Abstract: Universities are educational institutions or institutions that have a role to play in preparing competent human resources. The quality of graduates determines by the teaching-learning system and the quality of the teaching staff, namely lecturers. The roles of organizational climate and creativity think to be variables to improve the performance of lecturers at the University of BuanaPerjuanganKarawang. This study aims to identify, analyze, and explain these variables, as well as to find out, analyze, and explain the amount of the influence both partially and simultaneously on the improvement of lecturer performance. The type of research used is quantitative with descriptive verification research methods and analysis methods using path analysis. The sampling technique in this research is Proportionate Random Sampling with a total sample of 146 lecturers from the total population of lecturers. The descriptive research.....
Keywords: OrganizationalClimate, JobCharacteristics, Creativity, Lecturersperformance
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