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Abstract: The banking industry in Malaysia is an important industry because it determines the economic growth of the country. Because of its importance, banks are governed with highly regulated acts which makes it less attractive in terms of work life balance (WLB) for Generation Y, who wants work to be fun and flexible. With Baby Boomers retiring soon, banking organizations will ultimately need Gen Yers more than ever before. Hence, it is important to attract and keep this new generation in the limelight. This research was performed to better understand the Generation Y, who they are and what are their current and future expectations towards WLB in the banking industry. WLB is defined as the ideal proportion between time invested at work and time spent away from work. This research.......
Key words: Work life balance ,Y- Generation, Banking industry, Malaysia.
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Abstract: It has been more than 30 years since the Government of Indonesia and the Regional Government of West Java Province carried out a program to restore the Citarum River, where the water was brown and dirty with garbage, and had chemical smell due to the domestic and chemical waste from the surrounding factories. The restoration work, which was focused solely on developing infrastructure, was proven ineffective in rehabilitating the river to its former and functioning role as an ecosystem for the living things nearby. Against this background, this study hypothesizes.........
Keywords: Job Characteristics; Job Satisfaction; Productivity; Citarum River
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of EPZ on National Economy of Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Nazneen Islam |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2009032335 ![]() |
Abstract: Export Processing Zone (EPZ) is the special industrial park developed in response to international market of cheaper goods. Eight EPZs of Bangladesh are managed and authorized by Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authorities (BEPZA). EPZS as well as BEPZA influence economic development of Bangladesh by attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), mobilizing investment for capital formation, creating employment opportunities for country's manpower and earning foreign exchange by boosting exports. Performance of BEPZA can be measured by analysis of investment, export, employment opportunities. Political issues, communication problems, technological inefficiency, unskilled manpower are the obstacles in developing the EPZs in Bangladesh. To overcome the problems, Government should concentrate more in the EPZ sector..
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[5]. Fakir, A.N., M.,Miah, M. S., & Hossain, M. S. (2013). Export Diversification and.
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Abstract: The realization of organizational objectives is in most cases achieved through the human resource asset and there is need therefore to enhance the commitment of employees to the organization. Hence identification of all possible factors that increase employee commitment is of utter importance. Indeed the compensation policy is an important element of human resource management. It influences decision of potential employee to join an organization and determines employer-employee relationship after employee joins the organization. The compensation policy should in addition encompass both monetary and non-monetary rewards paid to employee in exchange of the services rendered while taking into consideration employment contract, competence and skills. This study aimed at establishing the influence of compensation policy on employee commitment of selected pharmaceutical......
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Abstract: In order to succeed in globalized market an effective technique is crucial for manufacturing companies. This can be achieved through adopting participative management and it can be accomplished through quality circle. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of employee motivation and quality circle activities on quality of product. To serve this idea, standard questionnaire was designed and data collected from members of quality circle in eighteen manufacturing companies' .The data were analyzed through Pearson correlation and regression analysis. Results emerging from the analysis show that motivation and quality circle activities are having significant and positive relationship with quality of product. Finally the article gives some suggestions to enhance employee motivation, quality circle activities and quality of product.
Keywords: Participative management, motivation, Quality circle, quality of product and Manufacturing companies.
[1]. Abo-Alhol T. R., M. Y. Ismail, S. M. Sapnam & M. M. Hamdan(2006) , Journal of Scientific and Industrial research vol. 65, December 2006, pages – 970- 976 [2]. Aryee, S., & Budhwar, P. (2008). Human resource management and organizational performance. In M. J. R. Butler (Ed.), Strategic human resource management: building research-based perspective (pp. 191-212). London (UK): CIPD.
[3]. Basu, R. (2004) Implementing quality: A practical guide to tools and techniques. London: Thomson
[4]. Charles Saye Gono (2001) the Impact of Participatory Management on Productivity, Quality, and Employees' Morale A Research Paper Requirements For TheMaster of Science Degree with a Major in Management Technology the Graduate College University Of Wisconsin-Stout May, 2001
[5]. Chitra Sharma(2013) , Quality circles an Evolutionary tool for LibrariesInternational journal of Advanced Research in Management level social sciences
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Abstract: The Goods and Services Tax (GST), implemented on July 1, 2017, is regarded as a major reform in taxation till date implemented in India since independence in 1947. A single category of tax created by amalgamating different types of indirect taxes by State and Central Government under one head, known as GST. GST is actually more beneficial for the customers as their tax burden or liability has been considerably reduced to more than 25%. This study is intending to know the attitude of consumers or customers in implementing GST by taking the important consumer durable segment, that is, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). In this, an attempt has been made to create a SWOT analysis of GST and to know about its pros and Cons so that it will be beneficial for policy formulation and also enable the common man to understand about the implication of GST.
Key Words: GST, FMCG, Retail Sector
[1]. Ms. Shebazbano Khan, Dr. Rashmi Soni (2018), "Impact of GST on Textile Hub of Mumbai (Bhiwandi, Dist. Thane)" Account and Financial Management Journal, Vol.3 (02) February-2018, pp.1318-1322
[2]. Dr. S. Nagaraju (2018), "A Empirical Study On People Perception On GST (Goods And Service Tax) In Suryapet District (T.S)" International Journal Of Advanced In Management, Technology And Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8 (1), pp.328-339
[3]. Dr. Banamali Nath (2017), "Goods and services tax: A milestone in Indian economy", International Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3 (3), pp.699-702.
[4]. Gurveen Kaur, (2017), "GST in India - A significant Tax Amendment", International Journal of Management, Vol. 8 (3), pp. 53–62.
[5]. Economic Times
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Increasing NPA in PSBS: A Case Study of Selected Banks in Bihar |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vandana Kumari |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2009035963 ![]() |
Abstract: A globally competitive economy requires a robust and competitive banking system. The key objective of banking development is to aid economic growth and development with stability and equity across all sections of society. Presently, the Indian banking system is facing threat of increasing NPA (non-performing asset).Current study attempts to analyse the impact of NPA in PSBs. Few public sector banks from Bihar have been selected for primary data collection. The hypotheses drawn are tested using both primary and secondary data with the help of SPSS and Ms-excel. Accordingly analysis has been done and it has been found that increasing NPA has affected the profitability and productivity (credit growth) of Banks and accordingly suggestions have been given.
Key Word: NPA, PSB, profitability, Credit Growth.
[1]. RANI, NEHA, & GABA, DINESH (2014). " Analysis of Non-Performing Assets of public sector banks", volume-3, issue-9. ISSN NO.2277-8160.
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Abstract: The study examined the determinants of small rubber production with special reference to Kalutara District, Sri Lanka. Data were collected through structured questionnaires from 389 respondents selected through random sampling technique. Further, in-depth interview were conducted to gather more information relating to the issues faced by rubber farmers. To verify these issues we have interviewed 20 rubber extension officers in the regional office of Rubber Department in Kalutara. The coefficient of the production function was estimated using multiple regression equation. The summary of the demographic characteristics of the respondents showed that majority of the small rubber farmers were ageing since a greater percentage of the rubber famers were above 45 years. None of the respondents was below 20 years and therefore, they have relatively higher experienced.........
Keywords: Small rubber farmers, production level, KalutaraDistrict, stage II
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Abstract: This study critically examined the impact of entrepreneurship development programme an economic development of Lagos State, Nigeria. The concept becomes a major concern for every individual in Lagos and Nigeria in general today. A survey research design technique was used. The multi-stage random sampling method was employed to select 377 participants from Chemicals (including domestic, industrial plastic and rubber), and Pharmaceutical sector, Agro-Allied/ Livestock, Basic Metal, Iron and Steel and fabricated metal sector, wood and wood products, electrical/ electronics, as well as food, beverages and tobacco sector. The research instrument was a 40-item validated, structured questionnaire. The analytical tools employed were simple percentages, frequency counts and multiple regression analysis via the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings revealed that there was significant........
Keywords: Entrepreneur, entrepreneurship development, job creation, economic development.
[1]. Adelekan, S. A., & Dansu Olushola, O. (2016). Impact of entrepreneurship ventures on development of small and medium enterprises in Nigeria case study of three territorial district in Osun state, Nigeria. International Journal of Economics, Commerce & Management, 6(9), 423-441.
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Abstract: The accuracy of forecasting is a crucial issue for decision-makers regarding planning. During the recent years, several techniques have used for forecasting in order to accurately predict the future demand. Although there are several forecasting techniques, selection of the most appropriate one is of paramount importance. The advancement of technology contributed to the improvement of maize plantation in Indonesia, and it shows increased expressively year by year and irregular cycles which bring suitable data series to accurate forecasting. This paper proposes a GM (1,1) forecasting method with time-series data to predict the maize productivity in Indonesia.....
Keywords : forecasting, GM (1, 1), grey, maize, productivity
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