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Abstract: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management philosophy which focuses on customer satisfaction by improving the organisation performance through co-ordination of various processes in all the business units. The purpose of TQM is to provide quality product or service to the customer which inturn provides increased productivity at low cost. TQM is applicable to all manufacturing service industries. It operates on the principle that cost of prevention is less than the cost of correction. This study focuses on TQM development, performance and sustenance in service industries through effective communication, critical success factors and market orientation............
Keywords: Critical Success Factors (CSFs), Effective Communication, Market Based Quality, PDSA, TQM Failures, and TQM Implementation
[1]. E. Allen and R. Brady, "Total quality management, organisational commitment, perceived organisational support and intraorganisational communication", Management Communication Quarterly, 10(3), 1997, 316-41.
[2]. S. A. Brah, J. L. Wong and B. M. Rao, TQM and business performance in the service sector, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 20(11), 2000, 1293-1312.
[3]. F. Talib. et al., Total Quality Management in Service Sector: A Literature Review, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 6(3), 2012, 259-301.
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Abstract: An integrated management system results when an organization uses one single management system to manage multiple aspects of organizational performance. This paper discusses about the various management systems that can be integrated. It also explains about the management system and its corresponding ISO standard. It details about the management standards approach and structure, its benefits and compatibility with other standards.
Keywords: Ims, Iso, Pdca, Qms, Ems, Ohsms, Csr, Cms, Isms, Enms, Bcms, Isms, Esms, Scsms, Fsms, Kpi, Risk Management, Itsm.
[2]. ISO/CD 9001 Quality Management Systems – Requirements.
[3]. ISO/CD 14001 Environmental Management Systems – Requirements.
[4]. ISO/CD 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – Requirements
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the determinant of customer satisfaction and their implications for consumer loyalty. The method used in this study is a survey method. The population in this study is that consumers who have use the services of tour and travel companies in South Sumatra. This research use of purposive sampling technique. To meet the minimum requirements path analysis then taken sample of 200 respondents to the provisions of the election to travel agencies customers in South Sumatra. The results showed that there are influences between the variables of service quality, trust and corporate image on consumer satisfaction. There is influence between service quality and customer satisfaction. There is influence between trust and customer satisfaction...........
Keywords: Service Quality, Trust, Costumer Satisfaction, Loyalty, Travel Agent
[2] Abd-El-Salam, E.M, Shawky, A.Y & Nahas, El, T. 2013. The Impact of Corporate Image and Reputation on Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: Testing the Mediating Role. Case Analysis in An International Service Company. The Business & Management Review, 3 (2): 177-196.
[3] Agyei, P. M., & Kilika, J. M. 2013. Relationship between service quality and customer loyalty in the Kenyan telecommunication service industry. European Journal of Business and Management, 5(23): 26-36.
[4] Agyei, Paul Mensah & Kilika, James M. 2014. Relationship between Corporate Image and Customer Loyalty in the Mobile Telecommunication Market in Kenya. Management Studies. 2 (5): 299-308
[5] Akbar, Mohammad Muzahid & Parvez, Noorjahan. 2009. Impact of Service Quality, Trust, and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty, ABAC Journal, 29 (1): 24-38.
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Abstract: The apparel industry which sub-sector of Textile and Textile Product (TTP) industry and a contributor to national economy growth is experiencing the crisis because of the complexity and tough competition of an apparel import product. The apparel import product take widely the local market share in Bandung City, therefore more the apparel producer stop the production. Several of apparel industry applied the product differentiation to face the compatition. To undestand the influence of product differentiation to marketing performance of apparel industry in Bandung City need to conduct the investigation. Data used are primery and secondary data. The primery data are collected through the questionary and deep interview, meanwhile the secondary data are collected of internal and external literature and documentation of firm...............
Keywords: The Apparel Industry, Competition Strategy, Product Differentiation, Product Life Cycle, Marketing Performance
[2]. Haryati. (2010). Analysis of Performance Improvement of Fruit Tea Products Bottle and Grip of Tetra Package Over the Lifetime During Its Life Cycle by Approaching Life Cycle Method Assessment Method and Life Cycle Costing.
[3]. Kertajaya, H (2004) Positioning, Differentiation & Brand. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
[4]. Herry. (2006). Analysis of Product Development and Marketing Strategy CV PJ. Tani Indonesia. Diss University of Muhammadiyah Malang.
[5]. Hutabarat, J., and Huseini, M. (2012). Strategy: Comprehensive and Integrated Approach. Jakarta. University of Indonesia Press.
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Abstract: Private companies raise permanent capital by means of initial public offering. This study investigated the performance of IPOs listed between 2000 and 2014 in Nairobi Securities Exchange. The purpose of the investigation was to establish the average raw total return (RTR) and the market adjusted abnormal return (MAAR) in the short run in order to determine whether raw total return and the market adjusted abnormal return outperform the Nairobi Securities Exchange (20) index. The independent variables were the closing price on the first day of trading and the offer price. The dependent variables were the raw total return and the market adjusted abnormal return, while the Nairobi Securities Exchange.............
Keywords: Finance, financing, initial public offering, seasoned equity offering, private placing offering and underwriters, underpricing, raw total return, market adjusted abnormal return.
[1]. Abraham, N. R. (2015). Underpriicng of Initial Public Offering (IPO): Singapore IPO Market 2009-2014. Journal of Management Science and Technology, 3(1).
[2]. Baker, N. B., & Uzaki, K. (2012). A Test of Initial Public Offering (IPO) underpricing performance in Malaysian Stock Exchange. The Asian Business and Management Conference 2012. Osakla: The International Acadenmic Forum.
[3]. Brealey, R., Myers, S., & Allen, F. (2011). Peinciples of Corporate Finance. McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series.
[5]. Chorruk, J., & Worthington, A. C. (n.d.).s
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Survey to Assess the Job Satisfaction among Health Care Employees |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | VasanthaKalyani || Dr. Arun K Singhal |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1905035558 ![]() |
Abstract: A survey conducted to assess the level of job satisfaction among health care employees who are working in health system. A total no. of 100 employees including professional and non-professional selected as a samples in a purposive sampling technique. The job satisfaction was assessed with the consent for the participation of the study. The job satisfaction and its factors assessed with the help of 3-point scale. The various factors such as recognition at work, leadership relationship, promotion, autonomy ongoing training, benefits and salary were considered for job satisfaction and assessed.............
Keywords: Job satisfaction, health care employees, health system, survey
[1]. Chad O'Lynn, Men in Nursing: History, Challenges, and Opportunities, Springer publishing company, LLC, Newyork, USA.
[2]. Geraldine Ann Moore, Job satisfaction and career development of men in nursing, Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 2014, Vol. 4, No. 3, PP 86-93, DOI: 10.5430/jnep.v4n3p86 URL:
[3]. M.Lorber,B.S.Savic,"Job satisfaction of nurses and identifying factors of job satisfaction", Cronation medical journal, vol.53(3),pp.263-270.
[4]. AgezegnAsegid, Tefera Belachew, and EbrahimYimam, "Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction and Anticipated Turnover among Nurses in Sidama Zone Public Health Facilities, South Ethiopia," Nursing Research and Practice, vol. 2014, Article ID 909768, 26 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/909768.
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Abstract: Tourism especially ecotourism is one of the most promising sectors for Bangladesh with her huge natural beauty, heroic historical background and archaeological resources. The purpose of this study is to find out the problem and prospects of ecotourism in Bangladesh.According to World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), by the year of 2025 tourism sector will contribute nearly 4.4% (BDT 1,252.8 billion) of the total GDP of Bangladesh.This study reveals the current status of ecotourism in Bangladesh and find out the snags and visions for ecotourism in Bangladesh. Secondary data sources used to conduct the research............
Keywords: Ecotourism, Problem and prospects, Bangladesh
[1]. (WTTC), W. T. a. T. C. (2015). Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2015, Bangladesh.
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[3]. Das, S. (2011). Ecotourism, Sustainable Development and the Indian State. Economic and Political Weekly, 46(37), 60-67.
[4]. Das,D.,and Hossain,I.,(2016)Does ecotourism affect economic welfare? Evidence from Kaziranga National Park, India,Journal of Ecotourism,15(3),241-260.
[5]. Goodwin, H. (1996). In pursuit of ecotourism. Biodiversity & Conservation, 5(3), 277-291
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to determine the effect simultaneously and partially variable of financial factors consisting of Return on Equity (ROE) and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) on stock price. Population in this research is cement industry listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange totaling 3 cement companies. The method of data collection used is documentation method, while the method of analysis used is Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method with linear regression model facilitated by SPSS 23. The results shows that Return on Equity (ROE) has significant effect on the stock price, and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) has effect but not significant on stock price............
Keywords: Stock price, Return on Equity (ROE) and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER).
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