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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Road Map to Human Resources Management Practices in Organizations |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Fahad Alqusumi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1905060105 ![]() |
Abstract: The term HRM increasingly has been used in a wider context than the traditional notions of personnel and labour administration, and has attracted more researchers to examine its development.The human resource department advertises, recruits and trains people, giving them skills that are specific to the different organization. An organization with all the machinery needed to produce but lack the necessary human skills to use these machines cannot succeed. Contrary, organizations with the machines required for production and the necessary manpower will achieve their objectives. Manpower is the most significant aspect of organizational performance when it comes to machine operation. Realistically speaking, an organization with a well skilled human force can produce and make profits.............
Keywords: Human Resources Management, Recruiting, Selection, Safety and Health, Training
[1] Armstrong, M.(2006). A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. New York: Kogan, Page Limited, (2) 45-70
[2] Carlotta, R., & Gary, S.(2000). Human Resources Management. Washington, D.C.: Small Business Administration, (2) 78-90.
[3] Green, P.(1999). Building Robust Competencies: Linking Human Resource Systems to Organizational Strategies. New York: Jossey-Bass, 80-95.
[4] Gubman, E. L.(1996). The Gauntlet is down. Journal of Business Strategy, (2) 50-56.
[5] Johnston, J.(1996). Time to Rebuild Human Resources. Business Quarterly, (5) 23-35.
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Abstract: This study centered on Manifestations of Workplace Conflict and Employee Turnover Intentions. Abusive Supervision, Workplace Mobbing, Workplace Ostracicm and Employee Turnover Intentions with respect to restaurants in Enugu metropolis formed the focus of the study. Structural Equation Modeling was used for testing the hypotheses. The findings revealed that Abusive Supervision was significantly related to Employee Turnover Intention(Standardized Coefficient=0.944, p<0.05). Workplace Mobbing was not significantly related to Employee Turnover Intention (Standardized Coefficient=-0.553, p>0.05). Also ,existence of relationship was found between Workplace Ostracism and Employee Turnover Intention(Standardized Coefficient=0.318, p<0.05). On the strength of these findings, we recommend amongst others the need for training and re-training of owners and managers of these firms to update their supervisory skills as well as the need to review and possibly update laws relating to employment in Nigeria.
[1] Achiri, C.S (2014) Credibility, Leadership, and Crises Management. Journal of Leadership Studies 6 (3) pp 71 – 83.
[2] Ajah, A.A (2007) Basic concepts, issues and strategies of peace and conflict resolution. Nigerian African conflict case studies. Abuja: Centre for international and strategic studies in association with Keny and Brothers Int.
[3] Anele C.A, (2014) Industrial and Labour Relations. Enugu: Rhycekerex publishers.
[4] Anugwom, G.A (2007) Industrial Relations System in Nigeria. Enugu: Rhycekerex publishers.
[5] Armstrong, M (2005) A Handbook of Human Resources Management Practice. London: Kogan page.
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Abstract: The aim of this mixed method study was to identify factors that influence the growth of women owned businesses. It was a case study of one organisation in the Johannesburg area of South Africa.A sample size of 20 women was purposively selected from the 210 trained women entrepreneurs in the organization's data base. It employed a closed ended-questionnaire and focus group discussion to collect the data. Two focus group discussions were held with the 20 women entrepreneurs and who also completed a questionnaire consisting of closed ended questions on issues considered pertinent to the study. Data were then analysed thematically with the emerging themes being clustered into super ordinate themes that formed the basis of the discussion of findings in the study.............
[1] Babbie, E. (2010).The Practice of Social Research 9th edition Australia Wads Worth
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | What Influences Short Run Performance of Initial Public Offerings in Kenya? |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Francis, Mambo Gatumo |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1905062428 ![]() |
Abstract: Share relevant information access in a capital market influence the performance of an initial public offering. Information access depends on the degree the of efficient market hypothesis. The purpose of this paper was to establish the factors that impact the performance of initial public offering in the short run. The population for the study comprised of all the firms listed between 2000 and 2014 in Nairobi securities Exchange. Causal design was applied through regressing the raw total return against the determinants. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The study finds that offer price, offer size, subscription rate, turnover, net assets, age............
Key words: Determinants, Initial public offerings, raw total return, short run.
[1] Aggarwal, R. (2003). Allocation of Inital public offerings and flipping activity. Journal of Financial Economics, 68.
[2] Baker, N. B., & Uzaki, K. (2012). A test of initial Public offering underpricing performance in Malaysian Stock Exchnage. the Asian Business and management Conference 12. Osaka, Japan: The international Academic Forum.
[3] Bhullar, P. S., & Bhatnager, D. (2014). Analysis of factors affecting short term performance of IPOs in India. Pacific Business Review International, 7(5).
[4] Dell'Acqua, A., Etro, L. L., Teti, E., & Murri, M. (2014). IPO underpricing and aftermarket performance in Italy. International Journal of Finance and Banking, 01(05).
[5] Esumanba, S. V., Kpanie, A. F., & Benard, B. (2015). Firm specific determinats of under pricing on the Ghana Stock Exchange. International Review of Managment and Business Research, 4(1).
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Abstract: Reilly and Brown (2009) state that investors 's expected investment return is determined by time value of money, expected rate of inflation and the risk involved. Long run investors in Initial Public Offerings have longer time horizon, inflation is uncertain, but due to time factor, more risk is expected. The purpose of this study is to examine the long run performance of initial Public offerings in Kenya in order to determine whether they outperform the Nairobi securities Exchange (20) Index. Consequently, geometric mean returns were compared with Nairobi Securities Exchange (20) Index through buy and hold abnormal return (BHAR). The population of the study was all the initial Public offering firms listed between 2000 and 2014 in Nairobi Securities Exchange. Data for the listed firms was obtained from...........
Key words: Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), long run, Kenya, market index, outperformance, geometric mean return (GMR) buy and hold abnormal return (BHAR)
[1] Barber, B. M., & Lyon, J. D. (1997). Detecting long run abnormal stock returns: The Empirical power and specification of test sttistics. Journal of financial Economics, 43.
[2] Berk, A. S., & Peterle, P. (2015). Initial andf long run IPO returns in Central and Eastern Europe. Emerging Markets, Finance and Trade, 51.
[3] Brav, A., & Gompers, P. (1997). Myth or reality? The long run underperformance of IPos: Evidence from venture and nonventure capital backed companies. Journal of Finance, 52.
[4] Gompers, P. A., & Lerner, J. (2003). The really long run performance of IPos: The pre-NASDAQ Evidence. The journal of Finance, 58(4).
[5] K, p., B, S., & RJ, B. (n.d.). Privatization initial public offerings in malaysia: Initial premium and long run performance. Pacific- basin Finance Journal, 6.
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Abstract: In present days, flexible working hours are becoming prominent to the workplaces. A lot of organizations offer flexible working hours to employees due to the benefits that flexibility gives to both employee and employer. Greater employee productivity and higher organization profitability are the most common benefits. Also, flexible working hours promote and facilitate work-life balance. Reduced stress and increased employee wellbeing are outcomes of the work-life balance. In this paper, the relationship between flexible working hours and work-life balance is investigated.
Keywords: Work-Life Balance; Flexible Working Hours; Wellbeing
[1] Anon, "Flexible Working as Human Resource Strategy: Benefits to the Organization and its Personnel," Strategic Direction, Vol. 24, No. 8, 2008, pp. 9-11.
[2] Expert Group Meeting, "Work-Life Policy, Practice and Potential," Presentation to the Management Committee Office of the Focal Women in the United Nations, Office of the Focal Point for Women, United Nations, 2010.
[3] D. Possenried and J. Plantenga, "Access to Flexible Work Arrangements, Working-Time Fit and Job Satisfaction," Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute, Utrecht, 2011.
[4] P. Thomson, "The Business Benefits of Flexible Working," Strategic HR Review, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2008, pp. 17-22.
[5] E. Pruyne, M. Powell and J. Parsons, "Developing a Strategy for Employee Wellbeing: A Framework for Planning and Action," Ashridge Business School, Nuffield Health, 2012.
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Abstract: This paper provides empirical support for the literature on knowledge management and innovation. It aims to measure the impact of codification and personalization strategies as well as the impact of the type of internal or external knowledge on innovation. The empirico-deductive study concerns 32 Moroccan artisanal SMEs operating in six artisanal businesses including leather, pottery, carpentry, traditional textile, bakery / pastry and butchery. The results of the study show that internal knowledge and codification strategy improve innovation behavior, while the personalization strategy and external knowledge do not affect innovation. Building on these findings, the article proposes to help researchers and managers reinvent knowledge management within their companies to trigger more innovation.
Keywords: artisanal SMEs, External knowledge, Innovations, Internal knowledge, Knowledge Codification, Knowledge personalization.
[1] M. Alvesson and D. Kärreman, Odd couple: making sense of the curious concept of knowledge management, Journal of management studies 38 (2001), 995-1018.
[2] A. Attour and P. Barbaroux, Le rôle des processus de connaissances dans le cycle de vie d'un écosystème d'affaires, in: 6ème Rencontre du Groupe de Recherche Thématique" Innovation" de l'AIMS, 2015.
[3] A. Attour and T. Burger-Helmchen, Écosystèmes et modèles d'affaires: introduction, Revue d'économie industrielle (2014), 11-25.
[4] P. Barbaroux and A. Attour, Approches interactives de l'innovation et gestion des connaissances, Innovations (2016), 5-14.
[5] F. Bensebaa and P. Béraud, Coping with globalization: What are the driving forces of openness and spatial dynamics of innovation?, Journal of Innovation Economics & Management (2012), 3-22.
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Abstract: Defined Employee welfare as a term which is understood to include such services, facilities and amenities as may be established in or in the vicinity of undertakings to enable the persons employed in them to perform their work in healthy, congenial surrounding and to provide them with amenities conductive to good health and high morale. Worker's Health Services -Factory health center; dispensary, ambulance, emergency aid, medical examination for workers; health education, health research; family planning services. Women and Child Welfare-Antenatal and postnatal care, maternity aid, crèche and child care; women's general education; separate services for women wormers, tat is lunch rooms, urinals rest rooms, women's recreation (indoor); family planning services. Worker's Recreation -Indoor games.............
Keywords: Worker's Health Services, Women and Child Welfare, Worker's Recreation, Economic Services, Management Participation
[1]. Aswathappa.k, Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1999, New Delhi.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Marketing and Technology: Role of Technology in Modern Marketing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Esha Jain || Ashank Yadav |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1905064953 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper is focused over understanding new developments which had influenced modern day marketing. The paper also discusses the concepts of technology which changed the perspective of marketing. When we talk about marketing and role of technology in it, we understand that new marketing concepts have changed the face of 21st century marketing techniques. Now marketing is majorly dependent over technology, emergence of new dimension of marketing is also known as digital marketing. Digital marketing is majorly focused over marketing through digital media devices such as smartphones and computers.
Keywords: Information technology, Digital marketing, Digital devices, Technology, Marketing
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Making of a CEO: Study of the successful CEO'S globally who and what are CEO'S |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Esha Jain || Ashank Yadav |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1905065459 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of the study is to understand that what are the key elements which make up a successful CEO of an organization who is able to contribute to the growth and development of an organization. The study is focused on understanding the structure of the top level of an organization and placing the position of a CEO in it. By placing CEO on the top in the organizational hierarchy, understanding his/her roles and skills. Taking the examples of the best and the worst CEO'S to get a clear view of what is required to become a successful CEO.
Keywords: organization, Chief Executive Officer, hierarchy, development.
[1] Retrieved 12 Apr. 2017 from
[2] Retrieved 30 Apr. 2017 from
[3] "Top-Level Management." Boundless Management. Boundless, 08 Dec. 2014. Retrieved 15 Dec. 2014 from
[4] Retrieved 19 Mar. 2016 from
[5] Retrieved 11 Mar. 2016 from
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Abstract: In an attempt to cover up the unappealing taste of the freshwater thin-lipped grey mullet (Liza ramada) and to produce a convenient agro-food product, cold smoking was applied to fish fillets followed by vacuum packaging. Based on biochemical, microbiological, and sensorial analysis, several indices were used to monitor the product quality over 60 days of refrigerated storage at 2 ±1°C. A different pattern of amine changes occurred following salting and smoking. Except for (his) and (spm); all others amines including cadaverine increased in cold smoked fillets throughout storage. The indices of atherogenicity (IA) and of thrombogenicity (IT) with values of 1.68 and 1.67 respectively, did not show a significant change during storage suggesting a stability of the fatty acids profile..
Keywords: Smoked fish, Liza ramada, Biochemical Analysis, Sensorial Analysis, Microbiological analysis, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
[1]. S.J. Youn, W.W. Taylor, A.J. Lynch, I.G., T.D. CowxBeard Jr., D. Bartley, and F. Wu, Inland capture fishery contributions to global food security and threats to their future, Review. Global Food Security, 3(3–4), 2014, 142-148.
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[5]. J.R. Burt, The effects of drying and smoking on the vitamin content of fish. (Ed.), In Fish Smoking and Drying. London, UK: Elsevier. 1988 p. 53-61.
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Abstract: The population in this study is the Bureau of Local Government Employees At the Regional Secretariat of South Sulawesi province with a total sample of 72 people. Methods in collecting data in this study are questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Methods of data analysis using descriptive and quantitative method with multiple linear regression analysis is used to measure the Factors Influencing Employee Performance Against Local Government Bureau Secretariat On Sulawesi Selatan which consists of motivation, working environment and Organizational Commitment............
[1]. Admodiwiri, 2002. Human Resource Management, Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta
[2]. Arikunto. 1998. Education Management, Rhieneka Cipta, Jakart
[3]. Armstrong, Michael and Murlis Helen. 1995. Salary administration, 3nd.
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[5]. Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2000. Research Procedures A Practice Approach. Yogyakarta: Rineka Cipta.
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Abstract: The population in this study is the Bureau of Local Government Employees At the Regional Secretariat of South Sulawesi province with a total sample of 72 people. Methods in collecting data in this study are questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Methods of data analysis using descriptive and quantitative method with multiple linear regression analysis is used to measure the Factors Influencing Employee Performance Against Local Government Bureau Secretariat On Sulawesi Selatan consisting of motivation, working environment and Organizational Commitment. Based on the F test of independent variables (Motivation, Work Environment and Organizational Commitment) together have a positive and significant influence on the dependent variable (employee performance)...........
[1]. Admodiwiri, 2002. Human Resource Management, Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta.
[2]. Arikunto. 1998. Education Management, Rhieneka Cipta, Jakarta
[3]. Armstrong, Michael and Murlis Helen. 1995. Salary administration, 3nd. Rochmulyati,
[4]. H. (translator). Administration of salary. LPPM and PT Pustaka Binaman pressindo. Jakart
[5]. Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2000. Research Procedures A Practice Approach. Yogyakarta: Rineka Cipta.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factors Affecting The Performance Fea Coordinating The Family Planning National Makassar |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | HJ. Nuraeni |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1905069098 ![]() |
Abstract: Factors Influencing Performance Against Power Extension of the National Family plann ing Coordinating Board Makassar. The purpose of this study was to Determine the Factors Influencing Performance Against Power Extension of the National Family Planning Coordinating Board Makassar. The population in this study is the Power Extension of the National Family Planning Coordinating Board Makassar with a sample size of 90 people. Data collection methods in this study were questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Methods of analysis of data using descriptive method and quantitative method with multiple linear regression analysis were used to measure the Influence of Education and Training, Motivation and Incentive Performance Against Power Extension of the National Family Planning Coordinating Board Makassar..............
Keywords: education and training, motivation, incentives and performance
[1]. Anwar, 2000. Human Resource Management. Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.
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[5]. Gomes, Faustino Cardoso, 2003, Human Resource Management, Publisher Andi, Yogyakarta.
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Abstract: This study aims to demonstrate empirically the Influence of cultural factors, social factors, individual characteristics factors and psychological factors Decision Against Toyota Avanza car purchases in Makassar. The first hypothesis proposed in this study is the cultural factors, social factors, individual characteristics factors, psychological factors influence the purchasing decision of Toyota Avanza. The second hypothesis proposed is characteristic factors and psychological factors have a dominant influence on the decision pembelia Toyota Avanza. The method used in this research is method survey of 100 respondents. The entire population in this study used as a sample by census................
Keywords: Cultural factors, social factors, individual characteristics factors and psychological factors and the purchase decision
[1]. Mangkunagara Anwar Prabu, 2009. Consumer Behavior. Revised Edition. Publisher Revika Aditama: Bandung
[2]. Swastha, Basu., 1996. Azas Azas-Marketing. Third Edition. Publisher BPFE. Yogyakarta.
[3]. Kotler, Philip, 2000, Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control, Ninth Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
[4]. Kotler and Armstrong. 2001. Principles of Marketing. Volume I, Eighth Edition, publisher, Jakarta.
[5]. Sugiyono. 2005. Business Research Methods. Publisher Alfabeta: Bandung.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Understanding CSR- Its History and the Recent Developments |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Neelam Jhawar || Shasta Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/487X-190506105109 ![]() |
Abstract: All the citizens of a country have certain rights and duties. Citizens include not only natural persons but also the companies. Companies should operate as good responsible corporate citizens. Modern corporations cannot shirk their responsibilities because their activities exert a tri-dimensional impact (economic, social, and environmental) on the society. A socially responsible firm not only meets these needs of the society but also enhances its goodwill and creates a long term and sustainable market for its products. This is the concept of corporate social responsibility. This paper attempts to understand the evolution of the concept of corporate social responsibility and its current interpretations. It was found that United States of America pioneered the concept of corporate social responsibility..............
Keywords: Companies, CSR, evolution, history, developments
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Abstract: The WiMaxclaims to provide mobile broadband coverage, full Strength signal with mobility, portability and tractability till the long distance end point. In this project I use various tools for testing the signal strength with point to point mobility within the WiMax cell. The purpose of this study is to check the reliability and prime functionality minimize the waste (Agile), reduce the defect (Sigma), portability with mobility with the help of KPI,SSR and to provide quality management in IT real world.The objective is to monitoring and analysis of IEEE and WiMax throughout the network in the targeted areas as sample for the test to detect user problem in real world............
Keywords: Backhaul= Replacement of wireless from wired, Latency= Delay in system Process by input to illustrate outcome, RSSI= Received Signal Strength Indicator, Stera= Cannot be definable in most of dictionaries ,WiMAX= WorldWide Interoperability for Microwave Access Or known as 4G network
[1]. Arshad Wahab and Xu Jiadong. Design and performance analysis of asymmetric U-Slot Circular patch antenna for WiMAX and WLAN application, International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 14(1), 2015, 1975-0080
[2]. AvniKhatkar, A Comprehensive Review on WiMAX Networks, International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology, 3(3), 2014, 2319 – 1058.
[3]. Ban A. Al-Omar, TahaLandolsi and A. R. Al-Ali, Evaluation of WiMAX technology in smart grid communications, Journal of Communications, 10(10), 2015,1796-2021.
[4]. Chang-tseh Hsieh, Bill Manduca and Binshan Lin, Information technology and six sigma implementation, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 47(4), 2007, 2380-2057.
[5]. Gurmandeepkaur and Navneet Kaur, Dissect the performance of network layer routing protocols (AODV, DSDV and ZRP) for video streaming over Worldwide Interoperability of Microwaves Access (WiMax), International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11(10), 2016, 0973-4562..
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors those affecting in outsourcing of internal audit function of Sri Lankan Finance companies. The independent variables are independence, internal audit quality, management support, expertise knowledge and cost. The dependent variable is internal audit outsourcing. According to the literature five hypotheses were developed. The sample consists with fifty management level and operational level employees of Finance companies which outsourcing internal audit function in Kandy urban area. A questionnaire was used to identify the factors affected for outsourcing of internal audit function in finance companies. In this research twenty one dimensions have used in questionnaire which developed using five point Likert scale ranging from "Strongly Disagree" (1) to "Strongly Agree" (5). Statistical Package for Social Sciences was used to analyze the data..............
Keywords: Finance Companies, Internal Audit Function, Management and Operational Level, Outsourcing, Sri Lanka,
[1]. Abbott, L., Parker, S., Peters, G., & Rama, D. V. (2013) Audit committee effectiveness and internalaudit outsourcing. Florida.p 2-36
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[3]. Caplan,D., Janvrin,D. and Kurtenbach,J. (2007) Internal Audit Outsourcing:An Analysis Of Self-regulation By The Accounting Profession, Research in Accounting Regulation, p.4-31
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Abstract: The Nigeria's 2015 Presidential election held on the 28th March, 2015 was the 5th quadrennial election of the Fourth Republic which defiled military interruption for sixteen (16) years. Apart from being the fifth election, the election was historic and will ever remains so for its uniqueness. The votes received by General Mohammadu Buhari (Rtd) was the most nationally spread votes cast since Nigeria's political independence in 1960 and secondly, for the first time in Post Independence Nigeria a Presidential Candidate (General Muhammadu Buhari, Rtd) defeated an incumbent President (Dr Goodluck Ebelle Jonathan) in a presidential poll..............
Keywords: 2015 Presidential Election, Nigeria, Incumbent President, Lost To Buhari
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