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Abstract: This research study was designed to explore the impact of service quality dimension towards customer satisfaction and special reference was made to the service offered by Ceylon Electricity Board. Research was formulated on the basis of the conceptual model provided by the Seithaml Valarie A et al (2011). Model implies that customer's satisfaction directly depends on service quality dimensioned in which it comprises with five variables namely reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibility. The model further exhibit that product quality, price situational factors and personnel factors could influence customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction was considered............
Keywords: Service quality dimension, Customer satisfaction, Electricity Board[1]. Al-Azzam A. F. M.(2015), "The Impact of Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction, A Field Study of Arab Bank in Irbid City, Jordan", European Journal of Business and Management(Online),Vol.7, No.15.
[2]. Ananth, A, Ramess,R and Prabaharan, B (2011), Service quality GAP Analysis in Private Sector Banks A Customer Perspective, Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies 2(1), 245-252.
[3]. Johnston, R (2006), Identifying the Critical Determinants of Service Quality in Retail Banking: Importance and effect, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol 15, Issue 4, pp 111-116.
[4]. Kotler P., Keller K.L.(2005), Marketing Management, 12th Ed, Boston, Prentice Hall.
[5]. Kumar, M, Kee,F.T and Mansher, A.T (2009), Determining the Relative Importance of Critical Factors in Delivering Service Quality of Banks an Applications of Dominance Analysis in SERVQUAL model, Managing Service Quality, 19(2), 2011-228.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Procedural Fairness of Arbitration Process in Indian Capital Market |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Devaraja T.S || Kusuma Hiremat Y.G |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2001061623 ![]() |
Abstract: The extant research work attempts to study the procedural fairness of arbitration process in investor complaint redressal system in Indian Capital Market. Although there are lot of law and financial academic research studies available at Global perspective, there was lack of works done on arbitration process in Indian Capital market. Hence to fill this lacuna, the present paper throws a light on entire system of arbitration process both in National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) under the guidelines of Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI). In order to evaluate the effectiveness of arbitration process in Indian capital market 100 cases registered in NSE and BSE are selected on random basis for the financial year starting from 2011-12 to 2015-16. Furthermore...........
Keywords: Arbitration process, BSE, Indian Capital Market, NSE, SEBI[1]. C Alpert, Financial services in the United States and United Kingdom: comparative approaches to securities regulation and dispute resolution, Brigham Young University International Law & Management Review, 5(1), 2008, (7-15).
[2]. D. Ajit, S. Malik, S. Nautiyal, Effectiveness of SEBI‟s complaints redress system (SCORES) in India. Retrieved from
[3]. K.M. Nayak, Investigating the nature of investor's grievances and assessing the role of the grievance redressal agencies, Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution, 2(4), 2010, 60-65.
[4]. S. BOSE, Securities Market Regulations Lessons from US and Indian Experience. Money & Finance , 2005, 84-124.
[5]. M. A. Perino, Report to the Securities and Exchange Commission Regarding Arbitrator Conflict Disclosure Requirements in NASD And NYSE Securities Arbitrations, 2002. Retrieved from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Analysis of Pmmy in South India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aravindaraj K || Jai Ganesh Bala |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2001062428 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper elaborates the PMMY performance in South Indian States. The performance analysis study is done using secondary data. India has the largest middle class population in the world with most of them engaged in agriculture and small-scale business. For the financial needs, these individuals mostly depend on usurers, and it is estimated that more than 80% of the agriculture and small-scale business population depends on these usurers. The lending-to-repayment ratio is very good that these usurers are thriving well in their lending business, but they follow a stringent way in recollecting the debts. This vicious way of debt recollection has also resulted in more number of suicides among agriculture and small-scale business sector. To curb these types of suicides and to support the underprivileged...........
[1]. PMMY Report.
[2]. A Coffee Table Book on Mudra.
[3]. Union Budget 2017-2018.
[4]. PMMY Performance Report 2016-2017 and 2017-2018.
[5]. Avani T, "How the Mudra Bank helps SME‟s to grow", International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences, Vol.4, Issue 8, Aug 2016,113-118..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Role of External Influence on Buying Behaviour of Online Consumers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vinitha R S || Dr.M.Sakthivel |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2001062932 ![]() |
Abstract: Today people are doing business online which has made life much easier. Online retailing is becoming an integral part of an economy and country and worldwide increasingly seeing trust and confidence in purchasing online. E commerce is gaining several advantages by increasing user comfort for online shopping experience. Customer behaviours are influenced by external factors such as External Influence, Web - Site Design / Feature and Merchants Attribute. Previous research streams on online shopping behaviour, investigated main factors influencing online shopping adoption. However there has been limited number of studies on comparison of two different shopping portals. In this study, research has been conducted to assess the comparative online buying behaviours of consumers towards two different shopping portals. The population for the present research is internet users in Tamilnadu..........
Keywords: E commerce, External Influence, Web - Site Design, shopping portals
[1]. Girard, T., Korgaonkar, P. and Silverblatt, R. (2003), "Relationship of type of
[2]. product, shopping orientations and demographics with preference for shopping on the
[3]. internet", Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 101-13.
[4]. Blanca Hernández, Julio Jiménez, M. José Martín, (2011) "Age, gender and income: do they really moderate online shopping behaviour?", Online Information Review, Vol. 35 Iss: 1, pp.113 – 133
[5]. Kulviwat, S., Guo C., Engchanil, N. (2004), "Determinants of Online Information Search: A Critical Review and Assessment", Internet Research, Vol.14 No. 3, pp.245-253.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wine, A French Symbol Turning Into A Chinese Investment |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Tolazzi Margaux |
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: | 10.9790/487X-20010633339 ![]() |
Abstract: Purpose: Perfect alchemy between men' expertise and the progress of science, the French symbol had played a key role in the international trade. The purpose of this paper to isto insist on the influence that this merchandise represents in the French economy and how it has moved into a Chinese investment. Facing a serious reassessment, French economy and culture might need to remodel it investment strategies. Approach: Analyzing the wine market, it will demonstrate the economic impact on the Hexagon system and Chinese investments had created a whole new strategy. Finding: France has to rethink its strategies and take into account the need of a foreign culture to maintain its emblematic product..........
Keywords: France, China, wine, strategy, investment, symbol
[1]. RaphaëlSchirmer. "Un nouveau monde des vins. Pour :enquêtes et témoignages, Groupe de recherche pour l'éducation et la prospective (France)" (GREP), 2012, pp.115-121.
[2]. Warren Pike, T.C. Melewar, (2006) "The demise of independent wine production in France: a marketing challenge?", International Journal of Wine Marketing, Vol. 18 Issue: 3, pp.183-203,
[3]. BiagioFamularo, Johan Bruwer, Elton Li, (2010) "Region of origin as choice factor: wine knowledge and wine tourism involvement influence", International Journal of Wine Business Research, Vol. 22 Issue: 4, pp.362-385,
[4]. Laurent J. Journo Wine Annual Report and Statistics (2015) - GAIN Report Number FR9174
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Abstract: The essence of this study deals with analyzing the brand loyalty level of the customers to retain them within the organization.175 randomly selected customers were used for survey data in Malaysia. In this study, both quantitative and qualitative method was used to improve research strength. This study evaluated the determinants of brand loyalty and also derived different dimensions of brand loyalty to retain customers. The researchers further investigated the impact of brand loyalty to retain customers. Most importantly, this study identified some issues for developing brand loyalty in a way to retain customers. Eventually, it has been found that promotional and service quality determinants of brand loyalty need to be implemented in any organization
Keywords: Brand Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Retention
[1]. Ahmed, Z., Ahmad, M., Haq, M., 2014., Effect of brand trust and customer satisfaction on brandloyalty in Bahawalpur: Journal of Sociological Research, Volume 05, Number 01, pp 306 - 326
[2]. Agyei, P. M., Kilika, J. M., 2014., Relationship between Corporate Image and Customer Loyalty inthe Mobile Telecommunication Market in Kenya: Volume 02, Number 05, pp 299 – 308
[3]. Bergh, D. D., Ketchen, D. J., 2009., Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, Volume 5: Emerald Group Publishing,
[4]. Bejou, D., Keiningham, T. L., Aksoy, L., 2013., Customer Lifetime Value: Reshaping the Way We Manage to Maximize Profits: Routledge
[5]. Charles, V., Kumar, M., 2014., Business Performance Measurement and Management: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
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Abstract: Government of Rajasthan implement 28 child protection schemes for the poor and vulnerable children in the state. Majority of these schemes are focused on providing Health, Nutrition and Education services to the children and their families. This paper reviewed the level of awareness among children & their parents (caregivers) on various child protection schemes of the government, and subsequent reasons for the low coverage of the selected schemes in the community. It also asks whether an exogenous increase in awareness level and availability of management staff at ground level has an impact on improving the access of child protection schemes by the targeted beneficiaries. The study looks at five major child protection schemes of Government of Rajasthan related to child Health, Nutrition & Education in Dungarpur district of Rajasthan, and uses household sample of 302 respondent..........
Keywords: Child Protection, Child Welfare Schemes, Management Review , Dungarpur-Rajasthan, Orphan and vulnerable children.
[1]. Martina Ulrichs ( 2016 ), Increasing People's Resilience through Social Protection, Resilience intel 3
[2]. Devesh Kapur & Prakirti Nangia (2015) Social Protection in India: A Welfare State Sans Public Goods?, India Review, 14:1, 73-90
[3]. Provisional Population Totals Paper 1 of 2011 India Series 1,Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India.
[4]. Sanfilippo, M., C. de Neubourg and B. Martorano (2012), 'The Impact of Social Protection on Children: A review of the literature',
Working Paper 2012, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence.
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[5]. A Study on Availability and Utilization of Palanhaar Scheme in Rajasthan – A Report , RNP+ and IMPACT Partners in Social
Disa Sjoblom and Neema Pant (2014) ,Putting Child Sensitive Social Protection into Practice in Dungarpur, India , Save the children
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Abstract: The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) established on 1967 by the member countries namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Initially five member countries formed ASEAN and later other five countries joined in different year. Brunei Darussalam then joined on January 1984, Viet Nam on July 1995, Lao PDR and Myanmar on July 1997, and Cambodia on April 1999 making up the ten Member States of ASEAN. ASEAN+3 cooperation initiated in 1997 with an informal Summit among the members of ASEAN and their major counterparts of world namely China, Japan and Korea. At different ministerial meeting ASEAN plus three (APT) which focused on track 1.5 initiative and different dialogues initiated for regional integration and external............
[1]. Bhattacharya, S. K. and Bhattacharyay B. N. (2006), "Prospects of Regional Cooperation in Trade, Investment And Finance In Asia: An Empirical Analysis On BIMSTEC Countries And Japan". CESIFO, No. 1725, pp. 1-41
[2]. Dr Rafael Leal-Arcas and Ehab S. Abu Gosh (2014),Energy Trade as a Special Sector in the WTO: Unique Features, Unprecedented Challenges and Unresolved Issues,Indian Journal of International Economic Law, Vol. 6(1).
[3]. Bhattacharya, S.K. (2007), "Does BIMSTEC-Japan Economic Cooperation Promote Intra-Regional Trade? The Case for Free Trade Arrangement". Centre for Studies in International Relations and Development, Discussion Paper No. 23, pp. 1-49
[4]. Chakraborty, D. (2007), "Trade Performance and Integration Experience of BIMSTEC: A Review of Issues". Centre for Studies in International Relations and Development, Discussion Paper No. 30, pp. 1-50
[5]. Bhattacharyya S C (2011)"Energy Economics: Concepts, Issues Markets and Governance, Springer, UK.
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Abstract: This paper examines the purview to which financial sector policies influencecommercial bank performance in Kenya. The banking environment in Kenya has, for the past decade, undergone many regulatory and financial reforms, such as capital adequacy, liquidity management, credit risk management and interest rate management policies to include risk and consumer protection. These reforms have brought about many structural changes in the sector and have also encouraged foreign banks to enter and expand their operations in the country. Kenya's financial sector is largely bank-based as the capital market is still considered narrow and shallow. Banks dominate the financial sector in Kenya and as such the process of financial intermediation in the country depends heavily on commercial banks. The performance of the banking industry in the Kenya improved tremendously during the 2003-2013 period and it has mixed feelings on the reason behind the growth, it's attested to financial innovation.........
Keywords: Financial Sector Policies, commercial bank, Performance.
[1] Aburime, T. U. (2008). Determinants of bank profitability: company-level evidence from Nigeria. Retrieved from SSRN 1106825. Retrieved from: = 1106825.
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[5] Bank for International Settlement (2013).Revision to the securitization framework and Capital Standards. A revised framework. Basel committee on bank supervision. Retrieved form
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Abstract: The general objective of the study was to determine effects of reverse logistics on procurement performance among state corporations in Kenya. Public procurement is subjected to dynamic changes and trends of the market and interests because of growing government expenditure and funding from development partners. Cost effective management of the procurement process can significantly influence the growth and development of the Kenyan economy. The study was guided by the following research objectives: to determine the effect of third party logistics; to establish the effect of information management; to assess the effect of lean agile manufacturing; and to evaluate the effect on waste management in procurement performance in Kenya. A sample of 150 respondents were employed using stratified random sampling techniques based on strata in the management level. Completed..........
Keywords: Reverse logistics, procurement performance.
[1]. Ballou, R.H. (2009). Business Logistics Management. (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Cozzolino A (2012) Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management. In Humanitarian Logistics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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[3]. Bruijn, H.D. (2007) Managing Performance in the Public Sector 2nd ed. London: Routledge
[4]. Callendar, G. & Mathews, D. (2010). "Government Purchasing: An Evolving Profession?" Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 12 (2): 272-290.
[5]. Cooper, M.C., Lambert, D.M., & Pagh, J. (2007) Supply Chain Management: More Than a New Name for Logistics. The International Journal of Logistics Management 8, (1), 1– 14.