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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the influencing personality traits and social norms affecting entrepreneurial intentions of Business Administrations students in Sylhet City, Bangladesh. A sample of 250 students of Business Administration from five different universities in Sylhet City has been chosen proportionately. This study will contribute to the literature by assessing the personality traits and social norms affecting the entrepreneurial intention of students. The result of this study shows the impact of important personality traits and social norms on entrepreneurial intention. Regression model has been used to analyze the influence of personality traits and social norms on entrepreneurial intention. This study has found that some of the personality traits such as the need for achievement and risk-taking propensity significantly influence the entrepreneurial intentions of...........
Keywords: Entrepreneurial intention, Personality traits, Social norms, Need for achievement, Internal locus of control, Risk taking propensity, Need for autonomy.[1]. Ajzen, I. (1991). The Theory of Planned Behaviour. Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179-211.
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Abstract: Demonetization means scrapping a currency unit of its status as legal tender. Demonetization is always regarded as a brave economic decision taken by any government. On 8th November, 2016, the Prime Minister of India surprised one and all when he announced the economy cleansing process in the form of demonetization to achieve multiple and multifaceted objectives . This brave political and economic decision was a war against black money, terrorism and corruption. The impact of this move has been felt across sectors and states with different intensities and has affected all walks of life and the entire economy. At an aggregate level, this move has significantly impacted in eliminating the existing stock of black money, fake currency and will benefit the economy in the medium..........
Keywords: Demonetization, Digitalisation, legal tender, corruption, Cash less economy[1]. Partap Singh. 2016. International Journal of Science, Technology and Management Vol. 5, Issue no. 12. December 2016.
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[5]. Sajad H. "crackdown on cash: The Hype and the Reality" Greater Kashmir Dated Nov.18,2016.
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Abstract: The mainly focus of this research is to study the investment preference of high net worth individual of selected manufacturing and services sector in Salem district. The most common perspective of people towards investment is that they focus only on short term savings. This research is concentrated on HNIs investment preference in manufacturing and service sectors. The tests like Chi-square, one-way ANOVA, and descriptive statistics revealed the significant relationships with various constructs. A model was proposed based on these constructs and the same is analysed. The findings and suggestion of this research would be useful for practitioner and HNIs in manufacturing and service sectors.
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Abstract: A key strategy for sustained competitive advantage is to have highly engaged employees. Results from previous researches revealed low levels of employee engagement in organizations. This study investigated how the use of employee voice will enhance job engagement in Nigerian Banking Industry. Quality circles was used as an empirical referent of employee voice; job design and line managers' supervisory role were used to measure job engagement. The result from a sample of one hundred and eighty-six participants showed a strong positive association between quality circles and job design; quality circles and line managers' supervisory role. Implications of these findings were discussed and recommendations proffered..
Keywords: Employee Voice, Quality Circle, Job Engagement, Job Design, Line Managers' Supervisory Role[1]. Alarcon, G. M. and Edward, J. M. (2011) the relationship of engagement, job satisfaction and turnover intentions, Journal of Stress and Health, 27, 294-298
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[5]. Balbir S. Dhillon, (1988),"Quality Circles: A Bibliography", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 5 (1) 53 - 75.
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Abstract: Medicinal services Market develop on patient's deliberate conduct in future, fulfilled patients will return and to prescribe the doctor's facility to their families and companions, regarding the critical significance of patient fulfilment on the budgetary position of the social insurance establishments (Aliman and Mohamad, 2013). As of late, social insurance supervisor in creating nations acknowledged how the understanding view of value infers their decisions among doctor's facilities. Zineldin (2006) clarified a few purposes behind enhancing quality in medicinal services benefits in created nations; beginning with recording the abnormal state of patient fulfilment related with high costs, understanding quality techniques causes troughs to take care of issues, improve relations between wellbeing suppliers and to distinguish strategies in helping decreasing waste and sparing. Sharma (2013) pronounce an alert for the clinic business that the client's discernment seeing administrations isn't according to...........
[1]. Al Tehewy, M., Salem, B., Habil, I & El Okda, S. (2009). Evaluation of accreditationprogram in non-governmental organizations' health units in Egypt: Short-termoutcomes. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 21, 183–189.
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[3]. Austen Wiebe, V., Hoskins, S. (2010). Accountability, Accreditation, and Quality inHealth Care.Qmentum Quarterly. Ottawa, ON; Accreditation Canada.
[4]. Auras, S., &Geraedts, M. (2010). Patient experience data in practice accreditation–An international comparison. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 22, 132–139.
[5]. Baldi, G., Burani, M., Ghirelli, L., & De Pietri, S. (2000). Certification of an emergencydepartent according to UNI EN ISO 9002 criteria. European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 7, 61–66..
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Abstract: Medicinal services have ended up being one of India's greatest sections - both with respect to pay and work. Social insurance administrations incorporate specialist's offices, helpful contraptions, clinical trials, outsourcing, telemedicine, remedial tourism, therapeutic scope and remedial equipment. The Indian Healthcare fragment is creating at a vivacious pace as a result of its strengthening extension, benefits and extending utilization by open additionally private players.Indian human administrations movement system is orchestrated into two critical parts - open and private. The Government, i.e. open social insurance administrations structure contains obliged essential and tertiary care establishments in scratch urban zones and focuses on giving basic human administrations workplaces as Primary medicinal services administrations centers (PHCs) in natural regions. The private territory gives a bigger piece of discretionary, tertiary and quaternary care foundations with a significant concentration in metros...........
[1]. Brasure M, Stensland J, Wellever A. Quality oversight: Why are rural hospitals less likely to be JCAHO accredited? J Rural Health 2000;16:324-36.
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[5]. English primary care groups/trusts: Reconciling quality improvement and quality assurance. Qual Saf Health Care 2002; 11:9- 14..
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Abstract: Society is becoming more and more knowledge-based, and organizations that can identify, value, create and evolve their knowledge assets are likely to be more successful than those that do not. The argument is that knowledge management and its survival principles and tools may help the judicial service in Ghana to improve their performance. However, there is uncertainty about whether the use of knowledge management principles and tools could impact the judicial service approach to improving the quality of justice they provide. The study there seeks to assess the impact of knowledge management on performance. Aquantitative research approach was used in conducting the study. A selected sample of 100 respondents from the superior courts was given questionnaires to solicit information.........
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Strategies, Organizational performance[1]. Amadu, M (2009). The constitutionality of international business. The legal review, 3(1).
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Abstract: Employee engagement is the thus the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards their organization and its values. An engaged employee is aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the organization. The organization must work to develop and nurture engagement, which requires a two-way relationship between employer and employee. Thus Employee engagement is a barometer that determines the association of a person with the organization. The present study is conducted to measure the level of employee engagement at Sueeraa Alloys Global Private Limited. The outcome of the study shows that, nearly half of the respondents are satisfied with the working environment and it reflects in the level of employee engagement. Effective employee engagement strategies are required to be imparted to improve the level of employee engagement at Sueeraa Alloys Global Private Limited.
Keywords: Employee Engagement[1]. Armsgtrong Michael.(2009). Armstrong‟s Handbook of Human Resource Management, Kogan Pagr, London.
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[3]. Bagali, M. M. (2001). Employee Empowerment A New Strategy for Creating a High Performance Work Force, Management and Labour Studies, Jamshedpur, Vol. 26, No. 2.
[4]. Basudeva Sahoo. (1985). Wage, Price, Productivity and Industrial Planning, Asian Publishing House, New Delhi.
[5]. Chetty, B. S.,& Krishnaswamy K. N. (1988). Skills of Human Resources; Need for Periodical Review, Productivity, New Delhi..
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Abstract: Bangladesh is a darling child of nature. From lovely shorelines to fantastic slope stations, astonishing backwaters, unpredictably cut sanctuaries and dazzling legacy and culture yet the circumstance of rehearsing tourism isn't completely fulfilled. The point of this study is to distinguish the social and economic effects of tourism and portray the approaches to the improvement of tourism in Bangladesh. This study assessed the current circumstance of tourism prospects of Bangladesh, especially of the Chittagong Hill Tracts and its acceptability. This study additionally uncovered that the tourism area needs resourceful individuals and created nature of framework identified with the tourism. The exploration made recommendations for the change of tourism to expand the compensations.......
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Abstract: Donors play a critical part in the functioning of the national health systems of many countries in Africa. However, the streamlining of the funding regime to achieve effective utilization of donor funds still remains a challenge despite the imposition of financing conditions by the donors. Donors have consistently given funding conditions for their developmental aid and even explored different program financing models. Empirical evidence indicates that several implementing agencies in developing countries characteristically deviate from implementing the conditions that donors have set as a requirement for granting foreign aid and this considerably lowers the absorption rate of these funds into the intended projects. This, therefore, puts into question the effectiveness of the donor financing conditions on the effective utilization of donor funds. Therefore, the general objective of the study was to establish the influence of donor imposed financing conditions on effective utilization of donor funds.........
Keywords: Financing Conditions; Effective Donor Funds Utilization; Health Secto[1]. Abegaz, B. (2005). Multilateral development aid for Africa. Economic Systems, 29(4), 433-454.
[2]. Bernstein, M, & Sessions, M. A. (2007). Trickle or a flood: commitments and disbursement for HIV/AIDS from the Global Fund, PEPFAR, and the World Bank's Multi-Country AIDS Program (MAP. Washington (DC): Center for Global Development and HIV/AIDS Monitor.
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[4]. Banks, N., Hulme, D., & Edwards, M. (2015). NGOs, states, and donors revisited: Still too close for comfort?. World Development, 66, 707-718.
[5]. Gathara, P. (2013). Impact of Proposed amendments to Public Benefit Organizations ACT on Kenyans' health:, Retrieved from:, Benefits Organizations Amendment Bill 2016.pdf..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Spiritual Intelligence and Quality of Life among High and Low Performing Managers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sunil Kumar || Sohan Singh |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2001077378 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study was an attempt to explore the relationship of Spiritual intelligence with the quality of life among high and low performing mangers of established existing commercial concerns. The correlation design was used to see the relationship of between the variables among high and low performing mangers followed by t -test to explore the difference between high and low performing managers on these variables using standardized tools to get the observations of the participants on their spiritual intelligence and quality of life having reliable and valid psychometric properties. The result showed the significant and positive relationship between the spiritual intelligence and quality of life among high and low performing managers , however, high performing mangers outperform the low performing mangers in terms of their spiritual intelligence and as well on their quality of life.
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[3]. Brady, M. J., Peterman, A. H., Fitchett, G., Mo, M., &Cella, D. (1999). A case for including spirituality in quality of life measurement in oncology. Psycho-Oncology, 8, 417-428.
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