Abstract: The Harbolnas event (Online Shopping Day) became an extraordinary success story because Harbolnas was able to generate 129 million average website visits per month from Indonesian buyers in particular, and around 6 million to 12 million more Shopee orders throughout Southeast Asia which almost increased by 3 times. compared to normal days (Bahrah et al., 2021) Even though the Harbolnas event was able to attract customers to visit, it has not explicitly explored what causes these customers to be interested in making transactions and making purchases continuously on Shopee e-commerce. Customer loyalty is still one of Shopee's concerns with the current tight competition because customer loyalty is quite volatile. The high level of competition between e-commerce causes customers to easily move from place to place because many similar companies offer interesting innovations and aggressively carry out various marketing strategies. The above phenomenon needs to be considered by Shopee e-commerce to provide marketing stimulation to customers. The marketing stimulus that is most widely used by other e-commerce is by doing advertising, sales promotion, e-WOM, e-trust..
Key Words: Event Day Shopee, Advertising, Sales Promotion, E-WOM, E-Trust, Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty
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