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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study on the impact of Environmental Factors on Emotional Maturity |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. Rajeshwari RR || Dr. S. John Mano Raj |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1905040109 ![]() |
Abstract: Emotional Maturity comprises social connections, self-confidence and balanced emotions. The study has relevance for all the parents and family members who want to develop the level of emotional maturity among their children. Emotional maturity facilitates in easy social adjustments and makes the children more independent and emotionally stable. Thus the benefits of being more emotional mature arises the need for studying the factors which affect the level of emotional maturity among children...........
Keywords: Emotional maturity, family type, family status, environmental factors, management, students, emotional stability, social adjustments and independence.
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Abstract: Title of this study is" Incentives and their effect on performance " in the community of the study focuses on the staff in the College of Law Barak .The total number of employees (170) and by table (Kregcie and Morgan, 1970) the sample study reached (89) numbers, and the data collected by the questionnaire were analyzed by statistical package for social sciences SPSS. The study found out the results indicate a meager role of the employees in the process of decision-making. Moreover, chiefs pay only scant attention to the employee's suggestions, which negatively affect their drive.In addition, promotion chances are in no way related to the performance record.Most of the employees complain from the low level of bonuses.
Keywords: Incentives, performance, statisticalSPSS.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Resource Management in Health Care Sector a Conceptual Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K.Naga Sundari || Prof. V. Narasimha Rao |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1905041315 ![]() |
Abstract: Human Resources are considered as an important element in service industry in general and in specific in health care sector. As there is an evidence of increase in income levels of the people in the society, and the entry of state-of-art technology to provide quality health care has brought an enormous awareness among customers to opt for a better health care. In the recent years there is a rise in the competition among the health care providers to provide quality treatment to their clients...........
Keywords: State-of-art technology, developing economies, health care, health care professionals
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Abstract: Organizational Commitment is one of important factor which needs to be considered by organization in order to increase all the employees productivity. Several things that can sustain employees Organizational Commitment are Organizational Climate, motivation, and also the level of Job satisfaction. This is proved by several studies done previously and showed that there is a significant effect from Job satisfaction and motivation towards Organizational Commitment. This study aimed to examine the impact of organizational climate, motivation and job satisfaction on organizational commitment. Several studies are done without including the research object with new organization which newly joint and also using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) as an analysis method...........
Keywords: Organizational Climate, Motivation, Job satisfaction and Organizational Commitment
[1]. Agyemang, Colins Badu.,& Ofei, Samuel Batchison. (2013). Employee Work Engagement and Organizational Commitment : A Comparative Study of Private and Public Sector Organizations In Ghana. European Journal of Business and Innovation Reasearch, Vol.1 No.4, pp.20-33.
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Abstract: In India, after agriculture, small business is the second largest employer of human resources. MSMEs constitute more than 80 percent of the total number of industrial enterprises and support industrial development, 40 per cent of industrial output, 80 per cent of employment in the industrial sector, 45 per cent of value added by the manufacturing sector and 40 per cent of total exports. In this paper an attempt is made to explain various schemes implemented by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India for the promotion of MSMEs in India including general schemes, schemes for Khadi and Village Industries Sector, schemes for Coir Sector and schemes implemented by MSME Development Commissioner.
Keywords: MSMEs, khadi industries, Village industries, coir board, promotional schemes
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[3]. Jogendra Kumar Nayak et al, "The determinants and impact of outsourcing on SME- An empirical study", IIMB Management Review, Vol:19, No.3, , 2006, pp.277-284.
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Abstract: Present research is based on empirical evidences collected through the customers' survey regarding to the customers perception in internet banking services in public sectors bank in Bhubaneswar city. It is efforts to examine the relationship between the demographics and customers' satisfaction in internet banking, relationship between service quality and customers' satisfaction as well as satisfaction in internet banking service. The main aim of this study is to explore the effect of consumers' perception of risk and uncertainty on the rate of using internet banking as a new service and enhancing knowledge scope in this area. Regression analysis and multiple regression techniques have been employed for theory analysis............
Keywords: Service Quality, Perception; Customers' Satisfaction, Internet Banking Service
[1]. Allred A T, Addams H L, Service quality at banks and credit unions: what do their customers say?, Management Service Quality 10 (2000), no. 1, 52-60
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Abstract: This study sought to investigate causes of loan default within MFIs and Financial Intermediaries (FIs) in Kenya. The specific objective addressed was to evaluate the influence of loan characteristics on loan default in MFIs and FIs. A target population of 48 MFIs institutions and 76 Financial Institutions was used. A multistage sampling procedure and a sample of 48 MFIs and 48 FIs were selected. Random sampling was used to select the respondents since each participant had an equal opportunity to be selected. Primary data was collected by use of a questionnaire and analyzed by quantitative methods by use of SPSS; Version 21..........
Keywords: Loan Default, Microcredit, Portfolio at Risk (PAR), Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), Financial Intermediaries (FIs)
[1]. Abdullah A.M.,Wahab S.A., Malarvcizhi C.A & Maviapums. (2011). Examining Critical Factors Affecting the Repayment of Microcredit. Amana Ikhtar Malaysia, International business Research, 4(2), 93 – 102.
[2]. Abid Jalah M. (2007). The Pecking order information, Asymmetry and Financial Market Efficiency, U.S.A., University of Minesota
[3]. ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,(2011).The future of Microfinance in Kenya. ACCA Conference Report. Retrieved from http; / pdf
[4]. Acquah H. D. & Addo J.(2011), Determinants of Loan Repayment Performance of Fisheries: Empirical Evidence from Ghana, Cercetare Agwmonmice in Moldova XLIV, (4) (148) / 2014.
[5]. Addisu M. (2006).Microfinance Repayment Problems in the Informal Sector in Addis Ababa.Ethiopian Journal of Business and Development, 1(2), 115 – 119.
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Abstract: This study sought to investigate causes of loan default within MFIs and Financial Intermediaries (FIs) in Kenya. The specific objective addressed was to evaluate the influence of business characteristics on loan default in MFIs and FIs. A target population of 48 MFIs institutions and 76 Financial Institutions was used. A multistage sampling procedure and a sample of 48 MFIs and 48 FIs were selected. Random sampling was used to select the respondents since each participant had an equal opportunity to be selected. Primary data was collected by use of a questionnaire and analyzed by quantitative methods by use of SPSS; Version 21...........
Keywords: Loan Default, Microcredit, Portfolio at Risk (PAR), Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), Financial Intermediaries (FIs)
[1]. Abdullah A.M.,Wahab S.A., Malarvcizhi C.A & Maviapums. (2011). Examining Critical Factors Affecting the Repayment of Microcredit. Amana Ikhtar Malaysia, International business Research, 4(2), 93 – 102.
[2]. Abid Jalah M. (2007). The Pecking order information, Asymmetry and Financial Market Efficiency, U.S.A., University of Minesota
[3]. ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,(2011).The future of Microfinance in Kenya. ACCA Conference Report. Retrieved from http; / pdf
[4]. Acquah H. D. & Addo J.(2011), Determinants of Loan Repayment Performance of Fisheries: Empirical Evidence from Ghana, Cercetare Agwmonmice in Moldova XLIV, (4) (148) / 2014.
[5]. Addisu M. (2006).Microfinance Repayment Problems in the Informal Sector in Addis Ababa.Ethiopian Journal of Business and Development, 1(2), 115 – 119..
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Abstract: This paper attempts and explores to represent the present scenario of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) practice in private commercial banks of Bangladesh. It also examines the banking personnel's perceptions regarding the importance of CSR. In keeping with global movement, CSR is being seen as the source of new competition edge for the banking sectors of Bangladesh. Banks of Bangladesh practices CSR not only to improve community relations but also as source of significant commercial benefit...........
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Private commercial Bank, Donation
[1]. Adams, Carol, and Zutshi, Ambika, (2006), "Corporate Social Responsibility: Why Business Should Act Responsibility and Be Accountable"
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[3]. Arif, Anwarul, Azim, (1990), "Social Responsibility of Business" Chittagong University Studies (Commerce), Vol. 6, pp. 73-94.
[4]. Dusuki and Dar (2005), "Driving forces behind the growing trend towards CSR"
[5]. Hareed Sabetti , "Benefit Enterprise".