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Abstract: Healthcare organisations are grappling with unprecedented challenges brought about by regulations and hence are moving towards the outcome and Performance-based care. Affordability challenges with amplified costs, consumerism in Healthcare are the main reasons for this transition. Healthcare organisations are challenged with the constraints to improve patient health outcomes and reduce costs of internal operations. To address the issue of reducing internal operations can be managed by implementing Technology. Technology offers a unique amalgamation of solutions to help the organisations to enhance the Patient experience, drive out prices and to improve business agility with the integration of services across Healthcare Systems. Today's digital world is well informed resulting in patient-provider dis-satisfaction.............
Keywords - Consumerism, dis-satisfaction, Healthcare organisations, Patient, Raising Costs
[1] WHO Regional Office for Europe. Health 2020: a European policy framework is supporting action across government and society for health and well-being. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2013
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[5] Hébert R, Durand PJ, Dubuc N, Tourigny A.PRISMA: a new model of integrated service delivery for the frail older people in Canada. Int J Integr Care. 2003; 3(1) (
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Abstract: The twentieth century witnessed remarkable reductions in the number and rate of occupational fatalities and injuries. However, many preventable injuries and deaths still occur. There are barriers to progress in occupational injury prevention and strategies for overcoming them. In mining, the frequency of death has dramatically declined over the century. The latest figures indicate that less than 6000 employee deaths from injury occurred in 2000 (Stout, 2012). Catastrophic events have prompted increased attention, resources, and action on workplace hazards and risks, resulting in sweeping changes, including new protective laws. Science based approaches to prevention have contributed to progress. An Occupational Health and Safety study of factories found out that employees are exposed to a series of hazards at their workplaces. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of occupational......
Key words: inspection,occupational health and safety, employee performance.
[1]. Bureau of Labour Statistics (2013).Unemployment Rate Lowest Since 2000, and 5 More Things You Should Know from April's Jobs Report 2013
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[5]. McCunney R (2001). Occupational Health and Medicinal J., International Journal of Human Resource Studies. 7(4): 3-5..
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Abstract: It is smoothly recommended that in buy for stance impression to be suited to with all one heart influence member of the working class to embrace, employees must hardest a bad time great appraisal reactions. The direction for the laid it on the line study is eternally to catch a glimpse of the dalliance between stunt appraisal load off one mind in debut to common laborer outcomes, in the comprise of field performance, affective organizational below the line, and turnover intention. Additionally, the brought pressure to bear of intrinsic pick me up just savor a mediating variable was by the same token explored. Design/methodology/approach......
Key words: Efficiency evaluation, Human resource authority, Performance administration, Work simplicity, Intrinsic Motivation, Affective organizational indebtedness, Turnover intention Paper kind Research paper.
[1]. Abassi, S.M., andHollman, K.W. (2000), "Turnover: the real bottom line", Public Personnel Management, Vol. 2 No. 3, pp. 333-342.
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Abstract: The study is aimed to understand the mind-set of women entrepreneurs towards the investment decision. Women entrepreneurs especially under the SHG(Self-Help Group) are very active and possess good knowledge regarding the financial decisions taken in business. Majority of the women belong to low-income group families where the entire family rely on the income from her. And hence the women entrepreneurs take decisions very carefully and patiently. Since the entrepreneurs work function under a group they benefit a lot in terms of money and decisions taken in business regarding finance, business expansion, product development, investment etc., The researcher concentrated highly on the finance and investment related areas in the study. A sample of 300 SHG members was taken for the study in Salem district, Tamil Nadu
[1]. Bhardwaj, Gurendra; Nath Parashar, Swati, Pandey, Babita and Puspamita Sahu "Women Entrepreneurship in India: Opportunities and Challenges"
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Challenges In Implementation Of International Financial Reporting Standards: Indian Context |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manju B |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2009044146 ![]() |
Abstract: International Accounting is considered to be a universal system that could be adopted in all countries. A world-wide set of generally accepted accounting principles. Developments made by different international organizations which come under two categories; those backed by International or Political agreements and Voluntary organizations. The first category includes the United Nations and the European Union. The second category includes IASB, IFAC, IOSCO, and the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group. Further it includes, Confederation of Asia Pacific Accountants, American Accounting Association, The British Accounting Association, The Indian Accounting Association etc. This paper focus on the challenges faced in the.........
Keywords: Accounting, Ifrs, International Accounting, Iasc.
[1] Meenu Sambaru and Dr. N. V. Kavitha (November, 2014) "A Study on IFRS in India". November, 2014 (Special Issue) Vol 3 Issue 12.
[3] Abhinaya L P, Vidyashree N S and Manu H (March 2016) "IFRS in India- its impact on Indian corporate: benefits and challenges". National Seminar on "IND-AS : A Road Map for IFRS in India" VVPGC, March 18 & 19, 2016, ISBN : 978-93-5254-333-5.
[5] Achalapathi, K.V., & BhanuSireesha, P. (2015). Impact of IFRS adoption on financial statements of select Indian companies. Osmania Journal of International Business Studies, 10 (1), 21-33.
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Abstract: Consumers are the backbone of an economy. Consumers are conscious of their rights in developed nations. But due to their poverty, illiteracy and lack of awareness of legal rights, the Indian consumers are being exploited. That necessitated the implementation a serious legislation, Consumer protection Act, 1986. Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission in its three tier form has been formed to register the complaints of the consumers and settle their claims. The present study critically evaluates the performance of the commission for the last 8 years using statistical techniques viz. standard deviation, mean and correlation coefficient.
Key words: Consumer Protection, Redressal Mechanism, District Fora, National commission, State Commission
[1] Garg, S.V (2010), "An Exploration into Working and Performance of Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies in India", International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp 116-142.
[2] Unnikrishnan, S (2013), "Performance Analysis of Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies in India", Global Advanced Research Journal of Management and Business Studies, Vol2 (12), pp 567-570.
[3] Deepa, G and Vijayarani, K (2015), "Performance of Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies in TN", International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp 21-26.
[4] Manmohan, M and Auxcelian Anto, M (2015), "Working Performance of Consumer Disputes Redressal Agency in India", International Journal of Research in Management, Vol.1, Issue.5, pp 152-157
[5] Chaudhari, Prakash.N (2015), "Evaluation of Efficacy of the Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies in India", Chronicle of Neville Wadra Institute of Management Studies and Research, pp 6-11
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Abstract: Almost half of the world's population consists of women. So, growth and development of the society could not be imagined without the well being of female counterpart of the society. The present research is undertaken to study Women Food-stall Owners (WFOs) of Dhubri district and Kokrajhar district of Assam. The objectives of the research are (a) to compare the socio-economic background of WFOs of Dhubri and Kokrajhar district of Assam, (b) to compare the volume of income generation and employment generation by food-stall entrepreneurship to women of Dhubri and Kokrajhar district of Assam and (c) to examine effects the factors like age, Education, number of family members, monthly investment and working hours of WFOs on Monthly return of WFOs. The study is based..........
Keywords: Dhubri & Kokrajhar district, Employment Generation, Income Generation, Micro-entrepreneurship, and Women Food-stall Owners
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Economic Survey, Assam, 2014-15
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[4] Paul, J. (2016). Estimating the Role of Education in Empowering Women Micro-Entrepreneurship: With Special Reference to Dhubri Town. In Dutta, S., Begum, F., Paul, J. & Shemim, A. (Eds.), Women Education in India: Through the Ages. Panbazar, Guwahati: Knowledge Publications.
[5] Rani, Lalitha, D. (2006). Women Entrepreneurs. New Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing Corporations
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Abstract: Employee recruitment is one of the most important human resource functions. However, research on recruitment practices has been relatively narrow in scope and frequently failed to link recruitment practices to organizational performance in Non-Governmental Organizations. The study sought to establish the influence of recruitment practices on organizational performance of NGOs in Nakuru East Sub County. The objectives of the study were to examine the influence of employee referrals and mass media vacancy advertisement on organizational performance of NGOs. The study was guided by three theories namely the human capital theory, resources based view theory and equity theory. The study was based on a descriptive survey design. The target population comprised of senior and middle level management employees in selected NGOs in Nakuru East Sub-County. A sample size of 86 respondents..........
Key words: Organizational performance, Mass media vacancy advertising, Recruitment practices, Employee Referral, Non-governmental organizations
[1] Aluko, M. A. (2004). The impact of recruitment culture on organizational performance in selected textile firms in Nigeria,Journal of African Studies 12(2): 164-179.
[2] Anyim, F. (2009).The role of human resource planning in recruitment and selection process.Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 68-78.
[3] Armstrong, K. (2014). A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, Great Britain: Cambridge University.
[4] Barney, J. (2011). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 17 (1), 99-120.
[5] Bayo-Moriones, A. (2014). Internal promotion versus external recruitment in industrial plants in Spain.Industrial and Labor Relations Review 59:3: 451-470.
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Abstract: This study investigated Leader - Member Exchange (LMX) and Trust interactional influence on Career Satisfaction in Tanzanian context. It focused in analyzing the manner LMX transmits the effect of Trust on Career Satisfaction. Consequently; a model that articulated LMX as a mediator in Trust – Career Satisfaction association was designed. Data was collected in Tanzanian Local Government Authorities (LGAs) across the country on convenient approach; attracting a total of 421 respondents. Hierarchical Regression Analysis was employed to estimate interactional influence in Trust – Career Satisfaction association. Results suggested that LMX transmitted the effect of Trust on Career Satisfaction. Thus, sound Employee Career Satisfaction was due to Trust and LMX interaction; than absence of the latter in the crafted model. Recommendations for improvement and future studies formed part of this study
Keywords: Career Satisfaction, LMX, Trust and Tanzania
[1] Boe Tammy A. (2002);Gaining and/or Maintaining Employee Trust Within Service Organizations; Masters Dissertation; University of Wisconsin-Stout
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[3] Fard Parastoo Gashtasebi & Karimi Fariba (2015); The Relationship between Organizational Trust and Organizational Silence with Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of the Employees of University; International Education Studies; Vol. 8, No. 11; pp, 219-227
[4] Gibson David & Petrosko Joseph (2014); Trust in leader and its effect on job satisfaction and intent to leave in a healthcare setting; Wiley online library; vol, 26, issues 3; pp 3-19
[5] Gibson William David (2011)The effect of trust in leader on job satisfaction and intent to leave present job in the context of the nursing profession. Thesis; University of Louisville
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Abstract: The aim of this researchwasto know the relationship between marketing mix, service quality and reputation on student satisfaction. This study will benefit the Universities in Indonesia because it shows the relationship between marketing mix dimensions, service quality and university reputation on student satisfaction. This information can be used as input for future decisions on service design and marketing strategies based on what students have indicated are the most important dimensions of service quality and marketing mix in this model. The research adopted a descriptive research design. Service quality is a matter of concern especially in the context where the efforts are not able to portray the fruits in society due to the many challenges that are in the society..........
Keywords: Service Quality, Marketing Mix, and University Reputation
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