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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | HRIS Practices in Private Universities of Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Dr. Sumon Das || Dr. Gopal Chandra Saha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2001010110 ![]() |
Abstract: HRIS is usually offered as a database. It offers the manager absorbing new technologies simplify the workflow, optimize precision, stability and credibility of workforce data and to simplify the data collection process. The use of HRIS is seen on a regular basis in different organizations. In this study, an attempt has been made to show the use of HRIS in private universities of Bangladesh and also indicate how it is helping to reduce everyday critical jobs and going towards a green management system. University education in Bangladesh is getting more and more competitive every day and implementation of HRIS the process that goes around the management system is getting much simpler for the student and also the employee. The data are more accessible than before and the facilities and restrictions are more than understandable and simplified.
Keywords: Human Resource Information System, technology, storing and systematic procedure.[1] F. Karikari1, P. A. Boateng, Evans O. N. D. "The Role of Human Resource Information System in the Process of Manpower Activities" Ocansey, licenses by 4.0;
[2] S. N. Khera and K. Gulat "Human Resource Information System and its impact on Human Resource Planning: A perceptual analysis of Information Technology companies" Journal of Delhi School of Management, Delhi Technical University, India,Vol. 2;
[3] Y. Bal, S. Bozkurt, E. Ertemsir "The Importance of Using Human Resources Information Systems (Hris) and A Research on Determining the Success of HRIS" Journal of Yıldız Technical University, Turkey, Vol. 1;
[4] H. Rangriz (Ph.D), "The Impact of Human Resource Information System on Strategic Decisions in Iran" School of Economic Sciences, Iran, Vol. 1;
[5] A.C. Bhavsar (2011) A Conceptual Paper on Human Resource Information System.
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Abstract: Inspection conducted by internal auditors oftentimes take on constraints, because of a sense of kinship, togetherness and humane considerations. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between auditor attitudes, auditor involvement, and spirituality on the performance of internal auditors. The study focuses on internal auditors and supervisors at the regional work unit of the Regional Inspectorate at the Regional Government of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Questionnaires adapted from previous studies and theoretical studies were distributed to 172 respondents, but 144 questionnaires could be used in this study. It is hoped that the findings of this study will contribute to the existing literature for both theoretical and managerial approaches to better understand the auditor's stance, auditor involvement, and spirituality in public organizations..
Keywords: Attitudes, involvement, spirituality, and performance of internal auditors[1]. Arrington, C. Edward., Bailey, Charles D., and Hopwood, William S. (1985). An Attribution Analysis of Responsibility Assessment for Audit Performance. Journal of Accounting Research. Vol. 23, No. 1 (Spring, 1985), pp. 1-20.
[2]. Baotham, Sumintorn., and Ussahawanitchakit, Phapruke. (2009). Audit independence, quality, and credibility: effects on reputation and sustainable success of CPAs in Thailand. International Journal of Business Research. Volume: 9 Source Issue: 1.
[3]. Becker, H.S. (1960). Notes on the concept of commitment. American Journal of. Sociology, 97, pp: 15-22.
[4]. Blumberg, M, and Charles D. Pringle. (1982). The missing opportunities in organizational research: Some Implications for a theory of work performance. Academy of management Review. Vol. 7:4, Hal.560-569.
[5]. Claude, J., Zamor, G. (2003). Workplace spiritual and organizational performance. Public Administration Review. Vol. 63. Issue. 3...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Customer Satisfaction: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector Banks in Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Jaydeb Ray |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2001011521 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to compare the customer satisfaction in public and private sectors banks operating in Dinajpur city of Bangladesh. The data were collected through a structured questionnaire utilizing a five point Likert scale. For statistical analysis of data, mean and standard deviation were used. The number of participants was 160 customers (80 from private banks and 80 from public banks). The results reveal significant differences between public and private sector banks with regard to customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction in private sector bank is more as compared to public sector banks. The service quality dimensions of tangibles, responsiveness, reliability, assurance and empathy influence the customers' overall satisfaction. The tangibility dimension is found to be the most.......
Keywords: customer satisfaction, public sector banks, private sector banks, service quality[1]. Ali, M. & Raza, S. A. (2015). Service quality perception and customer satisfaction in Islamic banks of Pakistan: the modified SERVQUAL model. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. doi: 10.1080/14783363.2015.1100517.
[2]. Akhtar , N., Latif , M., Qurat , U. A., & Ashraf , A. (2016). The impact of service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty programs on customer's loyalty. International Review of Management and Business Research, 5(3).
[3]. Bilika , F., Safari , M., & Mansori, S. (2016). Service quality and customer satisfaction in Mozambique banking system. Journal of Marketing Management and Consumer Behavior, 1 (3), 13-35.
[4]. Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. (2012). Principles of marketing (14th ed.). One Lake Street,Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
[5]. Kaura, V. (2013). Service convenience, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty: Study of Indian commercial banks. Journal of Global Marketing, 26(1), 18-27. doi: 10.1080/08911762.2013.779405...
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Abstract: This paper is an attempt to identify the basic factors that are responsible for changing mindset of consumer behavior of Noida (NCR region) customers, from chemically processed products and medicines to Ayurvedic products. Consumers are showing a remarkable change in their buying and consumption pattern. Changing buying behavior represents a transformational change in attitude towards chemically processed products and related process to shift for the Ayurvedic product. Retail stores and their shelves are now showcasing distinguished aroma and eliteness in suggesting with printed indulgence for ayurvedic product for selection and consumption for better health. This research uses the statistical approach of factor analysis for generating factors responsible for changes.
Keywords: Ayurvedic, factor analysis, consumer behavior, factors[1]. [2]. Joshi, Kirti, Indian Herbal Sector (September 16, 2009). India Science and Technology, 2008. Available at SSRN:
[3]. Bhattacharya, R. KRC, R, Mishra AK (2014), "Export strategy of Ayurvedic Products from India", International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2014, 5(1), 125-128, ISSN: 0976-5921, Published online in http://iijam. co. in ISSN: 0976-5921 International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2014, 5(1).
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Abstract: The objective of the study is to determine empirically the impact of international remittances inflows to domestic credit to private sector, using Nigeria as a case study between 1980 and 2015. In the model specified, domestic credit to private sector(DCPS) is a function of the growth in international remittance inflows (IRIGWT), oversea development assistance, (ODAGNI), real gross domestic product (RGDP), inflation (INFL), exchange rate (EXR).The study used co- integration, vector error correction mechanism for estimation of specified models. In the short run, IRIGWT was found to have positive insignificant link with DCPS while ODAGNI indicated a negative significant relationship with DCPS. The study recommends that Federal Government of Nigeria should adopt strict policy measures to regulate remittances and also to encourage international remittances passing through official channel by reducing the cost of remittances.
Keywords: Remittance inflows, domestic credit to private sector, official development assistance, co integration, Nigeria[1]. Esman MorekwaNyamongo, Roseline N.Misati, LeonardKipyegon, LydiaNdirangu (2012). Remittances, financial development and economic growth in Africa. Journal of Economics and Business, 64(3), May–June 2012, Pages 240-260
[2]. Githaiga, P.N. & Kabiru, C.G. (2014). Conducted research on remittances as a determinant of financial sector development.Journal of business economics and finance,3(4 ),295- 351
[3]. Peter Nderitu Githaiga (2014) Do Remittances Stimulate Private Sector Investment? A Case of Sub-Saharan Africa. European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online), Vol.6, No.29, 2014 [4]. Nana Kwasi Karikari, Sam Mensah, and Simon K. Harvey (2016). Do remittances promote financial development in Africa? Springerplus, 2016; 5(1): 1011. Published online 2016 Jul 7. doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-2658-7
[5]. Keho, Y. (2016) Non-Linear Effect of Remittances on Banking Sector Development: Panel Evidence from Developing Countries. Theoretical Economics Letters , 6, 1096-1104.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Behavior of Financial Ratios of Indian Steel Industry during Post Recession Period |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Dr. Shrabanti Pal |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2001013943 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study is envisaged to observe the financial performance of the Indian steel industry during the post recession period. It examines the financial performance of the industry in terms of different ratios selected from different aspects. 16 companies constitute the sample of the study for a period of 6 years since 2010-11 to 2015-16. Further it also investigates the relation between profitability and other financial metrics like liquidity, solvency and activity ratios. Factor analysis and multiple regression analysis are applied in the present study to facilitate the data analysis..............
Keywords: Financial Performance, Factor analysis, Multiple regression analysis, Financial Ratios, Indian steel industry[1]. Bagchi, J (2005), Development of Steel Industry in India, NewDelhi:I.K. International
[2]. Banerjee, D., (2005). Globalisation, Industrial Restructuring and Labour Standards Where Indian Meets theGlobal. New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt. Limited.
[3]. Muthuraman, B. (2006). Steel Steals the Show, International Trade Fair. New Delhi, India,
[5]. Bharti Bala, Y. and De, S. Steel Signs of Revival, The Analyst, November, 2009.
[6]. Burang, L.G., Yamini, S. (2010), "Competitiveness of the Firms in Indian Iron and Steel Industry". Working Paper UDE 33/2/2010. Department of Economics, University of Mumbai, India
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Abstract: Mobile banking technology which is the third era of technological innovation of banking sector after phone and net banking and comparatively its growth is phenomenal when compared to the first two eras. Currently in India the Mobile Banking is growing fast because demonetization of economy, the customers are opted for online banking and M- banking facilities provided by the bank and the world's second largest subscriber base in mobile sector therefore this leads to increases the mobile banking users in india.The main objectives of the study is to highlight the theoretical background and current scenario of mobile banking services in Indian context and to examine the demographic profile of mobile banking users of SBI...............
Keywords: Mobile Banking, Customer Satisfaction, 24x7 services,customers friendly.[1]. Majedul,Islam., (2015). "Consumers‟ attitudes towards mobile banking in Bangladesh", University of Rajshahi, international Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 28 No. 5, pp. 410-432.
[2]. Trilok,Singh., (2017)."A study of changing consumer behavior for mobile banking services in India". International Journal on Arts, Management and Humanities, ISSN No. (Online): 2319–52316(2): 72-75.
[3]. LalithaBalakrishan.,(2016), "Factors affecting mobile banking services–An empirical study," ISBR Management Journal, Volume1, Issue2.
[4]. HamzaSalim (2011)."The factors affecting Jordanian consumers‟ adoption of mobile banking services", International Journal of Business and Social Science, Centre for Promoting Ideas, Vol. 2 No. 20.
[5]. PrernaBamoriya(2012). "Mobile banking in India: Barriers in adoption and services preferences", Integral Review- A Journal of Management, ISSN: 2278-6120, Volume 5, No. 1, June-2012,pp 1-7.
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Abstract: Role of community people in the post-disaster scenario has always been proved to be crucially important. In the aftermath of Nepal Earthquake 2015, all walks of Nepali people displayed a high degree of resilience from the beginning of the 'Response Operation' there. Appreciably, despite loss of lives of near and dear ones and even much before outside help began to arrive, community people used their local resources, knowledge and skills to cope with the catastrophe. The strong relationships between community members and joint family structures of Nepal appeared to be a strong social capital that led them to get involved with response efforts rising above the self-interest..............
Keywords: Community People, Earthquake Response, Immediate Response Phase, Law Enforcing Agency. Nepal Earthquake, Resilience.[1]. Palen, L., Vieweg, S., Sutton, J., Liu, S. B., & Hughes, A. L. (2007). Crisis informatics: Studying crisis in a networked world. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on e-Social Science.
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[3]. Yodmani, S. (2001). Disaster preparedness and management. In I. Ortiz (Ed.), Social protection in Asia and the Pacific (pp. 481-502). Manila: Asian Development Bank.
[4]. B.Ü. Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü (KRDAE), Disaster Preparedness Education Unit (AHEB), (2006). ABCD Temel Afet Bilinci Eğitimi El Kitabı, İstanbul, ISBN: 975-6193-38-7
[5]. Sungay,B, Cakti,E, & Erdik, M (2010). "Assessment of the Coping Capacity a Community under Earthquake Threat. Available at
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Abstract: Acquiring and retaining talent has posed a major challenge in recent time, particularly in the IT sector. Professional employees are found to be always on the move today and loyalty and commitment have taken a backseat, not appreciated much either at the individual or the organizational level. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to find out the reasons behind an employee's intention to leave and also to explore ways to minimize the same. Thus, more specifically, the purpose of the present research effort has been to identify whether there exists any relationship between the level of employee motivation and their intention to leave the job. Employee motivation is determined in line with the expectancy theory of motivation. Employees (n = 155) working in the Information................
Keywords: Employee Motivation, Expectancy theory, Motivational force, Turnover Intention, Employee Retention, Employee Loyalty, Organizational Commitment[1]. Adams, J. S. (1965). "Equity in Social Exchanges‟ in L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. New York Academic Press.
[2]. Alderfer, C. P. (1969). An Empirical Test of a New Theory of Human Needs. Organizational Behaviour and Human Performance, May, 142 – 75.
[3]. American Conference Institute (1998). High Tech Employee Retention Conference. Presentation by ComputerWorld. Chicago, IL.
[4]. U.S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
[5]. B. Lynn Ware, "Employee Retention and Performance Improvement in High-Tech Companies";
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Abstract: In the contemporary world, stress is a psychological phenomenon experienced by teachers in higher educational institutions which decreases their effectiveness, and it must be identified and recognised. The present study focused on the stressors which cause stress amongst the teachers in relation to their effectiveness. The stressors include self, students, colleagues, family members, parents, and higher authorities. The study identified the latent factors associated with teacher effectiveness. It is also attempted to develop a model of managing stress which would benefit the teachers as well as the higher educational institutions when applied effectively. It is based on primary data collected from a sample of 61 Post graduate.............
Keywords: Teacher, stressors, stress, effectiveness and educational institutions[1]. Beena, C. and Poduval, P. R. (1991). Gender differences in work stress of executives. Psychological Studies, Vol. 37 (2-3), 109-113.
[2]. Bell, P.A., Greene, T.C., Fisher, J.D and Baum, A., (2000). Environmental Psychology. 4th ed. London: Harcourt Brace College publishers.
[3]. Bose, E.V.C. (1993). Correlation of teacher effectiveness of student teachers of Biology. Unpublished M.Phil thesis, University of Kerala.
[4]. Bruening, T. S., and Hoover, T. S. (1991). Personal life factors as related to effectiveness and satisfaction of secondary agriculture teachers. Journal of Agricultural Education, 32(4), 37–43.
[5]. Cameron Montgomery and André A. Rupp, 2005. A Meta analysis for Exploring the Diverse Causes and Effects of Stress in Teachers
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Uncertainty Variables on Cost Estimation in Project Construction |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Anita Rauzana |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2001018086 ![]() |
Abstract: Cost and time are the main factors management aspects of a construction project. In implementing the project, the contractor is always trying to minimize the costs incurred in order to obtain maximum benefit. To achieve it, there needs to be a cost estimation process that aimed to estimate how much it costs needed to complete the project. In addition, the cost estimation process can also be a reference in determining the offer price, in estimating costs, many uncertainty factors that will occur during the implementation of construction projects. Risk is something that can never be avoided in a human activities, including the activities of project development and construction projects. Because in each of the activities, such as construction, there must be many uncertainties. Uncertainty factor is what ultimately led to the emergence of a risk on an activity, to avoid losses due to risks, estimators need to allocate contingency costs.
Keywords: Uncertainty, cost estimate, construction project, project cost, estimator, contractor[1]. AACE International. 2007. Cost engineering terminology. Recommended practice 10S-90, Morgantown, W.Va.
[2]. Azhar, N. Farooqui, R. U., & Ahmed, S. M. 2008. Cost overrun factors in construction industry of Pakistan. Paper presented in International Conference On Conrtuction in Developing Countries (ICCIDC), p. 499-508.
[3]. Ahuja, Hira N. 1994. Project Management (Second Edition ed.): John Wiley & Sons.
[4]. Bing, L., Akintoye, A., Edwards, P. J., & Hardcastle, C. 2005. The allocation of risk in PPP/PFI construction projects in the UK. International Journal Project Management, 23, 25–35.
[5]. Broadbent, J., & Laughlin, R. 2008. Identifying and controlling risk: The problems of uncertainty in the private finance initiative in the UK's national health service, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 19(1), p.40-78.
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Abstract: The study looks at the trends in rural wages and its linkage with food prices during July 2006 to October 2013. Real rural wages have increased since 2007 and food inflation remained around 9 percent during 2007-2013. So this paper tries to examine the relationship between real rural wages in different sectors and then also tries to show whether different rural wages have converged over a period of time or not. Using co-integration approach followed by vector Error correction model (VECM), the paper empirically tests the dynamic inter- linkage between WPI food prices and rural wages by using time series monthly data. The present study employs Johansen's co-integration approach to analyse the long run association and the direction of causality between rural wages and food prices............
Keywords: Rural wages, Food Inflation, Co-integration,VECM, Wald Statistics.JEL Classification: E23; E31; J31[1]. Patnaik, A. (2010). Study of inflation in India: A cointegrated vector Autoregression approach. Journal of Quantitative Economics, 8(1), 118-129.
[2]. Guha, A., & Tripathi, A. K. (2014). Link between food price inflation and rural wage dynamics. Economic and Political Weekly, 49(26), 66-73.
[3]. Goyal, A., & Baikar, A. K. (2014). Psychology, cyclicality or social programs: Rural wage and inflation dynamics in India, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR).
[4]. Bridgman, B., & Trehan, B. (1996). What do wages tell us about future inflation? FRBSF Economic Letter, 96-103.
[5]. Bishnoi, T. R., & Koirala, T. P. (2006). Stability and Robustness of Inflation Model of Nepal: An Econometric Analysis. Journal of Quantitative Economics, 4(2), 114-130.