Version-10 (November-2017)
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Abstract: Adolescence is a transitional phase linking childhood to adulthood. Among adolescents, girls are especially vulnerable and more susceptible biologically to reproductive tract infections. This study was undertaken to assess the impact of health education on knowledge regarding menstruation and sources of information, misconceptions, restrictions, status of menstrual hygiene and practices amongst rural adolescent school girls.. Materials and Methods: This is a school-based educational interventional study on adolescent health education about menstrual hygiene, on the girls 11 to 17 years old, in Government girls senior secondary school, RHTC Srinagar, Ajmer, during the period from November 2016 to January 2017.......
Keywords –Adolescent health education, Adolescent girls, Rural school girls, menstrual hygiene, reproductive tract infections, RTI, sanitary pad.[1]. Rao R, Lena A, Nair NS, Kamath V, Kamath A. Effectiveness of reproductive health education among rural adolescent girls: A school based intervention study in Udupi Taluk, Karnataka. Indian J Med Sci. 2008;62:439-43.
[2]. Bharathalakshmi J, Govindarajan PK, Ethirajan N, Felix AJW. Knowledge and practice of menstrual hygiene among school going adolescent girls. National Journal of Research in community medicine. 2014;3(2):138-42.
[3]. Thakre SB, Thakre SS, Reddy M, Rathi N, Pathak K, Ughade S. Menstrual hygiene: Knowledge and practice among adolescent school girls of Saoner, Nagpur District. Journal of Clinical and DiagnosticResearch. 2011;5(5):1027-33.
[4]. Abhay BM, Naveeta K, Gargi AM, Ramachandra CG. A cross-sectional study on awareness regarding safeand hygienic practices amongst school going adolescent girls in rural area of Wardha District, India. Global Journal of Health Science. 2010;2(2):225-31.
[5]. Khan A. Perceptions and practices about menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls in a rural area- A cross sectional study. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. 2012;2(8):29-34.-.
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Abstract: This study is a prospective study conducted in tha department of OPHTHALMOLOGY,in government general hospital Guntur. during a period of one-year (2015-2016) conjunctival autografting was performedin 45 patients. Out of which 5 were recurrenct type and the remaining were progressive fleshy pterygia. All the patients were in the age group of 20 – 60 and above.
[1] Pal VK Bhatia K, Agrawal A, Suman S, Pratap VB. Primary Radical Excision of pterygium with Minimal Incidence of Recurrence. Delhi J Ophthalmol 2012; 23(1):37-9.
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[4] Li, D. Q., Lee, S. B., Gurja_Smith Z., Liu, Y., Solomon, A., Meller,D. et al., over expression of collagenase(mm P-1) and stromelysin(mm P-3)by pterygium head fibroblasts. Arch. Ophthalmol, 2001:119:71-80.
[5] Booth F. Heredity in one hundred patients admitted for excision of pterygia. Aust N Z J Ophthalmol 1985; 13:59-61.
[6] Hirst, L. w. The treatment of pterygium. Surv. Ophthalmology 2003; 45: 145-180..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Radiation on Sexual Activity of Patients of Carcinoma Cervix |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.G. Durgaprasad || Thokala Sivaiah |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1611101215 ![]() |
Abstract: As the sexual activity of patients of carcinoma uterine cervix is effected by radiation treatment which may further ameliorate their later life by disturbing family sexual life. So it is important to study the effect of radiation on sexual life of these patients so as to take precautionary, preventive and rehabilitative measures to improve the afterlife of patients of carcinoma cervix treated with radiation. Objectives: 1. To identify the socio - demographic and disease profiles of the study subjects. 2. To know the effect of radiation on the sexual activity of study subjects. Study design: It is an observational study. Study Area: Department of Radiotherapy Government General Hospital, Government medical college, Anantapuramu...............
Keywords:Radiation, Sexual activity and Carcinoma Cervix.
[1] Handbook of evidence based radiation oncology, Second Edition, Eric K Hansen, MD and Mack Roach, III, MD.
[2] Li CC, Rew L, Chen L. Factors affecting sexual function: A comparison between women with gynaecological or rectal cancer and healthy controls. Nurs Health Sci. 2014:23. doi: 10.1111/nhs.12177. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]
[3] Jensen PT. Gynecological cance and sexual functioning: Does treatment modality have an impact? Sexologies. 2007;16:279-285
[4] Stead ML, Fallowfield L, Selby P, Brown JM. Psychosexual function and impact of gynaecological cancer. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2007;21:309-320.
[5] Hughes MK. Alternations of Sexual function in women with cancer. Semin Oncol Nurs. 2008:24:91-101 [PubMed]
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Abstract: Septicemia remains significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the newborns, more so in the developing countries. Reports of multi resistant bacteria causing neonatal sepsis in developing countries are increasing. The prompt administration of the appropriate, efficient antibiotic to treat newborn infections would increase the number of lives saved. So this study will show predominant organisms causing septicemia and their antibiotic susceptibility testing. It was a retrospective study conducted in Department of Microbiology, Surat for April 2016 to September 2016. Samples received............
Keywords: Antibiotic susceptibility test, Blood culture, Neonates, Organisms, Septicemia
[1]. Dr. N. Padmapriya1, Dr. D.S.Murty2. Enhanced sensitivity of Diagnosis of Neonatal septicemia using blood cultures in conjunction with C - reactive protein and Buffy coat smears. Sch J App Med Sci 2016; 4(9D):3417-20.
[2]. West BA, Tabansi PN. Prevalence of neonatal septicaemia in the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Nigeria. Niger J Paed 2014; 41 (1):33 –37.
[3]. Kalantar E1*, Motlagh M2, Lordnejad H2, Beiranvand S3 .The prevalence of bacteria isolated from blood cultures of iranian children and study of their antimicrobial susceptibilities. JJNPP 2008; 3(1): 1-7.
[4]. Jeyamurugan T, Ragulganesh R, Sucilathangam G, Ashihabegum MA, Velvizhi G, Palaniappan N. Acinetobacter spp.: An Emerging Pathogen in Neonatal Septicaemia. J of Clin Dia Res. 2012; Vol-6(5): 805-6.
[5]. Qureshi M, Aziz F. Prevalence of microbial isolates in blood cultures and their antimicrobial susceptibility profiles. Biomedica 2011;27(6):136-39.
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Abstract: Kidney transplantation is the transfer of a healthy kidney into patient with end stage renal disease (ESRD) (glomerular filtration rate of 5%of the normal). Various diseases like diabetes, malignant hypertension, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis,polycystic kidneys and autoimmune conditions like SLE are the common diseases that lead to ESRD. Kidney transplantation offers them permanent cure and only chance of survival.Since kidney transplantation was documented in 1950, it has become widely available and popular modality of treatment in ESRD.1,2,3 However, with increasing number of renal transplant comes for a fast, reliable diagnostic tool of multiple possible complications that inevitably occur after such complex procedure. Doppler ultrasonography often the initial..........
[1] Needleman L, Kurtz AB. Doppler evaluation of the renal transplant. J Clin Ultrasound. 1987 Nov-Dec;15(9):661-73.
[2] WarshauerDM, Taylor KJ, BiaMJ, Marks WH, WeltinGG, Rigsby CM, True LD, LorberMI.Unusual causes of increased vascular impedance in renal transplants: duplex Doppler evaluation. Radiology. 1988 Nov;169(2):367-70.
[3] Allen KS, Jorkasky DK, Arger PH, Velchik MG, Grumbach K, Coleman BG, Mintz MC, Betsch SE, Perloff Renal allografts: prospective analysis of Doppler sonography.. Radiology. 1988 Nov;169(2):371-6.
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[5] Drake DG, Day DL, Letourneau JG, Alford BA, Sibley RK, Mauer SM, BunchmanTE.Doppler evaluation of renal transplants in children: a prospective analysis with histopathologic correlation. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1990 Apr;154(4):785-7..
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Abstract: To report indications, rationale and technique of high-dose-rate (HDR) interstitial brachytherapy in the treatment of cervical carcinoma and other gynaecologic malignancies. Materials and Methods:Between 2014 and 2017, 45 patients (35 - cervical carcinoma, 8 –Ca vaginal vault, 1 – Ca cervical stump and 1 – Ca vagina) were treated with interstitial implant. Patient characteristics, implant technique, and indications were reported. Results:All patients completed EBRT prior to brachytherapy and underwent an interstitial implant using a MUPIT applicator. Clinical and imaging findings prior to EBRT and brachytherapy were used to estimate tumour volume and number of needles required........
Keywords: Ca Cervix, HDR, Interstitial brachytherapy, Intracavitary brachytherapy, MUPIT
[1]. Viswanathan AN, Moughan J, Small W Jr, Levenback C, Iyer R, et al. (2012) The quality of cervical cancer brachytherapy implantation and the impact on local recurrence and disease-free survival in radiation therapy oncology group prospective trials 0116 and 0128. Int J Gynecol Cancer 22: 123-131.
[2]. Song S, Rudra S, Hasselle MD, Dorn PL, Mell LK, et al. (2013) The effect of treatment time in locally advanced cervical cancer in the era of concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Cancer 119: 325-331.
[3]. Lanciano RM, Won M, Coia LR, Hanks GE (1991) Pretreatment and treatment factors associated with improved outcome in squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix: a final report of the 1973 and 1978 patterns of care studies. IntJ Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 20: 667-676.
[4]. Viswanathan AN, Cormack R, Rawal B, Lee H (2009) Increasing brachytherapy dose predicts survival for interstitial and tandem-based radiation for stage IIIB cervical cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer 19: 1402-1406.
[5]. Logsdon MD, Eifel PJ. FIGO IIIB squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix: an analysis of the prognostic factors emphasizing the balance between EBRT and ICBT. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1999;43:763-775..
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Abstract: Insulin resistance (IR) is an important clinical and biochemical determinant, not only for diabetes but also of many other clinical states including polycystic ovarian syndrome. TG/HDL ratio has been a simple and reliable marker of insulin resistance. Hence TG/HDL ratio was analyzed to assess the degree of insulin resistance in women with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. Methods: Total of 60 patients diagnosed as PCOS by Rotterdam criteria (mean age 23.8±4.18) and 35 healthy subjects (mean age 24.06±4.01) were enrolled for this study. Anthropometric measurements, glucose levels, insulin levels and lipid profile were measured in all............
Keywords: Insulin Resistance, Triglycerides, High density Lipoprotein, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
[1]. Sirmans, S. M., & Pate, K. A.. Epidemiology, diagnosis, and management of polycystic ovary syndrome. Clinical Epidemiology, (2014) 6, 1–13.
[2]. US Department of Health and Human Services. National Institutes of Health. PCOS.
[3]. J. Jayshree Upadhye*, Chaitanya A. Shembekar. Awareness of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) in adolescent and young girls Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Jun;6(6):2297-2301
[4]. Catherine G. Baptiste, Marie-Claude Battista, Andréanne Trottier, and Jean-Patrice Baillargeon*. Insulin and hyperandrogenism in women with polycystic ovary syndrome J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2010 Oct; 122(0): 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2009.12.010.
[5]. Role of hyperinsulinemia in the pathogenesis of the polycystic ovary syndrome, and its clinical implications. Nestler JE1. Semin Reprod Endocrinol. 1997 May;15(2):111-22..
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Abstract: For the past few years various observational and interventional trials have been conducted all over the world regarding health implication of vitamin D status and their supplementation. Through this study we plan to look for the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women in Indian scenario and maternal and fetal outcome in pregnant women with vitamin D deficiency. Method: The present study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Batra Hospital and Medical Research centre, New Delhi from 1st January 2013 to 31st December 2013. A total of 100 subjects were recruited in this study, 50 booked patients and 50 unbooked............
Keywords: .........
[1]. Cantorna MT. Vitamin D and its role in immunology: multiple sclerosis and inflammatory bowel disease. ProgBiophysMolBiol 2006;92:60-4.
[2]. Perez-lopez FR, Chedraui P, Fernandez-Alonso AM. Vitamin D and aging: beyond calcium and bone metabolism. Maturitas 2011;69:27-36.
[3]. Grant WB. An estimate of premature cancer mortality in the U.S. due to inadequate doses of ultraviolet B radiation. Cancer 2002;94:1896-75.
[4]. Cutolo M. Hormone therapy in rheumatic diseases. Curropinrhematol 2010;22:257-63.
[5]. Evans KN, Nguyen L, Chan J, lnnes BA, Bulmer JN, Kilby MD, et al. Effects of 25- hydroxyvitamin D3 and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 on cytokine production by human decidual cells. BiolReprod 2006;7S:816-22.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of Clinical Profile of Patients with Medication Overuse Headache |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Neha Agarwal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1611103841 ![]() |
Abstract: Headache is a very common health problem in India, but a percentage of the general population suffer from chronic daily headache(CDH).Chronic headache disorders are a major public health concern giventhe large amount of associated disability and financial costs, to the patient, his family and to society. Inappropriate use of symptomatic medication for relief of chronic headache may lead to worsening of headache whose pathophysiology is not completely known and is termed as medication overuse headache (MOH). Studies mainly performed in tertiary care centres found that patients with migraine and to a lesser extent, with tension type headache are at risk for worsening of their headache under regular intake of painkillers.The high burden of MOH to the patient and his family is unnecessary as.............
Keywords: Chronic daily headache, Chronic migraine, Chronic tension type headache, Medication overuse headache
[1]. Ravishankar K. Medication overuse headache in India. Cephalalgia 2008;28(11):1223-6.
[2]. Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society (IHS). The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition (beta version).2013;33(9):629-808.
[3]. Lu SR, Fuh JL, Chen WT, Juang KD, Wang SJ. Chronic daily headache in Taipei, Taiwan: prevalence, follow-up and outcome predictors. Cephalalgia 2001;21(10):980-6.
[4]. Imai N, Kitamura E, Konishi T, Suzuki Y, Serizawa M, Okabe T. Clinical features of probable medication-overuse headache: a retrospective study in Japan. Cephalalgia 2007;27(9):1020-3.
[5]. Radat F, Creac'h C, Guegan-Massardier E, Mick G, Guy N, Fabre N, et al. Behavioral dependence in patients with medication overuse headache: a cross-sectional study in consulting patients using the DSM-IV criteria. Headache 2008;48(7):1026-36.
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Abstract: The kidney plays an important role in the metabolism, degradation, and excretion of several thyroid hormones. In this study we aimed to study the thyroid profile of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and to assess the associations between different thyroid function variables and presence of kidney dysfunction. Methodology: This descriptive study was conducted on patients with CKD attending outpatient and inpatient clinics of five randomly selected private hospitals in Jalandhar city, Punjab from July 2016 till December 2016. We collected clinical information of the patient and results of various biochemical investigations like hemoglobin level, serum urea and creatinine, free triiodothyronine (free T3), free thyroxine (free T4), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and total protein. We compared the biochemical variables among hypothyroid and euthyroid patients...........
Keywords: hypothyroidism, chronic kidney disease, uremia
[1]. Ramirez G. Abnormalities in the hypothalamic-hypophyseal axes in patients with chronic renal failure. Semin Dial 1994; 7:138.
[2]. Lo JC, Chertow GM, Go AS, Hsu CY. Increased prevalence of subclinical and clinical hypothyroidism in persons with chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int 2005; 67:1047.
[3]. Levey AS, Bosch JP, Lewis JB, Greene T, Rogers N, Roth D. A more accurate method to estimate glomerular filtration rate from serum creatinine: a new prediction equation. Annals of internal medicine. 1999 Mar 16;130(6):461-70.
[4]. Ramírez G, Jubiz W, Gutch CF, et al. Thyroid abnormalities in renal failure. A study of 53 patients on chronic hemodialysis. Ann Intern Med 1973; 79:500.
[5]. Kaptein EM. Thyroid hormone metabolism and thyroid diseases in chronic renal failure. Endocr Rev 1996; 17:45.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of Pathological Lesions in Liver Autopsy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Venu anand || Dr.S.Selvi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1611104548 ![]() |
Abstract: Liver is a site for plethora of disease among which many become symptomatic. However, some are diagnosed only on autopsy examination. Our aim is to correlate gross and histopathological examination of 109 liver autopsy specimens. Method: 109 cases of liver autopsy specimens who died of various causes like poisoning, drowning, road/ railway accidents, burns etc, with no medical history during the period from Jan 2016 to Dec 2016 were taken for the study. Children below one year was not included in the study. Sections from the liver were submitted for processing and then stained with Hematoxylene and Eosin...........
Keywords: Liver autopsy, Fatty change, Hepatocellular carcinoma
[1]. Ph. Madhubala Devi, et al. Pathological Findings of Liver in Autopsy Cases A Study at Imphal. J Indian Acad Forensic Med. July-September 2013, Vol. 35, No. 3
[2]. Bal MS et al. Pathological findings in liver autopsy. Jiafm,2004;26(2).ISSN0971-0973
[3]. Amarapurkar A et al. Fatty liver : Experience from western India. Annals of Hepatology 2007; Jan – Mar37-40
[4]. Bethke BA, Schubert GE. Primary hepatic cancer and liver cirrhosis. Hepato gastroenterology. 1984; 31: 211-4.
[5]. Sotoudehmanesh R, Sotoudeh M,et al. Silent liver diseases in autopsies from Forensic Medicine of Tehran. Arch Iran Med 2006; 9 (4): 324-28..
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Abstract: Blood transfusion service (BTS) is an integral and indispensable part of the healthcare system. Safe blood availability is very important to prevent transfusion transmitted infections (TTI). Highly sensitive screening is an essential aspect of safe blood transfusion. Aims and objectives: This Study was conducted to know the profile of the donors, the incidence of the various TTI among replacement and voluntary donors in a tertiary care hospital and evaluate the safety of the collected donations Materials and Methods: A retrospective review of donors record covering the period between Jan 2013 to Dec 2016 at a tertiary govt hospital was undertaken. A total of 24649 donors blood were screened for HIV, HBsAg, HCV, Syphilis and Malaria............
Keywords: Voluntary donors, Replacement donor, Transfusion transmitted infection, incidence
[1]. Islam MB. Blood transfusion services in Bangladesh. Asian J Transf Sci. 2009;3:108–110. doi: 10.4103/0973-6247.53880.
[2]. Widman FK (ed) (1985) Technical manual. American Association of Blood Banks, Arlington, pp 325–344
[3]. Khan ZT, Asim S, Tariz Z, Ehsan IA, Malik RA, Ashfaq B, et al. Prevalence of Transfusion transmitted infections in healthy blood donors in Rawalpindi District, Pakistan–a five year study. Int J Pathol. 2007;5:21–25. 1
[4]. Kakkar N, Kaur R, Dhanoa J. Voluntary donors—need for a second look. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2004;47:381–383
[5]. Garg S, Mathur DR, Garg DK. Comparison of seropositivity of HIV. HBV, HCV and syphilis in replacement and voluntary blood donors in western India. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2001;44:409–412.
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Abstract: To assess the Efficacy and Safety of Acotiamide and Levosulpiride in Functional Dyspepsia Methods: Total 60 patients were selected for the study.Patients were divided into 2 groups. Group A received 100mg acotiamide TDS before meal for 8wks.Group B received levosulpiride 25 mg TDS for 8 wks.Treatment outcome categorized as excellent:Complete relief of symptoms, Good:improvement with only occasional symptoms,nil:no improvement. Safety parameters were assessed by noting the tolerability of adverse effects. Result: Patients treated with Acotiamide showed more improvement in symptoms of FD and better tolerated in comparision to Levosulpiride. Conclusion: Acotiamide found to be quiet safe and effective drug in patients of Functional Dyspepsia in comparision to Levosulpiride.
Keywords: Acotiamide,Levosulpiride,Functional Dyspepsia
[1]. J Tack,N.J.Talley,M Camilleri et al.,"Functional gastroduodenal disorders,"Gastroenterology,vol.130,no.5,pp.1466-1479,2006
[2]. R.A.Brook,N.L.Kleinman,R.S.Choung,A.K.Melkonian,J.E.Smeeding,and N.J.Talley,"Functional dyspepsia impacts absenteeism and direct and indirect costs,"Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology,vol.8,no 6,pp.498-503,2010.
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[5]. J.Tack,P.Caenepeel,B.Fischler,H Piessevaux,and J Janssens,"Symptoms associated with hypersensitive to gastric distension in functional dyspepsia,"Gastroenterology,vol.121,no.3,pp.526-535,2001..
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Abstract: Care giving is a chronic stressor and different coping methods are used to handle such a situation. The present study attempts to assess coping in caregivers of Chronic Schizophrenia and Bipolar Affective Disorder and make a comparison between them. The study also tries to assess the relationship between the burdens experienced by the caregivers of both these groups of patients with the coping strategies adopted by them. It was a hospital based cross sectional and comparative study, conducted in the Department of Psychiatry, Assam MedicaI College and Hospital with a sample size of 30 primary caregivers of equal number of patients of Chronic Schizophrenia and 30 Primary caregivers...........
Keywords: Coping, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Affective Disorder, Burden.
[1] Tamminga Carol A. Introduction and Overview: Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Sadock Benjamin James, Sadock Virginia Alcott, Ruiz Pedro. Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. 10th edition. Volume 1. Philadelphia. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2017: 3252-3297.
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[3] The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders: Clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines. World Health Organization, Geneva. A.I.T.B.S; 2007. P. 116-19
[4] Chakrabarti S., Kulhara P.; Nehra R; Sharma R. (2005). Caregivers coping in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia: A re–examination, Social Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. Apr; 40 (4): 329–36.
[5] Provencher H.L. (1996): Objective Burden among Primary Caregivers of Persons with Chronic Schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatry, Mental Health and Neuroscience, Jun; 3(3): 181–7.
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Abstract: Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a major cause of high morbidity and mortality in Kenya. Adherence to TB treatment is one of the interventions that lead to increase in cure rate thus reducing mortality and emergence of Multi drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR) and high cost of treatment. This study focused on TB patients in urban and rural areas of Kericho and Nakuru Counties of Kenya. Objectives: The study set out to identify the socio-cultural factors associated with non-adherence to TB treatment. Methods:A purposive sampling method was used to carry out a cross sectional descriptive survey with retrospective cohort of non-adherent TB patients...........
Keywords: Non-Adherence, TB Treatment, Defaulter, Patient Factor, Tuberculosis
[1]. World Health Organization (WHO) (2012) Global Tuberculosis Report 2012. Geneva: WHO, . Accessed April 15, 2013).
[2]. Raviglione, M., Marais, B., Floyd, K., Lönnroth, K., Getahun, H., Migliori, G. B., ...&Chakaya, J. (2012). Scaling up interventions to achieve global tuberculosis control: progress and new developments. The Lancet, 379(9829), 1902-1913.
[3]. World Health Organization. (2013) Global tuberculosis report 2013. Access 2014 June 2
[4]. Zhao Y, Xu S, Wang L, Chin DP, Wang S, Jiang G, (2012) National survey of drug-resistant tuberculosis in China. New England Journal Medicine. 366:2161–2170. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1108789.
[5]. Jia Z, Cheng S, Wang L. (2012) Tuberculosis control in China: striving for sustainability. Lancet.;379:2149. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60942-8
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Abstract: Recent progress in industrialisation and increasing number of people living in crowded & unsafe settlements contribute to the higher health burden of injury in the developing regions of the world. These changes have resulted in an unprecedented upsurge of non-communicable diseases and injuries. Household accidents cause detrimental physical and mental health effects to the concerned victims and his/her family members. It also contributes to loss of earning capacity and productivity. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of household accidents and to assess the relationship between household accidents and socio demographic variables of interest.............
Keywords: Falls, Household accidents, Prevalence, Urban
[1] World Health Organization. Strategic Plan for Injury prevention and control in South-East Asia.New Delhi:WHO;2002 April. WHO Project: ICP DPR 001.
[2] Olawale OA,Owoaje ET. Incidence and pattern of injuries among residents of a rural area in South- Western Nigeria: a community-based study. BMC Public Health [serial online] 2007;7:[6 screens].
[3] Available from: Accessed on 24th October 2017.
[4] Backett EM. Accidents in the Home. WHO Chronicle 1966;20(1):3-18.
[5] Radhakrishnan S, Nayeem A. Prevalence and factors influencing domestic accidents in a rural area in Salem district. Int J Med Sci Public Health. 2016; 5(8):1688-92..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Application of Nanotechnology In Dental Implants |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Abhinav Gupta || Dr. Gaurav Singh || Dr. Saba Afreen |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1611107781 ![]() |
Abstract: nanotechnology is an upcoming tool in the field of implant dentistry. The aim of this review is to consider the role of nanotechnology for the purpose of improving osseointegration, also the various methods and techniques by which nano features can be imparted to implant surface. With the application of nanotechnology, the composition of dental implants, surface energy and roughness and topography can be improved for better osseointegration and it can also influence the events occurring at the bone-implant interface.The cellular activities and tissue responses occurring at the bone-implant interface can be altered by nanoscale modifications and can result in better treatment outcomes.
Keywords: nanotechnology, dentistry, dental implants, surface topography, osseointegration, nanotubular structures
[1]. SuleTugbaOzak, PelinOzkan. Nanotechnology and dentistry. Eur J. Dent; 2013 Jan; 7(1): 145–151
[2]. Worthington, P. Introduction: history of implants. In: WPLBR; RJE, editors. Osseointegration in dentistry: an overview. Quintessence Publishing; Illinois: 2003. p. 2
[3]. Christenson EM, Anseth KS, van den Beucken LJJP, Chan CK, Ercan B, Jansen JA, Laurencin CT, Li WJ, Murugan R, Nair LS, Ramakrishna S, Tuan RS, Webster TJ, Mikos AG. Nanobiomaterial applications in orthopedics. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2007; 25(1):11–22. [PubMed:17048259]
[4]. Coelho PG, Granjeiro JM, Romanos GE, Suzuki M, Silva NRF, Cardaropoli G, Thompson VP, Lemons JE. Basic Research Methods and Current Trends of Dental Implant Surfaces. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials. 2009; 88B(2):579–596.
[5]. Antoni P. Tomsia, Maximilien E. Launey, Janice S. Lee, Mahesh H. Mankani, Ulrike G.K. Wegst, and Eduardo Saiz. Nanotechnology Approaches for Better Dental Implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2011 ; 26(Suppl): 25–49.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pterygium Excision with Conjunctival Autograft Without Suture without Glue |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sandip Sarkar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1611108286 ![]() |
Abstract: Evaluation of the safety, efficacy and outcome of pterygium excision with conjunctival autograft without suture without glue in the management of primary pterygium. Settings :Deptt of Ophthalmology, Agartala Govt. Medical College, Agartala, Tripura. Methods :The study included 50 eyes of 45 patients with primary pterygium. Simple excision under local aneasthesia was performed followed by closure of the bare sclera by suture less and glue free conjunctival autograft in 50 eyes of 45 patients. Results:There were 28 male patients and 22 female patients. Majory was field worker. Mean (SD) age was 39.64 (15.45). 22(44%) was right eye,26............
Keywords: pterygium, conjunctival autograft, sutureless, gluefree
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Abstract: Attachment retained implant overdentures are functionally superior to conventional dentures and are effective and cost saving alternatives to fixed implant dental prostheses. A wide variety of commercially available systems are used to connect implants to overdenture. Attachments for both maxillary and mandibular overdentures provide an acceptable implant prognosis, predictable retention while simplifying implant treatment protocols, making implant dentistry available for a larger segment of the population.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma of The Mandible : A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Hiranya Borah || Dr RupjyotiDas || Dr Devjani Das |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1611109294 ![]() |
Abstract: The cemento-ossifying fibroma is classified as a fibro-osseous lesion of the jaws. They are included in the group of mesodermal odontogenic tumors and commonly present as a progressively growing lesion that might attain enormous size with resultant deformity, if left untreated. We present a case of cemento-ossifying fibroma involving the lower right jaw in a 13 year old female patient. The clinical, radiographic, histologic features are discussed. The treatment comprised of surgical enucleation. The final diagnosis was made after histopathological examination..
Keywords :Cemento-ossifying fibroma, odontogenictumours, fibro-osseous lesion[1] Javier Silvestre-Rangil , Francisco Javier Silvestre , Juan Requeni-Bernal .Cemento-ossifying fibroma of the mandible: Presentation of a case and review of the literature.
[2] Shahanavaj I Khaji, Shreyas Shah, Mukesh R Baheti. Ossifying fibroma of the maxilla: An uncommon tumor presenting diagnostic and management dilemma for the clinician: A rare case report.
[3] AbhishekPandey, Jigna Shah, Aruna Das, PoojaDwivedi, Santosh Kumar. A rare synchronous Cemento-ossifying fibroma of maxilla and mandible : A case report.
[4] Trijolet JP 1 , Parmentier J , Sury F , Goga D , Mejean N , Laure B.Cemento-ossifying fibroma of the mandible.
[5] UgrappaSridevi, Ajay Jain, NeerajaTuragam and MudrakolaDurga Prasad.Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma- A Case Report...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Rare Case Report: Rosai–Dorfman Disease |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rituparna Saha || Manvee Tomar || H.Priyoshakhi Devi || O.Priyokumar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1611109598 ![]() |
Abstract: Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (SHML) is a benign proliferating histiocytic disorder, predominantly of lymph nodes with extra nodal involvement also seen. We present a case of 15 years old female with history of multiple swellings in neck since 1 month duration. On examination patient had painless bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy. No other ENT manifestations noted. Lymph node biopsy revealed SHML. Abdominal scan and chest X-ray was done which was normal. This case report highlights the clinical, histological aspects of SHML, Rosai–Dorfman disease.
Keywords: Rosai–Dorfman disease, Cervical lymphadenopathy, Sinus histiocytosis
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