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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Appraisal of the Impact of Industrialization on Economic Growth in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Mandara Binta || Ali Manir Bazza |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2001050110 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examined the impact of industrialization on economic growth in Nigeria for the period spanning from 1981 to 2015. Secondary data was used and sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria's statistical bulletin and was analyzed through the employment of Augmented Dickey Fuller, Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shinto, Zivot-Andrews mechanism to ascertain the stationarity of the variables and ARDL Technique was adopted for the regression analysis. The results of the unit root suggested that the variables had mixed degree of integration, while the result from the ARDL regression showed a positive and significant impact between industrial output and gross domestic product.............
Keywords: Industrial Output, Foreign Direct Investment, Lending Rate and Output Growth[1]. Adeoye, B.W (2003); Fiscal policy and growth: Empirical evidence from Nigeria. The Nigeria Journal of economic and social studies (NJESS), 45/1.
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Abstract: The uncertainty of the global environment and the increasingly fierce competition requires that Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) management be conducted by entrepreneurial leadership, hoping to be able to perform better, thereby improving the welfare of local villagers. This study aims to examine the influence of entrepreneurial leadership and organizational innovation on organizational performance at LPD in Bali Province.The sample was determined based on the slovin formula with a precision level of 7.5%, of which 956 healthy LPDs in nine districts / cities in Bali obtained a sample of 151 LPD. Research respondents in each LPD determined as many as 3 people consisting of chairman, treasurer, and secretary of LPD, so the total number of respondents is 453 people. Data analysis was done using SEM-PLS approach with SmartPLS 3.0 program...........
Keywords: Entrepreneurial leadership, organizational innovation, organizational performance, Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD).[1]. Kuratko, D. F., and Hornsby, J. S. 1999. Corporate entrepreneurial leadership for the 21st century, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, Vol : 5 (2), 27 Pp. doi: 10.1177/107179199900500204
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[3]. Petuskiene, E. & Glinskiene, R. 2011. Entrepreneurship as the basic element for the successful employment of benchmarking and business innovations. Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, Vol : 22 (1) Pp. 69-77.
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[5]. Darling, J., Gabrielsson, M. and Seristo, H. 2007. Enhancing Contemporary Entrepreneurship: A Focus On Management Leadership, European Business Review, Vol : 19 (1) Pp. 4-21.
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Abstract: Commercial banks provide various financial services to its customers. In the competitive banking arena, quality service is a burning issue as the success of obtaining customers' satisfaction. This paper focuses on the drivers of customer satisfaction for financial services and tries to know the relationship among service quality, price and customer satisfaction through the Southeast Bank Limited, Goneshtola Branch, Dinajpur. Data were collected purposively from 42 different customers. A questionnaire elicited information on socio-demographic variables along with human, technical............
Keywords: Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Southeast Bank.
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Abstract: Financial Analysis is the process of identifying the financial strengths and weaknesses of the firm by properly establishing relationships between the items of the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account. The project work is an outcome of "A study on financial performance analysis of spinning mills of Coimbatore city". The study was carried out for the period of five years (2012-16) to analyze the financial performance of the company and the 5 companies are Lakshmi Mills, Bannari Amman Spinning Mill, Sri Ramakrishna Spinning Mill, Kpr Spinning Mill and Super Spinning Mill are taken for study
Keywords: Financial Performance, Ratio Analysis, Spinning Mills.
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Abstract: The global digital finance creates new enablers for development impact on poverty alleviation and inequalities at the macro, meso, and micro levels. The technology will change the country's appetite for digital financial services as well as the numerous crosscutting development themes across the ecosystem. Digital Financial Inclusion is often considered an effective tool that can help reduce poverty that makes growth inclusive can enable economic agents to make longer-term consumption and investment decisions.Digital Financial Services (DFS) with the prospect of alleviation of poverty and reaching billions of financially excluded and underserved populations, building on the digital approaches that have been used for years..........
Keywords: Digital Financial Services, poverty reduction and lower income contracts and financial regulatory
[1]. Kate Lauer and Timothy Lyman(2015), Digital Financial Inclusion: Implications for Customers, Regulators, Supervisors, and Standard-Setting Bodies, published CGAP (the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor)
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Abstract: The main concern of this study was to find out the customer satisfaction level oftwo commercial refrigerator brands'Jamuna' and 'Walton' available in Bangladesh. This study based on the descriptive research which required qualitative data and quantitative data.Data from100 respondents were collected at different places of Dinajpur and Thakurgaon district of Bangladesh and were analyzed. It was found that customers were satisfied with Walton and Jamuna Brand. Comparatively Walton brand has more satisfaction Attributes than Jamuna brand refrigerator. Although, these two commercial brandsof refrigerators are populous in Bangladesh, The customers have some sort of complaint and suggestion to these brands. That is why they need to add some attributes to increase its marketability and sales.
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction,Comparative Analysis, Walton, Jamuna, Bangladesh.
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Abstract: The purpose of the present research is to test the impact of employer branding on organizational commitment. To this end, a survey was conducted on a sample of 150employees working in IT sector, India.The paper employs Pearson's r and multiple regression analysis to determine the effect of employer branding on organizational commitment.The study understands the role of employer branding from existing employees' perspective in a developing nation like India.
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Abstract: This study evaluates lecturer's perception of performance appraisal system and itsimpact on their work outcome. The study derived its evidence from Kumasi and Accra technical university in Ghana. The study population used were all lecturers in both institution. Eighty (80) lecturers were selected from each institution as the sample for the study. The primary instrument used to collect data for the study was closed- ended questionnaire. Quantitative technique was employed to analyze the data. A regression model was also used to analyze the impact of lecturer's perception of performance appraisal system on their work outcome.The result indicated that the lecturers in Kumasi Technical University have a low level of perception, and that of Accra Technical University is moderate. While the study showed a moderate level ofaffective organizational commitment in both institutions, moderate............
Keywords: Performance Appraisal, Work Outcome, Productivity, Affective Organizational Commitment
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