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Abstract: Indian Capital market has grown remarkably during the recent years in tune with the global financial markets. Two types of capital viz., Equity and Debt are basically raised by Indian corporates. Equity capital forms part of the net worth while Debt forms part of the outside liability of the firm. The capital raised through equity is superior to that of debt capital. Equity improves the borrowing power of the firm from banks and financial institutions. If a firm is able to mobilize substantial amount of equity capital through primary market, it can approach banks to fund long-term investment. From the investor's point of view, it could be observed that the equity investments have out-performed debt and other asset classes over the long term, across the globe........
Key words: Equity, Debt, Sensex, Capital, SEBI
[1] Bashir, Ahmed, Hassan Raza, "Investment Preferences and Risk Level: Behavior of Salaried Individuals", IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Volume 10, Issue 1 (May. - Jun. 2013), PP 68-78, ISSN: 2278-487X.
[2] Bhushan Puneet, "Insight in to awareness and investment behaviour of salaried individuals towards financial product", International Journal of Engineering and Management Research and Enterprise Applications, 8(1), March-May 2014 pp 53-57
[3] Bhatt, K.A., "Investment and Trading Pattern of Individuals Dealing in Stock Market", The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 1, No. 2, May-June 2013.
[4] Brahmabhat, Kumari, Raghu p.s., "A Study of Investor Behaviour on Investment Avenues in Mumbai", TRANS Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research, Vol.1 Issue 1, September 2012
[5] Geeta N. and Ramesh M., "A Study of People‟s Preference in Investment Behaviour", IJEMR-November 2011-vol 1 Issue Pasalkar Nutan Vijay "A comparative study of Equity investment Vs Mutual fund investment of Indian individual investors", INCON-X 2015, ASM Group of Institute of Pune, India pp 482-496..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Insight into Electronic Voting in Company meetings under Indian Corporate Laws |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | CS IqraRiaz |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2009050811 ![]() |
Abstract: E-Voting in Companies means a facility given to the members to cast their votes on the resolutions of the company through secure electronic mode. The e-voting in Indian companies was first introduced in the year 2001 for postal ballot resolutions through section 192A of the erstwhile Companies Act,1956. Thereafter The Companies Act, 2013 introduced a separate provision which mandates the prescribed companies to mandatorily provide e-voting facility to the members. E-voting is an innovative facility which enables the members to take part in the decision making process of the company irrespective of their place of residence and without physically attending the meeting. It reduces the cost, paperwork and facilitates early declaration of results. However, there may be chances of misuse of shareholders data which is to be taken care of specially.
Keywords: Securities and Exchange Board of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Articles of Association(AoA), Stock Exchange, Electronic Voting(e-voting).
[1]. E-Voting (Ready Recknor), The Institute of Company Secretaries of India.
[2]. General Circular No. 2O/2O14, No. 1/34/2013-Cl-V, Govt. of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
[3]. Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Amendment Rules. 2015.
[4]. Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
[5]. Section 108 of The Companies Act,2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Evaluation of Selected Equity Mutual Fund Schemes |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. R.Suresh Babu |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2009051217 ![]() |
Abstract: Mutual fund is one of the fastest growing sectors in India and it plays a significant role in the Indian capital market. The common investors are facing the problem in choosing the suitable product among the multiple institutions offering a variety of products and multiple options attached with each product. This research is an attempt to evaluate the performance of selected schemes of different mutual funds in India. The sample consist of 10 schemes from the selected asset management companies over a study period of 1 years spanning from July 2017 to August 2018. The performance of selected funds is evaluated by using the statistical tools like standard deviation, beta and risk adjusted techniques are used by using the Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio and Jensen ratio has also done for.........
Keywords: Institution, Investors, Preference, Investment.
[1]. Dr. V. Murugaiah (2003) "Analysis of Components of Investment Performance – An Empirical Study of Mutual Funds in India" Goa Instiute of Management Goa
[2]. Carhart, Mark M. 1997 " Journal of Finance in Persistence of Mutual Fund Performance"
[3]. Shukla Sharad, " Mutual Funds : "Past Performance is no indicator of the future" Economic Times, June 1992
[4]. Mane P (2016) A Study of Investors Perception towards Mutual Funds in the City of Aurangabad.
[5]. Kothari PP, Mindargi SC (2013) A Study of Investors Attitude Towards Mutual Fund with Special Reference to Inversotrs in Solapur City.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Empowering Women Through Micro Finance- A Nbfc Approach |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manu M |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2009051826 ![]() |
Abstract: Micro finance is a tool for socio -economic development of people. It helps the women to start or engage in self employment project which further allows them to generate income, built wealth and exit from poverty. But the accessibility of credit is the main problem faced by women especially women from the rural areas. Of course the banking sector in India has been making fforts to enhance financial inclusion with the active guidance and support from the government and RBI. But a significant proportion of the households especially in the rural areas remain outside the coverage of the Indian formal banking system. These credit gap left by the banks in India are filled by the Non Banking...........
Keywords : NBFC, Women Empowerment, Impact
[1]. Guru swami, S. (2012). Financial Services, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
[2]. Kothari,C,R. (2005). Research Methodology Methods and Techniques, New age International Publishers, New Delhi.
[3]. Krishna Swami, O,R., Ranganathan, M. (2005). Methodology of Research in Social Science, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
[4]. Mohan, S., Elangovan, R. (2010). Financial Services, Deep and Deep Publications Private Limited, New Delhi.
[1]. Institute of Rural Management, (2000). Woman Empowerment through NGO Interventions: A Frame Work for Assessment, (Working Paper 145), Concept Publications, New Delhi.
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Abstract: With the advent of technology, it has not only changed the way we live but also changed the way we do our banking practices. The purpose of this research paper is to study the effect of awareness seminar on modern banking practices on the graduate students. An empirical study has been done in Indore division, involving 70 respondents to obtain the required data. The questionnaire result was analyzed with SPSS applying Paired Sample t- test, in order to see the effect. After analysis of the data it was found that seminar has its significant effect on learning of modern banking practice among undergraduate students. This research will help the colleges and universities to have such type of seminars that will help in learning the new changes in banking and in other sectors which will provide practical knowledge..
[1]. Aggarwal, Manav (2014) A Study on Importance of Mobile Banking. Indian Journal of Applied Research Banking Volume: 4, Issue:5, May 2014, ISSN - 2249-555X.
[2]. Desai, Vasant (2009) Bank Management. Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.Ltd.1st Edition
[3]. Habib, Sufyan (2012) Internet Banking in India Consumer Concerns and Bank Marketing Strategies Research Journal of Management Sciences ISSN 2319–1171 Vol. 1(3), 20-24, October (2012) Res. J. Management Sci
[4]. Jain, Sonal, Rathi Manish and Sharma Geeta (2014) R.B.D. Publications Jaipur. New Delhi 2011 Edition
[5]. Jain, Yogesh (2013) Mobile Banking: A Study On Adoption & Challenges In Southern Rajasthan, India Vol 2 Issue 4 ISSN: 2278 – 0211
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Behind Right and Wrong': Ethics, Agrochemicals Retailers and Farmers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | A. K. Anjala |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2009053437 ![]() |
Abstract: This article examines contradiction between moral and immoral demeanor of agrochemical retailers in the context of highly Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown aetiology (CKDu) prevalence areas in Sri Lanka as it has turn out to be a foremost health concern all over the world. This study brings an anthropological perspective on questioning the morality of the business practices of agrochemical retailers in the light of ethnographic methodology. To do so, the questions raised by the study are twofold: Do agrochemical retailers engage in immoral practices when............
Key Words: Agrochemical retailers, Ethnography, Business ethics, Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown aetiology
[1]. Siriwardhana, E. A. R. I. E., Perera, P. A. J., Sivakanesan, R., Abeysekara, T., Nugegoda, D. B., &Jayaweera, J. A. A. S. (2015). Dehydration and malaria augment the risk of developing chronic kidney disease in Sri Lanka. Indian journal of nephrology, 25(3), 146.
[2]. Jayatilake, N., Mendis, S., Maheepala, P., & Mehta, F. R. (2013). Chronic kidney disease of uncertain aetiology: prevalence and causative factors in a developing country. BMC nephrology, 14(1), 180.
[3]. Wimalawansa, S. A., &Wimalawansa, S. J. (2014). Impact of changing agricultural practices on human health: chronic kidney disease of multi-factorial origin in Sri Lanka. Wudpecker J Agric Res, 3(5), 110-24.
[4]. Van Der Hoek, W., Konradsen, F., Athukorala, K., &Wanigadewa, T. (1998). Pesticide poisoning: a major health problem in Sri Lanka. Social science & medicine, 46(4-5), 495-504.
[5]. Alam, S. A., & Wolff, H. (2016). Do Pesticide Sellers Make Farmers Sick? Health, Information, and Adoption of Technology in Bangladesh. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 41(1), 62–80.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Customer's Brand Trust For Life Insurance Services |
Country | : | Vietnam |
Authors | : | Hoang Thi Hong Loc || Nguyen Quoc Nghi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2009053844 ![]() |
Abstract: The research was conducted to identify the factors affecting the brand trust of customers to life insurance services. The research data was collected through a survey of 171 customers participating in life insurance by convenience sampling method. Using the Structural Equation Modelling method (SEM), the research results show that the customer's brand trust to the life insurance services is influenced by five factors: Organizational Size, Perceived Risk, Perceived Quality, Brand Reputation and Social Influence. In particular, the Perceived Risk has a negative impact on brand trust while the Brand Reputation has the strongest effect on the brand trust in life insurance services.
Key Word: service, life insurance, customer, brand trust.
[1]. Ambrose, P. J. and G. J. Johnson, 1998. A trust based model of buying behavior in electronic retailing. Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the Association for Information Systems (AMCIS 1998).
[2]. Arjun Chaudhuri and Morris B. Holbrook, 2001. The Chain of Effects from Brand Trust and Brand Affect to Brand Performance: The Role of Brand Loyalty. Journal of Marketing, 65(2): 81-93.
[3]. Bauer, R.A., 1967. Consumer Behavior as Risk Taking. In: Cox, D.F., Ed., Risk Taking & Information Handling in Consumer Behavior. Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, Boston.
[4]. Bentler, P. M, and Bonett, D. G, 1980. Significance tests and goodness of fit in the analysic of covariance structures. Psychological Bulletin, 88: 588-606.
[5]. Blackston, Max, 1992. Brand with an Attitude: A Suitable Case for the Treatment. Journal of the Market Research Society, 34 (3): 231-241.
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Abstract: Climate change is one of the most discussed topics in the recent times. It has been associated with uncontrolled exploitation of energy sources, improper waste management and deficient measures of water conservation. Hospitals rely highly on energy sources such as electricity and water and it is also a major source of toxic and non-toxic waste production. Concept of green hospital is very recent which reinforces to achieve positive effects on climate thus going towards greener planet. This paper discusses about different set of measures for hospital setups to become a green and more healthier hospital.
Keywords: Climate change, Green hospital, Waste management, Energy efficiency
[1]. Farzianpour, F., Hosseini, S.H. and Hosseini, S. (2014) Global change and human health. 2nd International congress on energy efficiency and energy related materials libery hotels Lykia, Oludeniz, 16-19 October 2014, 365.
[2]. Harris, N., Pisa, L., Talioaga, S. and Vezeau, T. (2009) Hospitals Going Green: A holistic view of the issue and the critical role of the nurse leader. Holistic nursing practice, 23, 101-111.
[3]. Centers for disease control and prevention (2001) Healthcare infection control practices advisory committee (HICPAC). Draft guideline for environmental infection control in healthcare facilities, 96-101.
[4]. Healthy Hospitals, Healthy Planet, Healthy People: Addressing climate change in health care settings. A discussion draft paper published by the World Health Organization and Health care without harm.
[5]. Szklo A, Soares J, Tolmasquim M. Energy consumption indicators and CHP technical potential in the Brazilian hospital sector. Energy Conversion and Management, 2004, 45:2086.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance of Indian Commercial Banks: An Analytical Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | B. Krishnaiah || Prof. T. Umamaheswara Rao |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2009054953 ![]() |
Abstract: The Indian financial system consists of different types of financial institutions. These are responsible for the development of the nation's economy. Commercial banks are the major financial institutions and are the most important sector of the Indian money market. Commercial banks play a wider role in the mobilization and allocation of resources in an economy. The performance of the commercial banks will affect the growth of the economy. The present study attempts the operational performance of the Indian commercial banks. In this regards the researcher selected to study the number of commercial banks started, deposits mobilized by commercial banks in India, composition of NPA's of Indian banks and NPA's of commercial banks recovered through various channels. This study covers the performance of commercial banks which are operating in the country for a period of five years I.e., from 2012-13 to 2016-17. The study concludes the commercial banks of India have been significantly performing satisfactory and contributing to the national growth of the country.
Keywords:Commercial banks, mobilization of deposits, NPA's, national growth, debt recovery channels
[1]. Dang-Manth (2012) 'Measuring the performance of the banking system case of Vietnam (1990-2010) '. Journal of the applied finance of banking 2(2) ,299-312
[2]. Shanmugam. K. R, Das. A. (2004) efficiency of Indian commercial banks during the reform period applied economics Vol 14,681-686
[3]. Subramanyam. G (1993) productivity growth in India's public sector banks. 1979-89,journal of quantitative economics 9,209-223
[4]. Chandan chatterjee. J. M. Management of Non-performing assets -A current scenario. International journal of social science and interdisciplinary research,2012 vol 1,(11) ,204-2014
[5]. Kumbirai. M and Webb. R (2010), A financial ratio analysis of commercial bank performance in South African review of economics and finance vol 2 (1).
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Abstract: This study aims to examine whether there is a significant influence between leadership, work environment and innovative work behavior on the performance of the state civil servants. The agency studied is the Fisheries Departement of Pasuruan Regency. This research is qualitative research. The sample used was all employees, not only permanent civil servants but also field extension workers at the fishery service of PasuruanRegency amounted 65 people. This research uses simple random sampling method. The data analysis technique used is the classical assumption test and multiple regression test using Eviews Version 3.1 and SPSS Version 22.00 programs. This study obtained results that there is a simultaneous influence between leadership, work environmnent and innovative work behavior on performance, as well as influences partially between leadership and performance and innovative work behavior towards performance while the work environment does not have a partial effect on performance.
Keywords: leadership, work environment, innovative work behavior, performance
[1]. Chan Tze Leong, Amran Rasli, The Relationship between innovative work behavior on work role performance: An empirical study, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 129, 2014, 592 – 600.
[2]. Teddy Chandra, Priyono, The Influence of Leadership Styles, Work Environment and Job Satisfaction of Employee Performance—Studies in the School of SMPN 10 Surabaya,International Education Studies, 9(1), 2016, 1913-9039.
[3]. Feirong yuan, richard w., Woodman. Innovative behavior in the workplace: the role of performance and image outcome expectations, The Academy of Management Journal, 53(2), 2010, 323-342.
[4]. Anne-Laure Mention, Investigating the relationships between innovation and performance in services: An intellectual capital perspective, De Boeck Supérieur, 97(104), 2012, 0034-2971.
[5]. Lei Lin,The impact of service innovation on business performance: Evidence from firm-level data in Chinese tourism sector, The Service Industries Journal, 33(15-16), 2011, 1599-1632..
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Abstract: Rewards and job satisfaction for over decades have been issues of concern to employers and employees in various organizations worldwide. Insufficient reward factors such as recognition and promotion are some of the major reasons responsible for employees' dissatisfaction and intention to leave their current organizations. This research sought to examine the effect between recognition and promotion on employees' job satisfaction of selected outsourced service providers in Jos Plateau State. A survey research design was adopted. The population of the study was 541 employees which consisted of all the employees of the five (5) selected outsourced service providers in Jos, Plateau............
Keywords: Rewards, Recognition, Promotion, Employees' Job Satisfaction, Outsourced Service Providers
[1]. Abayomi, O. A. & Ziska, F. (2014). Compensation management and employee satisfaction: A case of Nigeria. Journal of Social Science,41(3), 345-352
[2]. Abdullah, A. A. & Wan, H. L. (2013). Relationships of non-monetary incentives, job satisfaction and employee job performance. International Review of Management and Business Research, 2(4), 1085-1091
[3]. Agarwal, R. &Ferratt, T.W. (2001). Crafting and human resource strategy to meet the need for information technology workers, communications of the ACM, 44(7), 58-64.
[4]. Agu, A. &Udoh, B. E. (2012). Impact of job satisfaction of organizational commitment among secondary school teachers. Asian Journal of Education and Technology, 2(1), 82-95.
[5]. Agu, C. A. (2003). Management: An introductory text. Owerri: Resources Development Centre.Ahmed, M., Muddasar, M. &Perviaz, S. (2012). The impact of work-family conflict and pay on employee job satisfaction with the moderating effect of perceived supervisor support in Pakistan banking sector. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 12 (6), 121-130.
Akpan, C. P. (2013). Job security and job satisfaction as determinants of organizational commitment among university teachers in Cross River State, Nigeria. British Journal of Education, 1(2), 82-93..
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Abstract: Organizational performance can be seen from organizational goals in accordance with the vision and mission set while the performance of personnel is a determining factor of organizational performance. To be able to realize professionalism then required a soldier who has a reliable combat power, mastering hardware and software in accordance with the skills they bear and supported by the power of reason / thought good so as to be able to run every task given properly and correctly. This study aims to analyse the influence of professionalism and safety culture on the performance of personnel; analyse the influence of professionalism and safety culture on organizational performance; analyse the influence of personnel performance on organizational performance; and..........
Keywords: professionalism, safety culture, personal performance, organizational performance
[1]. Agwu, M.O. (2012). Impact of Employees Safety Culture on Organisational Performance in Shell Bonny Terminal Integrated Project (BTIP). European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 1. No. 5: 70-82.
[2]. Asfaw, A. M. (2015). The Impact of Training and Development on Employee Performance and Effectiveness: A Case Study of District Five Administration Office, Bole Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies, Vol. 3: 188-202.
[3]. Bastian, I. (2001). Akuntansi Sektor Publik. Penerbit BPFE, Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.
[4]. Bernardin, H. J. and Russell, J.E.A. (1998). Human Resource Management. Singapore: Mc Graw-Hill.
[5]. Cahyani, N. (2010). Pengaruh Profesionalisme Pemeriksa Pajak, Kepuasan Kerja dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Jurnal Bisnis dan Ekonomi (JBE). Vol 3: 10-23..
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Abstract: Researchers, workers and public servants are looking at research on leadership styles, in order to improve their positions and for ideas on how become more efficient, or more proficient, in the public sector, private sector and other aspects of their lives. Studies of Leadership styles and organizational culture have developed in parallel with a rise in peoples' consciousness of leadership style in companies. This study investigated the role of transformational leadership and the impact of organizational culture in two petroleum companies in Libya. This study researched company annual reports. Primary data was collected from companies via questionnaires. Data was collected and analysis was attempted using graphs and tables. It was discovered from the study that whatever the leadership style, it had failed to protect the companies studied, from a deterioration in their financial performance, during which time the market conditions were challenging for all energy companies globally. In...........
[1]. Abdunaser, K. (2015). Review of the petroleum geology of the western part of the Sirt Basin, Libya. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 111, 76-91.
[2]. Abdussalam, Z. (2014). The influence of culture and religion on trust in the emerging financial market in Libya. International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance, 4 (3), 206-220.
[3]. Abouhidba, A. (2005). The Message of Islam, Diogenes. Diogenes, 52 (1), 111- 116.
[4]. Acar, A. a. (2014). Organizational Culture Types and Their Effects on Organizational Performance in Turkish Hospitals. EMAJ: Emerging Markets Journal, 3 (3), 18-31.
[5]. Acar, A. (2012). Organizational Culture, Leadership Styles and Organizational Commitment in Turkish Logistics Industry. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 217-226.