Version-3 (March-2014)
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Abstract: Introduction: Although long thoracic nerve palsy is the classical pathogenesis of winging scapula, it may also be caused by osteochondroma. We report a rare case of a scapular osteochondroma arising from the medial border and causing a pseudowinging of the scapula.
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Abstract: To audit the central venous catheterization of patients in the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, Maiduguri, Borno state, Nigeria. This was a cross sectional prospective study of all patients scheduled for central venous catheterization (CVC) in our centre form January, 2009 – December, 2012. Following counselling and consent obtained on either Subclavian vein (SCV) approach or the Internal Jugular vein (IJV) approach was documented. A total of 780 patients were reviewed during the period under review.
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Abstract: The formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPR1) is a member of the seven transmembrane G-protein coupled receptors family, mainly expressed by polymorphonuclear and mononuclear phagocytes and play a role in chemotaxis, killing of microorganisms through phagocytosis, and plays a important role players in innate immunity and host defense. The expression of (FPR1) in eosinophils has been investigated intensively with many diseases. In this study we explain regulation of (FPR1) expression in eosinophils during allergic disease such as (extrinsic Asthma). The study were conducted by using Reverse Transcription Real-Time PCR technique, and the fold changes of (FPR1) were estimated in the house dust mite (HDM) hypersensitive asthmatic patients group and birch pollen hypersensitive asthmatic patients group as well as healthy control group. The results show that there are high significant increase fold changes of (FPR1) expression (up regulation) in eosinophils of HDM hypersensitive asthmatic patients group. In contrast, birch pollen hypersensitive asthmatic patients group have no significant increase in FPR1 expression when compared with healthy control group. In conclusion, we concluded that formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPR1) that expressed by eosinophils have potential role in immune regulation and allergic diseases mainly extrinsic asthma when patients exposed to exogenous aggressive factor such as house dust mite.
[2] Ye RD, Boulay F, Wang JM, Dahlgren C, Gerard C, et al. (2009). International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. LXXIII. Nomenclature for the formyl peptide receptor (FPR) family. Pharmacol Rev 61: 119–161.
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[5] Plotz, S. G., Traidl-Hoffmann, C., Feussner, I., Kasche, A., Feser, A., Ring,J., Jakob, T. and Behrendt, H., Chemotaxis and activation of human peripheral blood eosinophils induced by pollen-associated lipid mediators. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2004. 113: 1152–1160.
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Abstract: Primary ovarian choriocarcinoma is a rare tumour which could either be of gestational or nongestational origin. Differentiating one from the other is difficult but important for effective treatment because the nongestational type has a poor prognosis. We present a case of primary pure ovarian choriocarcinoma occurring in a nullipara with no pregnancy history.
Keywords: primary, ovarian, choriocarcinoma, gestational, nongestational.
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Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the role of gingival thickness on stress distribution of implants-retained mandibular complete overdenture using finite element method. A computer aided design (CAD) software and finite element analysis (FEA) software were utilized to construct three dimensional (3D) models on a personal computer to analyze the proposed problem. The three models had different gingival thicknesses ranged 1, 2, and 3mm. Unilateral masticatory loads of 150 N were applied on overdenture in a vertical direction, parallel to the longitudinal axis of the implant, and 45o oblique. Loads were directed towards the central fossa in the molar region of the overdenture to form six load cases. Location of maximum Von Mises stress on gingival tissue was found at the model tip close to the load application point where the overdenture and cortical bone squeezed the gingival tissue.
Keywords: Finite Element Analysis, Implant supported overdenture, Gingival thickness.
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Abstract:Infant mortality isa sensitive indicator of a broad range of factors affecting children's health.Objectives: 1) To find out the infant mortality rate inAmdanga block . 2) To determine the various causes associated with infant mortality.Methodology:It is a retrospective record based study.Data on infant death were collected from government health records maintained at AmdangaBlock Primary Health Centre,North 24 Parganas, West Bengal for the period of 5 years(2008-2012).Results:The infant mortality rate over this period was 17.8 per 1000 live births.Majority of death occurred in the neonatal period(83.6%).The main causes of neonatal deaths were low birth weight including prematurity(30.9%),birth asphyxia(19.3%),whereas the most common cause of post-neonatal death was acute respiratory tract infection(34.7%).
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Abstract: There are a number protocols to manage non-vital open-apex teeth such as apexification, apical barrier technique (one-visit apexification), orthograde root filling using MTA, triple antibiotic paste, and tissue engineering concept. Aim of this paper is to highlight the use of the novel materials such as PRF and DFDBA to be used as apical matrix in management of non vital open apex cases. Keywords: Demineralized freeze dried bone allograft (DFDBA), MTA, open apex, Platelet rich fibrin (PRF), single step apexification,
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Abstract: Intravenous line is the lifeline for anaesthesiologists. Intravenous cannulation poses a great challenge in infants and in hypovolumic patients. Intraosseous route can be a easiest way to administer fluids and drugs in such situations. Very few case reports are available regarding the use of intraosseous route for the purpose of anaesthesia. Here we are reporting a case of a pediatric emergency surgery conducted in the early hours with only an intraosseous line for purpose of anaesthesia.
Keywords: Pediatric emergency, Intraosseous, Resuscitation
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Abstract: Scientific publications have always been an integral part of an orthopedic surgeon's curriculum. Publication of one's work in a scientific journal gives an extra edge to a person's curriculum vitae. This article provides basic understanding as to the needs and demands in today's time for scientific presentations. It also provides guidelines about writing a scientific paper and helps in understanding the intricacies related to impact factor, authorship, plagiarism.
Keywords: Scientific publication, impact factor, authorship.
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Abstract: Hypotension during spinal anaesthesia is common and can cause significantmorbidity and mortality. Prior to spinal anaesthesia fluid administration isrecommended to reduce the incidence of hypotension and this is referred to aspreloading. Crystalloids and colloids are routinely tried as pre loading fluids but there is still considerable debate over their effectivenessas a pre loading. A comparative study was under taken to compare the hemodynamic changes of Ringers lactate v/s Hydroxy ethyl starch in 60 ASA grade-I &II patients posted for lower abdominal and lower limb elective surgeries and allocated into two groups.
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[6] Fu-qing Lin, Cheng Li, Li-jun Zhang, Shu-kun Fu, Guo-qiang Chen, Xiao-hu Yang, Chun-yan Zhu, and Quan Li et al "Effect of Rapid Plasma Volume Expansion during Anesthesia Induction on Haemodynamics and Oxygen Balance in Patients Undergoing Gastrointestinal Surgery".International Journal Medical Sciences. 2013; 10(4): 355–361.
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Abstract: Background: In developing countries, currently there is a paradigm shift from communicable to non-communicable diseases causing severe morbidity among the elderly population. Despite this, social support system for this slowly increasing population is lacking living them with the full burden of providing for their health care needs. This study is aimed at assessing morbidity pattern among the elderly patients using a tertiary health care institution in Nigeria.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Clinical Study of Anterior Uveitis in a Rural Hospital |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Anitha.S.Maiya, Dr.Sundip Shenoy |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-13325559 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Uveitis is a complex intraocular inflammatory disease that results from several aetiological entities. Anterior uveitis is the most common form of uveitis and is commonly seen in young adults. This study was undertaken to evaluate the modes of presentation, aetiology and complications of anterior uveitis among the rural population. Methods: a prospective clinical study was conducted in the Department of Ophthalmology, Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, B.G.Nagara. All patients aged between 20-80 years who presented with anterior uveitis were studied.
[2] Rathinam SR, Namperumalswamy P. Global variation and pattern changes in epidemiology of uveitis. Indian j Ophthalmol. 2007;55(3):173-183.
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Abstract: Oral L-citrulline is efficiently converted to L-arginine, the precursor for endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthesis.Nitric oxide NO enhances gastric mucus production. This study investigates the role of nitric oxide as up regulator of mucus secretion and mucous cell count in the stomach. Sixty Adult male albino rats, weighing between 180-210 g were used for the experiment. They were divided into two study groups, (gastric mucus secretion study group, gastric mucus cell count study group), of thirty rats per group and each group was further subdivided into five groups with six (n=6) rats in each group. Group (I) served as control. Group (II) was treated with L-Citrulline (600mg/kg) for five days. Group (III) received L-Citrulline (900mg/kg) for five days. Group (IV) received L-Arginine (200mg/kg) and group (V) was treated with misoprostol (100μg/kg).
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Abstract: Watermelon is really useful, healthy and its great properties are well known to the world since ancient times. It has been reported that watermelon has an ingredient that deliver Viagra-like effects to the body's blood vessels and may even increase libido. This work was done to determine the effect of watermelon on pulse rate and blood pressure in healthy individuals. A total number of 40 adult human beings (20 males, 20 females) were randomly selected for use in this experiment. Watermelonwas given to each subject daily for seven days of experimental period respectively.The pulse rate was taken before and after the meal using palpation and the blood pressure was measured by auscultatory method.
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Abstract: Objectives:Alcoholism is an important health problem all over the world. Biochemical tests are important tools in diagnosing alcohol abuse and identifying the stages of alcoholic liver disease. This study is an attempt to describe the biochemical changes that can be observed in individuals with history of significant alcohol intake as well as to correlate the quantity and duration of alcohol consumption with derangements in the liver function tests.
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Abstract: Low back pain is a major public health problem and is beginning to exhibit epidemic proportion. Back pain is a main reason for which people under 45 yrs limit their physical activities 1-4. Major risk factors include heavy lifting, twisting, bodily jerks, obesity and poor postures 5. Low back pain may originate from many spinal structures including ligaments facet joints, the vertebral periosteum, the Para vertebral musculature, annulus fibrosis and spinal nerve roots.
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Abstract: A major preventable cause of childhood blindness worldwide is Xerophthalmia caused by Vitamin A deficiency(VAD). Currently, it is estimated that there are about 1.5 million blind children in the world, of whom one million live in Asia. Keratomalacia, the last and most severe sign of Xerophthalmia may progress either to Phthisis Bulbi or Staphyloma, which leads to blindness and loss of the eye. Children with severe malnutrition and Measles are at high risk of Vitamin A deficiency. Xerophthalmia complicating into Staphyloma, the most severe complication, is rarely reported.
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Abstract: Kaposi's sarcoma is a malignancy of vascular origin that commonly presents with multifocal lesions affecting the skin, and other organs. Localized lesion involving the scrotal skin alone is quiet uncommon in the literature. We present a 48-year-old HIV-infected man with a localized scrotal lesion.He was evaluated and subsequently had total scrotectomy. The testes were free of tumor, and hence preserved. Post-operative outcome was satisfactory. High index of clinical suspicion is required for early diagnosis. Keywords: Kaposi's sarcoma, Scrotal skin, HIV/AIDS
[2] Cox JW, Halprin K, Ackerman AB, Kaposi's sarcoma localized to the penis. Arch Dermatol 1970; 102:461-2
[3] Vyas S, ManabeT, Herman JR, Newman HR. Kaposi's sarcoma of srotum. Urology, 1976 Jul; 8(1) 82:85 [4] Johnson DE, Chica J, Rodriquez LH, Luna M, Kaposi'ssarcoma presenting as scrotal lesions Urology. 1977 Jun; 9(6):686-688.
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Abstract: Aim : To assess the prevalence of dental caries among cleft lip / cleft palate patients in 3- 5 years of age, at Jain Hospital. Methods: The study sample consisted of 100 children visiting Jain Hospital Bangalore in the age group of 3 to 5 years. Dental caries status was recorded using dmfs index by Grubbel.A.O. Results: Fifty percent of the children had caries and was significantly greater in cleft subjects (64%), than (36%) in the noncleft subjects. Sex wise comparison revealed that caries prevalence in males was 44%, & in females 56% and the difference was significant statistically (P<0.05). Mean ds score (2.23) was higher in females compared to males (0.98). Mean dmfs score (3.36) was also higher in cleft subjects compared to non cleft subjects (2.52).
[2] Lam L. Cheng, B.D.Sc(Hons) etal Predisposing Factors to Dental Caries in Children With Cleft Lip and Palate: A Review and Strategies for Early Prevention Cleft Palate–Craniofacial Journal, January 2007, Vol. 44 No. 1; 67-72
[3] VICTORIA S. LUCAS etal , Dental Health Indices and Caries Associated Microflora in Children With Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Cleft Palate–Craniofacial Journal, September 2000, Vol. 37 No. 5; 447- 452.
[4] FANNY W. L. WONG, NIGEL M. KING,A The Oral Health of Children with Clefts—A Review Cleft Palate–Craniofacial Journal, May 1998, Vol. 35 No. 3 248-254
[5] TAHIR PAUL, RON S. BRANDT Oral and Dental Health Status of Children with Cleft Lip and/or Palate Cleft Palate–Craniofacial Journal, July 1998, Vol. 35 No. 4; 329-332.
[6] Goren Dahllofetal , Caries, gingivitis and dental abnormalities in Preschool Children with Cleft lip/palate. Cleft Palate Journal, July 1989, 26,233- 238.
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Abstract: The term Hypoplastic left heart is used to describe a related group of anomalies that include under development of the left side of the heart (atresia of the aortic or mitral orifice) and hypoplasia of the ascending aorta. the left ventricle may be moderately hypolastic, very small and non functional, or totally atretic, in the immediate neonatal period. The right ventricle maintain the both upper pulmonary circulation and the systemic circulation via the ductusarteriosus. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) has been reported to occur in approximately 0.016 to 0.036% of all live births.. Here we present a rare case report- Hypoplastic left heart Syndrome.
Keywords: Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Hypoplastic arch, HypoplasticLV ,Single-ventricle, Norwood procedure, Sano procedure
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Abstract: Study was carried from Taif private dental center, start after got an agreement from center owner and the dentist. Understudy pts. were (No.=55), aged (15-30yrs.). All wearing a fixed orthodontic were divided into control group 15pts., with received oral and diet hygiene at dental center and understudy group 40pts., with received orders for oral and diet hygiene to make it at home. Fixed orthodontic stages investigation at a period of baseline and stages at (1st , 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th month). Getting consent forms agreement, arranged dental clinic regular visits for all understudy pts. Baseline were at the day of orthodontic fixation for both groups,
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Abstract: Lipomyelomeningocele is basically a closed spinal dysraphism which has no exposed neural tissue.1Myelomeningocele occurs due to primary neurulation defects or due to closure of posterior neuropore which occurs 17 and 26 post ovulatory days simultaneously. Lipomyelomeningocele is the most common fate of premature disjunction.2 Tethered cord is inherently associated with lipomyelomeningocele. This rare entity has been noticed in 0.3 per 10,000 live birth. 3,4,5,6 Here we got an eight month old baby with gradually increasing back lump, with a provisional diagnosis of lipoma, sacrococcygeal teratoma or any malignant soft tissue tumour. Ultimtely we successfully diagnosed this rare entity after a battery of investigation and rendered appropriate timely management leading to disease free survival of the baby.
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[4] De Wals P, Van Allen MI, Lowry RB, Evans JA, Van den Hof MC, Crowley M, et al: Impact of folic acid food fortification on the birth prevalence of lipomyelomeningocele in Canada. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 82:106–109, 2008
[5] Forrester MB, Merz RD: Descriptive epidemiology of lipomyelomeningocele, Hawaii, 1986–2001. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 70:953–956, 2004
[6] McNeely PD, Howes WJ: Ineffectiveness of dietary folic acid supplementation on the incidence of lipomyelomeningocele: pathogenetic implications. J Neurosurg 100 (2 Suppl Pediatrics): 98–100, 2004
[7] Kanev PM, Lemire RJ, Loeser JD, Berger MS: Management and long-term follow-up review of children with lipomyelomeningocele, 1952–1987. J Neurosurg 73:48–52, 1990