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Abstract: Brand image is the set of beliefs that a customer carries for a particular brand. It is the psychological output that all companies want to achieve after the extensive branding exercises that they carry out. However, the most important part of any branding process is to create a brand identity. Brand identity, as coined by Kapferer, is what the company wants to project to the consumers through its physicality, i.e. brand, design logo, pricing and its emotionality, which is the emotional attributes the company attaches to its product. This process in turn creates a certain position of the brand in the form of a distinct space in the consumer's mind. Positioning is hard to achieve, but once positioned, repositioning is even tougher. How much successful the company has been in its endeavor can be gauged by analyzing the brand gap
[1]. Dr Gerald Zaltman for introducing the ZMET method
[2]. " Revealed Bata's secret to attract the fashion conscious"-RediffRealtime
[3]. " Bata trying to reposition its image " –Times of India
[4]. " Rebooting Bata:Will its new campaign help the footwear brand get there" – Economic Times
[5]. "Bata-our History"
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Abstract: Labour turnover was studied on various factors like- customer complaints and satisfaction, personal growth, achievement, self control, compensation or monetary growth, self actualization, work motivation, social affiliation, organizational climate, culture clash, availability of better jobs, stress , burnout, job embeddedness, job characteristic, transactional leadership, business cycle, affective organizational commitment, quality of work life, non financial gains, career growth, working hours, family reasons, welfare, working conditions, position requirement challenge, lack of advancement etc across different industries like Banks, nursing,education.............
Key words: employee turnover, attrition, retention,banks, performance, organizational commitment,HR practices.
[1]. Biswas, S. (2013, June 7).Attrition in India to top world charts in 2013; one in four employees to change jobs. ET Bureau.Retrieved May 17,2014, from http://articles.economictimes
[2]. PTI.(2014,February 9). Banking sector may create 20 lakh new jobs in next 5-10 years: Experts.Retrieved May 17,2014, from
[3]. The Telegraph.(2013,December 2).PSU banks stare at staff crisis.Retreived April 17, 2014 from 17633477.jsp#.U4YgXPm Sz3i
[4]. Shetty, M. (2012,Sep 3).New private banks see seven out of ten sales offices quit each year .Retrieved April 17,2014 from /16237591.cms
[5]. Press trust of India (2014,February 13).Why banking sector expansion may increase attrition.Retrieved May 17, 2014,from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Investment in Indian Gold Etfs Soaring |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.V.Latha || D.Deepa |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1905051417 ![]() |
Abstract: Among all the investment alternatives available in the world, gold has shown better performance over years. In spite of its mediocre short term performance, Gold has constantly outperformed other conventional asset classes such as currencies, debt, equity and other commodities regardless of most of economic and market cycles with a CAGR of 17.1% in INR term and 14.5% in USD term for the past ten year period. However, there are a number of ways by which investment in gold can be made like gold ETFs and fund of funds, E-gold, stocks of gold mining companies, gold futures, gold bars............
Key words: Gold ETFs, Risk, Return, Critical Appraisal
[1]. Dr.Shivomseth, "Indian Investors Jump into Gold ETFs – Dec 2011" . Journal of Index Investing , 2 (2). Pg no – 132 - 143
[2]. Dr.V.Balaji and Dr.G.Rathika, "A STUDY ON THE PERFORMANCE OF GOLD ETFS - 2015" International Journal of Research instinct. Pg no – 1-9 Special issue - 2
[3]. Ms. Mallika Mathew. And Dr. M.M. Sulphey "Gold Exchange Traded Funds – A Behavioural Analysis of Retail Investors in Kerala" online article.
[4]. Dr.Prashanta Athma, "Gold ETFs: An emerging investment option: aria pacific journal of research in Business management, 2011, Vol.2, issue 1.
[5]. "Demand and supply". World Gold
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Emotional Intelligence and Work Life Balance |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P.Shylaja || Dr. Ch.Jayasankara Prasad |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1905051821 ![]() |
Abstract: Globalization and speed of information and technology instead of making life easy is creating a problem of information overload and thereby pressures in the work place and in work life balance. Emotional Intelligence is a set of skills usually referred to as soft skills or interpersonal or intrapersonal skills that are not covered under the traditional ares of knowledge. Emotions being a part of our genetic makeup we cannot do away wit them even in the workplace.and so are a part of behavior at home or at the workplace.Emotional Intelligence consists of five factors : Knowing ones emotions, motivating oneself, recognizing emotion in others,and handling relationships. Goleman 1995[1]............
Key words:Emotional Intelligence, Work life Balance. Managers, satisfaction, organization..
[1]. Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books, Inc.
[2]. J.M. George,"Emotions and Leadership:The role of Emotional Intelligence," Human Relations, Vol 53,pp 1027-1055, 2000
[3]. D,Goleman, R. Boyatiz and A. Mckee, primal Leadership: Realizing the power of Emotional Intelligence, Boston, MA:Harvard Business School Press:
[4]., C.Wong,&L.J.Song,'The construct and criterion validity of emotional intelligenceand its potential utility for managerial studies." Journal of applied Psychology.vol89,pp483-496,2004
[5]. T. Sy, & S.Cote, Emotional Intelligence: A Key ability to succeed in the matrix Organization. Journal of Management Development.vol23,pp437-455,2004
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Abstract: China—ASEAN Free Trade Area is the arrangement for a free trade area (FTA) agreement between ASEAN and China that was designed to turn competition into complementation for the benefits of both sides such as trade relation, promote international trade and the implementation of zero tariff for import and export .This paper probes into the problems exist after CAFTA for Thailand , the present situation of Thailand that come from CAFTA and the opportunities of Thailand for trade sector, investment sector and finance sector.And, advancing some suggestion for solving the problems...........
Key words: Thailand; China—ASEAN Free Trade Area; tariff; Tax; economic and trade.
[3]. Zhang Li xia.Development and Prospect of Economy and Trade between China and Thailand under CAFTA(2012)AROUND SOUTHEAST ASIAVol.12(pp17-20)
[4]. ShenHongfang,The Economic Relations between China and Thailand under the Context of CAFTA: An Assessment.Chinese Studies 2013. Vol.2, No.1, 52-60
[5]. Kim WengWillam Choy Yen Ming Zhang, (2011),"Economic relations between China and ASEAN: 1970-2010", Chinese Management Studies, Vol. 5 Iss 1 pp. 20 – 34
[6]. Wang, Y.-Z. (2012). "The impact of CAFTA on China-ASEAN relationship: An evaluation from strategic perspective. Southeast Asian Affairs (Xiamen), 1, General Serial No. 149, 9-20.
[7]. Sompop, M. (2009). Thailand-China cooperation in trade, investment and official development assistance.URL(lastchecked20July2012).
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Abstract: Management models are grounded in three basic pillars: people, processes and technologies.In this scenario, management model is fundamental for business incubators to be able to meet the demands of new entrepreneurs in different areas of their business developments.Therefore, the objective of this article is to map the management models of business incubators both nationally and internationally.For that,............
Keywords: incubator, management, innovation
[1]. ADNER, R.; KAPOOR, R. Value creation in innovation ecosystems: how the structure of technological interdependence affects firm performance in new technology generations. Strategic Management Journal, 31, 306-333. 2001. Available at: on: February 18th 2017.
[2]. ANPROTEC. CERNE: Centro de Referência para Apoio a Novos Empreendimentos. 2013. Available at: <>. Accessed on: February13th 2017.
[3]. ANPROTEC. Available at: <>. Accessed on: February 20th 2017.
[4]. ANPROTEC..=Estudo de Impacto Econômico Segmento de Incubadoras De Empresas Do Brasil. 2016. Available at: Accessed on: February 13th 2017.
[5]. ARANHA, José Alberto Sampaio et al. Modelo de gestão para incubadoras de empresas-implementação do modelo. Rede de Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro. 2003
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Work Life Balance of Female Employees in Private Institutions, Gwalior: An Investigation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mansi Tiwari |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1905053538 ![]() |
Abstract: Employees are key asset of the organization & it becomes more obligatory for the employers when it comes to female employees. Female employees are playing dual role, one at the workplace and another at their home. It is difficult for them to manage both the side. Researcher investigated about how the lives of female employees are getting affected due to improper balances in their professional & personal life. This paper also reveals about what is more obstructing, family obstructs work or work obstructs family and how these imbalances are creating problems like stress, intention to leave, burnout on the part of female employees. This study also recommends what else could be done to improve the work life balances in the life of female employees especially.
Keywords:Work Life Balances, Female employees, stress
[1] Ashtankar, O. M. (2016). Analysis of the impact of work life balance on wellbeing of police department employees of Nagpur district. IJAR, 2(5), 380-383.
[2] Chowdhury, M. M., Hoque, N., & Mohammed Jonayed Kabir, M. (2015). Work-Life Balance of Female Garment Workers in Bangladesh: An Imperial Investigation. Global Journal of Management And Business Research, 15(7).
[3] Crosbie, T., & Moore, J. (2004). Work–life balance and working from home. Social Policy and Society, 3(03), 223-233.
[4] Deivasigamani, J., & Shankar, G. (2014). A study on worklife balance of employees in information techonolgy (it) sector at chennai. International Journal of Management Research and Reviews, 4(8), 805.
[5] Delina, G., & Raya, R. P. (2013). A study on work-life balance in working women. Women, 2(5).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review Agenda: Grading Certification And Initial Public Offerings (Ipos). |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Seema Verma || Dr. Satish Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1905053947 ![]() |
Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this paper is produce the extensive literature review regarding influence of grading on the most known phenomenon that is underpricing and as well on long run performance . Further, to explore a scope for the future empirical study in this direction.
Design/methodology/approach: This review covers an inventory of extensive literature review of empirical and conceptual studies published from 2008 to 2014 which are related to impact on - a. listing day's performance; b. long run performance of IPOs. The review of literature is in a chronological order 12 past studies which serve for the fourth and fifth objective of my research study..........
Keywords:Initial public offerings (IPO), Long run performance, Underpricing, Grading, Initial return (IR)
[1] Bansal, R., & Khanna, A. (2012). Do High Credit Rating IPOs Influence the Determinants of Underpricing?–A Logit Analysis. The IUP Journal of Financial Risk Management, 9(4), 7-26.
[2] Banerjee, S., & Rangamani, K. T. (2014). IPO Grading: Selection and Under Pricing?. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 11(1), 96-108.
[3] Barry, C. B., Muscarella, C. J., Peavy, J. W., and Vetsuypens, M. R. (1990). The role of venture capital in the creation of public companies: Evidence from the going-public process. Journal of Financial economics, 27(2), 447- 471.
[4] Bhalla, L., Bhatia, A., & Kaushal, V. (2012). Corporate Governance and IPO Underpricing. Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research, 1(3), 35.
[5] Deb, S. S., & Marisetty, V. B. (2010). Information content of IPO grading. Journal of banking & Finance, 34(9), 2294-2305.
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Abstract: The dynamic nature of global business environment which results from technological advancements, economic restructuring, labor movements, and public demands for better products and services have forced organizations to reconsider their business strategies in order to achieve a sustained competitive advantage. The ability to innovate therefore is increasingly viewed as an important factor in developing and sustaining competitive advantage. However the relationship between the growing investment in technology based bank technological innovations and bank financial performance in Kenya needs to be studied............
Keywords:Strategic influence, internet banking, mobile banking, agency banking, commercial bank.
[1] Vasya, K. &Patrik J. (2006).Quality Online Banking Services. Bachelors, Thesis, Jönköping University
[2] Kumar, V. M. (2014). Retail banking: Delivering a Meaningful Digital Customer. Experience.Meaningful-Digital-Customer-Experience-codex1036.[Accessed on 26/11/2014].
[3] Furst, K., Lang, W. &Nolle, D. E. (2000). Who offers Internet Banking? Quarterly Journal, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, 27-46
[4] Mukherjee, A., &Nath, P. (2003).A model trust in online relationship banking.International Journal of Bank Marketing, 21(1), 5-15.
[5] Dube T., Chitura T., & Runyowa, L. (2009). Adoption and use of internet Banking in Zimbabwe: An Exploratory Study, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, Vol 14, No1, pp 1-13
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Demonetisation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Alok Agrawal |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1905055456 ![]() |
Abstract: When a currency note of a particular denomination ceases to be a legal tender it is termed as demonetisation. Our government is replacing the old Rs. 500 notes with newer ones and doing away with the Rs. 1000 notes, it would be more appropriate to call the move as "scrapping" or "phasing out" of certain current currency notes.1
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Abstract: Corporate social responsibility is not new to India. This charitable action of the companies, however, is now blended with a mandatory constraint. The paper discuss about the provisions of the CSR norms as per the new Companies Act 2013, the process of its implementation, responsibilities of the company board and the CSR committee, list of activities that qualify for the CSR fulfillment, and penalties for breach. The paper also discusses the perceived influence against mandatory CSR, industry response, the issue of anchoring CSR spending to the minimum mandatory requirement, estimate of the scale of total CSR spending, and the Channels of CSR spending by companies.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Companies Act,2013
[1] Bhatt, B. (2015). Indian Corporate Citizenship: Myth or Reality?, a report prepared by Mr. Bimal Bhatt, Chartered Accountant, Vadodara, India.
[2] Desai, N., Pingali, V., and Tripathi, A. (2015). "Is 2% the Solution?: Experimental Evidence on the New CSR Rule in India," Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) Working Paper No. WP2015-03-09.
[3] MCA (2013). The Companies Act, 2013; accessed on 22/5/2015 from website of Ministry of Corporate Affairs at
[4] MCA (2014a). General Circular No 21/2014; accessed on 22/5/2015 from Ministry of Corporate Affairs website at
[5] MCA (2014b). Notification, dated 27/2/2014; accessed on 23/5/2015 from Ministry of Corporate Affairs website at Act Notification2_ 2014.pdf
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Abstract: This study aims to identify and analyze: (1) The pattern of structure transformation of Indonesia economic according to output (GDP) and employment; and (2) Impact of reduction in the share of the primary sector to the growth of the sector. This study used secondary data such as GDP and employment Year 2000-2014, published data sourced from various years. This study used descriptive analysis method is the analysis of share and growth analysis. The results showed that: (1) Based on output (GDP) and employment transformation of economic structure Indonesia moves from the primary sector to the tertiary..............
Keywords: Structure transformation and economic growth
[1] Ailenei Dorel, 2011. Economics of Sustainable Development. Competitiveness and Economic Growth, Theoreticaland Applied Economics Volume XVIII (2011), No.2(555), pp. 5-12
[2] Agustian, A dan Ilham N, 2008. Analisis Proporsi Pendapatan dan Pengeluaran Rumah Tangga Petani Padi Pada Berbagai Ekosistem. Pusat Analisis Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian Departemen Pertanian, Bogor (makalah seminar nasional)
[3] Badan Pusat Statistik, (Berbagai terbitan). Statistik Indonesia Tahun 2015, Badan Pusat Statistik Jakarta Indonesia.
[4] Chenery, Hollis B. and Syrquin, Morshe, 1975. Patteren of Development 1950-1970. Washington D.C: The World Bank.
[5] Clark, C. (1940). The Condition of Economic Progress. London: Macmillan.
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Abstract: For most developing nations, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role in the quest to militate against the vagaries of poverty and stimulate growth and development. However SMEs continue to face a number of challenges as a result of stiff competition and rapid evolvement in the contemporary business market. Against a background of stiff competition and turbulent business environments, ICT solutions have the ability to enhance SMEs competitiveness leading to efficiency and effectiveness for business sustainability. This study sought to investigate the effects of technology context on cloud computing adoption in SMEs in Nairobi County, Kenya..............
Key Words: Technological Context, Relative Advantage, Compatibility, Complexity, Cloud Computing Adoption
[1] Sogorb-Mira, F. (2005). How SME Uniqueness Affects Capital Structure: Evidence from a 1994-1998 Spanish Panel Data. Small Business Economics, 25, 447–457.
[2] Wagenvoort, R. (2003). SME Finance in Europe: Introduction and Overview. European Investment Bank Papers, 8(2), 10-21.
[3] Ongori, H. (2009). Role of Information Communication Technologies Adoption in SMES: Evidence from Botswana. Research Journal of Information Technology, 1(2), 79-85.
[4] Pauly, M. (2011). T-Systems Cloud-Based Solutions for Business Applications. In R. Buyya, J. Broberg and A. Goscinski (Eds.), Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
[5] Swash, G. (1998). UK Business Information on the Internet. New Library World, 99(1144), 238-242.
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Abstract: Food security is a national and international issue which continues to be researched on how to solve it over time. One of the food commodities developed by the government and facing problems in its exploitation is green beans. The objectives of the research were (1) to know farming efficiency of green beans in Muna regency; and (2) to know marketing efficiency in Muna Regency. This research was conducted in Muna Regency as main central of green beans producer in Southeast Sulawesi from August to December 2015. Research sample were 66 farmer respondents who were selected based on three-stage cluster purposive sampling technique. The data type were primary and secondary data...........
Keywords: Efficiency, farming, marketing, grean beans
[1] Badan Pusat Statistik Sulawesi Tenggara, 2012. Sulawesi Tenggara Dalam Angka. Kendari. BPS Sultra.
[2] Darmadjati, DS., Marwoto, DKS.,Swastika, DM.,Y. Hilman. 2005. Prosepek dan Arah Pengembangan Agribisnis Kedelai. Badan Litbang Jakarta
[3] Direktorat Jendral Bina Produksi Tanaman Pangan 2002 dalam Sudana Wayan. Perkembangan Jagung Pada Dekade Terakhir serta Peluang Pengembangannya Kedepan. Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Badan Litbang Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian Bogor diunduh dari internet pada tanggal 25 Februari Tahun 2015:
[4] Geo, L. 2015. The Performance Of The Production And Marketing Of Non-Rice Food Commodity Strategies In Southeast Sulawesi. Proceeding ISBN 978-602-8161-81-7.
[5] Geo, L. 2015. Dinamika Produksi dan Pemasaran Jagung di Kabupaten Muna Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Proceeding ISBN 978-602-8161-75-6.
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Abstract: Most organizations, whether private or public have come up with strategic plans in order to successfully attain organizational objectives. Some researchers have noted that organizations do not fully implement their strategic plans within the targeted duration. This study sought to determine factors influencing implementation of strategic plans more so the relationship between strategy implementation and performance in the Kenyan judiciary. Specifically, the study sought to find out how infrastructure affect implementation of strategic plans in the Kenya judiciary. The study used descriptive survey. A descriptive study is one in which information is collected without changing the environment..........
Key Words: Strategic planning, Organizational structure, Strategy implementation, National Council on Administration of Justice
[1] Armstrong Michael. (2000). Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action, 2nd Edition. London: Kogan Page
[2] Glenn, H. Patrick (2000). Legal Traditions of the World. Oxford University Press
[3] Government of Kenya (2012). Development of Education; National Report of Kenya Nairobi: Ministry of Education. 63-112
[4] Hrebiniak, L. (2008) Obstacles of Effective Strategy Implementation: Organizational Dynamics
[5] James, C. (2011) Theory of Change Review: A Report Commissioned by Comic Relief. London: Comic Relief.
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Abstract: This research aims to test and prove empirically about the effect of Risk Management and Good Corporate Governance on Financial Performance and Its Impact on The firm Value [Study on Regional Venture Capital Company (PMVD) in Indonesia]. Population of this research are 27 companies of Venture Capital located in 26 Provinces, and that meet the criteria of sample are 27 companies of Venture Capital in 26 Provinces, so that total of observation analyzed to 162. Data used are statement of balance financial and income of PMVD from 2010 until 2015. Data source is from PT. Bahana Artha Ventura as mother company. Testing is done with Path Analysis. The analysis result shows that Risk..............
Keywords: Risk Management. Good Corporate Governance, Financial Performance and Firm Value
[1] Adams, R. B., Hermalin, B. E., Weisbach, M. S., (2010), The role of boards of directors in corporate governance: A conceptual framework and survey. Journal of Economic Literature 48, pp. 58-107.
[2] Adeusi, Stephen Oluwafemi., Akeke, Niyi Israel., Adebisi, Obawale Simeon., dan Oladunjoye, Olawale. (2014). Risk Management and Financial Performance of Banks in Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, Vol.6, No.31, 2014
[3] Adisaputro, Gunawan dan Anggraini, Yunita. (2007). Anggaran Bisnis, Analisis, Perencanaan dan pengendalian laba, Yogyakarta: UPP STIM YKPN
[4] Al-Rawi, K., Kiani, R., dan Vedd, RR, (2008). The Use of Altman Equation for Bangkruptcy Prediction in an Industrial Firm, International Business and Economics Research Journal, July 2008
[5] Altman, EI, (1968). Financial Ratios, Discriminant Analysis and the Prediction of Corporate Bangkruptcy, Journal of Finance, September 1968