Version-4 (November-2017)
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Abstract: Tuberculosis (TB) was one of the top most causes of death worldwide in 2015 and was responsible for more deaths than Malaria and HIV. So, aggressive treatment of TB is the need of the hour. On the flip side, the TB drugs are known to cause several adverse drug reactions (ADRs).This study aims to document various ADRs in TB patients maintained on DOTS protocol with first line drugs. Methods: A prospective observational study was carried out on 170 patients. The data was collected using a data collection form and the standard IPC-PvPI form prescribed by the WHO. The patients were also followed up on phone. Causality assessment was done by both WHO-UMC causality assessment scale, Naranjo algorithm and severity is assessed by Modified Hart Wig and Siegel scale.......
Keywords –Tuberculosis, Adverse Drug Reactions, DOTSs, WHO-UMC Causality Scale, Naranjo Algorithm, Modified Hart Wig and Siegel Scale, Major Public Health Challenge[1]. WHO-Tuberculosis Fact sheet Reviewed March 2017.
[2]. WHO-HIV/AIDS Fact sheet updated July 2017.
[3]. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:Goal-3
[4]. WHO Definations
[5]. Gholami K, Kamali E, HajiabdolbaghM, Shalviri G (2006) Evaluation of anti-.
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Abstract: A patient, 15 year old, female, reported to DY Patil University, School of dentistry, Nerul, Navi-Mumbai. She presented with a chief complaint of missing tooth in upper front region. After radiologic examination, it was found out that 11 was impacted. We completed the orthodontic treatment, but the tooth couldnt be extruded completely. So a crown lengthening procedure was performed and the teeth 11,12 and 22 were restored with laminates and an all ceramic crown for partially extruded 21..
Keywords: mpacted tooth, Orthodontic Extrusion, Crown Lengthening, All ceramic restoration, Bonded Porcelain Restoration, Aesthetic Restoration.[1]. Becker A. Early treatment for impacted maxillary incisors. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2002;121:586-7.
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[5]. Bishara SE. Impacted maxillary canines: A review. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1992;101:159-71.
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Abstract: Aims and Objectives: To know the Aetiology of Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia and to study the morbidity and mortality pattern in Neonatal Jaundice. Methods: A prospective study done in Niloufer Hospital for babies admitted in NICU II during a year 2015 – 16. The study group consists of 100 neonates presenting with jaundice. Results: The incidence of Clinical Jaundice was 42.03% out of which 64% were males and 36% were females. 66% had low birth weight, 43% had Sepsis, 12% ABO Incompatibility, 10% Rh Incompatibility, 9% with Cephalohematoma, 4% with Biliaryatresia, 6% with Neonatal Hepatitis. 36% had.............
Keywords: OAE (Oto Acuostic Emission), PT-Phototherapy, ET-Exchange Transfusion
[1]. "Jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia in the new born" chapter 96.3 in the text book of Pediatrics, Nelson W.E., Behramn .R.E., Kleigman R.M., Hal B. Jenson, Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 2000 P. 513 – 519.
[2]. Anil Narang et al May, 1997 "Neonatal Jaundice an Analysis of 551 cases" Indian Pediatrics.
[3]. Agarwal R, AK Deorari, Indian Pediatrics 2002, August Volume 39.
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[5]. Merchant R.H. Merchant SM Baba ST. "A study of 75 cases of Neonatal Jaundice" Indian Pediatrics, 1975: 12: 889 – 894
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Flipped Classroom As A Large Group Teaching in Anatomy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Venkat Ram Prasad Kuppili || Dr.Ravi Venkatachelam |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1611041923 ![]() |
Abstract: Anatomy is a vast subject which requires memorization and retention of the subject in the pre-clinical stage. The same knowledge has to be applied in understanding in problem solving in the ensuing clinical stages. Millennium students are well versed with technology. Innovative teaching methods have also evolved making use of the technology and connectivity. One innovative teaching methodology of the recent times has shown to have better results in improving the learning and higher levels of cognition in comparison to the traditional mode of teaching. Flipped classroom method and its positive results were seen when employed on a small group demonstration. The enhanced learning shown by the Flipped classroom technology has prompted me to try the same on a large group lecture taking into view the problems involved in implementing the same to a small group.
Keywords: Flipped classroom, Traditional teaching,
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Abstract: Third, Fourth and Sixth cranial nerves together facilitate the movements of the eye ball. Hence these together are called as OCULAR MOTOR CRANIAL NERVES. Ocular motor nerve palsies are commonly encountered in clinical practice and they vary widely in clinical presentation and etiology. Aim: The aim is to study the clinical aspects of ocular motor cranial nerve palsies. Material and Methods: This is a prospective observational study conducted on thirty patients of 3rd , 4th and 6th cranial nerve palsies either singly or in combination, who attended the ophthalmology OPD during the period between June 2015 to October 2016. Detailed history was taken followed by a............
Keywords: ocular motor cranial nerve palsies
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Abstract: The most common dental injury is the crown fractures of the permanent anterior teeth. If the original tooth fragment is retained following fracture,the natural tooth structures can be reattached using adhesive protocols.Extensivetooth fragment can also be aesthetically reattached and strengthen the tooth structure using fiber reinforced posts. These fiber reinforced posts have a modulus of elasticity similar to dentin. This technique is inexpensive, very conservative. This case report presents a clinical technique to reattachment maxillary lateral incisor tooth after trauma using direct fiberreinforced post systems and present the 3-year follow-up..........
[1]. Tapias MA, Jimenez-Garcia R, Lamas F, Gil AA. Prevalenceof traumatic crown fractures to permanent incisorsin a childhood population: Mostoles, Spain. Dent Traumatol 2003;19:119-122.
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Abstract: Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is one of the typical tumors of childhood and adolescence, representing over 50% of soft tissue sarcomas in those age groups. Soft tissue sarcomas make up > 1% of all adult malignancies, and RMS represents 3% of all soft tissue sarcomas. The most well-known primary tumor sites incorporate the head and neck district (35%), trailed by the genitourinary and extremity primaries. Intra-abdominal rhabdomyosarcoma is still rarer in adult population. A 61 years old male patient presented with complain of lump in............
Keywords: Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), Adult, Intra-Abdominal, Soft Tissue Sarcoma
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Abstract: Diabetes Mellitus is a major independent risk factor of Coronary artery disease. The increase in coronary artery disease in diabetes mellitus is due to accelerated atherosclerosis, that starts at an early age. The damage to coronaries is more in people with microalbuminuria than those with normoalbuminuria
Keywords: coronary artery morphology, SYNTAX Score, Microalbuminuria
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Abstract: Introduction: Skin cancer represents a major health problem worldwide. In the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, skin cancer is considered to be the 9th most common malignancy in both sexes. Objectives: This study aims to determine the frequency, clinical presentation, and pattern of skin cancer among patient presented to King Fahad Hospital at Al-Baha, Saudi Arabia in a 10 year period, between the years 2006 – 2017. Methodology: Data of histopathologically diagnosed cases of skin cancer were collected from Hospital records and analyzed using computer software SPSS version 16.1........
Keywords: skin cancer, Albaha area, Saudi Arabia, Correspondent Author: Mohammed Yousof Bakhiet
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[2]. Robertson FM-L, Fitzgerald L. Skin cancer in the youth population of the United Kingdom. Journal of Cancer Policy. 2017;12:67-71.
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Abstract: Ambras syndrome is a very rare type of congenital skin disease characterized by excessive hair growth on the entire body, with the exception of the palms, soles, and mucous membranes. Congenital generalized hypertrichosis associated with gingival hyperplasia are rare cases published in literature. The frequency incidence of generalized congenital hypertrichosis is about one to billions of people. Here, is a rare case report of three and half-year old girl who presented with generalized hypertrichosis with gingival fibromatosis and dysmorphic facial features is discussed.
Keywords: Ambras syndrome, dysmorphic face, gingival fibromatosis, hypertrichosis
[1]. Vashi RA, Mancini AJ, Paller AS. Primary generalized and localized hypertrichosis in children. Arch Dermatol 2001;137:877‑84. [2]. Sybert VP. Hypertrichosis lanuginosa congenita. In: Sybert VP, editor. Genetic Skin Disorders. New York, NY: Oxford University Press Inc.; 1997. p. 172‑5.
[3]. Franklin DL, Roberts GJ. Delayed tooth eruption in congenital,hypertrichosis lanuginosa. Pediatr Dent 1998;20:192-4.
[4]. Rashid RM, White LE. A hairy development in hypertrichosis: A brief review of Ambra syndrome. Dermatol Online J 2007;13:8. [5]. Guevara-Sanginés E, Villalobos A, Vega-Memije ME, Mosqueda-Taylor A, Canún Serrano S, Lacy-Niebla RM. Congenital generalized terminal hypertrichosis with gingival hyperplasia. Pediatr Dermatol 2002;19:114-8..
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Abstract: Objective: The Aim Of The Study Was To Show That Urinary Fluoride Level Can Be Used As A Biomarker Of Dental Fluorosis. Material And Methods: a study was conducted in patient attending the dental opd in govt. Dharmapuri medical college and hospital for period of 3 months. The presence and severity of dental fluorosis was evaluated using deans fluorosis index. Urine samples of first morning spot urine was collected in plastic container and urine fluoride concentration was assessed using digital ion select up electrodes at the central lab, gdmch. The body mass index was calculated using height and weight of the individual.......
[1]. Joshua Amarnath O, Nethaji Mariappan VE, Annie Beaula M, Vadivel N. Evaluation fluoride contamination in ground water of Dharmapuri district in Tamilnadu, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science. Volume 8, Issue I.
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Abstract: Low birth weight is a sensitive index of a nation's health and development. In developing countries, such babies are at risk of increased morbidity and mortality due to diverse causes. It is therefore essential to identify low birth-weight babies early so that appropriate measures can be taken to minimize the risk to them. At times appropriate weight measuring tools may not be readily available to weigh newborn babies. In the absence or unavailability of appropriate weighing scales, simple surrogate measuring tools like
mid-arm circumference may have considerable importance for easy and rapid identification of low birth weight
Keywords: Mid-arm circumference, low birth weight, neonates.
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Abstract: B scan ultrasonography of eye is simple, easily available, non-invasive,non ionizing and cost effective imaging modality. The aim of our study is to highlight the importance of B scan orbit even in this era where Ct and MRI has taken over many other fields. Total of 100 cases were included in the study/At the end of our study we were to conclude that B scan of orbit helps in accurately identifying the pathologies of eye in both opaque and non-opaque media and thereby helping in its effective management........
Keywords: B-scan, Cataract, Orbit, Vitreous, Retinal detachment
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Abstract: Background: Burn injuries are physically and mentally challenging events for the patients. This study was done to find if some of the burn patients have psychiatric disorder and if they have then what is the pattern of psychiatric problems in burn patient. Material and methods: 100 consecutive patients of burns were screened using the General Health Questionnaire -30 (GHQ-30) and those with GHQ-30 score >5 were further evaluated with Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Diseases- Clinical version (SCID – CV). Results: 66% of the burn victims were females and 75% belonged to rural background. 36% patients were suffering from some kind of psychiatric co-morbidity.Most common co-morbid psychiatric........
Keywords:Burns, General Health Questionnaire -30 (GHQ-30), Structured Clinical Interview Clinical version (SCID – CV), psychiatric co-morbidity
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Abstract: This comparative study was carried at Liaquat University Eye Hospital of Liaquat University of Medical and health Sciences/ Jamshoro, Pakistan from 30/03/2011 to 29/03/2013 to compare visual outcome between Foldable and Rigid intraocular lens implantation in Phacoemulsification and to determine how Phacoemulsification with Foldable intraocular lens is more effective and preferred method of choice than Phacoemulsification with Rigid Polymethylmethacrylate intraocular lens. All patients included in the study had cataract with no evidence of any other disease. Mean age of the patient was 56.69 ±8.95 years. Most of the patients were male, i.e. 58%. Mean and standard deviation.......
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