation include Umeme Pamoja, Stima Loan, and rural electrification programmes amongst others. This study objective of the study was to establish the effects of project management skills among staff at KPLC on the successful electricity installation in Central Rift Region. The study was guided by a descriptive research design and structured questionnaires were used for data collection. The sample size used for the study was 100 respondents consisting of the KPLC electricity installation customers and staff. The SPSS version 21 was used for the data analysis........
Keywords: Project, Project Management.[1]. Kitungu, A. K. (2014). Supply Chain Factors and Delivery of Power Generation Projects at the Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 2(3), 29–35.
[2]. Kuria, M. (2013). Operational Challenges Facing Performance of Thermal Power Plants in kenya. Journal of Small Business Management, 2(3), 45–49.
[3]. Kutswa, C. (2011). Challenges of Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning Strategy at the Kenya Electricity Generating Company. Journal of Management and Business Studies, 1(1), 29–34.
[4]. Mawia, M. (2013). Elasticity of Demand for Electricity in Kenya from Times Series Data. International Research Journal of Applied Economics and Finance, 2(3), 30–35.
[5]. Mutuku, A. (2013). Operations Management as a Path to World Class Status Firm; A Study of Kenyan Energy Sector. International Review of Management and Business Research, 3(3), 31–36.
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Abstract: The availability of electricity is a key pillar of the economic development and achievement of Kenya's vision 2030 development milestone. However, despite the efforts made by the government to increase electricity installation across the country, connectivity remains relatively low. Some of the efforts undertaken to increase electricity installation include Umeme Pamoja, Stima Loan, and rural electrification programmes amongst others. This study objective of the study is to examine the effects of social economic factors on successful electricity installation projects by KPLC in Central Rift Region. The study was guided by a descriptive research design and structured questionnaires were used for data collection. The sample size used for the study was 100 respondents consisting of the KPLC electricity installation customers and staff. The SPSS version 21 was used for the data analysis.............
Keywords: Project, Social Economic Factors, Electricity Installation
[1]. Kitungu, A. K. (2014). Supply Chain Factors and Delivery of Power Generation Projects at the Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 2(3), 29–35.
[2]. Kutswa, C. (2011). Challenges of Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning Strategy at the Kenya Electricity Generating Company. Journal of Management and Business Studies, 1(1), 29–34.
[3]. Mutuku, A. (2013). Operations Management as a Path to World Class Status Firm; A Study of Kenyan Energy Sector. International Review of Management and Business Research, 3(3), 31–36.
[4]. Ngatia, G. (2013). Maintenance Practices and Power Plants Operational Performance In Kenya. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 2(3), 14–25.
[5]. Ngumbau, D. (2013). Challenges of Implementing Performance Managemement System at the Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KENGEN) Limited. Journal of Management Research, 2(2), 35–40.
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to understand the impact of factors on behavioral for visiting shopping malls. The primary data had been collected through structured closed ended questionnaire. The sample was drawn through mall intercept method. The aesthetics and convenience play a vital role in developing positive behavioral intention among customers for doing shopping malls. The impact of gender and age group is also explained with regard to customers of shopping malls. The results of this study help marketing managers in developing strategy for meeting the expectations of shopping mall customers.
Keywords: Shopping mall, retailing, supermarkets, plazas, behavioral intention,retail marketing.
[1]. Chaudhuri, S. (2015). A Study on the Impact of Hedonic Shopping Value on Impulse Buying Among Consumers in Kolkata. Researchers World: Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce , 6 (2), 159-166.
[2]. Ganesh, J., Reynolds, K. E., Luckett, M., & Pomirleanu, N. (2010). Online shopper motivations, and e-store attributes: an examination of online patronage behavior and shopper typologies. Journal of Retailing , 86 (1), 106-115.
[3]. Jackson, V., Stoel, L., & Brantley, A. (2011). Mall attributes and shopping value: Differences by gender and generational cohort. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services , 18 (1), 1-9.
[4]. Khare, A. (2011). Mall shopping behaviour of Indian small town consumers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services , 18, 110-118.
[5]. Khare, A., & Rakesh, S. (2011). Antecedents of Online Shopping Behavior in India: An Examination. Journal of Internet Commerce , 10 (4), 227-244..
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Abstract: Terms like training and development are being widely used to evaluate the performance of banking institutions.The banks understand that customers will be loyal if they receive greater value than from competitors and on the other hand banks are able to position themselves better than their competitors within a specific market. Therefore banks need to focus on training and development as a core competitive strategy and special care is nowadays taken for enhancement of job satisfaction and mental health of the employees hereby reducing their level of organizational role stress. In the present study the changes in the level of mental health, job satisfaction and organizational role stress of the employees of public and private sector banks is been reviewed. With the help of studies conducted in this field it is concluded that the employees of private sector banks possess more job satisfaction, have higher levels of mental health and perceive lower levels of organizational role stress as compared to the public sector banks. Implications and limitations of the study are stated.
Keywords: mental health, job satisfaction, organizational role stress, employees, public and private sector banks.[1]. Buelens,M. and Broeck, H.V. (2007). An analysis of differences in work motivation between public and private sector organizations. Public Administration Review,67(1),65–74.
[2]. Chahal,A., Chahal, S., Chowdhary,B. and Chahal, J. (2013). Job satisfaction among bank employees: An analysis of the contributing variables towards job satisfaction. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2(8),16-38.
[3]. Hingar, A. and Choudhari, A. (1992). Job Satisfaction and Role Stress in Bank Officers. New Delhi: Prabandh.
[4]. Jayashree, R. (2010). Stress management with special reference to public sector bank employees in Chennai. International Journal of Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies, 1( 3) 112-115.
[5]. Joseph, G. (2016). Occupational stress among the bank employees in pathanamthitta dist, Kerala state :Implications on occupational stress management. International Journal of Scientific Reseach, 5(2), 26-29
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Abstract: Entrepreneurial career is the ultimate career option (ECO) for graduating students. An individual's decision to become an entrepreneur is the most fundamental aspect of entrepreneurship and signifies an individual's decision to engage entrepreneurship as a career option. However, it has been indicated that entrepreneurshipeducation (EE)imparted to students and the youth in most of the developing countries is inadequate to prepare them for ECO and Nigeria is not an exception. Hence, non-commitment to ECO among Nigerian youth resultedin the emergence of unemployment and poverty in Nigeria which consequentially leads social crimes. The main objective of this paper is to explore therole of entrepreneurship education as well asto establish a relationship between EE, creativity.........
Keywords: Creativity; Entrepreneurship career option; Entrepreneurship education components; Nigeria
[1]. Aaltio, I., & Wang, Q. (2015). Entrepreneurship education as learning to form identities—cross-cultural perspective. In Entrepreneurship Education and Training. InTech.
[2]. Abaho, E. (2013). Entrepreneurial curriculum as an antecedent to entrepreneurial values in Uganda: a SEM model. Global Advanced Research Journal of Management and Business Studies (ISSN: 2315-5086), 2(2), 085-092.
[3]. Abdulrahman, S. (2014). Entrepreneurship education and new venture creation after graduation: an empirical study of school of entrepreneurship and rural development (SORTED) Rano, Kano State Polytechnic Northern Nigeria. Researchjournali's Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2(5), pp. 1-13.
[4]. Acs, Z., & Storey, D. (2004). Introduction: Entrepreneurship and economic development. Regional Studies, 38(8), pp. 871–877.
[5]. Adawo, M. A., & Atan, J. A. (2013). Graduate unemployment in Nigeria: Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Nexus. Journal of Economies and Sustainable Development, 4(9).
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Abstract: Over the last few decades, global demographic changes such as an increased feminization of the workforce, two-income households and elder care have resulted in increased challenges faced by women professionals who tried to balance demands of work and family life.Also, the changing nature of workand environment becomes incredibly important for women for stability, productivity and effectiveness at work. This study thus seeks to shed some light on the paradoxical situation in which women often find themselves due to different facets of work-environment causing work-life imbalance. The present study examined the relationships of the various facets of person-environment fit with work-life balance and its various dimensions among women employees working in the Indian retail and........
Keywords: Person-environment fit, person-job fit, person-organization fit, work-life balance[1]. Babakus, E., Yavas, U., &Ashill, N. J. (2011). Service worker burnout and turnover intentions: Roles of person-job fit, servant leadership, and customer orientation. Services Marketing Quarterly, 32 (1), 17–31.
[2]. Caplan, R. D. (1987). Person-environment fit in organizations: Theories, factors, and values. In A. W. Riley & S. J. Zaccaro (Eds.), Occupational stress and organizational ef- fectiveness. New York: Praeger.
[3]. Cennamo, L., & Gardner, D. (2008). Generational differences in work values, outcomes and person organisation values fit. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23(8), 891–906.
[4]. Chen, C. Y., Yen, C. H., & Tsai, F. C. (2014). Job crafting and job engagement: The mediating role of person-job fit. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 37, 21–28.
[5]. Chuang, A., Shen, C. T., & Judge, T. A. (2016). Development of a multidimensional instrument of person-environment fit: The Perceived Person-Environment Fit Scale (PPEFS). Applied Psychology: An International Review, 65, 66-98.
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Abstract: The availability of electricity is a key pillar of the economic development and achievement of Kenya's vision 2030 development milestone. However, despite the efforts made by the government to increase electricity installation across the country, connectivity remains relatively low. Some of the efforts undertaken to increase electricity installation include Umeme Pamoja, Stima Loan, and rural electrification programmes amongst others. This study objective of the study was to establish the role of procurement procedures at KPLC in successful electricity installation in Central Rift Region. The study was guided by a descriptive research design and structured questionnaires were used for data collection........
Keywords: Procurement, Procurement Procedures, Project[1]. Boraya, N. (2013). Collaborative Public Procurement and Performance Among State Corporations in Kenya. Journal of Business and Management, 1(4), 29–32.
[2]. Kitungu, A. K. (2014). Supply Chain Factors and Delivery of Power Generation Projects at the Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 2(3), 29–35.
[3]. Kutswa, C. (2011). Challenges of Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning Strategy at the Kenya Electricity Generating Company. Journal of Management and Business Studies, 1(1), 29–34.
[4]. Mauki, R. (2014). The Regions Perspective of the Factors Infleuncing the Implementation of Public Procurement and Disposal ACT in the Kenyan Judiciary. Journal of Management Research, 2(3), 19–24.
[5]. Mbae, L. (2014). Public Procurement Law and Procurement Performance of County Government in Kenya; Case of Machakos County Government. International Journal of Research in Management , Economics and Commerce, 2(2), 14–19.