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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Male versus Female Entrepreneurs - An Empirical Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sunanda V. M. || Hiremani Naik R. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2001040104 ![]() |
Abstract: Entrepreneurs are the seeds and fruits of industrial development are greater opportunities to unemployed youth, increase the per capita income, higher the standard of living and increased individual saving, revenue to the government in form of income tax, sales tax, export duties, import duties and balanced regional development. Men and Women designed to be different. Obviously, this is not earth shattering news and therefore women and men in business are different. So, in this paper an attempt is made to distinguish women entrepreneur with that of male counter parts on the basis of characteristics and perception and offering suggestions to overcome the disparities.
Keywords: GEM, Women entrepreneurs, Male entrepreneur.[1]. Louis Jacques Filion (2008), "Defining Entrepreneur Complexity and Multi-dimensional Systems Some Reflections", Encyclopaedia of Entrepreneurship, P-10.
[2]. Abdulwahab Bin Shmailan (2016), "Compare the Characteristics of Male and Female Entrepreneurs as Explorative Study", Journal of Entrepreneurship and Organization Management, P. 2.
[3]. Veena M. and Nagaraja N (2013), "Comparison of Male and Female Entrepreneurs – An Empirical Study", International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, Vol. 3, Issue-1, P. 141.
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Abstract: The impediments in the level of productivity of most organizations are ever increasing due to several factors, yet the management is saddled with the responsibility of achieving corporate objectives and goals attainment. Amidst this dilemma, comes the role of a strong organizational culture orientation among employees and managers. Over the years, organizational culture has been described as an embodiment of norms, shared values, beliefs and assumptions; it is therefore fundamental to employees and managers behaviour at work and this in turn influence their level of productivity. Hence, this study seeks to identify the different organizational culture types and their significance in organizational productivity. The respondents included a sample of 212 people drawn from a population..........
Keywords: Hierarchy culture, Adhocracy culture, Market culture, Clan culture, efficiency, effectiveness..[1]. "Alvesson, M., & Berg, P. O. (2012). Corporate culture and organizational symbolism. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
[2]. Aswathappa, K. (2013). Organizational Behaviour(3rd Ed.). Bangalore: Vrinatha Publishing House.
[3]. Blumberg, B. K. (2010). Cognition Evaluation Theory: An Experimental Test of Processes & Outcome, Organizational Behaviour & Human Performance. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
[4]. Dandridge, T. C., Mitroff, I., & Joyce, W. F. (1980). Organizational Symbolism: A topic to expand organizational analysis. Academy of Management Review, 5, 77 – 82.
[5]. Denison, D. R. (1990). Corporate Culture and Organizational Effectiveness. New York: John Wiley and Sons...
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Abstract: Digitization of information has made data an important factor in organizational decision making. Modern organizations are increasingly turning to data to generate data-driven decisions due to various advantages of relying on, such as quick decision making and accuracy of analysis. However, when the data relied upon is inaccurate, the repercussions for the organization are usually adverse. Considering the nature of data to influence processes and decisions throughout the organizational structure, it can be deduced that data inaccuracy is a serious threat to the effectiveness and profitability of a business. The aim of this study was to explore the challenges of data accuracy in business analytics that affect managers' decision making in organizations in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon. The study established that data accuracy is an important factor in the attainment of efficiency in an organization......
Keywords: Data Accuracy, Business Analytics, Decision Making
[1]. Abumandil, M.S.S. & Hassan, S. (2016). Information quality and decision-making effectiveness: A study of banks in Palestine. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(S7), 127-132.
[2]. Beersma, B., Greer, L.L., Dalenberg, S., & De Dreu, C.K. (2016). Need for structure as asset and liability in dynamic team decision-making. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 20(1), 16-33.
[3]. Belhiah, M., Bounabat, B., &Achchab, S. (2015). The impact of data accuracy on user-perceived business service's quality. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) Conference Proceedings, 1-4.
[4]. Bjertnaes, O., Skudal, K.E., Iversen, H.H., & Lindahl, A.K. (2013). The patient-reported incident in hospital instrument (PRIH-I): Assessments of data quality, test-retest reliability and hospital-level reliability. BMJ Quality & Safety, 22(9), 743-748.
[5]. Cai, L. & Zhu, Y. (2015). The challenges of data quality and data quality assessment in the big data era. Data Science Journal, 14, pp. 2-12.
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Abstract: Entrepreneurship is one of the pillars of the Indonesian economy that is able to face the economic crisis. Likewise, Bali Island, in which many residents to become entrepreneurs. Bali is called the island of God because of the many temples and religious ceremonies. To meet the needs of the religious ceremony, in the village of Sading produced assorted traditional cakes for consumption as well. That's important to know the determinant of the performance of home industry, so this study aims to determine the effect of capital, human resources, and marketing of partially and simultaneously on the performance of home industry as well as the dominant factor. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. Results showed that simultaneous capital, human resources and marketing have a significant effect. Partially capital and marketing have positive and significant effect, but human resources not significant. The most dominant factor affecting the performance of home industry is capital.
Keywords: business performance, capital, home industry, human resources, marketing
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Financial Awareness among Slum Dwellers: Empirical Study from Delhi |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bhoomika Garg |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2001042428 ![]() |
Abstract: India, being a developing country, most of the Government schemes is made for the rural people and financial backward societies as they constitute a considerable proportion of the total population. But, surprisingly, a good number of urban population which lives in slum areas is also being deprived of the basic financial services available under the scope of various financial inclusion schemes. From time to time, several Flagship Programmes are launched by Government of India (GOI) and Reserve Bank of India (RBI), but unfortunately, no major efforts are being made for the slum dwellers residing in major cities and towns. This paper is an attempt to study the financial awareness among the poor residing in Delhi Identified Slums and at the same time it will also study the nature of financial exclusion among the same sample. For the sake of the study, the data has been collected from the selected slums of Delhi from the primary sources. The present study is the outcome of the same..
Keywords: Financial Inclusion, Slum Dwellers, Flagship Programmes
[1]. Barua, Abheek., Kathuria, Rajat., & Malik, Neha (2016). The Status of Financial Inclusion, Regulation, ADBI Working Paper Series, 568.
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[4]. Aggarwal , Navdeep, Gupta, Mohit & Singh, Simrandeep (2014). Financial Literacy among Farmers: Empirical Evidence from Punjab. Pacific Business review International, 6, 7, 36-42.
[5]. Bhattacharjee, Nilanjan. (2014). Financial Inclusion of the Identified slum dwellers of Assam. Review of literature.1..
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Abstract: The purpose of the study is to explore the faculty perception about their work environment and the impact on job stress. Stress is a term commonly used to describe feelings of tensions or exhaustion usually associated with work overload or overly demanding work. An individual's daily life stress is a natural phenomenon. In the workplace, it can serve to enhance the individual's performance, satisfaction, motivation, and personal achievement. Samples of 120 faculty members were selected from different private engineering colleges in Nagpur, Maharashtra. It is a descriptive research study and the data was gathered by using a standardized questionnaire. The data gathered was analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics by using SPSS 20. The findings of the study show that the male faculty experienced more stress when compared to the female faculty in private engineering........
Keywords: Work environment, Job stress, Higher education, Engineering faculty.
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Abstract: This study assessed internal control system in small scale manufacturing enterprises in Ondo State, Nigeria and the challenges encountered in the implementation of internal control system. The population of the study consisted of 4,500 enterprises registered with the Nigerian Association of Small Scale Industrialists (NASSI) Ondo State chapter, out of which 195 enterprises were randomly selected as sample. Primary data were collected using a set of questionnaire and descriptive statistics was employed in analysing the data. The findings revealed that most small scale manufacturing enterprises had control activities in place, with employment of competent staff in the first position......
Keywords: Internal control system, Small scale enterprises, Manufacturing
[1]. Dasanayaka S.W.S.B. (2009) Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Informal Sector in Pakistan I and Sri Lanka with Research Agenda, a Paper Prepared for the special IARIW-SAIM Confrence on Mreasuring the Informal Economy in Developing Countries Kathmandu Nepal Sept 23- 26
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the influence of Strategic Planning, Empowerment, Education and Training on Organizational Commitment to the Management of High and Medium Cooperatives in Southeast Maluku Regency of Maluku Province. To test and analyze the effect of Strategic Planning, Empowerment, Education and Training on Performance of in cooperatives and SMEs in Southeast Maluku Regency of Maluku Province. To test and analyze the organizational commitment to the performance of the board of cooperatives and SMEs in the Maluku District of Southeast Maluku Province. To test and analyze the influence of strategic planning, empowerment, education and training through organizational commitment to the performance of management on cooperatives and SMEs in the Maluku District of Southeast Maluku Province......
Keywords: Strategic Planning, Empowerment, Education and Training, Organizational Commitment, Performance of cooperative
[1]. A A. Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara, 2003, Planning and Human Resource Development, Refika Aditama, Bandung ---------------------------------, 2007 Human Resource Performance Evaluation, Refika Aditama, Bandung.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Training Human Resources In Tourism At Ba Ria-Vung Tau |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Hong , Vo Thi Thu |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2001045054 ![]() |
Abstract: Training human resources in tourism is one of urgent issues to improve Ba Ria-Vung Tau (BR-VT) tourism in this day and age. Analyzed the current status of tourism human resource training showed that getting the demand on high-quality tourism, human resources must require the interaction of society (government, schools and enterprises) to train quickly and provide the tourism industry with laborers who have both a good heart and professional skills. They love their career, and they are good at languages, information technology (IT), and soft skills. The model of "Universities and Businesses Cooperation in Training – Learners get degrees through each phase – Learners get salary during internship" will help universities train for companies' practical needs and help many learners learn more excitedly, quickly meet the needs of this area, help the province tourism in particular and BR-VT province economy in general develop sustainably.
Keywords: training, development, human resource, tourism
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Abstract: The life on earth and the sense of the change in surroundings is highly depends on each other. So sensors have become part of our daily life. Recent years witnessed tremendous advances in wirelessly networks and its sensors. Wireless sensor nodes are typically low-cost, low-power; small devices equipped with sensors, data processing and wireless communication capabilities. Day by day, these are becoming smaller, cheaper, while more powerful and more pervasive. Sensors of all types try to mimic certain sense organs of living beings gifted by nature in order to connect with the environment[3]. The sensors can provide the emerging issues that are linked with health care. Sensor technology represents one of the emerging areas of physics, electronics and biotechnologies, and is the one that has most greatly exploited by the innovations in the individual microelectronics, optical and computer sciences......
Keywords: Internet of Things, IoT Sensors, Smart cities
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of motivation, organizational commitment and work environment toward job satisfaction, to analyze the influence of motivation, organizational commitment and work environment on lecturer performance, to analyze the influence of job satisfaction on lecturer performance, and to analyze the influence of motivation, organizational commitment and work environment towardworksatisfaction on lecturer'sperformance at private universities in Ambon City.The population in this research is permanent lecturer at six private universities in Ambon city, amounting to 226 lecturers, and sample determination by using Slovin formula and for sample proportional used fraction sample formula. The sample used in this study was 140 respondents. The analysis.........
Keywords: Motivation, Organizational Commitment, Work Environment, Job Satisfaction and Performance
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Abstract: As is synonymous with self-employed entrepreneurship is believed to be an effective strategy in handling the issue of employability, particularly among the youths. Understanding of the is crucial to understand factors that predict entrepreneurial intention as scholars from overseashas been widely studied, and still it remains question in local setting, particularly in our country like continues to be unclear. By extending Ajzen's (1991) theory of planned behavior (TPB) to study entrepreneurial intention among university studentsspecifically to identify and measure personal factors, acts as independent variables; meanwhile, attitude, social norm, perceived behavioral control act as the mediating variables..........
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Personal factors,Entrepreneurial Intention
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Abstract: Investors' herding behavior is examined in Indian stock market for the period from 2007 to 2016, using Cross Sectional Absolute Deviation (CSAD) which is the absolute average of the total of the difference between the return of individual securities and the market return, as dependent variable and market return as independent variable in OLS Regression, As suggested in Chang (2000), the coefficients of squared market return for 43 selected constituent companies of India's flag index NSE S&P CNX Nifty 50 are not negative, except in cases of HCLTECH, MARUTI, TCS and ULTRACEMCO in the whole period; ACC, AXISBANK, GAIL, GRASIM and ULTRACEMCO in the bullish period and HDFC and TCS in the bearish period, showing evidence that there exists no herding in Indian stock market as a whole and the investors are rational in investment decisions.
Keywords: Behavioral Finance, Herding Behavior, NSE S&P CNX Nifty 50
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