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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Halitosis: A Review of Etiology and Management |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Praveenkumar Ramdurg, Dr. Vijaylaxmi Mendigeri |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13475055 ![]() |
Abstract:Bad breath or "Oral halitosis" is a frequent or persistent unpleasant odor of breath. It is a common and multi-factorial condition. In around 85 percent of cases, halitosis is the result of microbial activity in the mouth. In patients with healthy periodontal tissue, causative bacteria deposit on the dorsal tongue. The basic psychopathological process is manifested by the release of substances caused by degradation due to bacterial activity, such as volatile sulfur compounds (VSC), organic acids, and products of metabolic activity. Factors contributing to the overgrowth of causative bacteria include decreased salivary flow and stress. This presentation reviews the current knowledge of etiology and different aspects of its diagnosis and treatment.
Key words: Halitosis, Volatile sulfur compounds, Tongue coating, Mouth rinses, Chlorhexidine.
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Abstract:In recent years, several different multi-marker assays have been developed for the detection of HCC cells in the peripheral blood. This study included 89 Saudi patients with chronic HCV and 30 ages and sex matched healthy control subjects. MAGE-1 mRNA was expressed in the peripheral blood of 3(13.6%) patients with localized HCC and in 9(40.9%) patients with metastatic HCC. MAGE-3 mRNA was expressed in the peripheral blood of 3(13.6%) patients with localized HCC and in 8(42.1%) patients with metastatic HCC. Also, MAGE-4 mRNA was expressed in the peripheral blood of 4(18.1%) patients with localized HCC and in 10(52.6%) patients with metastatic HCC.All control subjects showed no expression of any MAGE mRNAs. In conclusions, MAGE-1, MAGE-3 and MAGE-4 may be promising diagnostic tools for monitoring the prognosis of HCC patients and for early detection of circulating metastasis of HCC cells.
Keywords: MAGE-1, MAGE-3, MAGE-4, HCC
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Multitasking Bacterial Moonlighting Proteins in Bacterial Virulence and Infectious Disease |
Country | : | New Zealand |
Authors | : | Aus Molan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13476673 ![]() |
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Results of the study after careful experimentation of the hematological and biochemical parameters revealed increment in the blood concentration of anaemic subject in group B 15.2+1.42 as against 8.5+0.54 in the first day of the test. The cholesterol level in Group B and C subjects were highly increased (300+40 group B), 280+24(group C) compared to their corresponding control (160+28). Consumption of quail egg has no effect in blood sugar level or blood pressure (p>0.05). The increment in cholesterol level in the test subject could be because all food containing animal fat contains cholesterol to varying extents.
Key words: Quail egg, cholesterol, anemic hypertension, haemoglobin, platelets, blood sugar.
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