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Abstract: Modeling volatility is an important element in pricing equity, risk management and portfolio management. Also modeling volatility will improve the usefulness of stock prices as a signal about the intrinsic value of securities, thereby, making it easier for firms to raise fund in the market. Therefore this study, study the nature and behavior of Stock Returns Volatility modeling of Nigerian for the periods of 324 months. The results ARCH effect (α1) is at statistically significant level. This indicates that news about volatility from the previous t periods has an explanatory power on current volatility. GARCH (1,1) model is highly persists. Indicate evidence of volatility clustering in the NSE returns series. And the results of the GJR-GARCH (1,1) model shows the existence of leverage effects in the..............
Keywords: Stock Return, ARCH, GARCH, GJR-GARCH, Volatility, Nigeria
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Abstract: This paper examines the effectiveness of promptness as a principle of insurance services.Utilizing the content analysis approach to review literatures from various studies, it is this paper's position that if promptness is canonized, there will be several efforts to reframe the rule and practice of insurance and its effect will enhance and increased productivity in the industry. Also, promptness will teach and encourage parties to do what they are expected to do with little delay. It will task both parties to be alert to their responsibilities so as to attract better result and change the fortune in insurance, thus, promptness need to be canonized as a principle in the insurance sector. To curb the menace of neglect in the insurance sector, this paper recommends that the principle of promptness be introduced and implemented into the practice of insurance. This will drastically change the operation of insurance for the better..
Key Words: Promptness, Insurance, Economy, Nigeria, Industry
[1]. Srinivasan, M. N. (1998). Principles of Insurance laws (6th Ed.). Bangalore: Ramanuja Publishers.
[2]. Osoka, O. (1992). Insurance and Nigeria Economy. Lagos: Abiola press.
[3]. Olaseni, A. (1985). Insurance industry and the Nigeria economy.Savings and Development, 9(1):57-77.
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Abstract: The development of creative industry sector in Indonesia has been started since the past 10 years. However the majority people in Indonesia is still lack of understanding of this subject, the society is still not clearly understand about the full potential of the industry. And there are still a lot of questions regarding this creative industry sector. Those question are will be the things that will be governemtn take care of that in the end the govern create a blueprint for the creative industry sector. This blueprint was done not so different with the one that other countries and organization has been done. Beside of creating the blueprint, governemtn was also done a judicial review that contributed to the creative industry if its reviewd from several perspective, whch are valuatioon based on Gross Domestic Profit (GDP), employment rate, and companies activities..
Keywords: Creative Industry, Social Welfare , Economy Development
[1]. Andari, R., H. Bakhshi, W. Hutton, A. O‟Keeffe, P. Schneider (2007), Staying Ahead: The economic performance of the UK‟s Creative Industries, The Work Foundation, London
[2]. Agypt, B., Rubin, B.A. and Spivack, A.J. (2012), "Thinking outside the clocks: the effect of layered-task time on the creative climate of meetings", The Journal of Creative Behavior, Vol. 46 No. 2, pp. 77-98.
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[5]. Barkey, K. and Godart, F.C. (2013), "Empires, federated arrangements, and kingdoms: using political models of governance to understand firms‟ creative performance", Organization Studies, Vol. 34 No. 1, pp. 79-104.
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Abstract: Company X as one of the tourism support services is considered to have an important role. This can be seen based on data released by the BadanPusatStatistik where in 2015 the number of passenger aircraft at the Airport I Gusti Ngurah Rai reached 4,276,790, and increased in 2016 reached 4,977,673. X Company which is one of the premium class airlines in Indonesia becomes the object to be studied. This research is shown to explain the influence of Customer Orientation of Service Employee (COSE) to Customer Retention.The sample used in this study as many as 165 respondents, taken by using purposive sampling technique with the criteria of respondent's minimum flight using X Company to Bali 2 times in one year. To answer the problem of research........
Keywords: Customer Orientation of Service Employee (COSE), CustomerSatisfaction, Commitment, Customer Retention.
[1]. Alteren, G., dan Tudoran, A. A. 2015. Enhancing export performance: betting on customer orientation, behavioral commitment, and communication. International Business Review. 8 September 2017.
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[3]. Atmaja, N. P. C. D., dan Rahyuda, I. K. 2011. PengaruhKewajaranHarga, CitraPerusahaanterhadapKepuasan dan LoyalitasPengguna Jasa PenerbanganDomestikGaruda Indonesia di Denpasar. Ekuitas, Vol. 15, No. 3, PP. 370-395.
[4]. Bricci, L., Fragata, A., Antunes, J. 2016. The effect of trust, commitment, and satisfaction on customer loyalty in the distribution sector. Journal of Economics, Business, and Management. Vol. 4, No. 2, PP. 173-177.
[5]. Carrillat, F. A., Jaramillo, F., dan Mulki, J. P. 2009. Examining the impact of service quality: a meta-analysis of empirical evidence. The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol. 17, No. 2, PP. 95-110..
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the role of service quality to patient satisfaction, positive word of mouth and corporate image on inpatient patient of Sanglah Hospital Denpasar. This research takes sample 155 respondents by using purposive sampling technique and using technique of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. The result of this research indicates that (1) service quality have positive and significant effect to positive word of mouth, (2) service quality have positive and significant effect to consumer satisfaction, (3) service quality have positive and significant effect to corporate image, (4) (5) Patient satisfaction have positive and significant effect to corporate image, (6) Positive word of mouth have positive and significant effect to corporate image. The practical implication of this research is for the management of Sanglah General Hospital to always pay attention and improve the service quality so that the patient's satisfaction can increase, the happening of WOM positive, and the image of RSUP Sanglah also increase.
Keywords: service quality, patient satisfaction, positive word of mouth, and corporate image
[1]. Allahham, A. &Aljumaa, A. 2014. Analyzing Antecedents of Customer Satisfaction and its Impact on Word of Mouth Communication in Life Insurance Services. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, Vol.3, No.4.
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[3]. Aulia, S. &Sendjaja, S.D. 2015. Pengaruh Service Quality TerhadapKepuasan dan Word of Mouth di Perguruan Tinggi Swasta. Jurnal Seminar Nasional Cendekiawan.
[4]. Constantine &Lymperopoulos. 2009. Service quality effect on satisfaction and word of mouth in the health care industry. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal. Vol. 19 Issue: 2, pp.229-242
[5]. Cynthiadewi, P.R. &Hatammimi, J. 2014. The Influence of Electronic Word of Mouth Toward Brand Image and Purchase Intention of 13th Shoes. International Conference on Economics, Education and Humanities (ICEEH)...
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Abstract: Bitcoin has emerged as one of the most promising Fintech applications over the last years. Although prior researches have focused on the factors to explain technology adoption in Fintech area, there is limited empirical work. Thus, this research is to increase our understanding of the factors that influence Bitcoin acceptance. In order to achieve the goal, we aim to propose a model on Bitcoin by developing an extended model based on the technology acceptance model (TAM). The model was tested with an online survey sample by using the PLS method. The results indicated that the behavioral intention to use Bitcoin is affected mainly by perceived usefulness and perceived security. However, perceived ease of use is not significant and only indirectly gives influence to the intention..
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[4]. Lou A, Li TF, Integrating innovation diffusion theory and the technology acceptance model: the adoption of Blockchaintechnology from business manager's perspective, in proceedings of the 17th international conference on electronic business, , Dubai, UAE, 2017; 293-296.
[5]. Davi, FD, Perceivedusefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology, MIS Quarterly, 1989; 13: 319-339..
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Abstract: Academic institutions have academic and non-academic processes through which various tasks are performed and objectives met. Some of these processes are related to each other. The purpose of this paper is to find the relation between 3 such processes namely Admissions, Exams and Placements, in terms of quality. Quality of the processes and hence the institute as a whole can get affected depending on how activitiesin those processes are performed. The study involved using a questionnaire to collect survey data from stakeholders in professional higher education institutes. Activities and tasks in these processes are the main ingredients to study the processes, their quality and interrelation........
Keywords: Professional Higher Education, Processes, Quality Management.
[1]. Begum Sayeda,Chandrasekharan R. &LokachariP.S.(2010). An empirical study of total quality management in engineering
educational institutions of India.Benchmarking: An International Journal, 17(5), 728 - 767
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Science Quarterly, 40, 309-42.
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Abstract: Several researches have shown that social media usage influence students' academic performance. This study focus on some social media flatform such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Skype, Twitter, 2go, Instagram, Badoo, to mention few that students frequently utilize in order to ascertain their influence on students' academic performance in core subjects. The Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) decision tree technique was used to establish this relationship between explanatory and response variable; the technique is based upon adjusted significance testing and used for detection of interaction between the dependent variable (student academic performance) and the predictors. This study explores the adverse effects of such networks sites on students' academic performance.........
Keywords:Internet, Social Media usage, Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID), Academic performance, Students
[1]. Adhatrao, K., Gaykar, A., Dhawan, A., Jha, R., & Honrao, V. (2013). Predicting Students' Performance Using Id3 and C4.5 Classification Algorithms. International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Management Process, 3(5), 39–52.
[2]. Byeon, H. (2017). Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection Modeling for Predicting Depression in Multicultural Female Students, 8(12), 179–183
[3]. Ch, A., D, I., Mary, J., & Berger, D. (1980). Chi-Square A utomatic I nteraction D etection (CHAID), 1–6.
[4]. Munandar, T. A., & Winarko, E. (2015). Regional Development Classification Model using Decision Tree Approach. International Journal of Computer Applications, 114(8), 975–8887
[5]. Noor, S. A., & Enomoto, C. E. (2016). The Role of Social Networking Websites: Do They Connect People Through Marriage or Are They Responsible for Divorce? Journal of International Social Issues, 4(1), 40–49. Retrieved from etal The Role of Social Networking Websites.pdf.
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Abstract: Good employee performance is pivotal for the performance of any organization. Employees are the backbone of every company. Organizations invest too much in their employee's training and development to increase their efficiency and effectiveness. Despite so much importance, there are very few studies covering the antecedents of employee performance in their own perspective. In this study, we have interviewed telecom employees to investigate the factors that impact their performance. After interviewing 95 employees from telecom sector of Pakistan, we have concluded that in general all employees of telecom companies are satisfied with their respective company training and development and care. In this study, it has been concluded the employee empowerment, job security, and financial benefits are key factors in the improvement of employee performance. Managers focusing on employee development should empower employees, it increases their interest and commitment to the job.
Keywords: Employee Performance, Employee Empowerment, Telecommunication, Organizational efficiency, Organizational effectiveness
[1]. Armstrong, M. (2000) 'The name has changed but has the game remained the same?', Employee Relations. MCB UP Ltd, 22(6), pp. 576–593.
[2]. Buzdar, M. F. et al. (2014) 'Customer-based brand equity and firms' performance in the telecom industry', Elixir Marketing Mgmt. 73 (2014) 26443-26447, 73(April), pp. 26443–26447. doi: 10.1504/IJSOM.2016.079516.
[3]. Isaac Mwita, J. (2000) 'Performance management model: A systems-based approach to public service quality', International Journal of Public Sector Management. MCB UP Ltd, 13(1), pp. 19–37.
[4]. Khan, R. A. G., Khan, F. A. and Khan, M. A. (2011) 'Impact of training and development on organizational performance', Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 11(7).
[5]. Armstrong, M. (2000) 'The name has changed but has the game remained the same?', Employee Relations. MCB UP Ltd, 22(6), pp. 576–593..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Celebrities in Creation of Brand Image |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Waqar Younas || Muhammad Farooq || Faisal Khalil-Ur-Rehman |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2007026770 ![]() |
Abstract: In the present era of information explosion and media influence, the advertisement plays an important role for brands to create a better brand image in the consumers' mind. Celebrities play a very important role in creating the brand image through advertisement. The purpose of this study was finding the relationship between celebrity and brand image. Data was collected through questionnaire from the sample of 54 students. The results showed using more celebrities' increases value of brand image in minds of consumers.
[1]. Balakrishnan, L., & Kumar, S.C., (2011) Effect of celebrity based advertisements on the purchase attitude of consumers towards durable products, World Review of Business Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, Pp.98-112
[2]. Buzdar, M. F., S. Y. Janjua, and M. A. Khurshid. 2016. "Customer-Based Brand Equity and Firms' Performance in the Telecom Industry." International Journal of Services and Operations Management 25(3):334–46.
[3]. Zoubi, A. O. M., &Bataineh, T. M.,(2011) The effect of using celebrities in advertising on the buying decision, American Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-233X Issue 13, Pp. 59-70
[4]. Ranjbarian, B., Shekarchizade, Z., &Momeni, Z.,(2010) Celebrity endorser influence on attitude toward advertisements and brands, European Journal of Social Sciences - Vol. 13, No. 3,
[5]. Muruganantham, G., Kaliyamoorthy, S., Celebrity effect on brand positioning, The International Journal of Applied Management & Technology, Vol.7, No. 1.
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Abstract: Recently Narendra Modi government has made a call for make in India and encourages young Indian talents to start their own new business or undertake ventures.After that many new entrepreneurs came forward to start business. At the same time the role of financial institution increased as they should meet the need of financial assistance to new startup company. Entrepreneurship development is a concept that has to do with the formation, financing, growth and expansion of business or enterprises in an economy.This paper is focus on the role of banks in the development of entrepreneurship. It is aimed at to find out what are the problems encountered by entrepreneurs in acquiring loans for their business and also what are.......
Keywords: Entrepreneurs, Development, Banks, Problems
[1]. file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/LOAN%20GRANTING%20AND%20ITS%20RECOVERY%20PROBLEMS%20(1).pdf